2024-01-18 15:06:45 -08:00

1645 lines
36 KiB
Protocol Buffer

syntax = "proto3";
package zed.messages;
// Looking for a number? Search "// Current max"
message PeerId {
uint32 owner_id = 1;
uint32 id = 2;
message Envelope {
uint32 id = 1;
optional uint32 responding_to = 2;
optional PeerId original_sender_id = 3;
oneof payload {
Hello hello = 4;
Ack ack = 5;
Error error = 6;
Ping ping = 7;
Test test = 8;
CreateRoom create_room = 9;
CreateRoomResponse create_room_response = 10;
JoinRoom join_room = 11;
JoinRoomResponse join_room_response = 12;
RejoinRoom rejoin_room = 13;
RejoinRoomResponse rejoin_room_response = 14;
LeaveRoom leave_room = 15;
Call call = 16;
IncomingCall incoming_call = 17;
CallCanceled call_canceled = 18;
CancelCall cancel_call = 19;
DeclineCall decline_call = 20;
UpdateParticipantLocation update_participant_location = 21;
RoomUpdated room_updated = 22;
ShareProject share_project = 23;
ShareProjectResponse share_project_response = 24;
UnshareProject unshare_project = 25;
JoinProject join_project = 26;
JoinProjectResponse join_project_response = 27;
LeaveProject leave_project = 28;
AddProjectCollaborator add_project_collaborator = 29;
UpdateProjectCollaborator update_project_collaborator = 30;
RemoveProjectCollaborator remove_project_collaborator = 31;
GetDefinition get_definition = 32;
GetDefinitionResponse get_definition_response = 33;
GetTypeDefinition get_type_definition = 34;
GetTypeDefinitionResponse get_type_definition_response = 35;
GetReferences get_references = 36;
GetReferencesResponse get_references_response = 37;
GetDocumentHighlights get_document_highlights = 38;
GetDocumentHighlightsResponse get_document_highlights_response = 39;
GetProjectSymbols get_project_symbols = 40;
GetProjectSymbolsResponse get_project_symbols_response = 41;
OpenBufferForSymbol open_buffer_for_symbol = 42;
OpenBufferForSymbolResponse open_buffer_for_symbol_response = 43;
UpdateProject update_project = 44;
UpdateWorktree update_worktree = 45;
CreateProjectEntry create_project_entry = 46;
RenameProjectEntry rename_project_entry = 47;
CopyProjectEntry copy_project_entry = 48;
DeleteProjectEntry delete_project_entry = 49;
ProjectEntryResponse project_entry_response = 50;
ExpandProjectEntry expand_project_entry = 51;
ExpandProjectEntryResponse expand_project_entry_response = 52;
UpdateDiagnosticSummary update_diagnostic_summary = 53;
StartLanguageServer start_language_server = 54;
UpdateLanguageServer update_language_server = 55;
OpenBufferById open_buffer_by_id = 56;
OpenBufferByPath open_buffer_by_path = 57;
OpenBufferResponse open_buffer_response = 58;
CreateBufferForPeer create_buffer_for_peer = 59;
UpdateBuffer update_buffer = 60;
UpdateBufferFile update_buffer_file = 61;
SaveBuffer save_buffer = 62;
BufferSaved buffer_saved = 63;
BufferReloaded buffer_reloaded = 64;
ReloadBuffers reload_buffers = 65;
ReloadBuffersResponse reload_buffers_response = 66;
SynchronizeBuffers synchronize_buffers = 67;
SynchronizeBuffersResponse synchronize_buffers_response = 68;
FormatBuffers format_buffers = 69;
FormatBuffersResponse format_buffers_response = 70;
GetCompletions get_completions = 71;
GetCompletionsResponse get_completions_response = 72;
ResolveCompletionDocumentation resolve_completion_documentation = 73;
ResolveCompletionDocumentationResponse resolve_completion_documentation_response = 74;
ApplyCompletionAdditionalEdits apply_completion_additional_edits = 75;
ApplyCompletionAdditionalEditsResponse apply_completion_additional_edits_response = 76;
GetCodeActions get_code_actions = 77;
GetCodeActionsResponse get_code_actions_response = 78;
GetHover get_hover = 79;
GetHoverResponse get_hover_response = 80;
ApplyCodeAction apply_code_action = 81;
ApplyCodeActionResponse apply_code_action_response = 82;
PrepareRename prepare_rename = 83;
PrepareRenameResponse prepare_rename_response = 84;
PerformRename perform_rename = 85;
PerformRenameResponse perform_rename_response = 86;
