pub mod arc_cow; pub mod fs; pub mod paths; pub mod serde; #[cfg(any(test, feature = "test-support"))] pub mod test; use futures::Future; use rand::{seq::SliceRandom, Rng}; use regex::Regex; use std::sync::OnceLock; use std::{ borrow::Cow, cmp::{self, Ordering}, env, ops::{AddAssign, Range, RangeInclusive}, panic::Location, pin::Pin, task::{Context, Poll}, time::Instant, }; use unicase::UniCase; pub use take_until::*; #[macro_export] macro_rules! debug_panic { ( $($fmt_arg:tt)* ) => { if cfg!(debug_assertions) { panic!( $($fmt_arg)* ); } else { let backtrace = std::backtrace::Backtrace::capture(); log::error!("{}\n{:?}", format_args!($($fmt_arg)*), backtrace); } }; } #[macro_export] macro_rules! with_clone { ($i:ident, move ||$l:expr) => {{ let $i = $i.clone(); move || { $l } }}; ($i:ident, move |$($k:pat_param),*|$l:expr) => {{ let $i = $i.clone(); move |$( $k ),*| { $l } }}; (($($i:ident),+), move ||$l:expr) => {{ let ($($i),+) = ($($i.clone()),+); move || { $l } }}; (($($i:ident),+), move |$($k:pat_param),*|$l:expr) => {{ let ($($i),+) = ($($i.clone()),+); move |$( $k ),*| { $l } }}; } mod test_with_clone { // If this test compiles, it works #[test] fn test() { let x = "String".to_string(); let y = std::sync::Arc::new(5); fn no_arg(f: impl FnOnce()) { f() } no_arg(with_clone!(x, move || { drop(x); })); no_arg(with_clone!((x, y), move || { drop(x); drop(y); })); fn one_arg(f: impl FnOnce(usize)) { f(1) } one_arg(with_clone!(x, move |_| { drop(x); })); one_arg(with_clone!((x, y), move |b| { drop(x); drop(y); println!("{}", b); })); fn two_arg(f: impl FnOnce(usize, bool)) { f(5, true) } two_arg(with_clone!((x, y), move |a, b| { drop(x); drop(y); println!("{}{}", a, b) })); two_arg(with_clone!((x, y), move |a, _| { drop(x); drop(y); println!("{}", a) })); two_arg(with_clone!((x, y), move |_, b| { drop(x); drop(y); println!("{}", b) })); struct Example { z: usize, } fn destructuring_example(f: impl FnOnce(Example)) { f(Example { z: 10 }) } destructuring_example(with_clone!(x, move |Example { z }| { drop(x); println!("{}", z); })); let a_long_variable_1 = "".to_string(); let a_long_variable_2 = "".to_string(); let a_long_variable_3 = "".to_string(); let a_long_variable_4 = "".to_string(); two_arg(with_clone!( ( x, y, a_long_variable_1, a_long_variable_2, a_long_variable_3, a_long_variable_4 ), move |a, b| { drop(x); drop(y); drop(a_long_variable_1); drop(a_long_variable_2); drop(a_long_variable_3); drop(a_long_variable_4); println!("{}{}", a, b) } )); fn single_expression_body(f: impl FnOnce(usize) -> usize) -> usize { f(20) } let _result = single_expression_body(with_clone!(y, move |z| *y + z)); // Explicitly move all variables drop(x); drop(y); drop(a_long_variable_1); drop(a_long_variable_2); drop(a_long_variable_3); drop(a_long_variable_4); } } pub fn truncate(s: &str, max_chars: usize) -> &str { match s.char_indices().nth(max_chars) { None => s, Some((idx, _)) => &s[..idx], } } /// Removes characters from the end of the string if its length is greater than `max_chars` and /// appends "..." to the string. Returns string unchanged if its length is smaller than max_chars. pub fn truncate_and_trailoff(s: &str, max_chars: usize) -> String { debug_assert!(max_chars >= 5); let truncation_ix = s.char_indices().map(|(i, _)| i).nth(max_chars); match truncation_ix { Some(length) => s[..length].to_string() + "…", None => s.to_string(), } } /// Removes characters from the front of the string if its length is greater than `max_chars` and /// prepends the string with "...". Returns string unchanged if its length is smaller than max_chars. pub fn truncate_and_remove_front(s: &str, max_chars: usize) -> String { debug_assert!