use proc_macro::TokenStream; use proc_macro2::TokenStream as TokenStream2; use quote::{format_ident, quote}; use syn::{ parse::{Parse, ParseStream, Result}, parse_macro_input, }; struct StyleableMacroInput; impl Parse for StyleableMacroInput { fn parse(_input: ParseStream) -> Result { Ok(StyleableMacroInput) } } pub fn style_helpers(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream { let _ = parse_macro_input!(input as StyleableMacroInput); let methods = generate_methods(); let output = quote! { #(#methods)* }; output.into() } fn generate_methods() -> Vec { let mut methods = Vec::new(); for (prefix, auto_allowed, fields, prefix_doc_string) in box_prefixes() { methods.push(generate_custom_value_setter( prefix, if auto_allowed { quote! { Length } } else { quote! { DefiniteLength } }, &fields, prefix_doc_string, )); for (suffix, length_tokens, suffix_doc_string) in box_suffixes() { if suffix != "auto" || auto_allowed { methods.push(generate_predefined_setter( prefix, suffix, &fields, &length_tokens, false, &format!("{prefix_doc_string}\n\n{suffix_doc_string}"), )); } if suffix != "auto" { methods.push(generate_predefined_setter( prefix, suffix, &fields, &length_tokens, true, &format!("{prefix_doc_string}\n\n{suffix_doc_string}"), )); } } } for (prefix, fields, prefix_doc_string) in corner_prefixes() { methods.push(generate_custom_value_setter( prefix, quote! { AbsoluteLength }, &fields, prefix_doc_string, )); for (suffix, radius_tokens, suffix_doc_string) in corner_suffixes() { methods.push(generate_predefined_setter( prefix, suffix, &fields, &radius_tokens, false, &format!("{prefix_doc_string}\n\n{suffix_doc_string}"), )); } } for (prefix, fields, prefix_doc_string) in border_prefixes() { for (suffix, width_tokens, suffix_doc_string) in border_suffixes() { methods.push(generate_predefined_setter( prefix, suffix, &fields, &width_tokens, false, &format!("{prefix_doc_string}\n\n{suffix_doc_string}"), )); } } methods } fn generate_predefined_setter( name: &'static str, length: &'static str, fields: &Vec, length_tokens: &TokenStream2, negate: bool, doc_string: &str, ) -> TokenStream2 { let (negation_prefix, negation_token) = if negate { ("neg_", quote! { - }) } else { ("", quote! {}) }; let method_name = if length.is_empty() { format_ident!("{}{}", negation_prefix, name) } else { format_ident!("{}{}_{}", negation_prefix, name, length) }; let field_assignments = fields .iter() .map(|field_tokens| { quote! { style.#field_tokens = Some((#negation_token gpui::#length_tokens).into()); } }) .collect::>(); let method = quote! { #[doc = #doc_string] fn #method_name(mut self) -> Self { let style =; #(#field_assignments)* self } }; method } fn generate_custom_value_setter( prefix: &'static str, length_type: TokenStream2, fields: &Vec, doc_string: &str, ) -> TokenStream2 { let method_name = format_ident!("{}", prefix); let mut iter = fields.into_iter(); let last = iter.next_back().unwrap(); let field_assignments = iter .map(|field_tokens| { quote! { style.#field_tokens = Some(length.clone().into()); } }) .chain(std::iter::once(quote! { style.#last = Some(length.into()); })) .collect::>(); let method = quote! { #[doc = #doc_string] fn #method_name(mut self, length: impl std::clone::Clone + Into) -> Self { let style =; #(#field_assignments)* self } }; method } /// Returns a vec of (Property name, has 'auto' suffix, tokens for accessing the property, documentation) fn box_prefixes() -> Vec<(&'static str, bool, Vec, &'static str)> { vec![ ( "w", true, vec![quote! { size.width }], "Sets the width of the element. [Docs](", ), ("h", true, vec![quote! { size.height }], "Sets the height of the element. [Docs]("), ( "size", true, vec![quote! {size.width}, quote! {size.height}], "Sets the width and height of the element." ), // TODO: These don't use the same size ramp as the others // see ( "min_w", true, vec![quote! { min_size.width }], "Sets the minimum width of the element. [Docs](", ), // TODO: These don't use the same size ramp as the others // see ( "min_h", true, vec![quote! { min_size.height }], "Sets the minimum height of the element. [Docs](", ), // TODO: These don't use the same size ramp as the others // see ( "max_w", true, vec![quote! { max_size.width }], "Sets the maximum width of the