use crate::streaming_diff::{Hunk, StreamingDiff}; use ai::completion::{CompletionProvider, CompletionRequest}; use anyhow::Result; use editor::{Anchor, MultiBuffer, MultiBufferSnapshot, ToOffset, ToPoint}; use futures::{channel::mpsc, SinkExt, Stream, StreamExt}; use gpui::{EventEmitter, Model, ModelContext, Task}; use language::{Rope, TransactionId}; use multi_buffer; use std::{cmp, future, ops::Range, sync::Arc}; pub enum Event { Finished, Undone, } #[derive(Clone)] pub enum CodegenKind { Transform { range: Range }, Generate { position: Anchor }, } pub struct Codegen { provider: Arc, buffer: Model, snapshot: MultiBufferSnapshot, kind: CodegenKind, last_equal_ranges: Vec>, transaction_id: Option, error: Option, generation: Task<()>, idle: bool, _subscription: gpui::Subscription, } impl EventEmitter for Codegen {} impl Codegen { pub fn new( buffer: Model, kind: CodegenKind, provider: Arc, cx: &mut ModelContext, ) -> Self { let snapshot =; Self { provider, buffer: buffer.clone(), snapshot, kind, last_equal_ranges: Default::default(), transaction_id: Default::default(), error: Default::default(), idle: true, generation: Task::ready(()), _subscription: cx.subscribe(&buffer, Self::handle_buffer_event), } } fn handle_buffer_event( &mut self, _buffer: Model, event: &multi_buffer::Event, cx: &mut ModelContext, ) { if let multi_buffer::Event::TransactionUndone { transaction_id } = event { if self.transaction_id == Some(*transaction_id) { self.transaction_id = None; self.generation = Task::ready(()); cx.emit(Event::Undone); } } } pub fn range(&self) -> Range { match &self.kind { CodegenKind::Transform { range } => range.clone(), CodegenKind::Generate { position } => position.bias_left(&self.snapshot)..*position, } } pub fn kind(&self) -> &CodegenKind { &self.kind } pub fn last_equal_ranges(&self) -> &[Range] { &self.last_equal_ranges } pub fn idle(&self) -> bool { self.idle } pub fn error(&self) -> Option<&anyhow::Error> { self.error.as_ref() } pub fn start(&mut self, prompt: Box, cx: &mut ModelContext) { let range = self.range(); let snapshot = self.snapshot.clone(); let selected_text = snapshot .text_for_range(range.start..range.end) .collect::(); let selection_start = range.start.to_point(&snapshot); let suggested_line_indent = snapshot .suggested_indents(selection_start.row..selection_start.row + 1, cx) .into_values() .next() .unwrap_or_else(|| snapshot.indent_size_for_line(selection_start.row)); let response = self.provider.complete(prompt); self.generation = cx.spawn_weak(|this, mut cx| { async move { let generate = async { let mut edit_start = range.start.to_offset(&snapshot); let (mut hunks_tx, mut hunks_rx) = mpsc::channel(1); let diff = cx.background().spawn(async move { let chunks = strip_invalid_spans_from_codeblock(response.await?); futures::pin_mut!(chunks); let mut diff = StreamingDiff::new(selected_text.to_string()); let mut new_text = String::new(); let mut base_indent = None; let mut line_indent = None; let mut first_line = true; while let Some(chunk) = { let chunk = chunk?; let mut lines = chunk.split('\n').peekable(); while let Some(line) = { new_text.push_str(line); if line_indent.is_none() { if let Some(non_whitespace_ch_ix) = new_text.find(|ch: char| !ch.is_whitespace()) { line_indent = Some(non_whitespace_ch_ix); base_indent = base_indent.or(line_indent); let line_indent = line_indent.unwrap(); let base_indent = base_indent.unwrap(); let indent_delta = line_indent as i32 - base_indent as i32; let mut corrected_indent_len = cmp::max( 0, suggested_line_indent.len as i32 + indent_delta, ) as usize; if first_line { corrected_indent_len = corrected_indent_len .saturating_sub(selection_start.column as usize); } let indent_char = suggested_line_indent.char(); let mut indent_buffer = [0; 4]; let indent_str = indent_char.encode_utf8(&mut