SearchProject search_project = 87;
SearchProjectResponse search_project_response = 88;
UpdateContacts update_contacts = 89;
UpdateInviteInfo update_invite_info = 90;
ShowContacts show_contacts = 91;
GetUsers get_users = 92;
FuzzySearchUsers fuzzy_search_users = 93;
UsersResponse users_response = 94;
RequestContact request_contact = 95;
RespondToContactRequest respond_to_contact_request = 96;
RemoveContact remove_contact = 97;
Follow follow = 98;
FollowResponse follow_response = 99;
UpdateFollowers update_followers = 100;
Unfollow unfollow = 101;
GetPrivateUserInfo get_private_user_info = 102;
GetPrivateUserInfoResponse get_private_user_info_response = 103;
UpdateDiffBase update_diff_base = 104;
OnTypeFormatting on_type_formatting = 105;
OnTypeFormattingResponse on_type_formatting_response = 106;
UpdateWorktreeSettings update_worktree_settings = 107;
InlayHints inlay_hints = 108;
InlayHintsResponse inlay_hints_response = 109;
ResolveInlayHint resolve_inlay_hint = 110;
ResolveInlayHintResponse resolve_inlay_hint_response = 111;
RefreshInlayHints refresh_inlay_hints = 112;
CreateChannel create_channel = 113;
CreateChannelResponse create_channel_response = 114;
InviteChannelMember invite_channel_member = 115;
RemoveChannelMember remove_channel_member = 116;
RespondToChannelInvite respond_to_channel_invite = 117;
UpdateChannels update_channels = 118;
JoinChannel join_channel = 119;
DeleteChannel delete_channel = 120;
GetChannelMembers get_channel_members = 121;
GetChannelMembersResponse get_channel_members_response = 122;
SetChannelMemberRole set_channel_member_role = 123;
RenameChannel rename_channel = 124;
RenameChannelResponse rename_channel_response = 125;
JoinChannelBuffer join_channel_buffer = 126;
JoinChannelBufferResponse join_channel_buffer_response = 127;
UpdateChannelBuffer update_channel_buffer = 128;
LeaveChannelBuffer leave_channel_buffer = 129;
UpdateChannelBufferCollaborators update_channel_buffer_collaborators = 130;
RejoinChannelBuffers rejoin_channel_buffers = 131;
RejoinChannelBuffersResponse rejoin_channel_buffers_response = 132;
AckBufferOperation ack_buffer_operation = 133;
JoinChannelChat join_channel_chat = 134;
JoinChannelChatResponse join_channel_chat_response = 135;
LeaveChannelChat leave_channel_chat = 136;
SendChannelMessage send_channel_message = 137;
SendChannelMessageResponse send_channel_message_response = 138;
ChannelMessageSent channel_message_sent = 139;
GetChannelMessages get_channel_messages = 140;
GetChannelMessagesResponse get_channel_messages_response = 141;
RemoveChannelMessage remove_channel_message = 142;
AckChannelMessage ack_channel_message = 143;
GetChannelMessagesById get_channel_messages_by_id = 144;
MoveChannel move_channel = 147;
SetChannelVisibility set_channel_visibility = 148;
AddNotification add_notification = 149;
GetNotifications get_notifications = 150;
GetNotificationsResponse get_notifications_response = 151;
DeleteNotification delete_notification = 152;
MarkNotificationRead mark_notification_read = 153;
LspExtExpandMacro lsp_ext_expand_macro = 154;
LspExtExpandMacroResponse lsp_ext_expand_macro_response = 155;
SetRoomParticipantRole set_room_participant_role = 156; // Current max
// Messages
message Hello {
PeerId peer_id = 1;
message Ping {}
message Ack {}
message Error {
string message = 1;
message Test {
uint64 id = 1;
message CreateRoom {}
message CreateRoomResponse {
Room room = 1;
optional LiveKitConnectionInfo live_kit_connection_info = 2;
message JoinRoom {
uint64 id = 1;
message JoinRoomResponse {
Room room = 1;
optional uint64 channel_id = 2;
optional LiveKitConnectionInfo live_kit_connection_info = 3;
message RejoinRoom {
uint64 id = 1;
repeated UpdateProject reshared_projects = 2;
repeated RejoinProject rejoined_projects = 3;
message RejoinProject {
uint64 id = 1;
repeated RejoinWorktree worktrees = 2;
message RejoinWorktree {
uint64 id = 1;
uint64 scan_id = 2;
message RejoinRoomResponse {
