use anyhow::Result; use context_menu::{ContextMenu, ContextMenuItem}; use copilot::{Copilot, SignOut, Status}; use editor::{scroll::autoscroll::Autoscroll, Editor}; use fs::Fs; use gpui::{ elements::*, platform::{CursorStyle, MouseButton}, AnyElement, AppContext, AsyncAppContext, Element, Entity, MouseState, Subscription, View, ViewContext, ViewHandle, WeakViewHandle, WindowContext, }; use language::{ language_settings::{self, all_language_settings, AllLanguageSettings}, File, Language, }; use settings::{update_settings_file, SettingsStore}; use std::{path::Path, sync::Arc}; use util::{paths, ResultExt}; use workspace::{ create_and_open_local_file, item::ItemHandle, notifications::simple_message_notification::OsOpen, StatusItemView, Toast, Workspace, }; const COPILOT_SETTINGS_URL: &str = ""; const COPILOT_STARTING_TOAST_ID: usize = 1337; const COPILOT_ERROR_TOAST_ID: usize = 1338; pub struct CopilotButton { popup_menu: ViewHandle, editor_subscription: Option<(Subscription, usize)>, editor_enabled: Option, language: Option>, file: Option>, fs: Arc, } impl Entity for CopilotButton { type Event = (); } impl View for CopilotButton { fn ui_name() -> &'static str { "CopilotButton" } fn render(&mut self, cx: &mut ViewContext) -> AnyElement { let all_language_settings = all_language_settings(None, cx); if !all_language_settings.copilot.feature_enabled { return Empty::new().into_any(); } let theme = theme::current(cx).clone(); let active =; let Some(copilot) = Copilot::global(cx) else { return Empty::new().into_any(); }; let status =; let enabled = self .editor_enabled .unwrap_or_else(|| all_language_settings.copilot_enabled(None, None)); Stack::new() .with_child( MouseEventHandler::new::(0, cx, { let theme = theme.clone(); let status = status.clone(); move |state, _cx| { let style = theme .workspace .status_bar .panel_buttons .button .in_state(active) .style_for(state); Flex::row() .with_child( Svg::new({ match status { Status::Error(_) => "icons/copilot_error.svg", Status::Authorized => { if enabled { "icons/copilot.svg" } else { "icons/copilot_disabled.svg" } } _ => "icons/copilot_init.svg", } }) .with_color(style.icon_color) .constrained() .with_width(style.icon_size) .aligned() .into_any_named("copilot-icon"), ) .constrained() .with_height(style.icon_size) .contained() .with_style(style.container) } }) .with_cursor_style(CursorStyle::PointingHand) .on_down(MouseButton::Left, |_, this, cx| { this.popup_menu.update(cx, |menu, _| menu.delay_cancel()); }) .on_click(MouseButton::Left, { let status = status.clone(); move |_, this, cx| match status { Status::Authorized => this.deploy_copilot_menu(cx), Status::Error(ref e) => { if let Some(workspace) = cx.root_view().clone().downcast::() { workspace.update(cx, |workspace, cx| { workspace.show_toast( Toast::new( COPILOT_ERROR_TOAST_ID, format!("Copilot can't be started: {}", e), ) .on_click( "Reinstall Copilot", |cx| { if let Some(copilot) = Copilot::global(cx) { copilot .update(cx, |copilot, cx| { copilot.reinstall(cx) }) .detach(); } }, ), cx, ); }); } } _ => this.deploy_copilot_start_menu(cx), } }) .with_tooltip::( 0, "GitHub Copilot", None, theme.tooltip.clone(), cx, ), ) .with_child(ChildView::new(&self.popup_menu, cx).aligned().top().right()) .into_any() } } impl CopilotButton { pub fn new(fs: Arc, cx: &mut ViewContext) -> Self { let button_view_id = cx.view_id(); let menu = cx.add_view(|cx| { let mut menu = ContextMenu::new(button_view_id, cx); menu.set_position_mode(OverlayPositionMode::Local); menu }); cx.observe(&menu, |_, _, cx| cx.notify()).detach(); Copilot::global(cx).map(|copilot| cx.observe(&copilot, |_, _, cx| cx.notify()).detach()); cx.observe_global::(move |_, cx| cx.notify()) .detach(); Self { popup_menu: menu, editor_subscription: None, editor_enabled: None, language: None, file: None, fs, } } pub fn deploy_copilot_start_menu(&mut self, cx: &mut ViewContext) { let mut menu_options = Vec::with_capacity(2); let fs = self.fs.clone(); menu_options.push(ContextMenuItem::handler("Sign In", |cx| { initiate_sign_in(cx) })); menu_options.push(ContextMenuItem::handler("Disable Copilot", move |cx| { hide_copilot(fs.clone(), cx) })); self.popup_menu.update(cx, |menu, cx| { menu.toggle( Default::default(), AnchorCorner::BottomRight, menu_options, cx, ); }); } pub fn deploy_copilot_menu(&mut self, cx: &mut ViewContext) { let fs = self.fs.clone(); let mut menu_options = Vec::with_capacity(8); if let Some(language) = self.language.clone() { let fs = fs.clone(); let language_enabled = language_settings::language_settings(Some(&language), None, cx) .show_copilot_suggestions; menu_options.push(ContextMenuItem::handler( format!( "{} Suggestions for {}", if language_enabled { "Hide" } else { "Show" }, ), move |cx| toggle_copilot_for_language(language.clone(), fs.clone(), cx), )); } let settings = settings::get::(cx); if let Some(file) = &self.file { let path = file.path().clone(); let path_enabled = settings.copilot_enabled_for_path(&path); menu_options.push(ContextMenuItem::handler( format!