use std::{assert_eq, path::Path, time::Duration}; use super::*; use editor::Editor; use gpui::{Entity, TestAppContext, VisualTestContext}; use menu::{Confirm, SelectNext}; use serde_json::json; use workspace::{AppState, Workspace}; #[ctor::ctor] fn init_logger() { if std::env::var("RUST_LOG").is_ok() { env_logger::init(); } } #[gpui::test] async fn test_matching_paths(cx: &mut TestAppContext) { let app_state = init_test(cx); app_state .fs .as_fake() .insert_tree( "/root", json!({ "a": { "banana": "", "bandana": "", } }), ) .await; let project = Project::test(app_state.fs.clone(), ["/root".as_ref()], cx).await; let (picker, workspace, cx) = build_find_picker(project, cx); cx.simulate_input("bna"); picker.update(cx, |picker, _| { assert_eq!(picker.delegate.matches.len(), 2); }); cx.dispatch_action(SelectNext); cx.dispatch_action(Confirm);|cx| { let active_editor =; assert_eq!(, "bandana"); }); for bandana_query in [ "bandana", " bandana", "bandana ", " bandana ", " ndan ", " band ", "a bandana", ] { picker .update(cx, |picker, cx| { picker .delegate .update_matches(bandana_query.to_string(), cx) }) .await; picker.update(cx, |picker, _| { assert_eq!( picker.delegate.matches.len(), 1, "Wrong number of matches for bandana query '{bandana_query}'" ); }); cx.dispatch_action(SelectNext); cx.dispatch_action(Confirm);|cx| { let active_editor =; assert_eq!(, "bandana", "Wrong match for bandana query '{bandana_query}'" ); }); } } #[gpui::test] async fn test_absolute_paths(cx: &mut TestAppContext) { let app_state = init_test(cx); app_state .fs .as_fake() .insert_tree( "/root", json!({ "a": { "file1.txt": "", "b": { "file2.txt": "", }, } }), ) .await; let project = Project::test(app_state.fs.clone(), ["/root".as_ref()], cx).await; let (picker, workspace, cx) = build_find_picker(project, cx); let matching_abs_path = "/root/a/b/file2.txt"; picker .update(cx, |picker, cx| { picker .delegate .update_matches(matching_abs_path.to_string(), cx) }) .await; picker.update(cx, |picker, _| { assert_eq!( collect_search_matches(picker).search_only(), vec![PathBuf::from("a/b/file2.txt")], "Matching abs path should be the only match" ) }); cx.dispatch_action(SelectNext); cx.dispatch_action(Confirm);|cx| { let active_editor =; assert_eq!(, "file2.txt"); }); let mismatching_abs_path = "/root/a/b/file1.txt"; picker .update(cx, |picker, cx| { picker .delegate .update_matches(mismatching_abs_path.to_string(), cx) }) .await; picker.update(cx, |picker, _| { assert_eq!( collect_search_matches(picker).search_only(), Vec::::new(), "Mismatching abs path should produce no matches" ) }); } #[gpui::test] async fn test_complex_path(cx: &mut TestAppContext) { let app_state = init_test(cx); app_state .fs .as_fake() .insert_tree( "/root", json!({ "其他": { "S数据表格": { "task.xlsx": "some content", }, } }), ) .await; let project = Project::test(app_state.fs.clone(), ["/root".as_ref()], cx).await; let (picker, workspace, cx) = build_find_picker(project, cx); cx.simulate_input("t"); picker.update(cx, |picker, _| { assert_eq!(picker.delegate.matches.len(), 1); assert_eq!( collect_search_matches(picker).search_only(), vec![PathBuf::from("其他/S数据表格/task.xlsx")], ) }); cx.dispatch_action(SelectNext); cx.dispatch_action(Confirm);|cx| { let active_editor =; assert_eq!(, "task.xlsx"); }); } #[gpui::test] async fn test_row_column_numbers_query_inside_file(cx: &mut TestAppContext) { let app_state = init_test(cx); let first_file_name = ""; let first_file_contents = "// First Rust file"; app_state .fs .as_fake() .insert_tree( "/src", json!({ "test": { first_file_name: first_file_contents, "": "// Second Rust file", } }), ) .await; let project = Project::test(app_state.fs.clone(), ["/src".as_ref()], cx).await; let (picker, workspace, cx) = build_find_picker(project, cx); let file_query = &first_file_name[..3]; let file_row = 1; let file_column = 3; assert!(file_column <= first_file_contents.len()); let query_inside_file = format!("{file_query}:{file_row}:{file_column}"); picker .update(cx, |finder, cx| { finder .delegate .update_matches(query_inside_file.to_string(), cx) }) .await; picker.update(cx, |finder, _| { let finder = &finder.delegate; assert_eq!(finder.matches.len(), 1); let latest_search_query = finder .latest_search_query .as_ref() .expect("Finder should have a query after the update_matches call"); assert_eq!(latest_search_query.path_like.raw_query, query_inside_file); assert_eq!( latest_search_query.path_like.file_query_end, Some(file_query.len()) ); assert_eq!