Room room = 1;
repeated ResharedProject reshared_projects = 2;
repeated RejoinedProject rejoined_projects = 3;
message ResharedProject {
uint64 id = 1;
repeated Collaborator collaborators = 2;
message RejoinedProject {
uint64 id = 1;
repeated WorktreeMetadata worktrees = 2;
repeated Collaborator collaborators = 3;
repeated LanguageServer language_servers = 4;
message LeaveRoom {}
message Room {
uint64 id = 1;
repeated Participant participants = 2;
repeated PendingParticipant pending_participants = 3;
repeated Follower followers = 4;
string live_kit_room = 5;
message Participant {
uint64 user_id = 1;
PeerId peer_id = 2;
repeated ParticipantProject projects = 3;
ParticipantLocation location = 4;
uint32 participant_index = 5;
ChannelRole role = 6;
message PendingParticipant {
uint64 user_id = 1;
uint64 calling_user_id = 2;
optional uint64 initial_project_id = 3;
message ParticipantProject {
uint64 id = 1;
repeated string worktree_root_names = 2;
message Follower {
PeerId leader_id = 1;
PeerId follower_id = 2;
uint64 project_id = 3;
message ParticipantLocation {
oneof variant {
SharedProject shared_project = 1;
UnsharedProject unshared_project = 2;
External external = 3;
message SharedProject {
uint64 id = 1;
message UnsharedProject {}
message External {}
message Call {
uint64 room_id = 1;
uint64 called_user_id = 2;
optional uint64 initial_project_id = 3;
message IncomingCall {
uint64 room_id = 1;
uint64 calling_user_id = 2;
repeated uint64 participant_user_ids = 3;
optional ParticipantProject initial_project = 4;
message CallCanceled {
uint64 room_id = 1;
message CancelCall {
uint64 room_id = 1;
uint64 called_user_id = 2;
message DeclineCall {
uint64 room_id = 1;
message UpdateParticipantLocation {
uint64 room_id = 1;
ParticipantLocation location = 2;
message RoomUpdated {
Room room = 1;
message LiveKitConnectionInfo {
string server_url = 1;
string token = 2;
bool can_publish = 3;
message ShareProject {
uint64 room_id = 1;
repeated WorktreeMetadata worktrees = 2;
message ShareProjectResponse {
uint64 project_id = 1;
message UnshareProject {
uint64 project_id = 1;
message UpdateProject {
uint64 project_id = 1;
repeated WorktreeMetadata worktrees = 2;
message JoinProject {
uint64 project_id = 1;
message JoinProjectResponse {
uint32 replica_id = 1;
repeated WorktreeMetadata worktrees = 2;
repeated Collaborator collaborators = 3;
repeated LanguageServer language_servers = 4;
message LeaveProject {
uint64 project_id = 1;
message UpdateWorktree {
uint64 project_id = 1;
uint64 worktree_id = 2;
string root_name = 3;
repeated Entry updated_entries = 4;
repeated uint64 removed_entries = 5;
repeated RepositoryEntry updated_repositories = 6;
repeated uint64 removed_repositories = 7;
uint64 scan_id = 8;
bool is_last_update = 9;
string abs_path = 10;
message UpdateWorktreeSettings {
uint64 project_id = 1;
uint64 worktree_id = 2;
string path = 3;
optional string content = 4;
message CreateProjectEntry {
uint64 project_id = 1;
uint64 worktree_id = 2;
string path = 3;
bool is_directory = 4;
message RenameProjectEntry {
uint64 project_id = 1;
uint64 entry_id = 2;
string new_path = 3;
message CopyProjectEntry {
uint64 project_id = 1;
uint64 entry_id = 2;
string new_path = 3;
message DeleteProjectEntry {
uint64 project_id = 1;
uint64 entry_id = 2;
message ExpandProjectEntry {
uint64 project_id = 1;
uint64 entry_id = 2;
message ExpandProjectEntryResponse {
uint64 worktree_scan_id = 1;
message ProjectEntryResponse {
optional Entry entry = 1;
uint64 worktree_scan_id = 2;
message AddProjectCollaborator {
uint64 project_id = 1;
Collaborator collaborator = 2;
message UpdateProjectCollaborator {
uint64 project_id = 1;
PeerId old_peer_id = 2;
PeerId new_peer_id = 3;
message RemoveProjectCollaborator {
uint64 project_id = 1;
PeerId peer_id = 2;
message UpdateChannelBufferCollaborators {
uint64 channel_id = 1;
repeated Collaborator collaborators = 2;
message GetDefinition {
uint64 project_id = 1;