(max_chars >= 5); let truncation_ix = s.char_indices().map(|(i, _)| i).nth_back(max_chars); match truncation_ix { Some(length) => "…".to_string() + &s[length..], None => s.to_string(), } } /// Takes only `max_lines` from the string and, if there were more than `max_lines-1`, appends a /// a newline and "..." to the string, so that `max_lines` are returned. /// Returns string unchanged if its length is smaller than max_lines. pub fn truncate_lines_and_trailoff(s: &str, max_lines: usize) -> String { let mut lines = s.lines().take(max_lines).collect::>(); if lines.len() > max_lines - 1 { lines.pop(); lines.join("\n") + "\n…" } else { lines.join("\n") } } pub fn post_inc + AddAssign + Copy>(value: &mut T) -> T { let prev = *value; *value += T::from(1); prev } /// Extend a sorted vector with a sorted sequence of items, maintaining the vector's sort order and /// enforcing a maximum length. This also de-duplicates items. Sort the items according to the given callback. Before calling this, /// both `vec` and `new_items` should already be sorted according to the `cmp` comparator. pub fn extend_sorted(vec: &mut Vec, new_items: I, limit: usize, mut cmp: F) where I: IntoIterator, F: FnMut(&T, &T) -> Ordering, { let mut start_index = 0; for new_item in new_items { if let Err(i) = vec[start_index..].binary_search_by(|m| cmp(m, &new_item)) { let index = start_index + i; if vec.len() < limit { vec.insert(index, new_item); } else if index < vec.len() { vec.pop(); vec.insert(index, new_item); } start_index = index; } } } /// Parse the result of calling `usr/bin/env` with no arguments pub fn parse_env_output(env: &str, mut f: impl FnMut(String, String)) { let mut current_key: Option = None; let mut current_value: Option = None; for line in env.split_terminator('\n') { if let Some(separator_index) = line.find('=') { if &line[..separator_index] != "" { if let Some((key, value)) = Option::zip(current_key.take(), current_value.take()) { f(key, value) } current_key = Some(line[..separator_index].to_string()); current_value = Some(line[separator_index + 1..].to_string()); continue; }; } if let Some(value) = current_value.as_mut() { value.push('\n'); value.push_str(line); } } if let Some((key, value)) = Option::zip(current_key.take(), current_value.take()) { f(key, value) } } pub fn merge_json_value_into(source: serde_json::Value, target: &mut serde_json::Value) { use serde_json::Value; match (source, target) { (Value::Object(source), Value::Object(target)) => { for (key, value) in source { if let Some(target) = target.get_mut(&key) { merge_json_value_into(value, target); } else { target.insert(key.clone(), value); } } } (source, target) => *target = source, } } pub fn merge_non_null_json_value_into(source: serde_json::Value, target: &mut serde_json::Value) { use serde_json::Value; if let Value::Object(source_object) = source { let target_object = if let Value::Object(target) = target { target } else { *target = Value::Object(Default::default()); target.as_object_mut().unwrap() }; for (key, value) in source_object { if let Some(target) = target_object.get_mut(&key) { merge_non_null_json_value_into(value, target); } else if !value.is_null() { target_object.insert(key.clone(), value); } } } else if !source.is_null() { *target = source } } pub fn measure(label: &str, f: impl FnOnce() -> R) -> R { static ZED_MEASUREMENTS: OnceLock = OnceLock::new(); let zed_measurements = ZED_MEASUREMENTS.get_or_init(|| { env::var("ZED_MEASUREMENTS") .map(|measurements| measurements == "1" || measurements == "true") .unwrap_or(false) }); if *zed_measurements { let start = Instant::now(); let result = f(); let elapsed = start.elapsed(); eprintln!("{}: {:?