# The list of Gleam packages. # Sourced from `https://packages.gleam.run/packages.sqlite`. act adglent ag_html aham akaridb alanttest1 alpaca amf0 amnesiac antigone apollo aragorn2 arcana_signals arctic argamak argus argv ask asterix atomic_array aws4_request bare_package1 bare_package_one bare_package_two based based_pg based_sqlite beecrypt bidict bigben bigi binary_search birdie birl biscotto bison blah blask bliss bravo bungle bytesize cactus cake carpenter catppuccin cave3dplus cgi chatbot check_maybe_div_by_zero chip chomp chrobot chromatic classify cleam collatz colored colours comet commonmark conllu context_fp_gleam conversation cors_builder cosepo cosmos counter crabbucket_pgo crabbucket_redis crossbar css_select cymbal dahlia dbots decepticon decipher decode dedent defangle defer_g delay dew dig discord_gleam domu dot_env dotenv_gleam dove ecoji edit_distance efetch email embeds emel envoy esgleam espresso espresso_pgo_wrapper eval event_hub eventsourcing eventsourcing_postgres eventsourcing_sqlite exception exercism_test_runner facet facquest falala falcon feather fetch_event ffmpeg fibo file_streams filepath filespy finch_gleam first_gleam_publish_package flash fluoresce fmglee fmt for_the_crows form_coder formal fp fp2 fp2_gleam fp_gl fresnel fswalk functx funtil gacache galant gap garnet_tool gary gbase32_clockwork gcalc gchess gemqtt gen_core_erlang gen_gleam geny germinal ggleam gild gild_frontend gip gjwt gl glacier glacier_gleeunit gladvent glailglind glam glame glaml glance glance_printer glanoid glare glatch glats glatus glcode gleaf gleam gleam_bbmustache gleam_bitwise gleam_bson gleam_community_ansi gleam_community_colour gleam_community_maths gleam_community_path gleam_cors gleam_cowboy gleam_cowboy_websockets gleam_crypto gleam_deno gleam_dotenv gleam_elli gleam_email gleam_erlang gleam_erlexec gleam_fetch gleam_gun gleam_hackney gleam_hexpm gleam_html gleam_http gleam_httpc gleam_javascript gleam_json gleam_module_javascript_test gleam_mongo gleam_nodejs gleam_os_mon gleam_otp gleam_package_interface gleam_pgo gleam_qs gleam_sendgrid gleam_stats gleam_stdlib gleam_synapses gleam_tailwind gleam_tcp gleam_test gleam_toml gleam_xml gleam_yaml gleam_zlists gleambox gleamix gleamql gleamsver gleamy_bench gleamy_structures gleamyshell gleanix glearray gleastsq gleative gleb128 glector gledis gledo gleebor gleenix gleepl gleescript gleesend gleeunit gleez gleither glemini glemo glemplate glemtext glen glen_node glency glentities glenv glenvy glerd glerd_json glerd_valid glerm gleroglero glesha glesha2 glevatar glevenshtein glex glexec glexer glexif glib gliberapay glibsql gliew glimiter glimmer glimt gling glint glisbn glisdigit glisten glistix_gleeunit glistix_nix glitch glitter glittr glitzer gliua globe glog glome gloml glomp gloom glormat gloss glotel glove glow glow_auth glubs glubsub glucose glue gluid gluon gluple glv8 glx glychee glyph glyph_codegen glzoneinfo gmysql go_over gopenai gpsd_json gpxb grammy gramps graph grille_pain gripe gserde gstripe gsv gtempo gts gtui gu gwitch gwr gwt gxid gzlib halo handles hardcache hello_joe howdy howdy_authentication_cookies howdy_uuid htmb htmgrrrl html_components html_dsl html_lustre_converter html_parser htmz httpp hug humanise hyphenation ids ieee_float illustrious immutable_lru integer_complexity ior iox iso_8859 ivy jackson jasper javascript_dom_parser jbs jot json_canvas juno justin keccak_gleam kick kielet kirala_bbmarkdown kirala_l4u kirala_markdown kreator libsql lite_fs logging lotta lumi lustre lustre_animation lustre_carousel lustre_dev_tools lustre_hash_state lustre_http lustre_hx lustre_limiter lustre_routed lustre_ssg lustre_transition lustre_ui lustre_virtual_list lustre_websocket lzf_gleam marceau mat meadow melon midas migrant mineflayer minigen mist mockth modem monies morse_code_translator mote mug mumu mungo nakai nanoworker nbeet nerf nessie nessie_cluster ngs nibble nimiq_gleam node_socket_client node_tags non_empty_list novdom novdom_dev_tools novdom_testing observatory open_color openfeature opt_args_with_defs_for_gleam oteap outcome outil owoify_gleam p5js_gleam palindrome panel parallel_map parser_gleam party parz pb_lite pears peggy phonetic_gleam phony phosphor_lustre pickle pika_id pine pink plex_pin_auth plinth plunk pngleam pojo pona postgresql_protocol pprint prequel pretty_diff priorityq prng process_groups process_waiter processgroups promgleam psg puddle punycode qcheck qcheck_gleeunit_utils qs queryb question rad rada radiate radish radish_fork ramble ranged_int ranger rank react_gleam reactive_signal ream recursive redraw redraw_dom ref rememo remote_data render_md repeatedly rizzo runetracer scaffold_gleam scriptorium sequin shakespeare shamir sheen shellout shimmer showtime signal signal_pgo simple_pubsub simplifile singularity sketch sketch_css sketch_lustre slackin snag snowgleam sol sparkle spinner sprinkle sprocket sqlight squirrel stacky staff_ai starmap startest stdin stego stoiridh_version storch stratus string_format sturnidae sunny surreal_gleam survey swen_jwt systemd_status tardis tcpea telega temporary term_size testbldr testcontainers_gleam the_stars tinyroute tom tote translate transparent_http trie_again trust tubes tulip tupler typed_headers valid validate_monadic varasto vindaloo vleam wasmify weapp webls webmidi wechat_dev_tools wemote wimp wink wisp wisp_flash wolf worm wp_tables xmb xmleam xmlm ygleam youid zeptomail zip_list