uint64 buffer_id = 2;
Anchor position = 3;
repeated VectorClockEntry version = 4;
message GetDefinitionResponse {
repeated LocationLink links = 1;
message GetTypeDefinition {
uint64 project_id = 1;
uint64 buffer_id = 2;
Anchor position = 3;
repeated VectorClockEntry version = 4;
message GetTypeDefinitionResponse {
repeated LocationLink links = 1;
message GetReferences {
uint64 project_id = 1;
uint64 buffer_id = 2;
Anchor position = 3;
repeated VectorClockEntry version = 4;
message GetReferencesResponse {
repeated Location locations = 1;
message GetDocumentHighlights {
uint64 project_id = 1;
uint64 buffer_id = 2;
Anchor position = 3;
repeated VectorClockEntry version = 4;
message GetDocumentHighlightsResponse {
repeated DocumentHighlight highlights = 1;
message Location {
uint64 buffer_id = 1;
Anchor start = 2;
Anchor end = 3;
message LocationLink {
optional Location origin = 1;
Location target = 2;
message DocumentHighlight {
Kind kind = 1;
Anchor start = 2;
Anchor end = 3;
enum Kind {
Text = 0;
Read = 1;
Write = 2;
message GetProjectSymbols {
uint64 project_id = 1;
string query = 2;
message GetProjectSymbolsResponse {
repeated Symbol symbols = 4;
message Symbol {
uint64 source_worktree_id = 1;
uint64 worktree_id = 2;
string language_server_name = 3;
string name = 4;
int32 kind = 5;
string path = 6;
// Cannot use generate anchors for unopened files,
// so we are forced to use point coords instead
PointUtf16 start = 7;
PointUtf16 end = 8;
bytes signature = 9;
message OpenBufferForSymbol {
uint64 project_id = 1;
Symbol symbol = 2;
message OpenBufferForSymbolResponse {
uint64 buffer_id = 1;
message OpenBufferByPath {
uint64 project_id = 1;
uint64 worktree_id = 2;
string path = 3;
message OpenBufferById {
uint64 project_id = 1;
uint64 id = 2;
message OpenBufferResponse {
uint64 buffer_id = 1;
message CreateBufferForPeer {
uint64 project_id = 1;
PeerId peer_id = 2;
oneof variant {
BufferState state = 3;
BufferChunk chunk = 4;
message UpdateBuffer {
uint64 project_id = 1;
uint64 buffer_id = 2;
repeated Operation operations = 3;
message UpdateChannelBuffer {
uint64 channel_id = 1;
repeated Operation operations = 2;
message UpdateBufferFile {
uint64 project_id = 1;
uint64 buffer_id = 2;
File file = 3;
message SaveBuffer {
uint64 project_id = 1;
uint64 buffer_id = 2;
repeated VectorClockEntry version = 3;
message BufferSaved {
uint64 project_id = 1;
uint64 buffer_id = 2;
repeated VectorClockEntry version = 3;
Timestamp mtime = 4;
string fingerprint = 5;
message BufferReloaded {
uint64 project_id = 1;
uint64 buffer_id = 2;
repeated VectorClockEntry version = 3;
Timestamp mtime = 4;
string fingerprint = 5;
LineEnding line_ending = 6;
message ReloadBuffers {
uint64 project_id = 1;
repeated uint64 buffer_ids = 2;
message ReloadBuffersResponse {
ProjectTransaction transaction = 1;
message SynchronizeBuffers {
uint64 project_id = 1;
repeated BufferVersion buffers = 2;
message SynchronizeBuffersResponse {
repeated BufferVersion buffers = 1;
message BufferVersion {
uint64 id = 1;
repeated VectorClockEntry version = 2;
message ChannelBufferVersion {
uint64 channel_id = 1;
repeated VectorClockEntry version = 2;
uint64 epoch = 3;
enum FormatTrigger {
Save = 0;
Manual = 1;
message FormatBuffers {
uint64 project_id = 1;
FormatTrigger trigger = 2;
repeated uint64 buffer_ids = 3;
message FormatBuffersResponse {
ProjectTransaction transaction = 1;
message GetCompletions {
uint64 project_id = 1;
uint64 buffer_id = 2;
Anchor position = 3;
repeated VectorClockEntry version = 4;
message GetCompletionsResponse {
repeated Completion completions = 1;
repeated VectorClockEntry version = 2;
message ApplyCompletionAdditionalEdits {
uint64 project_id = 1;
uint64 buffer_id = 2;
Completion completion = 3;
message ApplyCompletionAdditionalEditsResponse {
Transaction transaction = 1;
message Completion {
Anchor old_start = 1;
Anchor old_end = 2;
string new_text = 3;
uint64 server_id = 4;
