use super::{proto, Client, Status, TypedEnvelope}; use anyhow::{anyhow, Context, Result}; use collections::{hash_map::Entry, HashMap, HashSet}; use feature_flags::FeatureFlagAppExt; use futures::{channel::mpsc, future, AsyncReadExt, Future, StreamExt}; use gpui::{AsyncAppContext, EventEmitter, ImageData, Model, ModelContext, Task}; use postage::{sink::Sink, watch}; use rpc::proto::{RequestMessage, UsersResponse}; use std::sync::{Arc, Weak}; use text::ReplicaId; use util::http::HttpClient; use util::TryFutureExt as _; pub type UserId = u64; #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)] pub struct ParticipantIndex(pub u32); #[derive(Default, Debug)] pub struct User { pub id: UserId, pub github_login: String, pub avatar: Option>, } #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] pub struct Collaborator { pub peer_id: proto::PeerId, pub replica_id: ReplicaId, pub user_id: UserId, } impl PartialOrd for User { fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option { Some(self.cmp(other)) } } impl Ord for User { fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> std::cmp::Ordering { self.github_login.cmp(&other.github_login) } } impl PartialEq for User { fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool { == && self.github_login == other.github_login } } impl Eq for User {} #[derive(Debug, PartialEq)] pub struct Contact { pub user: Arc, pub online: bool, pub busy: bool, } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)] pub enum ContactRequestStatus { None, RequestSent, RequestReceived, RequestAccepted, } pub struct UserStore { users: HashMap>, participant_indices: HashMap, update_contacts_tx: mpsc::UnboundedSender, current_user: watch::Receiver>>, contacts: Vec>, incoming_contact_requests: Vec>, outgoing_contact_requests: Vec>, pending_contact_requests: HashMap, invite_info: Option, client: Weak, http: Arc, _maintain_contacts: Task<()>, _maintain_current_user: Task>, } #[derive(Clone)] pub struct InviteInfo { pub count: u32, pub url: Arc, } pub enum Event { Contact { user: Arc, kind: ContactEventKind, }, ShowContacts, ParticipantIndicesChanged, } #[derive(Clone, Copy)] pub enum ContactEventKind { Requested, Accepted, Cancelled, } impl EventEmitter for UserStore {} enum UpdateContacts { Update(proto::UpdateContacts), Wait(postage::barrier::Sender), Clear(postage::barrier::Sender), } impl UserStore { pub fn new( client: Arc, http: Arc, cx: &mut ModelContext, ) -> Self { let (mut current_user_tx, current_user_rx) = watch::channel(); let (update_contacts_tx, mut update_contacts_rx) = mpsc::unbounded(); let rpc_subscriptions = vec![ client.add_message_handler(cx.weak_model(), Self::handle_update_contacts), client.add_message_handler(cx.weak_model(), Self::handle_update_invite_info), client.add_message_handler(cx.weak_model(), Self::handle_show_contacts), ]; Self { users: Default::default(), current_user: current_user_rx, contacts: Default::default(), incoming_contact_requests: Default::default(), participant_indices: Default::default(), outgoing_contact_requests: Default::default(), invite_info: None, client: Arc::downgrade(&client), update_contacts_tx, http, _maintain_contacts: cx.spawn(|this, mut cx| async move { let _subscriptions = rpc_subscriptions; while let Some(message) = { if let Ok(task) = this.update(&mut cx, |this, cx| this.update_contacts(message, cx)) { task.log_err().await; } else { break; } } }), _maintain_current_user: cx.spawn(|this, mut cx| async move { let mut status = client.status(); while let Some(status) = { match status { Status::Connected { .. } => { if let Some(user_id) = client.user_id() { let fetch_user = if let Ok(fetch_user) = this .update(&mut cx, |this, cx| { this.get_user(user_id, cx).log_err() }) { fetch_user } else { break; }; let fetch_metrics_id = client.request(proto::GetPrivateUserInfo {}).log_err(); let (user, info) = futures::join!