element. [Docs](", ), // TODO: These don't use the same size ramp as the others // see ( "max_h", true, vec![quote! { max_size.height }], "Sets the maximum height of the element. [Docs](", ), ( "m", true, vec![ quote! { }, quote! { margin.bottom }, quote! { margin.left }, quote! { margin.right }, ], "Sets the margin of the element. [Docs](" ), ("mt", true, vec![quote! { }], "Sets the top margin of the element. [Docs]("), ( "mb", true, vec![quote! { margin.bottom }], "Sets the bottom margin of the element. [Docs](" ), ( "my", true, vec![quote! { }, quote! { margin.bottom }], "Sets the vertical margin of the element. [Docs](" ), ( "mx", true, vec![quote! { margin.left }, quote! { margin.right }], "Sets the horizontal margin of the element. [Docs](" ), ("ml", true, vec![quote! { margin.left }], "Sets the left margin of the element. [Docs]("), ( "mr", true, vec![quote! { margin.right }], "Sets the right margin of the element. [Docs](" ), ( "p", false, vec![ quote! { }, quote! { padding.bottom }, quote! { padding.left }, quote! { padding.right }, ], "Sets the padding of the element. [Docs](" ), ( "pt", false, vec![quote! { }], "Sets the top padding of the element. [Docs](" ), ( "pb", false, vec![quote! { padding.bottom }], "Sets the bottom padding of the element. [Docs](" ), ( "px", false, vec![quote! { padding.left }, quote! { padding.right }], "Sets the horizontal padding of the element. [Docs](" ), ( "py", false, vec![quote! { }, quote! { padding.bottom }], "Sets the vertical padding of the element. [Docs](" ), ( "pl", false, vec![quote! { padding.left }], "Sets the left padding of the element. [Docs](" ), ( "pr", false, vec![quote! { padding.right }], "Sets the right padding of the element. [Docs](" ), ( "inset", true, vec![quote! { }, quote! { inset.right }, quote! { inset.bottom }, quote! { inset.left }], "Sets the top, right, bottom, and left values of a positioned element. [Docs](", ), ( "top", true, vec![quote! { }], "Sets the top value of a positioned element. [Docs](", ), ( "bottom", true, vec![quote! { inset.bottom }], "Sets the bottom value of a positioned element. [Docs](", ), ( "left", true, vec![quote! { inset.left }], "Sets the left value of a positioned element. [Docs](", ), ( "right", true, vec![quote! { inset.right }], "Sets the right value of a positioned element. [Docs](", ), ( "gap", false, vec![quote! { gap.width }, quote! { gap.height }], "Sets the gap between rows and columns in flex layouts. [Docs](" ), ( "gap_x", false, vec![quote! { gap.width }], "Sets the gap between columns in flex layouts. [Docs](" ), ( "gap_y", false, vec![quote! { gap.height }], "Sets the gap between rows in flex layouts. [Docs](" ), ] } /// Returns a vec of (Suffix size, tokens that correspond to this size, documentation) fn box_suffixes() -> Vec<(&'static str, TokenStream2, &'static str)> { vec![ ("0", quote! { px(0.) }, "0px"), ("0p5", quote! { rems(0.125) }, "2px (0.125rem)"), ("1", quote! { rems(0.25) }, "4px (0.25rem)"), ("1p5", quote! { rems(0.375) }, "6px (0.375rem)"), ("2", quote! { rems(0.5) }, "8px (0.5rem)"), ("2p5", quote! { rems(0.625) }, "10px (0.625rem)"), ("3", quote! { rems(0.75) }, "12px (0.75rem)"), ("3p5", quote! { rems(0.875) }, "14px (0.875rem)"), ("4", quote! { rems(1.) }, "16px (1rem)"), ("5", quote! { rems(1.25) }, "20px (1.25rem)"), ("6", quote! { rems(1.5) }, "24px (1.5rem)"), ("7", quote! { rems(1.75) }, "28px (1.75rem)"), ("8", quote! { rems(2.0) }, "32px (2rem)"), ("9", quote! { rems(2.25) }, "36px (2.25rem)"), ("10", quote! { rems(2.5) }, "40px (2.5rem)"), ("11", quote! { rems(2.75) }, "44px (2.75rem)"), ("12", quote! { rems(3.) }, "48px (3rem)"), ("16", quote! { rems(4.) }, "64px (4rem)"), ("20", quote! { rems(5.) }, "80px (5rem)"), ("24", quote! { rems(6.) }, "96px (6rem)"), ("32", quote! { rems(8.) }, "128px (8rem)"), ("40", quote! { rems(10.) }, "160px (10rem)"), ("48", quote! { rems(12.) }, "192px (12rem)"), ("56", quote! { rems(14.) }, "224px (14rem)"), ("64", quote! { rems(16.) }, "256px (16rem)"), ("72", quote! { rems(18.) }, "288px (18rem)"), ("80", quote! { rems(20.) }, "320px (20rem)"), ("96", quote! { rems(24.) }, "384px (24rem)"), ("auto", quote! { auto() }, "Auto"), ("px", quote! { px(1.) }, "1px"), ("full", quote! { relative(1.) }, "100%"), ("1_2", quote! { relative(0.5) }, "50% (1/2)"), ("1_3", quote! { relative(1./3.) }, "33% (1/3)"), ("2_3", quote! { relative(2./3.) }, "66% (2/3)"), ("1_4", quote! { relative(0.25) }, "25% (1/4)"), ("2_4", quote! { relative(0.5) }, "50% (2/4)"), ("3_4", quote! { relative(0.75) }, "75% (3/4)"), ("1_5", quote! { relative(0.2) }, "20% (1/5)"), ("2_5", quote! { relative(0.4) }, "40% (2/5)"), ("3_5", quote! { relative(0.6) }, "60% (3/5)"), ("4_5", quote! { relative(0.8) }, "80% (4/5)"), ("1_6", quote! { relative(1./6.) }, "16% (1/6)"), ("5_6", quote! { relative(5./6.) }, "80% (5/6)"), ("1_12", quote! { relative(1./12.) }, "8% (1/12)"), ] } fn corner_prefixes() -> Vec<(&'static str, Vec, &'static str)> { vec![ ( "rounded", vec![ quote! { corner_radii.top_left }, quote! { corner_radii.top_right }, quote! { corner_radii.bottom_right }, quote! { corner_radii.bottom_left }, ], "Sets the border radius of the element. [Docs](" ), ( "rounded_t", vec![ quote! { corner_radii.top_left }, quote! { corner_radii.top_right }, ], "Sets the border radius of the top side of the element. [Docs](" ), ( "rounded_b", vec![ quote! { corner_radii.bottom_left }, quote! { corner_radii.bottom_right }, ], "Sets the border radius of the bottom side of the element. [Docs](" ), ( "rounded_r", vec![ quote! { corner_radii.top_right }, quote! { corner_radii.bottom_right }, ], "Sets the border radius of the right side of the element. [Docs](" ), ( "rounded_l", vec![ quote! { corner_radii.top_left }, quote! { corner_radii.bottom_left }, ], "Sets the border radius of the left side of the element. [Docs](" ), ( "rounded_tl", vec![quote! { corner_radii.top_left }], "Sets the border radius of the top left corner of the element. [Docs](" ), ( "rounded_tr", vec![quote! { corner_radii.top_right }], "Sets the border radius of the top right corner of the element. [Docs](" ), ( "rounded_bl", vec![quote! { corner_radii.bottom_left }], "Sets the border radius of the bottom left corner of the element. [Docs](" ), ( "rounded_br", vec![quote! { corner_radii.bottom_right }], "Sets the border radius of the bottom right corner of the element. [Docs](" ), ] } fn corner_suffixes() -> Vec<(&'static str, TokenStream2, &'static str)> { vec![ ("none", quote! { px(0.) }, "0px"), ("sm", quote! { rems(0.125) }, "2px (0.125rem)"), ("md", quote! { rems(0.25) }, "4px (0.25rem)"), ("lg", quote! { rems(0.5) }, "8px (0.5rem)"), ("xl", quote! { rems(0.75) }, "12px (0.75rem)"), ("2xl", quote! { rems(1.) }, "16px (1rem)"), ("3xl", quote! { rems(1.5) }, "24px (1.5rem)"), ("full", quote! { px(9999.) }, "9999px"), ] } fn border_prefixes() -> Vec<(&'static str, Vec, &'static str)> { vec![ ( "border", vec![ quote! { }, quote! { border_widths.right }, quote! { border_widths.bottom }, quote! { border_widths.left }, ], "Sets the border width of the element. [Docs](" ), ( "border_t", vec![quote! { }], "Sets the border width of the top side of the element. [Docs](" ), ( "border_b", vec![quote! { border_widths.bottom }], "Sets the border width of the bottom side of the element. [Docs](" ), ( "border_r", vec![quote! { border_widths.right }], "Sets the border width of the right side of the element. [Docs](" ), ( "border_l", vec![quote! { border_widths.left }], "Sets the border width of the left side of the element. [Docs](" ), ( "border_x", vec![ quote! { border_widths.left }, quote! { border_widths.right }, ], "Sets the border width of the vertical sides of the element. [Docs](" ), ( "border_y", vec![ quote! { }, quote! { border_widths.bottom }, ], "Sets the border width of the horizontal sides of the element. [Docs](" ), ] } fn border_suffixes() -> Vec<(&'static str, TokenStream2, &'static str)> { vec![ ("", quote! { px(1.)}, "1px"), ("0", quote! { px(0.)}, "0px"), ("1", quote! { px(1.) }, "1px"), ("2", quote! { px(2.) }, "2px"), ("3", quote! { px(3.) }, "3px"), ("4", quote! { px(4.) }, "4px"), ("5", quote! { px(5.) }, "5px"), ("6", quote! { px(6.) }, "6px"), ("7", quote! { px(7.) }, "7px"), ("8", quote! { px(8.) }, "8px"), ("9", quote! { px(9.) }, "9px"), ("10", quote! { px(10.) }, "10px"), ("11", quote! { px(11.) }, "11px"), ("12", quote! { px(12.) }, "12px"), ("16", quote! { px(16.) }, "16px"), ("20", quote! { px(20.) }, "20px"), ("24", quote! { px(24.) }, "24px"), ("32", quote! { px(32.) }, "32px"), ] }