bytes lsp_completion = 5;
message GetCodeActions {
uint64 project_id = 1;
uint64 buffer_id = 2;
Anchor start = 3;
Anchor end = 4;
repeated VectorClockEntry version = 5;
message GetCodeActionsResponse {
repeated CodeAction actions = 1;
repeated VectorClockEntry version = 2;
message GetHover {
uint64 project_id = 1;
uint64 buffer_id = 2;
Anchor position = 3;
repeated VectorClockEntry version = 5;
message GetHoverResponse {
optional Anchor start = 1;
optional Anchor end = 2;
repeated HoverBlock contents = 3;
message HoverBlock {
string text = 1;
optional string language = 2;
bool is_markdown = 3;
message ApplyCodeAction {
uint64 project_id = 1;
uint64 buffer_id = 2;
CodeAction action = 3;
message ApplyCodeActionResponse {
ProjectTransaction transaction = 1;
message PrepareRename {
uint64 project_id = 1;
uint64 buffer_id = 2;
Anchor position = 3;
repeated VectorClockEntry version = 4;
message PrepareRenameResponse {
bool can_rename = 1;
Anchor start = 2;
Anchor end = 3;
repeated VectorClockEntry version = 4;
message PerformRename {
uint64 project_id = 1;
uint64 buffer_id = 2;
Anchor position = 3;
string new_name = 4;
repeated VectorClockEntry version = 5;
message OnTypeFormatting {
uint64 project_id = 1;
uint64 buffer_id = 2;
Anchor position = 3;
string trigger = 4;
repeated VectorClockEntry version = 5;
message OnTypeFormattingResponse {
Transaction transaction = 1;
message InlayHints {
uint64 project_id = 1;
uint64 buffer_id = 2;
Anchor start = 3;
Anchor end = 4;
repeated VectorClockEntry version = 5;
message InlayHintsResponse {
repeated InlayHint hints = 1;
repeated VectorClockEntry version = 2;
message InlayHint {
Anchor position = 1;
InlayHintLabel label = 2;
optional string kind = 3;
bool padding_left = 4;
bool padding_right = 5;
InlayHintTooltip tooltip = 6;
ResolveState resolve_state = 7;
message InlayHintLabel {
oneof label {
string value = 1;
InlayHintLabelParts label_parts = 2;
message InlayHintLabelParts {
repeated InlayHintLabelPart parts = 1;
message InlayHintLabelPart {
string value = 1;
InlayHintLabelPartTooltip tooltip = 2;
optional string location_url = 3;
PointUtf16 location_range_start = 4;
PointUtf16 location_range_end = 5;
optional uint64 language_server_id = 6;
message InlayHintTooltip {
oneof content {
string value = 1;
MarkupContent markup_content = 2;
message InlayHintLabelPartTooltip {
oneof content {
string value = 1;
MarkupContent markup_content = 2;
message ResolveState {
State state = 1;
LspResolveState lsp_resolve_state = 2;
enum State {
Resolved = 0;
CanResolve = 1;
Resolving = 2;
message LspResolveState {
string value = 1;
uint64 server_id = 2;
message ResolveCompletionDocumentation {
uint64 project_id = 1;
uint64 language_server_id = 2;
bytes lsp_completion = 3;
message ResolveCompletionDocumentationResponse {
string text = 1;
bool is_markdown = 2;
message ResolveInlayHint {
uint64 project_id = 1;
uint64 buffer_id = 2;
uint64 language_server_id = 3;
InlayHint hint = 4;
message ResolveInlayHintResponse {
InlayHint hint = 1;
message RefreshInlayHints {
uint64 project_id = 1;
message MarkupContent {
bool is_markdown = 1;
string value = 2;
message PerformRenameResponse {
ProjectTransaction transaction = 2;
message SearchProject {
uint64 project_id = 1;
string query = 2;
bool regex = 3;
bool whole_word = 4;
bool case_sensitive = 5;
string files_to_include = 6;
string files_to_exclude = 7;
bool include_ignored = 8;
message SearchProjectResponse {
repeated Location locations = 1;
message CodeAction {
uint64 server_id = 1;
Anchor start = 2;
Anchor end = 3;
bytes lsp_action = 4;
message ProjectTransaction {
repeated uint64 buffer_ids = 1;
repeated Transaction transactions = 2;
message Transaction {
LamportTimestamp id = 1;
repeated LamportTimestamp edit_ids = 2;
repeated VectorClockEntry start = 3;
message LamportTimestamp {
uint32 replica_id = 1;
uint32 value = 2;
message LanguageServer {
uint64 id = 1;
string name = 2;
message StartLanguageServer {