(latest_search_query.row, Some(file_row)); assert_eq!(latest_search_query.column, Some(file_column as u32)); }); cx.dispatch_action(SelectNext); cx.dispatch_action(Confirm); let editor = cx.update(|cx|; cx.executor().advance_clock(Duration::from_secs(2)); editor.update(cx, |editor, cx| { let all_selections = editor.selections.all_adjusted(cx); assert_eq!( all_selections.len(), 1, "Expected to have 1 selection (caret) after file finder confirm, but got: {all_selections:?}" ); let caret_selection = all_selections.into_iter().next().unwrap(); assert_eq!(caret_selection.start, caret_selection.end, "Caret selection should have its start and end at the same position"); assert_eq!(file_row, caret_selection.start.row + 1, "Query inside file should get caret with the same focus row"); assert_eq!(file_column, caret_selection.start.column as usize + 1, "Query inside file should get caret with the same focus column"); }); } #[gpui::test] async fn test_row_column_numbers_query_outside_file(cx: &mut TestAppContext) { let app_state = init_test(cx); let first_file_name = ""; let first_file_contents = "// First Rust file"; app_state .fs .as_fake() .insert_tree( "/src", json!({ "test": { first_file_name: first_file_contents, "": "// Second Rust file", } }), ) .await; let project = Project::test(app_state.fs.clone(), ["/src".as_ref()], cx).await; let (picker, workspace, cx) = build_find_picker(project, cx); let file_query = &first_file_name[..3]; let file_row = 200; let file_column = 300; assert!(file_column > first_file_contents.len()); let query_outside_file = format!("{file_query}:{file_row}:{file_column}"); picker .update(cx, |picker, cx| { picker .delegate .update_matches(query_outside_file.to_string(), cx) }) .await; picker.update(cx, |finder, _| { let delegate = &finder.delegate; assert_eq!(delegate.matches.len(), 1); let latest_search_query = delegate .latest_search_query .as_ref() .expect("Finder should have a query after the update_matches call"); assert_eq!(latest_search_query.path_like.raw_query, query_outside_file); assert_eq!( latest_search_query.path_like.file_query_end, Some(file_query.len()) ); assert_eq!(latest_search_query.row, Some(file_row)); assert_eq!(latest_search_query.column, Some(file_column as u32)); }); cx.dispatch_action(SelectNext); cx.dispatch_action(Confirm); let editor = cx.update(|cx|; cx.executor().advance_clock(Duration::from_secs(2)); editor.update(cx, |editor, cx| { let all_selections = editor.selections.all_adjusted(cx); assert_eq!( all_selections.len(), 1, "Expected to have 1 selection (caret) after file finder confirm, but got: {all_selections:?}" ); let caret_selection = all_selections.into_iter().next().unwrap(); assert_eq!(caret_selection.start, caret_selection.end, "Caret selection should have its start and end at the same position"); assert_eq!(0, caret_selection.start.row, "Excessive rows (as in query outside file borders) should get trimmed to last file row"); assert_eq!(first_file_contents.len(), caret_selection.start.column as usize, "Excessive columns (as in query outside file borders) should get trimmed to selected row's last column"); }); } #[gpui::test] async fn test_matching_cancellation(cx: &mut TestAppContext) { let app_state = init_test(cx); app_state .fs .as_fake() .insert_tree( "/dir", json!({ "hello": "", "goodbye": "", "halogen-light": "", "happiness": "", "height": "", "hi": "", "hiccup": "", }), ) .await; let project = Project::test(app_state.fs.clone(), ["/dir".as_ref()], cx).await; let (picker, _, cx) = build_find_picker(project, cx); let query = test_path_like("hi"); picker .update(cx, |picker, cx| { picker.delegate.spawn_search(query.clone(), cx) }) .await; picker.update(cx, |picker, _cx| { assert_eq!(picker.delegate.matches.len(), 5) }); picker.update(cx, |picker, cx| { let delegate = &mut picker.delegate; assert!( delegate.matches.history.is_empty(), "Search matches expected" ); let matches =; // Simulate a search being cancelled after the time limit, // returning only a subset of the matches that would have been found. drop(delegate.spawn_search(query.clone(), cx)); delegate.set_search_matches( delegate.latest_search_id, true, // did-cancel query.clone(), vec![matches[1].clone(), matches[3].clone()], cx, ); // Simulate another cancellation. drop(delegate.spawn_search(query.clone(), cx)); delegate.set_search_matches( delegate.latest_search_id, true, // did-cancel query.clone(), vec![matches[0].clone(), matches[2].clone(), matches[3].clone()], cx, ); assert!