Antonio Scandurra 5df1318e75
Don't use stale layout when view cache is invalidated in GPUI (#7914)
When a view is invalidated, we want to participate in Taffy layout with
an accurate style rather than the dummy style we use when a view is
cached. Previously, we only detected invalidation during paint. This
adds logic to layout as well to avoid using the dummy style when dirty.

Release Notes:

- N/A


Co-authored-by: Nathan <nathan@zed.dev>
2024-02-16 19:06:11 +01:00

426 lines
12 KiB

use crate::{
seal::Sealed, AnyElement, AnyModel, AnyWeakModel, AppContext, AvailableSpace, Bounds,
ContentMask, Element, ElementContext, ElementId, Entity, EntityId, Flatten, FocusHandle,
FocusableView, IntoElement, LayoutId, Model, Pixels, Point, Render, Size, StackingOrder, Style,
TextStyle, ViewContext, VisualContext, WeakModel,
use anyhow::{Context, Result};
use std::{
any::{type_name, TypeId},
hash::{Hash, Hasher},
/// A view is a piece of state that can be presented on screen by implementing the [Render] trait.
/// Views implement [Element] and can composed with other views, and every window is created with a root view.
pub struct View<V> {
/// A view is just a [Model] whose type implements `Render`, and the model is accessible via this field.
pub model: Model<V>,
impl<V> Sealed for View<V> {}
pub struct AnyViewState {
root_style: Style,
next_stacking_order_id: u16,
cache_key: Option<ViewCacheKey>,
element: Option<AnyElement>,
struct ViewCacheKey {
bounds: Bounds<Pixels>,
stacking_order: StackingOrder,
content_mask: ContentMask<Pixels>,
text_style: TextStyle,
impl<V: 'static> Entity<V> for View<V> {
type Weak = WeakView<V>;
fn entity_id(&self) -> EntityId {
fn downgrade(&self) -> Self::Weak {
WeakView {
model: self.model.downgrade(),
fn upgrade_from(weak: &Self::Weak) -> Option<Self>
Self: Sized,
let model = weak.model.upgrade()?;
Some(View { model })
impl<V: 'static> View<V> {
/// Convert this strong view reference into a weak view reference.
pub fn downgrade(&self) -> WeakView<V> {
/// Updates the view's state with the given function, which is passed a mutable reference and a context.
pub fn update<C, R>(
cx: &mut C,
f: impl FnOnce(&mut V, &mut ViewContext<'_, V>) -> R,
) -> C::Result<R>
C: VisualContext,
cx.update_view(self, f)
/// Obtain a read-only reference to this view's state.
pub fn read<'a>(&self, cx: &'a AppContext) -> &'a V {
/// Gets a [FocusHandle] for this view when its state implements [FocusableView].
pub fn focus_handle(&self, cx: &AppContext) -> FocusHandle
V: FocusableView,
impl<V: Render> Element for View<V> {
type State = Option<AnyElement>;
fn request_layout(
&mut self,
_state: Option<Self::State>,
cx: &mut ElementContext,
) -> (LayoutId, Self::State) {
cx.with_view_id(self.entity_id(), |cx| {
let mut element = self.update(cx, |view, cx| view.render(cx).into_any_element());
let layout_id = element.request_layout(cx);
(layout_id, Some(element))
fn paint(&mut self, _: Bounds<Pixels>, element: &mut Self::State, cx: &mut ElementContext) {
cx.paint_view(self.entity_id(), |cx| element.take().unwrap().paint(cx));
impl<V> Clone for View<V> {
fn clone(&self) -> Self {
Self {
model: self.model.clone(),
impl<T> std::fmt::Debug for View<T> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
f.debug_struct(&format!("View<{}>", type_name::<T>()))
.field("entity_id", &self.model.entity_id)
impl<V> Hash for View<V> {
fn hash<H: Hasher>(&self, state: &mut H) {
impl<V> PartialEq for View<V> {
fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
self.model == other.model
impl<V> Eq for View<V> {}
/// A weak variant of [View] which does not prevent the view from being released.
pub struct WeakView<V> {
pub(crate) model: WeakModel<V>,
impl<V: 'static> WeakView<V> {
/// Gets the entity id associated with this handle.
pub fn entity_id(&self) -> EntityId {
/// Obtain a strong handle for the view if it hasn't been released.
pub fn upgrade(&self) -> Option<View<V>> {
/// Updates this view's state if it hasn't been released.
/// Returns an error if this view has been released.
pub fn update<C, R>(
cx: &mut C,
f: impl FnOnce(&mut V, &mut ViewContext<'_, V>) -> R,
) -> Result<R>
C: VisualContext,
Result<C::Result<R>>: Flatten<R>,
let view = self.upgrade().context("error upgrading view")?;
Ok(view.update(cx, f)).flatten()
/// Assert that the view referenced by this handle has been released.
#[cfg(any(test, feature = "test-support"))]
pub fn assert_released(&self) {
impl<V> Clone for WeakView<V> {
fn clone(&self) -> Self {
Self {
model: self.model.clone(),
impl<V> Hash for WeakView<V> {
fn hash<H: Hasher>(&self, state: &mut H) {
impl<V> PartialEq for WeakView<V> {
fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
self.model == other.model
impl<V> Eq for WeakView<V> {}