uint64 project_id = 1;
LanguageServer server = 2;
message UpdateDiagnosticSummary {
uint64 project_id = 1;
uint64 worktree_id = 2;
DiagnosticSummary summary = 3;
message DiagnosticSummary {
string path = 1;
uint64 language_server_id = 2;
uint32 error_count = 3;
uint32 warning_count = 4;
message UpdateLanguageServer {
uint64 project_id = 1;
uint64 language_server_id = 2;
oneof variant {
LspWorkStart work_start = 3;
LspWorkProgress work_progress = 4;
LspWorkEnd work_end = 5;
LspDiskBasedDiagnosticsUpdating disk_based_diagnostics_updating = 6;
LspDiskBasedDiagnosticsUpdated disk_based_diagnostics_updated = 7;
message LspWorkStart {
string token = 1;
optional string message = 2;
optional uint32 percentage = 3;
message LspWorkProgress {
string token = 1;
optional string message = 2;
optional uint32 percentage = 3;
message LspWorkEnd {
string token = 1;
message LspDiskBasedDiagnosticsUpdating {}
message LspDiskBasedDiagnosticsUpdated {}
message UpdateChannels {
repeated Channel channels = 1;
repeated uint64 delete_channels = 4;
repeated Channel channel_invitations = 5;
repeated uint64 remove_channel_invitations = 6;
repeated ChannelParticipants channel_participants = 7;
repeated UnseenChannelMessage unseen_channel_messages = 9;
repeated UnseenChannelBufferChange unseen_channel_buffer_changes = 10;
message UnseenChannelMessage {
uint64 channel_id = 1;
uint64 message_id = 2;
message UnseenChannelBufferChange {
uint64 channel_id = 1;
uint64 epoch = 2;
repeated VectorClockEntry version = 3;
message ChannelPermission {
uint64 channel_id = 1;
ChannelRole role = 3;
message ChannelParticipants {
uint64 channel_id = 1;
repeated uint64 participant_user_ids = 2;
message JoinChannel {
uint64 channel_id = 1;
message DeleteChannel {
uint64 channel_id = 1;
message GetChannelMembers {
uint64 channel_id = 1;
message GetChannelMembersResponse {
repeated ChannelMember members = 1;
message ChannelMember {
uint64 user_id = 1;
Kind kind = 3;
ChannelRole role = 4;
enum Kind {
Member = 0;
Invitee = 1;
AncestorMember = 2;
message CreateChannel {
string name = 1;
optional uint64 parent_id = 2;
message CreateChannelResponse {
Channel channel = 1;
optional uint64 parent_id = 2;
message InviteChannelMember {
uint64 channel_id = 1;
uint64 user_id = 2;
ChannelRole role = 4;
message RemoveChannelMember {
uint64 channel_id = 1;
uint64 user_id = 2;
enum ChannelRole {
Admin = 0;
Member = 1;
Guest = 2;
Banned = 3;
message SetChannelMemberRole {
uint64 channel_id = 1;
uint64 user_id = 2;
ChannelRole role = 3;
message SetChannelVisibility {
uint64 channel_id = 1;
ChannelVisibility visibility = 2;
message RenameChannel {
uint64 channel_id = 1;
string name = 2;
message RenameChannelResponse {
Channel channel = 1;
message JoinChannelChat {
uint64 channel_id = 1;
message JoinChannelChatResponse {
repeated ChannelMessage messages = 1;
bool done = 2;
message LeaveChannelChat {
uint64 channel_id = 1;
message SendChannelMessage {
uint64 channel_id = 1;
string body = 2;
Nonce nonce = 3;
repeated ChatMention mentions = 4;
message RemoveChannelMessage {
uint64 channel_id = 1;
uint64 message_id = 2;
message AckChannelMessage {
uint64 channel_id = 1;
uint64 message_id = 2;
message SendChannelMessageResponse {
ChannelMessage message = 1;
message ChannelMessageSent {
uint64 channel_id = 1;
ChannelMessage message = 2;
message GetChannelMessages {
uint64 channel_id = 1;
uint64 before_message_id = 2;
message GetChannelMessagesResponse {
repeated ChannelMessage messages = 1;
bool done = 2;
message GetChannelMessagesById {
repeated uint64 message_ids = 1;
message MoveChannel {
uint64 channel_id = 1;
optional uint64 to = 2;
message JoinChannelBuffer {
uint64 channel_id = 1;
message ChannelMessage {
uint64 id = 1;
string body = 2;
uint64 timestamp = 3;
uint64 sender_id = 4;
Nonce nonce = 5;
repeated ChatMention mentions = 6;
message ChatMention {
Range range = 1;
uint64 user_id = 2;
message RejoinChannelBuffers {