( "{} Suggestions for This Path", if path_enabled { "Hide" } else { "Show" } ), move |cx| { if let Some(workspace) = cx.root_view().clone().downcast::() { let workspace = workspace.downgrade(); cx.spawn(|_, cx| { configure_disabled_globs( workspace, path_enabled.then_some(path.clone()), cx, ) }) .detach_and_log_err(cx); } }, )); } let globally_enabled = settings.copilot_enabled(None, None); menu_options.push(ContextMenuItem::handler( if globally_enabled { "Hide Suggestions for All Files" } else { "Show Suggestions for All Files" }, move |cx| toggle_copilot_globally(fs.clone(), cx), )); menu_options.push(ContextMenuItem::Separator); let icon_style = theme::current(cx).copilot.out_link_icon.clone(); menu_options.push(ContextMenuItem::action( move |state: &mut MouseState, style: &theme::ContextMenuItem| { Flex::row() .with_child(Label::new("Copilot Settings", style.label.clone())) .with_child(theme::ui::icon(icon_style.style_for(state))) .align_children_center() .into_any() }, OsOpen::new(COPILOT_SETTINGS_URL), )); menu_options.push(ContextMenuItem::action("Sign Out", SignOut)); self.popup_menu.update(cx, |menu, cx| { menu.toggle( Default::default(), AnchorCorner::BottomRight, menu_options, cx, ); }); } pub fn update_enabled(&mut self, editor: ViewHandle, cx: &mut ViewContext) { let editor =; let snapshot = editor.buffer().read(cx).snapshot(cx); let suggestion_anchor = editor.selections.newest_anchor().start; let language = snapshot.language_at(suggestion_anchor); let file = snapshot.file_at(suggestion_anchor).cloned(); self.editor_enabled = Some( all_language_settings(self.file.as_ref(), cx) .copilot_enabled(language, file.as_ref().map(|file| file.path().as_ref())), ); self.language = language.cloned(); self.file = file; cx.notify() } } impl StatusItemView for CopilotButton { fn set_active_pane_item(&mut self, item: Option<&dyn ItemHandle>, cx: &mut ViewContext) { if let Some(editor) =|item| item.act_as::(cx)).flatten() { self.editor_subscription = Some((cx.observe(&editor, Self::update_enabled),; self.update_enabled(editor, cx); } else { self.language = None; self.editor_subscription = None; self.editor_enabled = None; } cx.notify(); } } async fn configure_disabled_globs( workspace: WeakViewHandle, path_to_disable: Option>, mut cx: AsyncAppContext, ) -> Result<()> { let settings_editor = workspace .update(&mut cx, |_, cx| { create_and_open_local_file(&paths::SETTINGS, cx, || { settings::initial_user_settings_content().as_ref().into() }) })? .await? .downcast::() .unwrap(); settings_editor.downgrade().update(&mut cx, |item, cx| { let text = item.buffer().read(cx).snapshot(cx).text(); let settings =; let edits = settings.edits_for_update::(&text, |file| { let copilot = file.copilot.get_or_insert_with(Default::default); let globs = copilot.disabled_globs.get_or_insert_with(|| { settings .get::(None) .copilot .disabled_globs .iter() .map(|glob| glob.glob().to_string()) .collect() }); if let Some(path_to_disable) = &path_to_disable { globs.push(path_to_disable.to_string_lossy().into_owned()); } else { globs.clear(); } }); if !edits.is_empty() { item.change_selections(Some(Autoscroll::newest()), cx, |selections| { selections.select_ranges(edits.iter().map(|e| e.0.clone())); }); // When *enabling* a path, don't actually perform an edit, just select the range. if path_to_disable.is_some() { item.edit(edits.iter().cloned(), cx); } } })?; anyhow::Ok(()) } fn toggle_copilot_globally(fs: Arc, cx: &mut AppContext) { let show_copilot_suggestions = all_language_settings(None, cx).copilot_enabled(None, None); update_settings_file::(fs, cx, move |file| { file.defaults.show_copilot_suggestions = Some((!show_copilot_suggestions).into()) }); } fn toggle_copilot_for_language(language: Arc, fs: Arc, cx: &mut AppContext) { let show_copilot_suggestions = all_language_settings(None, cx).copilot_enabled(Some(&language), None); update_settings_file::(fs, cx, move |file| { file.languages .entry( .or_default() .show_copilot_suggestions = Some(!show_copilot_suggestions); }); } fn hide_copilot(fs: Arc, cx: &mut AppContext) { update_settings_file::(fs, cx, move |file| { file.features.get_or_insert(Default::default()).copilot = Some(false); }); } fn initiate_sign_in(cx: &mut WindowContext) { let Some(copilot) = Copilot::global(cx) else { return; }; let status =; match status { Status::Starting { task } => { let Some(workspace) = cx.root_view().clone().downcast::() else { return; }; workspace.update(cx, |workspace, cx| { workspace.show_toast( Toast::new(COPILOT_STARTING_TOAST_ID, "Copilot is starting..."), cx, ) }); let workspace = workspace.downgrade(); cx.spawn(|mut cx| async move { task.await; if let Some(copilot) = { workspace .update(&mut cx, |workspace, cx| match { Status::Authorized => workspace.show_toast( Toast::new(COPILOT_STARTING_TOAST_ID, "Copilot has started!"), cx, ), _ => { workspace.dismiss_toast(COPILOT_STARTING_TOAST_ID, cx); copilot .update(cx, |copilot, cx| copilot.sign_in(cx)) .detach_and_log_err(cx); } }) .log_err(); } }) .detach(); } _ => { copilot .update(cx, |copilot, cx| copilot.sign_in(cx)) .detach_and_log_err(cx); } } }