( delegate.matches.history.is_empty(), "Search matches expected" ); assert_eq!(, &matches[0..4]); }); } #[gpui::test] async fn test_ignored_root(cx: &mut TestAppContext) { let app_state = init_test(cx); app_state .fs .as_fake() .insert_tree( "/ancestor", json!({ ".gitignore": "ignored-root", "ignored-root": { "happiness": "", "height": "", "hi": "", "hiccup": "", }, "tracked-root": { ".gitignore": "height", "happiness": "", "height": "", "hi": "", "hiccup": "", }, }), ) .await; let project = Project::test( app_state.fs.clone(), [ "/ancestor/tracked-root".as_ref(), "/ancestor/ignored-root".as_ref(), ], cx, ) .await; let (picker, _, cx) = build_find_picker(project, cx); picker .update(cx, |picker, cx| { picker.delegate.spawn_search(test_path_like("hi"), cx) }) .await; picker.update(cx, |picker, _| assert_eq!(picker.delegate.matches.len(), 7)); } #[gpui::test] async fn test_single_file_worktrees(cx: &mut TestAppContext) { let app_state = init_test(cx); app_state .fs .as_fake() .insert_tree("/root", json!({ "the-parent-dir": { "the-file": "" } })) .await; let project = Project::test( app_state.fs.clone(), ["/root/the-parent-dir/the-file".as_ref()], cx, ) .await; let (picker, _, cx) = build_find_picker(project, cx); // Even though there is only one worktree, that worktree's filename // is included in the matching, because the worktree is a single file. picker .update(cx, |picker, cx| { picker.delegate.spawn_search(test_path_like("thf"), cx) }) .await;|cx| { let picker =; let delegate = &picker.delegate; assert!( delegate.matches.history.is_empty(), "Search matches expected" ); let matches =; assert_eq!(matches.len(), 1); let (file_name, file_name_positions, full_path, full_path_positions) = delegate.labels_for_path_match(&matches[0].0); assert_eq!(file_name, "the-file"); assert_eq!(file_name_positions, &[0, 1, 4]); assert_eq!(full_path, ""); assert_eq!(full_path_positions, &[0; 0]); }); // Since the worktree root is a file, searching for its name followed by a slash does // not match anything. picker .update(cx, |f, cx| { f.delegate.spawn_search(test_path_like("thf/"), cx) }) .await; picker.update(cx, |f, _| assert_eq!(f.delegate.matches.len(), 0)); } #[gpui::test] async fn test_path_distance_ordering(cx: &mut TestAppContext) { let app_state = init_test(cx); app_state .fs .as_fake() .insert_tree( "/root", json!({ "dir1": { "a.txt": "" }, "dir2": { "a.txt": "", "b.txt": "" } }), ) .await; let project = Project::test(app_state.fs.clone(), ["/root".as_ref()], cx).await; let (workspace, cx) = cx.add_window_view(|cx| Workspace::test_new(project, cx)); let worktree_id =|cx| { let worktrees =>(); assert_eq!(worktrees.len(), 1); WorktreeId::from_usize(worktrees[0].entity_id().as_u64() as usize) }); // When workspace has an active item, sort items which are closer to that item // first when they have the same name. In this case, b.txt is closer to dir2's a.txt // so that one should be sorted earlier let b_path = ProjectPath { worktree_id, path: Arc::from(Path::new("dir2/b.txt")), }; workspace .update(cx, |workspace, cx| { workspace.open_path(b_path, None, true, cx) }) .await .unwrap(); let finder = open_file_picker(&workspace, cx); finder .update(cx, |f, cx| { f.delegate.spawn_search(test_path_like("a.txt"), cx) }) .await; finder.update(cx, |f, _| { let delegate = &f.delegate; assert!( delegate.matches.history.is_empty(), "Search matches expected" ); let matches = &; assert_eq!(matches[0].0.path.as_ref(), Path::new("dir2/a.txt")); assert_eq!(matches[1].0.path.as_ref(), Path::new("dir1/a.txt")); }); } #[gpui::test] async fn test_search_worktree_without_files(cx: &mut TestAppContext) { let app_state = init_test(cx); app_state .fs .as_fake() .insert_tree( "/root", json!({ "dir1": {}, "dir2": { "dir3": {} } }), ) .await; let project = Project::test(app_state.fs.clone(), ["/root".as_ref()], cx).await; let (picker, _workspace, cx) = build_find_picker(project, cx); picker .update(cx, |f, cx| { f.delegate.spawn_search(test_path_like("dir"), cx) }) .await;|cx| { let finder =; assert_eq!(finder.delegate.matches.len(), 0); }); } #[gpui::test] async fn test_query_history(cx: &mut gpui::TestAppContext) { let app_state = init_test(cx); app_state .fs .as_fake() .insert_tree( "/src", json!