indent_buffer); new_text.replace_range( ..line_indent, &indent_str.repeat(corrected_indent_len), ); } } if line_indent.is_some() { hunks_tx.send(diff.push_new(&new_text)).await?; new_text.clear(); } if lines.peek().is_some() { hunks_tx.send(diff.push_new("\n")).await?; line_indent = None; first_line = false; } } } hunks_tx.send(diff.push_new(&new_text)).await?; hunks_tx.send(diff.finish()).await?; anyhow::Ok(()) }); while let Some(hunks) = { let this = if let Some(this) = this.upgrade(&cx) { this } else { break; }; this.update(&mut cx, |this, cx| { this.last_equal_ranges.clear(); let transaction = this.buffer.update(cx, |buffer, cx| { // Avoid grouping assistant edits with user edits. buffer.finalize_last_transaction(cx); buffer.start_transaction(cx); buffer.edit( hunks.into_iter().filter_map(|hunk| match hunk { Hunk::Insert { text } => { let edit_start = snapshot.anchor_after(edit_start); Some((edit_start..edit_start, text)) } Hunk::Remove { len } => { let edit_end = edit_start + len; let edit_range = snapshot.anchor_after(edit_start) ..snapshot.anchor_before(edit_end); edit_start = edit_end; Some((edit_range, String::new())) } Hunk::Keep { len } => { let edit_end = edit_start + len; let edit_range = snapshot.anchor_after(edit_start) ..snapshot.anchor_before(edit_end); edit_start = edit_end; this.last_equal_ranges.push(edit_range); None } }), None, cx, ); buffer.end_transaction(cx) }); if let Some(transaction) = transaction { if let Some(first_transaction) = this.transaction_id { // Group all assistant edits into the first transaction. this.buffer.update(cx, |buffer, cx| { buffer.merge_transactions( transaction, first_transaction, cx, ) }); } else { this.transaction_id = Some(transaction); this.buffer.update(cx, |buffer, cx| { buffer.finalize_last_transaction(cx) }); } } cx.notify(); }); } diff.await?; anyhow::Ok(()) }; let result = generate.await; if let Some(this) = this.upgrade(&cx) { this.update(&mut cx, |this, cx| { this.last_equal_ranges.clear(); this.idle = true; if let Err(error) = result { this.error = Some(error); } cx.emit(Event::Finished); cx.notify(); }); } } }); self.error.take(); self.idle = false; cx.notify(); } pub fn undo(&mut self, cx: &mut ModelContext) { if let Some(transaction_id) = self.transaction_id { self.buffer .update(cx, |buffer, cx| buffer.undo_transaction(transaction_id, cx)); } } } fn strip_invalid_spans_from_codeblock( stream: impl Stream>, ) -> impl Stream> { let mut first_line = true; let mut buffer = String::new(); let mut starts_with_markdown_codeblock = false; let mut includes_start_or_end_span = false; stream.filter_map(move |chunk| { let chunk = match chunk { Ok(chunk) => chunk, Err(err) => return future::ready(Some(Err(err))), }; buffer.push_str(&chunk); if buffer.len() > "<|S|".len() && buffer.starts_with("<|S|") { includes_start_or_end_span = true; buffer = buffer .strip_prefix("<|S|>") .or_else(|| buffer.strip_prefix("<|S|")) .unwrap_or(&buffer) .to_string(); } else if buffer.ends_with("|E|>") { includes_start_or_end_span = true; } else if buffer.starts_with("<|") || buffer.starts_with("<|S") || buffer.starts_with("<|S|") || buffer.ends_with("|") || buffer.ends_with("|E") || buffer.ends_with("|E|") { return future::ready(None); } if first_line { if buffer == "" || buffer == "`" || buffer == "``" { return future::ready(None); } else if buffer.starts_with("```") { starts_with_markdown_codeblock = true; if let Some(newline_ix) = buffer.find('\n') { buffer.replace_range(..newline_ix + 1, ""); first_line = false; } else { return future::ready(None); } } } let mut text = buffer.to_string(); if starts_with_markdown_codeblock { text = text .strip_suffix("\n```\n") .or_else(|| text.strip_suffix("\n```")) .or_else(|| text.strip_suffix("\n``")) .or_else(|| text.strip_suffix("\n`")) .or_else(|| text.strip_suffix('\n')) .unwrap_or(&text) .to_string(); } if