#!/usr/bin/env bash set -euo pipefail main() { platform="$(uname -s)" arch="$(uname -m)" channel="stable" temp="$(mktemp -d "/tmp/zed-XXXXX")" if [[ $platform == "Darwin" ]]; then platform="macos" elif [[ $platform == "Linux" ]]; then platform="linux" channel="nightly" else echo "Unsupported platform $platform" exit 1 fi if [[ $platform == "macos" ]] && [[ $arch == arm64* ]]; then arch="aarch64" elif [[ $arch = x86* || $arch == i686* ]]; then arch="x86_64" else echo "Unsupported architecture $arch" exit 1 fi if which curl >/dev/null 2>&1; then curl () { command curl -fL "$@" } elif which wget >/dev/null 2>&1; then curl () { wget -O- "$@" } else echo "Could not find 'curl' or 'wget' in your path" exit 1 fi "$platform" "$@" } linux() { echo "Downloading zed.tar.gz" # curl "https://zed.dev/api/download/zed.tar.gz?platform=$platform&arch=$arch&channel=$channel" > "$temp/zed.tar.gz" curl "https://zed.dev/api/releases/$channel/latest/zed-linux-$arch.tar.gz" > "$temp/zed-linux-$arch.tar.gz" mkdir -p "$HOME/.local/zed.app" tar -xzf "$temp/zed-linux-$arch.tar.gz" -C "$HOME/.local/" # Set up xdg links so that app shows in the dock mkdir -p "$HOME/.local/bin" "$HOME/.local/share/applications" ln -sf ~/.local/zed.app/bin/zed ~/.local/bin/ cp ~/.local/zed.app/share/applications/zed.desktop ~/.local/share/applications/ sed -i "s|Icon=zed|Icon=$HOME/.local/zed.app/share/icons/hicolor/512x512/apps/zed.png|g" ~/.local/share/applications/zed.desktop sed -i "s|Exec=zed|Exec=$HOME/.local/zed.app/bin/zed|g" ~/.local/share/applications/zed.desktop if which zed >/dev/null 2>&1; then else echo "To run zed from your terminal, you must add ~/.local/bin to your PATH" exit 1 fi ~/.local/bin/zed } macos() { echo "Downloading Zed.dmg..." curl "https://zed.dev/api/releases/$channel/latest/Zed-$arch.dmg" > "$temp/Zed-$arch.dmg" hdiutil attach -quiet "$temp/Zed-$arch.dmg" -mountpoint "$temp/mount" app="$(cd "$temp/mount/"; echo *.app)" echo "Installing $app" if [[ -d "/Applications/$app" ]]; then echo "Removing existing $app" rm -rf "/Applications/$app" fi ditto -v "$temp/mount/$app" "/Applications/$app" hdiutil detach -quiet "$temp/mount" open "/Applications/$app" } main "$@"