({ "test": { "": "// First Rust file", "": "// Second Rust file", "": "// Third Rust file", } }), ) .await; let project = Project::test(app_state.fs.clone(), ["/src".as_ref()], cx).await; let (workspace, cx) = cx.add_window_view(|cx| Workspace::test_new(project, cx)); let worktree_id =|cx| { let worktrees =>(); assert_eq!(worktrees.len(), 1); WorktreeId::from_usize(worktrees[0].entity_id().as_u64() as usize) }); // Open and close panels, getting their history items afterwards. // Ensure history items get populated with opened items, and items are kept in a certain order. // The history lags one opened buffer behind, since it's updated in the search panel only on its reopen. // // TODO: without closing, the opened items do not propagate their history changes for some reason // it does work in real app though, only tests do not propagate. workspace.update(cx, |_, cx| cx.focused()); let initial_history = open_close_queried_buffer("fir", 1, "", &workspace, cx).await; assert!( initial_history.is_empty(), "Should have no history before opening any files" ); let history_after_first = open_close_queried_buffer("sec", 1, "", &workspace, cx).await; assert_eq!( history_after_first, vec![FoundPath::new( ProjectPath { worktree_id, path: Arc::from(Path::new("test/")), }, Some(PathBuf::from("/src/test/")) )], "Should show 1st opened item in the history when opening the 2nd item" ); let history_after_second = open_close_queried_buffer("thi", 1, "", &workspace, cx).await; assert_eq!( history_after_second, vec![ FoundPath::new( ProjectPath { worktree_id, path: Arc::from(Path::new("test/")), }, Some(PathBuf::from("/src/test/")) ), FoundPath::new( ProjectPath { worktree_id, path: Arc::from(Path::new("test/")), }, Some(PathBuf::from("/src/test/")) ), ], "Should show 1st and 2nd opened items in the history when opening the 3rd item. \ 2nd item should be the first in the history, as the last opened." ); let history_after_third = open_close_queried_buffer("sec", 1, "", &workspace, cx).await; assert_eq!( history_after_third, vec![ FoundPath::new( ProjectPath { worktree_id, path: Arc::from(Path::new("test/")), }, Some(PathBuf::from("/src/test/")) ), FoundPath::new( ProjectPath { worktree_id, path: Arc::from(Path::new("test/")), }, Some(PathBuf::from("/src/test/")) ), FoundPath::new( ProjectPath { worktree_id, path: Arc::from(Path::new("test/")), }, Some(PathBuf::from("/src/test/")) ), ], "Should show 1st, 2nd and 3rd opened items in the history when opening the 2nd item again. \ 3rd item should be the first in the history, as the last opened." ); let history_after_second_again = open_close_queried_buffer("thi", 1, "", &workspace, cx).await; assert_eq!( history_after_second_again, vec![ FoundPath::new( ProjectPath { worktree_id, path: Arc::from(Path::new("test/")), }, Some(PathBuf::from("/src/test/")) ), FoundPath::new( ProjectPath { worktree_id, path: Arc::from(Path::new("test/")), }, Some(PathBuf::from("/src/test/")) ), FoundPath::new( ProjectPath { worktree_id, path: Arc::from(Path::new("test/")), }, Some(PathBuf::from("/src/test/")) ), ], "Should show 1st, 2nd and 3rd opened items in the history when opening the 3rd item again. \ 2nd item, as the last opened, 3rd item should go next as it was opened right before." ); } #[gpui::test] async fn test_external_files_history(cx: &mut gpui::TestAppContext) { let app_state = init_test(cx); app_state .fs .as_fake() .insert_tree( "/src", json!({ "test": { "": "// First Rust file", "": "// Second Rust file", } }), ) .await; app_state .fs .as_fake() .insert_tree( "/external-src", json!({ "test": { "": "// Third Rust file", "": "// Fourth Rust file", } }), ) .await; let project = Project::test(app_state.fs.clone(), ["/src".as_ref()], cx).await; cx.update(|cx| { project.update(cx, |project, cx| { project.find_or_create_local_worktree("/external-src", false, cx) }) }) .detach(); cx.background_executor.run_until_parked(); let (workspace, cx) = cx.add_window_view(|cx| Workspace::test_new(project, cx)); let worktree_id =|cx| { let worktrees =>(); assert_eq!(worktrees.len(), 1,); WorktreeId::from_usize(worktrees[0].entity_id().as_u64() as usize) }); workspace .update(cx, |workspace, cx| { workspace.open_abs_path(PathBuf::from("/external-src/test/"), false, cx) }) .detach(); cx.background_executor.run_until_parked(); let external_worktree_id =|cx| { let worktrees =>(); assert_eq!