includes_start_or_end_span { text = text .strip_suffix("|E|>") .or_else(|| text.strip_suffix("E|>")) .or_else(|| text.strip_prefix("|>")) .or_else(|| text.strip_prefix(">")) .unwrap_or(&text) .to_string(); }; if text.contains('\n') { first_line = false; } let remainder = buffer.split_off(text.len()); let result = if buffer.is_empty() { None } else { Some(Ok(buffer.clone())) }; buffer = remainder; future::ready(result) }) } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use std::sync::Arc; use super::*; use ai::test::FakeCompletionProvider; use futures::stream::{self}; use gpui::TestAppContext; use indoc::indoc; use language::{language_settings, tree_sitter_rust, Buffer, Language, LanguageConfig, Point}; use rand::prelude::*; use serde::Serialize; use settings::SettingsStore; #[derive(Serialize)] pub struct DummyCompletionRequest { pub name: String, } impl CompletionRequest for DummyCompletionRequest { fn data(&self) -> serde_json::Result { serde_json::to_string(self) } } #[gpui::test(iterations = 10)] async fn test_transform_autoindent(cx: &mut TestAppContext, mut rng: StdRng) { cx.set_global(; cx.update(language_settings::init); let text = indoc! {" fn main() { let x = 0; for _ in 0..10 { x += 1; } } "}; let buffer = cx.add_model(|cx| Buffer::new(0, 0, text).with_language(Arc::new(rust_lang()), cx)); let buffer = cx.add_model(|cx| MultiBuffer::singleton(buffer, cx)); let range = buffer.read_with(cx, |buffer, cx| { let snapshot = buffer.snapshot(cx); snapshot.anchor_before(Point::new(1, 0))..snapshot.anchor_after(Point::new(4, 5)) }); let provider = Arc::new(FakeCompletionProvider::new()); let codegen = cx.add_model(|cx| { Codegen::new( buffer.clone(), CodegenKind::Transform { range }, provider.clone(), cx, ) }); let request = Box::new(DummyCompletionRequest { name: "test".to_string(), }); codegen.update(cx, |codegen, cx| codegen.start(request, cx)); let mut new_text = concat!( " let mut x = 0;\n", " while x < 10 {\n", " x += 1;\n", " }", ); while !new_text.is_empty() { let max_len = cmp::min(new_text.len(), 10); let len = rng.gen_range(1..=max_len); let (chunk, suffix) = new_text.split_at(len); println!("CHUNK: {:?}", &chunk); provider.send_completion(chunk); new_text = suffix; cx.background_executor.run_until_parked(); } provider.finish_completion(); cx.background_executor.run_until_parked(); assert_eq!( buffer.read_with(cx, |buffer, cx| buffer.snapshot(cx).text()), indoc! {" fn main() { let mut x = 0; while x < 10 { x += 1; } } "} ); } #[gpui::test(iterations = 10)] async fn test_autoindent_when_generating_past_indentation( cx: &mut TestAppContext, mut rng: StdRng, ) { cx.set_global(; cx.update(language_settings::init); let text = indoc! {" fn main() { le } "}; let buffer = cx.add_model(|cx| Buffer::new(0, 0, text).with_language(Arc::new(rust_lang()), cx)); let buffer = cx.add_model(|cx| MultiBuffer::singleton(buffer, cx)); let position = buffer.read_with(cx, |buffer, cx| { let snapshot = buffer.snapshot(cx); snapshot.anchor_before(Point::new(1, 6)) }); let provider = Arc::new(FakeCompletionProvider::new()); let codegen = cx.add_model(|cx| { Codegen::new( buffer.clone(), CodegenKind::Generate { position }, provider.clone(), cx, ) }); let request = Box::new(DummyCompletionRequest { name: "test".to_string(), }); codegen.update(cx, |codegen, cx| codegen.start(request, cx)); let mut new_text = concat!( "t mut x = 0;\n", "while x < 10 {\n", " x += 1;\n", "}", // ); while !new_text.is_empty() { let max_len = cmp::min(new_text.len(), 10); let len = rng.gen_range(1..=max_len); let (chunk, suffix) = new_text.split_at(len); provider.send_completion(chunk); new_text = suffix; cx.background_executor.run_until_parked(); } provider.finish_completion(); cx.background_executor.run_until_parked(); assert_eq!