(fetch_user, fetch_metrics_id); cx.update(|cx| { if let Some(info) = info { cx.update_flags(info.staff, info.flags); client.telemetry.set_authenticated_user_info( Some(info.metrics_id.clone()), info.staff, cx, ) } })?; current_user_tx.send(user).await.ok(); this.update(&mut cx, |_, cx| cx.notify())?; } } Status::SignedOut => { current_user_tx.send(None).await.ok(); this.update(&mut cx, |this, cx| { cx.notify(); this.clear_contacts() })? .await; } Status::ConnectionLost => { this.update(&mut cx, |this, cx| { cx.notify(); this.clear_contacts() })? .await; } _ => {} } } Ok(()) }), pending_contact_requests: Default::default(), } } #[cfg(feature = "test-support")] pub fn clear_cache(&mut self) { self.users.clear(); } async fn handle_update_invite_info( this: Model, message: TypedEnvelope, _: Arc, mut cx: AsyncAppContext, ) -> Result<()> { this.update(&mut cx, |this, cx| { this.invite_info = Some(InviteInfo { url: Arc::from(message.payload.url), count: message.payload.count, }); cx.notify(); })?; Ok(()) } async fn handle_show_contacts( this: Model, _: TypedEnvelope, _: Arc, mut cx: AsyncAppContext, ) -> Result<()> { this.update(&mut cx, |_, cx| cx.emit(Event::ShowContacts))?; Ok(()) } pub fn invite_info(&self) -> Option<&InviteInfo> { self.invite_info.as_ref() } async fn handle_update_contacts( this: Model, message: TypedEnvelope, _: Arc, mut cx: AsyncAppContext, ) -> Result<()> { this.update(&mut cx, |this, _| { this.update_contacts_tx .unbounded_send(UpdateContacts::Update(message.payload)) .unwrap(); })?; Ok(()) } fn update_contacts( &mut self, message: UpdateContacts, cx: &mut ModelContext, ) -> Task> { match message { UpdateContacts::Wait(barrier) => { drop(barrier); Task::ready(Ok(())) } UpdateContacts::Clear(barrier) => { self.contacts.clear(); self.incoming_contact_requests.clear(); self.outgoing_contact_requests.clear(); drop(barrier); Task::ready(Ok(())) } UpdateContacts::Update(message) => { let mut user_ids = HashSet::default(); for contact in &message.contacts { user_ids.insert(contact.user_id); } user_ids.extend(message.incoming_requests.iter().map(|req| req.requester_id)); user_ids.extend(message.outgoing_requests.iter()); let load_users = self.get_users(user_ids.into_iter().collect(), cx); cx.spawn(|this, mut cx| async move { load_users.await?; // Users are fetched in parallel above and cached in call to get_users // No need to paralellize here let mut updated_contacts = Vec::new(); let this = this .upgrade() .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("can't upgrade user store handle"))?; for contact in message.contacts { updated_contacts.push(Arc::new( Contact::from_proto(contact, &this, &mut cx).await?, )); } let mut incoming_requests = Vec::new(); for request in message.incoming_requests { incoming_requests.push({ this.update(&mut cx, |this, cx| { this.get_user(request.requester_id, cx) })? .await? }); } let mut outgoing_requests = Vec::new(); for requested_user_id in message.outgoing_requests { outgoing_requests.push( this.update(&mut cx, |this, cx| this.get_user(requested_user_id, cx))? .await?, ); } let removed_contacts = HashSet::::from_iter(message.remove_contacts.iter().copied()); let removed_incoming_requests = HashSet::::from_iter(message.remove_incoming_requests.iter().copied()); let removed_outgoing_requests = HashSet::::from_iter(message.remove_outgoing_requests.iter().copied()); this.update(&mut cx, |this, cx| { // Remove contacts this.contacts .retain(|contact| !removed_contacts.contains(&; // Update existing contacts and insert new ones for updated_contact in updated_contacts { match this.contacts.binary_search_by_key( &&updated_contact.user.github_login, |contact| &contact.user.github_login, ) { Ok(ix) => this.contacts[ix] = updated_contact, Err(ix) => this.contacts.insert(ix, updated_contact), } } // Remove incoming contact requests this.incoming_contact_requests.retain(|user| { if removed_incoming_requests.contains(& { cx.emit(Event::Contact { user: user.clone(), kind: ContactEventKind::Cancelled, }); false } else { true } }); // Update existing incoming requests and insert new ones for user in incoming_requests { match this .incoming_contact_requests .binary_search_by_key(&&user.github_login, |contact| { &contact.github_login }) { Ok(ix) => this.incoming_contact_requests[ix] = user, Err(ix) => this.incoming_contact_requests.insert(ix, user), } } // Remove outgoing contact requests this.outgoing_contact_requests .retain(|user| !removed_outgoing_requests.contains(&; // Update existing incoming requests and insert new ones for request in outgoing_requests { match this .outgoing_contact_requests .binary_search_by_key(&&request.github_login, |contact| { &contact.github_login }) { Ok(ix) => this.outgoing_contact_requests[ix] = request, Err(ix) => this.outgoing_contact_requests.insert(ix, request), } } cx.notify(); })?; Ok(()) }) } } } pub fn contacts(&self) -> &[Arc] { &self.contacts } pub fn has_contact(&self, user: &Arc) -> bool { self.contacts .binary_search_by_key(&&user.github_login, |contact| &contact.user.github_login) .is_ok() } pub fn incoming_contact_requests(&self) -> &[Arc] { &self.incoming_contact_requests } pub fn outgoing_contact_requests(&self) -> &[Arc] { &self.outgoing_contact_requests } pub fn is_contact_request_pending(&self, user: &User) -> bool { self.pending_contact_requests.contains_key(& } pub fn contact_request_status(&self, user: &User) -> ContactRequestStatus { if self .contacts .binary_search_by_key(&&user.github_login, |contact| &contact.user.github_login) .is_ok() { ContactRequestStatus::RequestAccepted } else if self .outgoing_contact_requests .binary_search_by_key(&&user.github_login, |user| &user.github_login) .is_ok() { ContactRequestStatus::RequestSent } else if self .incoming_contact_requests .binary_search_by_key(&&user.github_login, |user| &user.github_login) .is_ok() { ContactRequestStatus::RequestReceived } else { ContactRequestStatus::None } } pub fn request_contact( &mut self, responder_id: u64, cx: &mut ModelContext, ) -> Task> { self.perform_contact_request(responder_id, proto::RequestContact { responder_id }, cx) } pub fn remove_contact( &mut self, user_id: u64, cx: &mut ModelContext, ) -> Task> { self.perform_contact_request(user_id, proto::RemoveContact { user_id }, cx) } pub fn respond_to_contact_request( &mut self, requester_id: u64, accept: bool, cx: &mut ModelContext, ) -> Task> { self.perform_contact_request( requester_id, proto::RespondToContactRequest { requester_id, response: if accept { proto::ContactRequestResponse::Accept } else { proto::ContactRequestResponse::Decline } as i32, }, cx, ) } pub fn dismiss_contact_request( &mut self, requester_id: u64, cx: &mut ModelContext, ) -> Task> { let client = self.client.upgrade(); cx.spawn(move |_, _| async move { client .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("can't upgrade client reference"))? .request(proto::RespondToContactRequest { requester_id, response: proto::ContactRequestResponse::Dismiss as i32, }) .await?; Ok(()) }) } fn perform_contact_request( &mut self, user_id: u64, request: T, cx: &mut ModelContext, ) -> Task> { let client = self.client.upgrade(); *self.pending_contact_requests.entry(user_id).or_insert(0) += 1; cx.notify(); cx.spawn(move |this, mut cx| async move { let response = client .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("can't upgrade client reference"))? .request(request) .await; this.update(&mut cx, |this, cx| { if let Entry::Occupied(mut request_count) = this.pending_contact_requests.entry(user_id) { *request_count.get_mut() -= 1; if *request_count.get() == 0 { request_count.remove(); } } cx.notify(); })?; response?; Ok(()) }) } pub fn clear_contacts(&mut self) -> impl Future { let (tx, mut rx) = postage::barrier::channel(); self.update_contacts_tx .unbounded_send(UpdateContacts::Clear(tx)) .unwrap(); async move {; } } pub fn contact_updates_done(&mut self) -> impl Future { let (tx, mut rx) = postage::barrier::channel(); self.update_contacts_tx .unbounded_send(UpdateContacts::Wait(tx)) .unwrap(); async move {; } } pub fn get_users( &mut self, user_ids: Vec, cx: &mut ModelContext, ) -> Task>>> { let mut user_ids_to_fetch = user_ids.clone(); user_ids_to_fetch.retain(|id| !self.users.contains_key(id)); cx.spawn(|this, mut cx| async move { if !user_ids_to_fetch.is_empty() { this.update(&mut cx, |this, cx| { this.load_users( proto::GetUsers { user_ids: user_ids_to_fetch, }, cx, ) })? .await?; } this.update(&mut cx, |this, _| { user_ids .iter() .map(|user_id| { this.users .get(user_id) .cloned() .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("user {} not found", user_id)) }) .collect() })? }) } pub fn fuzzy_search_users( &mut self, query: String, cx: &mut ModelContext, ) -> Task>>> { self.load_users(proto::FuzzySearchUsers { query }, cx) } pub fn get_cached_user(&self, user_id: u64) -> Option> { self.users.get(&user_id).cloned() } pub fn get_user( &mut self, user_id: u64, cx: &mut ModelContext, ) -> Task>> { if let Some(user) = self.users.get(&user_id).cloned() { return Task::ready(Ok(user)); } let load_users = self.get_users(vec![user_id], cx); cx.spawn(move |this, mut cx| async move { load_users.await?; this.update(&mut cx, |this, _| { this.users .get(&user_id) .cloned() .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("server responded with no users")) })? }) } pub fn current_user(&self) -> Option> { self.current_user.borrow().clone() } pub fn watch_current_user(&self) -> watch::Receiver>> { self.current_user.clone() } fn load_users( &mut self, request: impl RequestMessage, cx: &mut ModelContext, ) -> Task>>> { let client = self.client.clone(); let http = self.http.clone(); cx.spawn(|this, mut cx| async move { if let Some(rpc) = client.upgrade() { let response = rpc.request(request).await.context("error loading users")?; let users = future::join_all( response .users .into_iter() .map(|user| User::new(user, http.as_ref())), ) .await; this.update(&mut cx, |this, _| { for user in &users { this.users.insert(, user.clone()); } }) .ok(); Ok(users) } else { Ok(Vec::new()) } }) } pub fn set_participant_indices( &mut self, participant_indices: HashMap, cx: &mut ModelContext, ) { if participant_indices != self.participant_indices { self.participant_indices = participant_indices; cx.emit(Event::ParticipantIndicesChanged); } } pub fn participant_indices(&self) -> &HashMap { &self.participant_indices } } impl User { async fn new(message: proto::User, http: &dyn HttpClient) -> Arc { Arc::new(User { id:, github_login: message.github_login, avatar: fetch_avatar(http, &message.avatar_url).warn_on_err().await, }) } } impl Contact { async fn from_proto( contact: proto::Contact, user_store: &Model, cx: &mut AsyncAppContext, ) -> Result { let user = user_store .update(cx, |user_store, cx| { user_store.get_user(contact.user_id, cx) })? .await?; Ok(Self { user, online:, busy: contact.busy, }) } } impl Collaborator { pub fn from_proto(message: proto::Collaborator) -> Result { Ok(Self { peer_id: message.peer_id.ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("invalid peer id"))?, replica_id: message.replica_id as ReplicaId, user_id: message.user_id as UserId, }) } } // todo!("we probably don't need this now that we fetch") async fn fetch_avatar(http: &dyn HttpClient, url: &str) -> Result> { let mut response = http .get(url, Default::default(), true) .await .map_err(|e| anyhow!("failed to send user avatar request: {}", e))?; if !response.status().is_success() { return Err(anyhow!("avatar request failed {:?}", response.status())); } let mut body = Vec::new(); response .body_mut() .read_to_end(&mut body) .await .map_err(|e| anyhow!("failed to read user avatar response body: {}", e))?; let format = image::guess_format(&body)?; let image = image::load_from_memory_with_format(&body, format)?.into_bgra8(); Ok(Arc::new(ImageData::new(image))) }