( worktrees.len(), 2, "External file should get opened in a new worktree" ); WorktreeId::from_usize( worktrees .into_iter() .find(|worktree| worktree.entity_id().as_u64() as usize != worktree_id.to_usize()) .expect("New worktree should have a different id") .entity_id() .as_u64() as usize, ) }); cx.dispatch_action(workspace::CloseActiveItem { save_intent: None }); let initial_history_items = open_close_queried_buffer("sec", 1, "", &workspace, cx).await; assert_eq!( initial_history_items, vec![FoundPath::new( ProjectPath { worktree_id: external_worktree_id, path: Arc::from(Path::new("")), }, Some(PathBuf::from("/external-src/test/")) )], "Should show external file with its full path in the history after it was open" ); let updated_history_items = open_close_queried_buffer("fir", 1, "", &workspace, cx).await; assert_eq!( updated_history_items, vec![ FoundPath::new( ProjectPath { worktree_id, path: Arc::from(Path::new("test/")), }, Some(PathBuf::from("/src/test/")) ), FoundPath::new( ProjectPath { worktree_id: external_worktree_id, path: Arc::from(Path::new("")), }, Some(PathBuf::from("/external-src/test/")) ), ], "Should keep external file with history updates", ); } #[gpui::test] async fn test_toggle_panel_new_selections(cx: &mut gpui::TestAppContext) { let app_state = init_test(cx); app_state .fs .as_fake() .insert_tree( "/src", json!({ "test": { "": "// First Rust file", "": "// Second Rust file", "": "// Third Rust file", } }), ) .await; let project = Project::test(app_state.fs.clone(), ["/src".as_ref()], cx).await; let (workspace, cx) = cx.add_window_view(|cx| Workspace::test_new(project, cx)); // generate some history to select from open_close_queried_buffer("fir", 1, "", &workspace, cx).await; cx.executor().run_until_parked(); open_close_queried_buffer("sec", 1, "", &workspace, cx).await; open_close_queried_buffer("thi", 1, "", &workspace, cx).await; let current_history = open_close_queried_buffer("sec", 1, "", &workspace, cx).await; for expected_selected_index in 0..current_history.len() { cx.dispatch_action(Toggle); let picker = active_file_picker(&workspace, cx); let selected_index = picker.update(cx, |picker, _| picker.delegate.selected_index()); assert_eq!( selected_index, expected_selected_index, "Should select the next item in the history" ); } cx.dispatch_action(Toggle); let selected_index = workspace.update(cx, |workspace, cx| { workspace .active_modal::(cx) .unwrap() .read(cx) .picker .read(cx) .delegate .selected_index() }); assert_eq!( selected_index, 0, "Should wrap around the history and start all over" ); } #[gpui::test] async fn test_search_preserves_history_items(cx: &mut gpui::TestAppContext) { let app_state = init_test(cx); app_state .fs .as_fake() .insert_tree( "/src", json!({ "test": { "": "// First Rust file", "": "// Second Rust file", "": "// Third Rust file", "": "// Fourth Rust file", } }), ) .await; let project = Project::test(app_state.fs.clone(), ["/src".as_ref()], cx).await; let (workspace, cx) = cx.add_window_view(|cx| Workspace::test_new(project, cx)); let worktree_id =|cx| { let worktrees =>(); assert_eq!(worktrees.len(), 1,); WorktreeId::from_usize(worktrees[0].entity_id().as_u64() as usize) }); // generate some history to select from open_close_queried_buffer("fir", 1, "", &workspace, cx).await; open_close_queried_buffer("sec", 1, "", &workspace, cx).await; open_close_queried_buffer("thi", 1, "", &workspace, cx).await; open_close_queried_buffer("sec", 1, "", &workspace, cx).await; let finder = open_file_picker(&workspace, cx); let first_query = "f"; finder .update(cx, |finder, cx| { finder.delegate.update_matches(first_query.to_string(), cx) }) .await; finder.update(cx, |finder, _| { let delegate = &finder.delegate; assert_eq!(delegate.matches.history.len(), 1, "Only one history item contains {first_query}, it should be present and others should be filtered out"); let history_match = delegate.matches.history.first().unwrap(); assert!(history_match.1.is_some(), "Should have path matches for history items after querying"); assert_eq!(history_match.0, FoundPath::new( ProjectPath { worktree_id, path: Arc::from(Path::new("test/")), }, Some(PathBuf::from("/src/test/")) )); assert_eq!(, 1, "Only one non-history item contains {first_query}, it should be present"); assert_eq!(, Path::new("test/")); }); let second_query = "fsdasdsa"; let finder = active_file_picker(&workspace, cx); finder .update(cx, |finder, cx| { finder.delegate.update_matches(second_query.to_string(), cx) }) .await; finder.update(cx, |finder, _| { let delegate = &finder.delegate; assert!( delegate.matches.history.is_empty(), "No history entries should match {second_query}" ); assert!