( buffer.read_with(cx, |buffer, cx| buffer.snapshot(cx).text()), indoc! {" fn main() { let mut x = 0; while x < 10 { x += 1; } } "} ); } #[gpui::test(iterations = 10)] async fn test_autoindent_when_generating_before_indentation( cx: &mut TestAppContext, mut rng: StdRng, ) { cx.set_global(; cx.update(language_settings::init); let text = concat!( "fn main() {\n", " \n", "}\n" // ); let buffer = cx.add_model(|cx| Buffer::new(0, 0, text).with_language(Arc::new(rust_lang()), cx)); let buffer = cx.add_model(|cx| MultiBuffer::singleton(buffer, cx)); let position = buffer.read_with(cx, |buffer, cx| { let snapshot = buffer.snapshot(cx); snapshot.anchor_before(Point::new(1, 2)) }); let provider = Arc::new(FakeCompletionProvider::new()); let codegen = cx.add_model(|cx| { Codegen::new( buffer.clone(), CodegenKind::Generate { position }, provider.clone(), cx, ) }); let request = Box::new(DummyCompletionRequest { name: "test".to_string(), }); codegen.update(cx, |codegen, cx| codegen.start(request, cx)); let mut new_text = concat!( "let mut x = 0;\n", "while x < 10 {\n", " x += 1;\n", "}", // ); while !new_text.is_empty() { let max_len = cmp::min(new_text.len(), 10); let len = rng.gen_range(1..=max_len); let (chunk, suffix) = new_text.split_at(len); println!("{:?}", &chunk); provider.send_completion(chunk); new_text = suffix; cx.background_executor.run_until_parked(); } provider.finish_completion(); cx.background_executor.run_until_parked(); assert_eq!( buffer.read_with(cx, |buffer, cx| buffer.snapshot(cx).text()), indoc! {" fn main() { let mut x = 0; while x < 10 { x += 1; } } "} ); } #[gpui::test] async fn test_strip_invalid_spans_from_codeblock() { assert_eq!( strip_invalid_spans_from_codeblock(chunks("Lorem ipsum dolor", 2)) .map(|chunk| chunk.unwrap()) .collect::() .await, "Lorem ipsum dolor" ); assert_eq!( strip_invalid_spans_from_codeblock(chunks("```\nLorem ipsum dolor", 2)) .map(|chunk| chunk.unwrap()) .collect::() .await, "Lorem ipsum dolor" ); assert_eq!( strip_invalid_spans_from_codeblock(chunks("```\nLorem ipsum dolor\n```", 2)) .map(|chunk| chunk.unwrap()) .collect::() .await, "Lorem ipsum dolor" ); assert_eq!( strip_invalid_spans_from_codeblock(chunks("```\nLorem ipsum dolor\n```\n", 2)) .map(|chunk| chunk.unwrap()) .collect::() .await, "Lorem ipsum dolor" ); assert_eq!( strip_invalid_spans_from_codeblock(chunks( "```html\n```js\nLorem ipsum dolor\n```\n```", 2 )) .map(|chunk| chunk.unwrap()) .collect::() .await, "```js\nLorem ipsum dolor\n```" ); assert_eq!( strip_invalid_spans_from_codeblock(chunks("``\nLorem ipsum dolor\n```", 2)) .map(|chunk| chunk.unwrap()) .collect::() .await, "``\nLorem ipsum dolor\n```" ); assert_eq!( strip_invalid_spans_from_codeblock(chunks("<|S|Lorem ipsum|E|>", 2)) .map(|chunk| chunk.unwrap()) .collect::() .await, "Lorem ipsum" ); assert_eq!( strip_invalid_spans_from_codeblock(chunks("<|S|>Lorem ipsum", 2)) .map(|chunk| chunk.unwrap()) .collect::() .await, "Lorem ipsum" ); assert_eq!( strip_invalid_spans_from_codeblock(chunks("```\n<|S|>Lorem ipsum\n```", 2)) .map(|chunk| chunk.unwrap()) .collect::() .await, "Lorem ipsum" ); assert_eq!( strip_invalid_spans_from_codeblock(chunks("```\n<|S|Lorem ipsum|E|>\n```", 2)) .map(|chunk| chunk.unwrap()) .collect::() .await, "Lorem ipsum" ); fn chunks(text: &str, size: usize) -> impl Stream> { stream::iter( text.chars() .collect::>() .chunks(size) .map(|chunk| Ok(chunk.iter().collect::())) .collect::>(), ) } } fn rust_lang() -> Language { Language::new( LanguageConfig { name: "Rust".into(), path_suffixes: vec!["rs".to_string()], ..Default::default() }, Some(tree_sitter_rust::language()), ) .with_indents_query( r#" (call_expression) @indent (field_expression) @indent (_ "(" ")" @end) @indent (_ "{" "}" @end) @indent "#, ) .unwrap() } }