- Hit ctrl-enter deploys an edit prompt - Empty selection (cursor) => append text - On end of line: Edit prompt on end of line. - [x] Middle of line: Edit prompt near cursor head on a different line - Non-empty selection => refactor - [x] Edit prompt near cursor head on a different line - [x] What was selected when you hit ctrl-enter is colored. - [x] Add placeholder text - If non-empty selection: Enter prompt to transform selected text - If empty selection: Enter prompt to generate text - When cursor is inside a prompt - [x] Escape cancels/undoes - [x] Enter confirms - [ ] Selection is cleared and cursor is moved to prompt input - [ ] Ability to highlight background multiple times for the same type - [x] Basic Styling - [ ] Look into why insert prompts have a weird indentation sometimes - Multicursor - Run the same prompt for every selection in parallel - Position the prompt editor at the newest cursor - Follow up ship: Marks - Global across all buffers - Select text, hit a binding - That text gets added to the marks - Simplest: Marks are a set, and you add to them with this binding. - Could this be a stack? That might be too much. - When you hit ctrl-enter to generate / transform text, we include the marked text in the context. - During inference, always send marked text. - During inference, send as much context as possible given the user's desired generation length. - This would assume a convenient binding for setting the generation length. ~~~~~~~~~ Dial up / dial down how much context we send Dial up / down your max generation length. ------- (merge to main) - Text in the prompt should soft wrap ----------- (maybe pause) - Excurse outside of the editor without dismissing it... kind of like a message in the assistant.