}", label, elapsed); result } else { f() } } pub trait ResultExt { type Ok; fn log_err(self) -> Option; /// Assert that this result should never be an error in development or tests. fn debug_assert_ok(self, reason: &str) -> Self; fn warn_on_err(self) -> Option; } impl ResultExt for Result where E: std::fmt::Debug, { type Ok = T; #[track_caller] fn log_err(self) -> Option { match self { Ok(value) => Some(value), Err(error) => { log_error_with_caller(*Location::caller(), error, log::Level::Error); None } } } #[track_caller] fn debug_assert_ok(self, reason: &str) -> Self { if let Err(error) = &self { debug_panic!("{reason} - {error:?}"); } self } #[track_caller] fn warn_on_err(self) -> Option { match self { Ok(value) => Some(value), Err(error) => { log_error_with_caller(*Location::caller(), error, log::Level::Warn); None } } } } fn log_error_with_caller(caller: core::panic::Location<'_>, error: E, level: log::Level) where E: std::fmt::Debug, { // In this codebase, the first segment of the file path is // the 'crates' folder, followed by the crate name. let target = caller.file().split('/').nth(1); log::logger().log( &log::Record::builder() .target(target.unwrap_or("")) .module_path(target) .args(format_args!("{:?}", error)) .file(Some(caller.file())) .line(Some(caller.line())) .level(level) .build(), ); } pub trait TryFutureExt { fn log_err(self) -> LogErrorFuture where Self: Sized; fn log_tracked_err(self, location: core::panic::Location<'static>) -> LogErrorFuture where Self: Sized; fn warn_on_err(self) -> LogErrorFuture where Self: Sized; fn unwrap(self) -> UnwrapFuture where Self: Sized; } impl TryFutureExt for F where F: Future>, E: std::fmt::Debug, { #[track_caller] fn log_err(self) -> LogErrorFuture where Self: Sized, { let location = Location::caller(); LogErrorFuture(self, log::Level::Error, *location) } fn log_tracked_err(self, location: core::panic::Location<'static>) -> LogErrorFuture where Self: Sized, { LogErrorFuture(self, log::Level::Error, location) } #[track_caller] fn warn_on_err(self) -> LogErrorFuture where Self: Sized, { let location = Location::caller(); LogErrorFuture(self, log::Level::Warn, *location) } fn unwrap(self) -> UnwrapFuture where Self: Sized, { UnwrapFuture(self) } } #[must_use] pub struct LogErrorFuture(F, log::Level, core::panic::Location<'static>); impl Future for LogErrorFuture where F: Future>, E: std::fmt::Debug, { type Output = Option; fn poll(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context) -> Poll { let level = self.1; let location = self.2; let inner = unsafe { Pin::new_unchecked(&mut self.get_unchecked_mut().0) }; match inner.poll(cx) { Poll::Ready(output) => Poll::Ready(match output { Ok(output) => Some(output), Err(error) => { log_error_with_caller(location, error, level); None } }), Poll::Pending => Poll::Pending, } } } pub struct UnwrapFuture(F); impl Future for UnwrapFuture where F: Future>, E: std::fmt::Debug, { type Output = T; fn poll(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context) -> Poll { let inner = unsafe { Pin::new_unchecked(&mut self.get_unchecked_mut().0) }; match inner.poll(cx) { Poll::Ready(result) => Poll::Ready(result.unwrap()), Poll::Pending => Poll::Pending, } } } pub struct Deferred(Option); impl Deferred { /// Drop without running the deferred function. pub fn abort(mut self) { self.0.take(); } } impl Drop for Deferred { fn drop(&mut self) { if let Some(f) = self.0.take() { f() } } } /// Run the given function when the returned value is dropped (unless it's cancelled). #[must_use] pub fn defer(f: F) -> Deferred { Deferred(Some(f)) } pub struct RandomCharIter { rng: T, simple_text: bool, } impl RandomCharIter { pub fn new(rng: T) -> Self { Self { rng, simple_text: std::env::var("SIMPLE_TEXT").map_or(false, |v| !v.is_empty()), } } pub fn with_simple_text(mut self) -> Self { self.simple_text = true; self } } impl Iterator for RandomCharIter { type Item = char; fn next(&mut self) -> Option { if self.simple_text { return if self.rng.gen_range(0..100) < 5 { Some('\n') } else { Some(self.rng.gen_range(b'a'..b'z' + 1).into()) }; } match self.rng.gen_range(0..100) { // whitespace 0..