(, "No search entries should match {second_query}" ); }); let first_query_again = first_query; let finder = active_file_picker(&workspace, cx); finder .update(cx, |finder, cx| { finder .delegate .update_matches(first_query_again.to_string(), cx) }) .await; finder.update(cx, |finder, _| { let delegate = &finder.delegate; assert_eq!(delegate.matches.history.len(), 1, "Only one history item contains {first_query_again}, it should be present and others should be filtered out, even after non-matching query"); let history_match = delegate.matches.history.first().unwrap(); assert!(history_match.1.is_some(), "Should have path matches for history items after querying"); assert_eq!(history_match.0, FoundPath::new( ProjectPath { worktree_id, path: Arc::from(Path::new("test/")), }, Some(PathBuf::from("/src/test/")) )); assert_eq!(, 1, "Only one non-history item contains {first_query_again}, it should be present, even after non-matching query"); assert_eq!(, Path::new("test/")); }); } #[gpui::test] async fn test_search_sorts_history_items(cx: &mut gpui::TestAppContext) { let app_state = init_test(cx); app_state .fs .as_fake() .insert_tree( "/root", json!({ "test": { "1_qw": "// First file that matches the query", "2_second": "// Second file", "3_third": "// Third file", "4_fourth": "// Fourth file", "5_qwqwqw": "// A file with 3 more matches than the first one", "6_qwqwqw": "// Same query matches as above, but closer to the end of the list due to the name", "7_qwqwqw": "// One more, same amount of query matches as above", } }), ) .await; let project = Project::test(app_state.fs.clone(), ["/root".as_ref()], cx).await; let (workspace, cx) = cx.add_window_view(|cx| Workspace::test_new(project, cx)); // generate some history to select from open_close_queried_buffer("1", 1, "1_qw", &workspace, cx).await; open_close_queried_buffer("2", 1, "2_second", &workspace, cx).await; open_close_queried_buffer("3", 1, "3_third", &workspace, cx).await; open_close_queried_buffer("2", 1, "2_second", &workspace, cx).await; open_close_queried_buffer("6", 1, "6_qwqwqw", &workspace, cx).await; let finder = open_file_picker(&workspace, cx); let query = "qw"; finder .update(cx, |finder, cx| { finder.delegate.update_matches(query.to_string(), cx) }) .await; finder.update(cx, |finder, _| { let search_matches = collect_search_matches(finder); assert_eq!( search_matches.history, vec![PathBuf::from("test/1_qw"), PathBuf::from("test/6_qwqwqw"),], ); assert_eq!(, vec![ PathBuf::from("test/5_qwqwqw"), PathBuf::from("test/7_qwqwqw"), ], ); }); } #[gpui::test] async fn test_select_current_open_file_when_no_history(cx: &mut gpui::TestAppContext) { let app_state = init_test(cx); app_state .fs .as_fake() .insert_tree( "/root", json!({ "test": { "1_qw": "", } }), ) .await; let project = Project::test(app_state.fs.clone(), ["/root".as_ref()], cx).await; let (workspace, cx) = cx.add_window_view(|cx| Workspace::test_new(project, cx)); // Open new buffer open_queried_buffer("1", 1, "1_qw", &workspace, cx).await; let picker = open_file_picker(&workspace, cx); picker.update(cx, |finder, _| { assert_match_selection(&finder, 0, "1_qw"); }); } #[gpui::test] async fn test_keep_opened_file_on_top_of_search_results_and_select_next_one( cx: &mut TestAppContext, ) { let app_state = init_test(cx); app_state .fs .as_fake() .insert_tree( "/src", json!({ "test": { "": "// Bar file", "": "// Lib file", "": "// Maaaaaaa", "": "// Main file", "": "// Moooooo", } }), ) .await; let project = Project::test(app_state.fs.clone(), ["/src".as_ref()], cx).await; let (workspace, cx) = cx.add_window_view(|cx| Workspace::test_new(project, cx)); open_close_queried_buffer("bar", 1, "", &workspace, cx).await; open_close_queried_buffer("lib", 1, "", &workspace, cx).await; open_queried_buffer("main", 1, "", &workspace, cx).await; // is on top, previously used is selected let picker = open_file_picker(&workspace, cx); picker.update(cx, |finder, _| { assert_eq!(finder.delegate.matches.len(), 3); assert_match_at_position(finder, 0, ""); assert_match_selection(finder, 1, ""); assert_match_at_position(finder, 2, ""); }); // all files match, is still on top picker .update(cx, |finder, cx| { finder.delegate.update_matches(".rs".to_string(), cx) }) .await; picker.update(cx, |finder, _| { assert_eq!(finder.delegate.matches.len(), 5); assert_match_at_position(finder, 0, ""); assert_match_selection(finder, 1, ""); }); // is not among matches, select top item picker .update(cx, |finder, cx| { finder.delegate.update_matches("b".to_string(), cx) }) .await; picker.update(cx, |finder, _| { assert_eq!