#!/usr/bin/env bash set -euxo pipefail # Function for displaying help info help_info() { echo " Usage: ${0##*/} [options] Build a release .tar.gz for Linux. Options: -h Display this help and exit. " } while getopts 'h' flag do case "${flag}" in h) help_info exit 0 ;; esac done export ZED_BUNDLE=true channel=$(/dev/null 2>&1; then rustup_installed=true fi # Generate the licenses first, so they can be baked into the binaries script/generate-licenses if "$rustup_installed"; then rustup target add "$remote_server_triple" fi # Build binary in release mode export RUSTFLAGS="${RUSTFLAGS:-} -C link-args=-Wl,--disable-new-dtags,-rpath,\$ORIGIN/../lib" cargo build --release --target "${target_triple}" --package zed --package cli # Build remote_server in separate invocation to prevent feature unification from other crates # from influencing dynamic libraries required by it. if [[ "$remote_server_triple" == "$musl_triple" ]]; then export RUSTFLAGS="${RUSTFLAGS:-} -C target-feature=+crt-static" fi cargo build --release --target "${remote_server_triple}" --package remote_server # Strip the binary of all debug symbols # Later, we probably want to do something like this: https://github.com/GabrielMajeri/separate-symbols strip --strip-debug "${target_dir}/${target_triple}/release/zed" strip --strip-debug "${target_dir}/${target_triple}/release/cli" strip --strip-debug "${target_dir}/${remote_server_triple}/release/remote_server" # Ensure that remote_server does not depend on libssl nor libcrypto, as we got rid of these deps. ! ldd "${target_dir}/${remote_server_triple}/release/remote_server" | grep -q 'libcrypto\|libssl' suffix="" if [ "$channel" != "stable" ]; then suffix="-$channel" fi # Move everything that should end up in the final package # into a temp directory. temp_dir=$(mktemp -d) zed_dir="${temp_dir}/zed$suffix.app" # Binary mkdir -p "${zed_dir}/bin" "${zed_dir}/libexec" cp "${target_dir}/${target_triple}/release/zed" "${zed_dir}/libexec/zed-editor" cp "${target_dir}/${target_triple}/release/cli" "${zed_dir}/bin/zed" # Libs find_libs() { ldd ${target_dir}/${target_triple}/release/zed |\ cut -d' ' -f3 |\ grep -v '\<\(libstdc++.so\|libc.so\|libgcc_s.so\|libm.so\|libpthread.so\|libdl.so\)' } mkdir -p "${zed_dir}/lib" rm -rf "${zed_dir}/lib/*" cp $(find_libs) "${zed_dir}/lib" # Icons mkdir -p "${zed_dir}/share/icons/hicolor/512x512/apps" cp "crates/zed/resources/app-icon$suffix.png" "${zed_dir}/share/icons/hicolor/512x512/apps/zed.png" mkdir -p "${zed_dir}/share/icons/hicolor/1024x1024/apps" cp "crates/zed/resources/app-icon$suffix@2x.png" "${zed_dir}/share/icons/hicolor/1024x1024/apps/zed.png" # .desktop export DO_STARTUP_NOTIFY="true" export APP_CLI="zed" export APP_ICON="zed" export APP_ARGS="%U" if [[ "$channel" == "preview" ]]; then export APP_NAME="Zed Preview" elif [[ "$channel" == "nightly" ]]; then export APP_NAME="Zed Nightly" elif [[ "$channel" == "dev" ]]; then export APP_NAME="Zed Devel" else export APP_NAME="Zed" fi mkdir -p "${zed_dir}/share/applications" envsubst < "crates/zed/resources/zed.desktop.in" > "${zed_dir}/share/applications/zed$suffix.desktop" # Copy generated licenses so they'll end up in archive too cp "assets/licenses.md" "${zed_dir}/licenses.md" # Create archive out of everything that's in the temp directory arch=$(uname -m) target="linux-${arch}" if [[ "$channel" == "dev" ]]; then archive="zed-${commit}-${target}.tar.gz" else archive="zed-${target}.tar.gz" fi rm -rf "${archive}" remove_match="zed(-[a-zA-Z0-9]+)?-linux-$(uname -m)\.tar\.gz" ls "${target_dir}/release" | grep -E ${remove_match} | xargs -d "\n" -I {} rm -f "${target_dir}/release/{}" || true tar -czvf "${target_dir}/release/$archive" -C ${temp_dir} "zed$suffix.app" gzip --stdout --best "${target_dir}/${remote_server_triple}/release/remote_server" > "${target_dir}/zed-remote-server-linux-${arch}.gz"