=19 => [' ', '\n', '\r', '\t'].choose(&mut self.rng).copied(), // two-byte greek letters 20..=32 => char::from_u32(self.rng.gen_range(('α' as u32)..('ω' as u32 + 1))), // // three-byte characters 33..=45 => ['✋', '✅', '❌', '❎', '⭐'] .choose(&mut self.rng) .copied(), // // four-byte characters 46..=58 => ['🍐', '🏀', '🍗', '🎉'].choose(&mut self.rng).copied(), // ascii letters _ => Some(self.rng.gen_range(b'a'..b'z' + 1).into()), } } } /// Get an embedded file as a string. pub fn asset_str(path: &str) -> Cow<'static, str> { match A::get(path).unwrap().data { Cow::Borrowed(bytes) => Cow::Borrowed(std::str::from_utf8(bytes).unwrap()), Cow::Owned(bytes) => Cow::Owned(String::from_utf8(bytes).unwrap()), } } /// Expands to an immediately-invoked function expression. Good for using the ? operator /// in functions which do not return an Option or Result. /// /// Accepts a normal block, an async block, or an async move block. #[macro_export] macro_rules! maybe { ($block:block) => { (|| $block)() }; (async $block:block) => { (|| async $block)() }; (async move $block:block) => { (|| async move $block)() }; } pub trait RangeExt { fn sorted(&self) -> Self; fn to_inclusive(&self) -> RangeInclusive; fn overlaps(&self, other: &Range) -> bool; fn contains_inclusive(&self, other: &Range) -> bool; } impl RangeExt for Range { fn sorted(&self) -> Self { cmp::min(&self.start, &self.end).clone()..cmp::max(&self.start, &self.end).clone() } fn to_inclusive(&self) -> RangeInclusive { self.start.clone()..=self.end.clone() } fn overlaps(&self, other: &Range) -> bool { self.start < other.end && other.start < self.end } fn contains_inclusive(&self, other: &Range) -> bool { self.start <= other.start && other.end <= self.end } } impl RangeExt for RangeInclusive { fn sorted(&self) -> Self { cmp::min(self.start(), self.end()).clone()..=cmp::max(self.start(), self.end()).clone() } fn to_inclusive(&self) -> RangeInclusive { self.clone() } fn overlaps(&self, other: &Range) -> bool { self.start() < &other.end && &other.start <= self.end() } fn contains_inclusive(&self, other: &Range) -> bool { self.start() <= &other.start && &other.end <= self.end() } } /// A way to sort strings with starting numbers numerically first, falling back to alphanumeric one, /// case-insensitive. /// /// This is useful for turning regular alphanumerically sorted sequences as `1-abc, 10, 11-def, .., 2, 21-abc` /// into `1-abc, 2, 10, 11-def, .., 21-abc` #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] pub struct NumericPrefixWithSuffix<'a>(i32, &'a str); impl<'a> NumericPrefixWithSuffix<'a> { pub fn from_numeric_prefixed_str(str: &'a str) -> Option { let i = str.chars().take_while(|c| c.is_ascii_digit()).count(); let (prefix, remainder) = str.split_at(i); match prefix.parse::() { Ok(prefix) => Some(NumericPrefixWithSuffix(prefix, remainder)), Err(_) => None, } } } impl Ord for NumericPrefixWithSuffix<'_> { fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Ordering { let NumericPrefixWithSuffix(num_a, remainder_a) = self; let NumericPrefixWithSuffix(num_b, remainder_b) = other; num_a .cmp(num_b) .then_with(|| UniCase::new(remainder_a).cmp(&UniCase::new(remainder_b))) } } impl<'a> PartialOrd for NumericPrefixWithSuffix<'a> { fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option { Some(self.cmp(other)) } } fn emoji_regex() -> &'static Regex { static