(finder.delegate.matches.len(), 2); assert_match_at_position(finder, 0, ""); }); // is back, put it on top and select next item picker .update(cx, |finder, cx| { finder.delegate.update_matches("m".to_string(), cx) }) .await; picker.update(cx, |finder, _| { assert_eq!(finder.delegate.matches.len(), 3); assert_match_at_position(finder, 0, ""); assert_match_selection(finder, 1, ""); }); // get back to the initial state picker .update(cx, |finder, cx| { finder.delegate.update_matches("".to_string(), cx) }) .await; picker.update(cx, |finder, _| { assert_eq!(finder.delegate.matches.len(), 3); assert_match_at_position(finder, 0, ""); assert_match_selection(finder, 1, ""); }); } #[gpui::test] async fn test_history_items_shown_in_order_of_open(cx: &mut TestAppContext) { let app_state = init_test(cx); app_state .fs .as_fake() .insert_tree( "/test", json!({ "test": { "1.txt": "// One", "2.txt": "// Two", "3.txt": "// Three", } }), ) .await; let project = Project::test(app_state.fs.clone(), ["/test".as_ref()], cx).await; let (workspace, cx) = cx.add_window_view(|cx| Workspace::test_new(project, cx)); open_queried_buffer("1", 1, "1.txt", &workspace, cx).await; open_queried_buffer("2", 1, "2.txt", &workspace, cx).await; open_queried_buffer("3", 1, "3.txt", &workspace, cx).await; let picker = open_file_picker(&workspace, cx); picker.update(cx, |finder, _| { assert_eq!(finder.delegate.matches.len(), 3); assert_match_at_position(finder, 0, "3.txt"); assert_match_selection(finder, 1, "2.txt"); assert_match_at_position(finder, 2, "1.txt"); }); cx.dispatch_action(Confirm); // Open 2.txt let picker = open_file_picker(&workspace, cx); picker.update(cx, |finder, _| { assert_eq!(finder.delegate.matches.len(), 3); assert_match_at_position(finder, 0, "2.txt"); assert_match_selection(finder, 1, "3.txt"); assert_match_at_position(finder, 2, "1.txt"); }); cx.dispatch_action(SelectNext); cx.dispatch_action(Confirm); // Open 1.txt let picker = open_file_picker(&workspace, cx); picker.update(cx, |finder, _| { assert_eq!(finder.delegate.matches.len(), 3); assert_match_at_position(finder, 0, "1.txt"); assert_match_selection(finder, 1, "2.txt"); assert_match_at_position(finder, 2, "3.txt"); }); } #[gpui::test] async fn test_history_items_vs_very_good_external_match(cx: &mut gpui::TestAppContext) { let app_state = init_test(cx); app_state .fs .as_fake() .insert_tree( "/src", json!({ "collab_ui": { "": "// First Rust file", "": "// Second Rust file", "": "// Third Rust file", "": "// Fourth Rust file", } }), ) .await; let project = Project::test(app_state.fs.clone(), ["/src".as_ref()], cx).await; let (workspace, cx) = cx.add_window_view(|cx| Workspace::test_new(project, cx)); // generate some history to select from open_close_queried_buffer("fir", 1, "", &workspace, cx).await; open_close_queried_buffer("sec", 1, "", &workspace, cx).await; open_close_queried_buffer("thi", 1, "", &workspace, cx).await; open_close_queried_buffer("sec", 1, "", &workspace, cx).await; let finder = open_file_picker(&workspace, cx); let query = "collab_ui"; cx.simulate_input(query); finder.update(cx, |finder, _| { let delegate = &finder.delegate; assert!( delegate.matches.history.is_empty(), "History items should not math query {query}, they should be matched by name only" ); let search_entries = delegate .matches .search .iter() .map(|path_match| path_match.0.path.to_path_buf()) .collect::>(); assert_eq!( search_entries, vec![ PathBuf::from("collab_ui/"), PathBuf::from("collab_ui/"), PathBuf::from("collab_ui/"), PathBuf::from("collab_ui/"), ], "Despite all search results having the same directory name, the most matching one should be on top" ); }); } #[gpui::test] async fn test_nonexistent_history_items_not_shown(cx: &mut gpui::TestAppContext) { let app_state = init_test(cx); app_state .fs .as_fake() .insert_tree( "/src", json!({ "test": { "": "// First Rust file", "": "// Second Rust file", "": "// Third Rust file", } }), ) .await; let project = Project::test(app_state.fs.clone(), ["/src".as_ref()], cx).await; let (workspace, cx) = cx.add_window_view(|cx| Workspace::test_new(project, cx)); // generate some history to select from open_close_queried_buffer("fir", 1, "", &workspace, cx).await; open_close_queried_buffer("non", 1, "", &workspace, cx).await; open_close_queried_buffer("thi", 1, "", &workspace, cx).await; open_close_queried_buffer("fir", 1, "", &workspace, cx).await; let picker = open_file_picker(&workspace, cx); cx.simulate_input("rs"); picker.update(cx, |finder, _| { let history_entries = finder.delegate .matches .history .iter() .map(|(_, path_match)| path_match.as_ref().expect("should have a path match").0.path.to_path_buf()) .collect::>(); assert_eq!