use ai::embedding::OpenAIEmbeddings; use anyhow::{anyhow, Result}; use client::{self, UserStore}; use gpui::{AsyncAppContext, ModelHandle, Task}; use language::LanguageRegistry; use node_runtime::RealNodeRuntime; use project::{Project, RealFs}; use semantic_index::semantic_index_settings::SemanticIndexSettings; use semantic_index::{SearchResult, SemanticIndex}; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use settings::{default_settings, SettingsStore}; use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; use std::process::Command; use std::sync::Arc; use std::time::{Duration, Instant}; use std::{cmp, env, fs}; use util::channel::{RELEASE_CHANNEL, RELEASE_CHANNEL_NAME}; use util::http::{self}; use util::paths::EMBEDDINGS_DIR; use zed::languages; #[derive(Deserialize, Clone, Serialize)] struct EvaluationQuery { query: String, matches: Vec, } impl EvaluationQuery { fn match_pairs(&self) -> Vec<(PathBuf, u32)> { let mut pairs = Vec::new(); for match_identifier in self.matches.iter() { let mut match_parts = match_identifier.split(":"); if let Some(file_path) = { if let Some(row_number) = { pairs.push((PathBuf::from(file_path), row_number.parse::().unwrap())); } } } pairs } } #[derive(Deserialize, Clone)] struct RepoEval { repo: String, commit: String, assertions: Vec, } const TMP_REPO_PATH: &str = "eval_repos"; fn parse_eval() -> anyhow::Result> { let eval_folder = env::current_dir()? .as_path() .parent() .unwrap() .join("crates/semantic_index/eval"); let mut repo_evals: Vec = Vec::new(); for entry in fs::read_dir(eval_folder)? { let file_path = entry.unwrap().path(); if let Some(extension) = file_path.extension() { if extension == "json" { if let Ok(file) = fs::read_to_string(file_path) { let repo_eval = serde_json::from_str(file.as_str()); match repo_eval { Ok(repo_eval) => { repo_evals.push(repo_eval); } Err(err) => { println!("Err: {:?}", err); } } } } } } Ok(repo_evals) } fn clone_repo(repo_eval: RepoEval) -> anyhow::Result<(String, PathBuf)> { let repo_name = Path::new(repo_eval.repo.as_str()) .file_name() .unwrap() .to_str() .unwrap() .to_owned() .replace(".git", ""); let clone_path = fs::canonicalize(env::current_dir()?)? .parent() .ok_or(anyhow!("path canonicalization failed"))? .parent() .unwrap() .join(TMP_REPO_PATH); // Delete Clone Path if already exists let _ = fs::remove_dir_all(&clone_path); let _ = fs::create_dir(&clone_path); let _ = Command::new("git") .args(["clone", repo_eval.repo.as_str()]) .current_dir(clone_path.clone()) .output()?; // Update clone path to be new directory housing the repo. let clone_path = clone_path.join(repo_name.clone()); let _ = Command::new("git") .args(["checkout", repo_eval.commit.as_str()]) .current_dir(clone_path.clone()) .output()?; Ok((repo_name, clone_path)) } fn dcg(hits: Vec) -> f32 { let mut result = 0.0; for (idx, hit) in hits.iter().enumerate() { result += *hit as f32 / (2.0 + idx as f32).log2(); } result } fn get_hits( eval_query: EvaluationQuery, search_results: Vec, k: usize, cx: &AsyncAppContext, ) -> (Vec, Vec) { let ideal = vec![1; cmp::min(eval_query.matches.len(), k)]; let mut hits = Vec::new(); for result in search_results { let (path, start_row, end_row) = result.buffer.read_with(cx, |buffer, _cx| { let path = buffer.file().unwrap().path().to_path_buf(); let start_row = buffer.offset_to_point(result.range.start.offset).row; let end_row = buffer.offset_to_point(result.range.end.offset).row; (path, start_row, end_row) }); let match_pairs = eval_query.match_pairs(); let mut found = 0; for (match_path, match_row) in match_pairs { if match_path == path { if match_row >= start_row && match_row <= end_row { found = 1; break; } } } hits.push(found); } // For now, we are calculating ideal_hits a bit different, as technically // with overlapping ranges, one match can result in more than result. let mut ideal_hits = hits.clone(); ideal_hits.retain(|x| x == &1); let ideal = if ideal.len() > ideal_hits.len() { ideal } else { ideal_hits }; // Fill ideal to 10 length let mut filled_ideal = [0; 10]; for (idx, i) in