repeated ChannelBufferVersion buffers = 1;
message RejoinChannelBuffersResponse {
repeated RejoinedChannelBuffer buffers = 1;
message AckBufferOperation {
uint64 buffer_id = 1;
uint64 epoch = 2;
repeated VectorClockEntry version = 3;
message JoinChannelBufferResponse {
uint64 buffer_id = 1;
uint32 replica_id = 2;
string base_text = 3;
repeated Operation operations = 4;
repeated Collaborator collaborators = 5;
uint64 epoch = 6;
message RejoinedChannelBuffer {
uint64 channel_id = 1;
repeated VectorClockEntry version = 2;
repeated Operation operations = 3;
repeated Collaborator collaborators = 4;
message LeaveChannelBuffer {
uint64 channel_id = 1;
message RespondToChannelInvite {
uint64 channel_id = 1;
bool accept = 2;
message GetUsers {
repeated uint64 user_ids = 1;
message FuzzySearchUsers {
string query = 1;
message UsersResponse {
repeated User users = 1;
message RequestContact {
uint64 responder_id = 1;
message RemoveContact {
uint64 user_id = 1;
message RespondToContactRequest {
uint64 requester_id = 1;
ContactRequestResponse response = 2;
enum ContactRequestResponse {
Accept = 0;
Decline = 1;
Block = 2;
Dismiss = 3;
message UpdateContacts {
repeated Contact contacts = 1;
repeated uint64 remove_contacts = 2;
repeated IncomingContactRequest incoming_requests = 3;
repeated uint64 remove_incoming_requests = 4;
repeated uint64 outgoing_requests = 5;
repeated uint64 remove_outgoing_requests = 6;
message UpdateInviteInfo {
string url = 1;
uint32 count = 2;
message ShowContacts {}
message IncomingContactRequest {
uint64 requester_id = 1;
message UpdateDiagnostics {
uint32 replica_id = 1;
uint32 lamport_timestamp = 2;
uint64 server_id = 3;
repeated Diagnostic diagnostics = 4;
message Follow {
uint64 room_id = 1;
optional uint64 project_id = 2;
PeerId leader_id = 3;
message FollowResponse {
optional ViewId active_view_id = 1;
repeated View views = 2;
message UpdateFollowers {
uint64 room_id = 1;
optional uint64 project_id = 2;
repeated PeerId follower_ids = 3;
oneof variant {
UpdateActiveView update_active_view = 4;
View create_view = 5;
UpdateView update_view = 6;
message Unfollow {
uint64 room_id = 1;
optional uint64 project_id = 2;
PeerId leader_id = 3;
message GetPrivateUserInfo {}
message GetPrivateUserInfoResponse {
string metrics_id = 1;
bool staff = 2;
repeated string flags = 3;
// Entities
message ViewId {
PeerId creator = 1;
uint64 id = 2;
message UpdateActiveView {
optional ViewId id = 1;
optional PeerId leader_id = 2;
message UpdateView {
ViewId id = 1;
optional PeerId leader_id = 2;
oneof variant {
Editor editor = 3;
message Editor {
repeated ExcerptInsertion inserted_excerpts = 1;
repeated uint64 deleted_excerpts = 2;
repeated Selection selections = 3;
optional Selection pending_selection = 4;
EditorAnchor scroll_top_anchor = 5;
float scroll_x = 6;
float scroll_y = 7;
message View {
ViewId id = 1;
optional PeerId leader_id = 2;
oneof variant {
Editor editor = 3;
ChannelView channel_view = 4;
message Editor {
bool singleton = 1;
optional string title = 2;
repeated Excerpt excerpts = 3;
repeated Selection selections = 4;
optional Selection pending_selection = 5;
EditorAnchor scroll_top_anchor = 6;
float scroll_x = 7;
float scroll_y = 8;
message ChannelView {
uint64 channel_id = 1;
Editor editor = 2;
message Collaborator {
PeerId peer_id = 1;
uint32 replica_id = 2;
uint64 user_id = 3;
message User {
uint64 id = 1;
string github_login = 2;
string avatar_url = 3;
message File {
uint64 worktree_id = 1;
optional uint64 entry_id = 2;
string path = 3;
Timestamp mtime = 4;
bool is_deleted = 5;
message Entry {
uint64 id = 1;
bool is_dir = 2;
string path = 3;
uint64 inode = 4;
Timestamp mtime = 5;
bool is_symlink = 6;
bool is_ignored = 7;
bool is_external = 8;
optional GitStatus git_status = 9;
message RepositoryEntry {
uint64 work_directory_id = 1;
optional string branch = 2;
message StatusEntry {
string repo_path = 1;
GitStatus status = 2;
enum GitStatus {
Added = 0;
Modified = 1;