/// A dynamically-typed handle to a view, which can be downcast to a [View] for a specific type.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct AnyView {
model: AnyModel,
request_layout: fn(&AnyView, &mut ElementContext) -> (LayoutId, AnyElement),
cache: bool,
impl AnyView {
/// Indicate that this view should be cached when using it as an element.
/// When using this method, the view's previous layout and paint will be recycled from the previous frame if [ViewContext::notify] has not been called since it was rendered.
/// The one exception is when [WindowContext::refresh] is called, in which case caching is ignored.
pub fn cached(mut self) -> Self {
self.cache = true;
/// Convert this to a weak handle.
pub fn downgrade(&self) -> AnyWeakView {
AnyWeakView {
model: self.model.downgrade(),
layout: self.request_layout,
/// Convert this to a [View] of a specific type.
/// If this handle does not contain a view of the specified type, returns itself in an `Err` variant.
pub fn downcast<T: 'static>(self) -> Result<View<T>, Self> {
match self.model.downcast() {
Ok(model) => Ok(View { model }),
Err(model) => Err(Self {
request_layout: self.request_layout,
cache: self.cache,
/// Gets the [TypeId] of the underlying view.
pub fn entity_type(&self) -> TypeId {
/// Gets the entity id of this handle.
pub fn entity_id(&self) -> EntityId {
pub(crate) fn draw(
origin: Point<Pixels>,
available_space: Size<AvailableSpace>,
cx: &mut ElementContext,
) {
cx.paint_view(self.entity_id(), |cx| {
cx.with_absolute_element_offset(origin, |cx| {
let (layout_id, mut rendered_element) = (self.request_layout)(self, cx);
cx.compute_layout(layout_id, available_space);
impl<V: Render> From<View<V>> for AnyView {
fn from(value: View<V>) -> Self {
AnyView {
model: value.model.into_any(),
request_layout: any_view::request_layout::<V>,
cache: false,
impl Element for AnyView {
type State = AnyViewState;
fn request_layout(
&mut self,
state: Option<Self::State>,
cx: &mut ElementContext,
) -> (LayoutId, Self::State) {
cx.with_view_id(self.entity_id(), |cx| {
if self.cache
&& !cx.window.dirty_views.contains(&self.entity_id())
&& !cx.window.refreshing
if let Some(state) = state {
let layout_id = cx.request_layout(&state.root_style, None);
return (layout_id, state);
let (layout_id, element) = (self.request_layout)(self, cx);
let root_style = cx.layout_style(layout_id).unwrap().clone();
let state = AnyViewState {
next_stacking_order_id: 0,
cache_key: None,
element: Some(element),
(layout_id, state)
fn paint(&mut self, bounds: Bounds<Pixels>, state: &mut Self::State, cx: &mut ElementContext) {
cx.paint_view(self.entity_id(), |cx| {
if !self.cache {
if let Some(cache_key) = state.cache_key.as_mut() {
if cache_key.bounds == bounds
&& cache_key.content_mask == cx.content_mask()
&& cache_key.stacking_order == *cx.stacking_order()
&& cache_key.text_style == cx.text_style()
if let Some(mut element) = state.element.take() {
} else {
let mut element = (self.request_layout)(self, cx).1;
element.draw(bounds.origin, bounds.size.into(), cx);
state.next_stacking_order_id = cx
state.cache_key = Some(ViewCacheKey {
stacking_order: cx.stacking_order().clone(),
content_mask: cx.content_mask(),
text_style: cx.text_style(),
impl<V: 'static + Render> IntoElement for View<V> {
type Element = View<V>;
fn element_id(&self) -> Option<ElementId> {
fn into_element(self) -> Self::Element {
impl IntoElement for AnyView {
type Element = Self;
fn element_id(&self) -> Option<ElementId> {
fn into_element(self) -> Self::Element {
/// A weak, dynamically-typed view handle that does not prevent the view from being released.
pub struct AnyWeakView {
model: AnyWeakModel,
layout: fn(&AnyView, &mut ElementContext) -> (LayoutId, AnyElement),
impl AnyWeakView {
/// Convert to a strongly-typed handle if the referenced view has not yet been released.
pub fn upgrade(&self) -> Option<AnyView> {
let model = self.model.upgrade()?;
Some(AnyView {
request_layout: self.layout,
cache: false,
impl<V: 'static + Render> From<WeakView<V>> for AnyWeakView {
fn from(view: WeakView<V>) -> Self {
Self {
model: view.model.into(),
layout: any_view::request_layout::<V>,
impl PartialEq for AnyWeakView {
fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
self.model == other.model
impl std::fmt::Debug for AnyWeakView {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
.field("entity_id", &self.model.entity_id)
mod any_view {
use crate::{AnyElement, AnyView, ElementContext, IntoElement, LayoutId, Render};
pub(crate) fn request_layout<V: 'static + Render>(
view: &AnyView,
cx: &mut ElementContext,
) -> (LayoutId, AnyElement) {
let view = view.clone().downcast::<V>().unwrap();
let mut element = view.update(cx, |view, cx| view.render(cx).into_any_element());
let layout_id = element.request_layout(cx);
(layout_id, element)