ideal.to_vec().into_iter().enumerate() { filled_ideal[idx] = i; } (filled_ideal.to_vec(), hits) } fn evaluate_ndcg(hits: Vec, ideal: Vec) -> Vec { // NDCG or Normalized Discounted Cumulative Gain, is determined by comparing the relevance of // items returned by the search engine relative to the hypothetical ideal. // Relevance is represented as a series of booleans, in which each search result returned // is identified as being inside the test set of matches (1) or not (0). // For example, if result 1, 3 and 5 match the 3 relevant results provided // actual dcg is calculated against a vector of [1, 0, 1, 0, 1] // whereas ideal dcg is calculated against a vector of [1, 1, 1, 0, 0] // as this ideal vector assumes the 3 relevant results provided were returned first // normalized dcg is then calculated as actual dcg / ideal dcg. // NDCG ranges from 0 to 1, which higher values indicating better performance // Commonly NDCG is expressed as NDCG@k, in which k represents the metric calculated // including only the top k values returned. // The @k metrics can help you identify, at what point does the relevant results start to fall off. // Ie. a NDCG@1 of 0.9 and a NDCG@3 of 0.5 may indicate that the first result returned in usually // very high quality, whereas rank results quickly drop off after the first result. let mut ndcg = Vec::new(); for idx in 1..(hits.len() + 1) { let hits_at_k = hits[0..idx].to_vec(); let ideal_at_k = ideal[0..idx].to_vec(); let at_k = dcg(hits_at_k.clone()) / dcg(ideal_at_k.clone()); ndcg.push(at_k); } ndcg } fn evaluate_map(hits: Vec) -> Vec { let mut map_at_k = Vec::new(); let non_zero = hits.iter().sum::() as f32; if non_zero == 0.0 { return vec![0.0; hits.len()]; } let mut rolling_non_zero = 0.0; let mut rolling_map = 0.0; for (idx, h) in hits.into_iter().enumerate() { rolling_non_zero += h as f32; if h == 1 { rolling_map += rolling_non_zero / (idx + 1) as f32; } map_at_k.push(rolling_map / non_zero); } map_at_k } fn evaluate_mrr(hits: Vec) -> f32 { for (idx, h) in hits.into_iter().enumerate() { if h == 1 { return 1.0 / (idx + 1) as f32; } } return 0.0; } fn init_logger() { env_logger::init(); } #[derive(Serialize)] struct QueryMetrics { query: EvaluationQuery, millis_to_search: Duration, ndcg: Vec, map: Vec, mrr: f32, hits: Vec, precision: Vec, recall: Vec, } #[derive(Serialize)] struct SummaryMetrics { millis_to_search: f32, ndcg: Vec, map: Vec, mrr: f32, precision: Vec, recall: Vec, } #[derive(Serialize)] struct RepoEvaluationMetrics { millis_to_index: Duration, query_metrics: Vec, repo_metrics: Option, } impl RepoEvaluationMetrics { fn new(millis_to_index: Duration) -> Self { RepoEvaluationMetrics { millis_to_index, query_metrics: Vec::new(), repo_metrics: None, } } fn save(&self, repo_name: String) -> Result<()> { let results_string = serde_json::to_string(&self)?; fs::write(format!("./{}_evaluation.json", repo_name), results_string) .expect("Unable to write file"); Ok(()) } fn summarize(&mut self) { let l = self.query_metrics.len() as f32; let millis_to_search: f32 = self .query_metrics .iter() .map(|metrics| metrics.millis_to_search.as_millis()) .sum::() as f32 / l; let mut ndcg_sum = vec![0.0; 10]; let mut map_sum = vec![0.0; 10]; let mut precision_sum = vec![0.0; 10]; let mut recall_sum = vec![0.0; 10]; let mut mmr_sum = 0.0; for query_metric in self.query_metrics.iter() { for (ndcg, query_ndcg) in ndcg_sum.iter_mut().zip(query_metric.ndcg.clone()) { *ndcg += query_ndcg; } for (mapp, query_map) in map_sum.iter_mut().zip( { *mapp += query_map; } for (pre, query_pre) in precision_sum.iter_mut().zip(query_metric.precision.clone()) { *pre += query_pre; } for (rec, query_rec) in recall_sum.iter_mut().zip(query_metric.recall.clone()) { *rec += query_rec; } mmr_sum += query_metric.mrr; } let ndcg = ndcg_sum.iter().map(|val| val / l).collect::>(); let map = map_sum.iter().map(|val| val / l).collect::>(); let precision = precision_sum .iter() .map(|val| val / l) .collect::>(); let recall = recall_sum.iter().map(|val| val / l).collect::>(); let mrr = mmr_sum / l; self.repo_metrics = Some(SummaryMetrics { millis_to_search, ndcg, map, mrr, precision, recall, }) } } fn evaluate_precision(hits: Vec) -> Vec { let mut rolling_hit: f32 = 0.0; let mut precision = Vec::new(); for (idx, hit) in hits.into_iter().enumerate() { rolling_hit += hit as f32; precision.push(rolling_hit / ((idx as f32) + 1.0)); } precision } fn evaluate_recall(hits: Vec, ideal: Vec) -> Vec { let total_relevant = ideal.iter().sum::() as f32; let mut recall = Vec::new(); let mut rolling_hit: f32 = 0.0; for hit in hits { rolling_hit += hit as f32; recall.push(rolling_hit / total_relevant); } recall } async fn evaluate_repo( repo_name: String, index: ModelHandle, project: ModelHandle, query_matches: Vec, cx: &mut AsyncAppContext, ) -> Result { // Index Project let index_t0 = Instant::now(); index .update(cx, |index, cx| index.index_project(project.clone(), cx)) .await?; let mut repo_metrics = RepoEvaluationMetrics::new(index_t0.elapsed()); for query in query_matches { // Query each match in order let search_t0 = Instant::now(); let search_results = index .update(cx, |index, cx| { index.search_project(project.clone(), query.clone().query, 10, vec![], vec![], cx) }) .await?; let millis_to_search = search_t0.elapsed(); // Get Hits/Ideal let k = 10; let (ideal, hits) = self::get_hits(query.clone(), search_results, k, cx); // Evaluate ndcg@k, for k = 1, 3, 5, 10 let ndcg = evaluate_ndcg(hits.clone(), ideal.clone()); // Evaluate map@k, for k = 1, 3, 5, 10 let map = evaluate_map(hits.clone()); // Evaluate mrr let mrr = evaluate_mrr(hits.clone()); // Evaluate precision let precision = evaluate_precision(hits.clone()); // Evaluate Recall let recall = evaluate_recall(hits.clone(), ideal); let query_metrics = QueryMetrics { query, millis_to_search, ndcg, map, mrr, hits, precision, recall, }; repo_metrics.query_metrics.push(query_metrics); } repo_metrics.summarize(); let _ =; anyhow::Ok(repo_metrics) } fn main() { // Launch new repo as a new Zed workspace/project let app = gpui::App::new(()).unwrap(); let fs = Arc::new(RealFs); let http = http::client(); let http_client = http::client(); init_logger(); |cx| { cx.set_global(*RELEASE_CHANNEL); let client = client::Client::new(http.clone(), cx); let user_store = cx.add_model(|cx| UserStore::new(client.clone(), http_client.clone(), cx)); // Initialize Settings let mut store = SettingsStore::default(); store .set_default_settings(default_settings().as_ref(), cx) .unwrap(); cx.set_global(store); // Initialize Languages let login_shell_env_loaded = Task::ready(()); let mut languages = LanguageRegistry::new(login_shell_env_loaded); languages.set_executor(cx.background().clone()); let languages = Arc::new(languages); let node_runtime = RealNodeRuntime::new(http.clone()); languages::init(languages.clone(), node_runtime.clone(), cx); language::init(cx); project::Project::init(&client, cx); semantic_index::init(fs.clone(), http.clone(), languages.clone(), cx); settings::register::(cx); let db_file_path = EMBEDDINGS_DIR .join(Path::new(RELEASE_CHANNEL_NAME.as_str())) .join("embeddings_db"); let languages = languages.clone(); let fs = fs.clone(); cx.spawn(|mut cx| async move { let semantic_index = SemanticIndex::new( fs.clone(), db_file_path, Arc::new(OpenAIEmbeddings::new(http_client, cx.background())), languages.clone(), cx.clone(), ) .await?; if let Ok(repo_evals) = parse_eval() { for repo in repo_evals { let cloned = clone_repo(repo.clone()); match cloned { Ok((repo_name, clone_path)) => { println!( "Cloned {:?} @ {:?} into {:?}", repo.repo, repo.commit, &clone_path ); // Create Project let project = cx.update(|cx| { Project::local( client.clone(), node_runtime::FakeNodeRuntime::new(), user_store.clone(), languages.clone(), fs.clone(), cx, ) }); // Register Worktree let _ = project .update(&mut cx, |project, cx| { project.find_or_create_local_worktree(clone_path, true, cx) }) .await; let _ = evaluate_repo( repo_name, semantic_index.clone(), project, repo.assertions, &mut cx, ) .await?; } Err(err) => { println!("Error cloning: {:?}", err); } } } } anyhow::Ok(()) }) .detach(); }); }