Conflict = 2;
message BufferState {
uint64 id = 1;
optional File file = 2;
string base_text = 3;
optional string diff_base = 4;
LineEnding line_ending = 5;
repeated VectorClockEntry saved_version = 6;
string saved_version_fingerprint = 7;
Timestamp saved_mtime = 8;
message BufferChunk {
uint64 buffer_id = 1;
repeated Operation operations = 2;
bool is_last = 3;
enum LineEnding {
Unix = 0;
Windows = 1;
message Selection {
uint64 id = 1;
EditorAnchor start = 2;
EditorAnchor end = 3;
bool reversed = 4;
message EditorAnchor {
uint64 excerpt_id = 1;
Anchor anchor = 2;
enum CursorShape {
CursorBar = 0;
CursorBlock = 1;
CursorUnderscore = 2;
CursorHollow = 3;
message ExcerptInsertion {
Excerpt excerpt = 1;
optional uint64 previous_excerpt_id = 2;
message Excerpt {
uint64 id = 1;
uint64 buffer_id = 2;
Anchor context_start = 3;
Anchor context_end = 4;
Anchor primary_start = 5;
Anchor primary_end = 6;
message Anchor {
uint32 replica_id = 1;
uint32 timestamp = 2;
uint64 offset = 3;
Bias bias = 4;
optional uint64 buffer_id = 5;
enum Bias {
Left = 0;
Right = 1;
message Diagnostic {
Anchor start = 1;
Anchor end = 2;
optional string source = 3;
Severity severity = 4;
string message = 5;
optional string code = 6;
uint64 group_id = 7;
bool is_primary = 8;
// TODO: remove this field
bool is_valid = 9;
bool is_disk_based = 10;
bool is_unnecessary = 11;
enum Severity {
None = 0;
Error = 1;
Warning = 2;
Information = 3;
Hint = 4;
message Operation {
oneof variant {
Edit edit = 1;
Undo undo = 2;
UpdateSelections update_selections = 3;
UpdateDiagnostics update_diagnostics = 4;
UpdateCompletionTriggers update_completion_triggers = 5;
message Edit {
uint32 replica_id = 1;
uint32 lamport_timestamp = 2;
repeated VectorClockEntry version = 3;
repeated Range ranges = 4;
repeated string new_text = 5;
message Undo {
uint32 replica_id = 1;
uint32 lamport_timestamp = 2;
repeated VectorClockEntry version = 3;
repeated UndoCount counts = 4;
message UpdateSelections {
uint32 replica_id = 1;
uint32 lamport_timestamp = 2;
repeated Selection selections = 3;
bool line_mode = 4;
CursorShape cursor_shape = 5;
message UpdateCompletionTriggers {
uint32 replica_id = 1;
uint32 lamport_timestamp = 2;
repeated string triggers = 3;
message UndoMapEntry {
uint32 replica_id = 1;
uint32 local_timestamp = 2;
repeated UndoCount counts = 3;
message UndoCount {
uint32 replica_id = 1;
uint32 lamport_timestamp = 2;
uint32 count = 3;
message VectorClockEntry {
uint32 replica_id = 1;
uint32 timestamp = 2;
message Timestamp {
uint64 seconds = 1;
uint32 nanos = 2;
message Range {
uint64 start = 1;
uint64 end = 2;
message PointUtf16 {
uint32 row = 1;
uint32 column = 2;
message Nonce {
uint64 upper_half = 1;
uint64 lower_half = 2;
enum ChannelVisibility {
Public = 0;
Members = 1;
message Channel {
uint64 id = 1;
string name = 2;
ChannelVisibility visibility = 3;
ChannelRole role = 4;
repeated uint64 parent_path = 5;
message Contact {
uint64 user_id = 1;
bool online = 2;
bool busy = 3;
message WorktreeMetadata {
uint64 id = 1;
string root_name = 2;
bool visible = 3;
string abs_path = 4;
message UpdateDiffBase {
uint64 project_id = 1;
uint64 buffer_id = 2;
optional string diff_base = 3;
message GetNotifications {
optional uint64 before_id = 1;
message AddNotification {
Notification notification = 1;
message GetNotificationsResponse {
repeated Notification notifications = 1;
bool done = 2;
message DeleteNotification {
uint64 notification_id = 1;
message MarkNotificationRead {
uint64 notification_id = 1;
message Notification {
uint64 id = 1;
uint64 timestamp = 2;
string kind = 3;
optional uint64 entity_id = 4;
string content = 5;
bool is_read = 6;
optional bool response = 7;
message LspExtExpandMacro {
uint64 project_id = 1;
uint64 buffer_id = 2;
Anchor position = 3;
message LspExtExpandMacroResponse {
string name = 1;
string expansion = 2;
message SetRoomParticipantRole {
uint64 room_id = 1;
uint64 user_id = 2;
ChannelRole role = 3;