# Zed Server This crate is what we run at https://collab.zed.dev. It contains our back-end logic for collaboration, to which we connect from the Zed client via a websocket after authenticating via https://zed.dev, which is a separate repo running on Vercel. # Local Development ## Database setup Before you can run the collab server locally, you'll need to set up a zed Postgres database. ```sh script/bootstrap ``` This script will set up the `zed` Postgres database, and populate it with some users. It requires internet access, because it fetches some users from the GitHub API. The script will create several _admin_ users, who you'll sign in as by default when developing locally. The GitHub logins for the default users are specified in the `seed.default.json` file. To use a different set of admin users, create `crates/collab/seed.json`. ```json { "admins": ["yourgithubhere"], "channels": ["zed"] } ``` ## Testing collaborative features locally In one terminal, run Zed's collaboration server and the livekit dev server: ```sh foreman start ``` In a second terminal, run two or more instances of Zed. ```sh script/zed-local -2 ``` This script starts one to four instances of Zed, depending on the `-2`, `-3` or `-4` flags. Each instance will be connected to the local `collab` server, signed in as a different user from `seed.json` or `seed.default.json`. # Deployment We run two instances of collab: - Staging (https://staging-collab.zed.dev) - Production (https://collab.zed.dev) Both of these run on the Kubernetes cluster hosted in Digital Ocean. Deployment is triggered by pushing to the `collab-staging` (or `collab-production`) tag in Github. The best way to do this is: - `./script/deploy-collab staging` - `./script/deploy-collab production` You can tell what is currently deployed with `./script/what-is-deployed`. # Database Migrations To create a new migration: ```sh ./script/create-migration ``` Migrations are run automatically on service start, so run `foreman start` again. The service will crash if the migrations fail. When you create a new migration, you also need to update the [SQLite schema](./migrations.sqlite/20221109000000_test_schema.sql) that is used for testing.