( history_entries, vec![ PathBuf::from("test/"), PathBuf::from("test/"), ], "Should have all opened files in the history, except the ones that do not exist on disk" ); }); } async fn open_close_queried_buffer( input: &str, expected_matches: usize, expected_editor_title: &str, workspace: &View, cx: &mut gpui::VisualTestContext, ) -> Vec { let history_items = open_queried_buffer( input, expected_matches, expected_editor_title, workspace, cx, ) .await; cx.dispatch_action(workspace::CloseActiveItem { save_intent: None }); history_items } async fn open_queried_buffer( input: &str, expected_matches: usize, expected_editor_title: &str, workspace: &View, cx: &mut gpui::VisualTestContext, ) -> Vec { let picker = open_file_picker(&workspace, cx); cx.simulate_input(input); let history_items = picker.update(cx, |finder, _| { assert_eq!( finder.delegate.matches.len(), expected_matches, "Unexpected number of matches found for query `{input}`, matches: {:?}", finder.delegate.matches ); finder.delegate.history_items.clone() }); cx.dispatch_action(Confirm);|cx| { let active_editor =; let active_editor_title =; assert_eq!( expected_editor_title, active_editor_title, "Unexpected editor title for query `{input}`" ); }); history_items } fn init_test(cx: &mut TestAppContext) -> Arc { cx.update(|cx| { let state = AppState::test(cx); theme::init(theme::LoadThemes::JustBase, cx); language::init(cx); super::init(cx); editor::init(cx); workspace::init_settings(cx); Project::init_settings(cx); state }) } fn test_path_like(test_str: &str) -> PathLikeWithPosition { PathLikeWithPosition::parse_str(test_str, |path_like_str| { Ok::<_, std::convert::Infallible>(FileSearchQuery { raw_query: test_str.to_owned(), file_query_end: if path_like_str == test_str { None } else { Some(path_like_str.len()) }, }) }) .unwrap() } fn build_find_picker( project: Model, cx: &mut TestAppContext, ) -> ( View>, View, &mut VisualTestContext, ) { let (workspace, cx) = cx.add_window_view(|cx| Workspace::test_new(project, cx)); let picker = open_file_picker(&workspace, cx); (picker, workspace, cx) } #[track_caller] fn open_file_picker( workspace: &View, cx: &mut VisualTestContext, ) -> View> { cx.dispatch_action(Toggle); active_file_picker(workspace, cx) } #[track_caller] fn active_file_picker( workspace: &View, cx: &mut VisualTestContext, ) -> View> { workspace.update(cx, |workspace, cx| { workspace .active_modal::(cx) .unwrap() .read(cx) .picker .clone() }) } #[derive(Debug)] struct SearchEntries { history: Vec, search: Vec, } impl SearchEntries { #[track_caller] fn search_only(self) -> Vec { assert!( self.history.is_empty(), "Should have no history matches, but got: {:?}", self.history ); } } fn collect_search_matches(picker: &Picker) -> SearchEntries { let matches = &picker.delegate.matches; SearchEntries { history: matches .history .iter() .map(|(history_path, path_match)| { path_match .as_ref() .map(|path_match| { Path::new(path_match.0.path_prefix.as_ref()).join(&path_match.0.path) }) .unwrap_or_else(|| { history_path .absolute .as_deref() .unwrap_or_else(|| &history_path.project.path) .to_path_buf() }) }) .collect(), search: matches .search .iter() .map(|path_match| Path::new(path_match.0.path_prefix.as_ref()).join(&path_match.0.path)) .collect(), } } #[track_caller] fn assert_match_selection( finder: &Picker, expected_selection_index: usize, expected_file_name: &str, ) { assert_eq!( finder.delegate.selected_index(), expected_selection_index, "Match is not selected" ); assert_match_at_position(finder, expected_selection_index, expected_file_name); } #[track_caller] fn assert_match_at_position( finder: &Picker, match_index: usize, expected_file_name: &str, ) { let match_item = finder .delegate .matches .get(match_index) .unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("Finder has no match for index {match_index}")); let match_file_name = match match_item { Match::History(found_path, _) => found_path.absolute.as_deref().unwrap().file_name(), Match::Search(path_match) => path_match.0.path.file_name(), } .unwrap() .to_string_lossy(); assert_eq!(match_file_name, expected_file_name); }