EMOJI_REGEX: OnceLock = OnceLock::new(); EMOJI_REGEX.get_or_init(|| Regex::new("(\\p{Emoji}|\u{200D})").unwrap()) } /// Returns true if the given string consists of emojis only. /// E.g. "👨‍👩‍👧‍👧👋" will return true, but "👋!" will return false. pub fn word_consists_of_emojis(s: &str) -> bool { let mut prev_end = 0; for capture in emoji_regex().find_iter(s) { if capture.start() != prev_end { return false; } prev_end = capture.end(); } prev_end == s.len() } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; #[test] fn test_extend_sorted() { let mut vec = vec![]; extend_sorted(&mut vec, vec![21, 17, 13, 8, 1, 0], 5, |a, b| b.cmp(a)); assert_eq!(vec, &[21, 17, 13, 8, 1]); extend_sorted(&mut vec, vec![101, 19, 17, 8, 2], 8, |a, b| b.cmp(a)); assert_eq!(vec, &[101, 21, 19, 17, 13, 8, 2, 1]); extend_sorted(&mut vec, vec![1000, 19, 17, 9, 5], 8, |a, b| b.cmp(a)); assert_eq!(vec, &[1000, 101, 21, 19, 17, 13, 9, 8]); } #[test] fn test_iife() { fn option_returning_function() -> Option<()> { None } let foo = maybe!({ option_returning_function()?; Some(()) }); assert_eq!(foo, None); } #[test] fn test_trancate_and_trailoff() { assert_eq!(truncate_and_trailoff("", 5), ""); assert_eq!(truncate_and_trailoff("èèèèèè", 7), "èèèèèè"); assert_eq!(truncate_and_trailoff("èèèèèè", 6), "èèèèèè"); assert_eq!(truncate_and_trailoff("èèèèèè", 5), "èèèèè…"); } #[test] fn test_numeric_prefix_str_method() { let target = "1a"; assert_eq!( NumericPrefixWithSuffix::from_numeric_prefixed_str(target), Some(NumericPrefixWithSuffix(1, "a")) ); let target = "12ab"; assert_eq!( NumericPrefixWithSuffix::from_numeric_prefixed_str(target), Some(NumericPrefixWithSuffix(12, "ab")) ); let target = "12_ab"; assert_eq!( NumericPrefixWithSuffix::from_numeric_prefixed_str(target), Some(NumericPrefixWithSuffix(12, "_ab")) ); let target = "1_2ab"; assert_eq!( NumericPrefixWithSuffix::from_numeric_prefixed_str(target), Some(NumericPrefixWithSuffix(1, "_2ab")) ); let target = "1.2"; assert_eq!( NumericPrefixWithSuffix::from_numeric_prefixed_str(target), Some(NumericPrefixWithSuffix(1, ".2")) ); let target = "1.2_a"; assert_eq!( NumericPrefixWithSuffix::from_numeric_prefixed_str(target), Some(NumericPrefixWithSuffix(1, ".2_a")) ); let target = "12.2_a"; assert_eq!( NumericPrefixWithSuffix::from_numeric_prefixed_str(target), Some(NumericPrefixWithSuffix(12, ".2_a")) ); let target = "12a.2_a"; assert_eq!( NumericPrefixWithSuffix::from_numeric_prefixed_str(target), Some(NumericPrefixWithSuffix(12, "a.2_a")) ); } #[test] fn test_numeric_prefix_with_suffix() { let mut sorted = vec!["1-abc", "10", "11def", "2", "21-abc"]; sorted.sort_by_key(|s| { NumericPrefixWithSuffix::from_numeric_prefixed_str(s).unwrap_or_else(|| { panic!("Cannot convert string `{s}` into NumericPrefixWithSuffix") }) }); assert_eq!(sorted, ["1-abc", "2", "10", "11def", "21-abc"]); for numeric_prefix_less in ["numeric_prefix_less", "aaa", "~™£"] { assert_eq!( NumericPrefixWithSuffix::from_numeric_prefixed_str(numeric_prefix_less), None, "String without numeric prefix `{numeric_prefix_less}` should not be converted into NumericPrefixWithSuffix" ) } } #[test] fn test_word_consists_of_emojis() { let words_to_test = vec![ ("👨‍👩‍👧‍👧👋🥒", true), ("👋", true), ("!👋", false), ("👋!", false), ("👋 ", false), (" 👋", false), ("Test", false), ]; for (text, expected_result) in words_to_test { assert_eq!(word_consists_of_emojis(text), expected_result); } } #[test] fn test_truncate_lines_and_trailoff() { let text = r#"Line 1 Line 2 Line 3"#; assert_eq!( truncate_lines_and_trailoff(text, 2), r#"Line 1 …"# ); assert_eq!( truncate_lines_and_trailoff(text, 3), r#"Line 1 Line 2 …"# ); assert_eq!( truncate_lines_and_trailoff(text, 4), r#"Line 1 Line 2 Line 3"# ); } }