#!/usr/bin/env bash # Squawk is a linter for database migrations. It helps identify dangerous patterns, and suggests alternatives. # Squawk flagging an error does not mean that you need to take a different approach, but it does indicate you need to think about what you're doing. # See also: https://squawkhq.com set -e if [ -z "$GITHUB_BASE_REF" ]; then echo 'Not a pull request, skipping squawk modified migrations linting' exit fi SQUAWK_VERSION=0.26.0 SQUAWK_BIN="./target/squawk-$SQUAWK_VERSION" SQUAWK_ARGS="--assume-in-transaction --config script/lib/squawk.toml" if [ ! -f "$SQUAWK_BIN" ]; then pkgutil --pkg-info com.apple.pkg.RosettaUpdateAuto || /usr/sbin/softwareupdate --install-rosetta --agree-to-license curl -L -o "$SQUAWK_BIN" "https://github.com/sbdchd/squawk/releases/download/v$SQUAWK_VERSION/squawk-darwin-x86_64" chmod +x "$SQUAWK_BIN" fi if [ -n "$SQUAWK_GITHUB_TOKEN" ]; then export SQUAWK_GITHUB_REPO_OWNER=$(echo $GITHUB_REPOSITORY | awk -F/ '{print $1}') export SQUAWK_GITHUB_REPO_NAME=$(echo $GITHUB_REPOSITORY | awk -F/ '{print $2}') export SQUAWK_GITHUB_PR_NUMBER=$(echo $GITHUB_REF | awk 'BEGIN { FS = "/" } ; { print $3 }') $SQUAWK_BIN $SQUAWK_ARGS upload-to-github $(git diff --name-only origin/$GITHUB_BASE_REF...origin/$GITHUB_HEAD_REF 'crates/collab/migrations/*.sql') else $SQUAWK_BIN $SQUAWK_ARGS $(git ls-files --others crates/collab/migrations/*.sql) $(git diff --name-only main crates/collab/migrations/*.sql) fi