mirror of
synced 2025-02-03 17:44:30 +00:00
Release Notes: - vim: Add ctrl-i to go forward ([#1732](https://github.com/zed-industries/community/issues/1732)). ctrl-o was already supported. - vim: Add `g <space>` to open the current snippet in its own file. - vim: Escape will now return to normal mode even if completion menus are open (use `ctrl-x ctrl-z` to hide menus, as in vim). - vim: Add key bindings for Zed's various completion mechanisms: - - `ctrl-x ctrl-o` to open the completion menu, - - `ctrl-x ctrl-l` to open the LSP action menu, - - `ctrl-x ctrl-c` to trigger Copilot (requires configuring copilot), - - `ctrl-x ctrl-a` to trigger the inline Assistant (requires configuring openAI), NOTE: we should add these to the docs before shipping 0.107 to stable.
621 lines
14 KiB
621 lines
14 KiB
"context": "Editor && VimControl && !VimWaiting && !menu",
"bindings": {
"i": [
"Object": {
"around": false
"a": [
"Object": {
"around": true
":": "command_palette::Toggle",
"h": "vim::Left",
"left": "vim::Left",
"backspace": "vim::Backspace",
"j": "vim::Down",
"down": "vim::Down",
"enter": "vim::NextLineStart",
"tab": "vim::Tab",
"shift-tab": "vim::Tab",
"k": "vim::Up",
"up": "vim::Up",
"l": "vim::Right",
"right": "vim::Right",
"$": "vim::EndOfLine",
"^": "vim::FirstNonWhitespace",
"_": "vim::StartOfLineDownward",
"g _": "vim::EndOfLineDownward",
"shift-g": "vim::EndOfDocument",
"w": "vim::NextWordStart",
"{": "vim::StartOfParagraph",
"}": "vim::EndOfParagraph",
"shift-w": [
"ignorePunctuation": true
"e": "vim::NextWordEnd",
"shift-e": [
"ignorePunctuation": true
"b": "vim::PreviousWordStart",
"shift-b": [
"ignorePunctuation": true
"n": "search::SelectNextMatch",
"shift-n": "search::SelectPrevMatch",
"%": "vim::Matching",
"f": [
"FindForward": {
"before": false
"t": [
"FindForward": {
"before": true
"shift-f": [
"FindBackward": {
"after": false
"shift-t": [
"FindBackward": {
"after": true
"ctrl-o": "pane::GoBack",
"ctrl-i": "pane::GoForward",
"ctrl-]": "editor::GoToDefinition",
"escape": [
"ctrl+[": [
"v": "vim::ToggleVisual",
"shift-v": "vim::ToggleVisualLine",
"ctrl-v": "vim::ToggleVisualBlock",
"ctrl-q": "vim::ToggleVisualBlock",
"*": "vim::MoveToNext",
"#": "vim::MoveToPrev",
"0": "vim::StartOfLine", // When no number operator present, use start of line motion
"ctrl-f": "vim::PageDown",
"pagedown": "vim::PageDown",
"ctrl-b": "vim::PageUp",
"pageup": "vim::PageUp",
"ctrl-d": "vim::ScrollDown",
"ctrl-u": "vim::ScrollUp",
"ctrl-e": "vim::LineDown",
"ctrl-y": "vim::LineUp",
// "g" commands
"g g": "vim::StartOfDocument",
"g h": "editor::Hover",
"g t": "pane::ActivateNextItem",
"g shift-t": "pane::ActivatePrevItem",
"g d": "editor::GoToDefinition",
"g shift-d": "editor::GoToTypeDefinition",
"g n": "vim::SelectNext",
"g shift-n": "vim::SelectPrevious",
"g >": [
"replace_newest": true
"g <": [
"replace_newest": true
"g a": "editor::SelectAllMatches",
"g s": "outline::Toggle",
"g shift-s": "project_symbols::Toggle",
"g .": "editor::ToggleCodeActions", // zed specific
"g shift-a": "editor::FindAllReferences", // zed specific
"g space": "editor::OpenExcerpts", // zed specific
"g *": [
"partialWord": true
"g #": [
"partialWord": true
"g j": [
"displayLines": true
"g down": [
"displayLines": true
"g k": [
"displayLines": true
"g up": [
"displayLines": true
"g $": [
"displayLines": true
"g end": [
"displayLines": true
"g 0": [
"displayLines": true
"g home": [
"displayLines": true
"g ^": [
"displayLines": true
// z commands
"z t": "editor::ScrollCursorTop",
"z z": "editor::ScrollCursorCenter",
"z b": "editor::ScrollCursorBottom",
"z c": "editor::Fold",
"z o": "editor::UnfoldLines",
"z f": "editor::FoldSelectedRanges",
"shift-z shift-q": [
"saveIntent": "skip"
"shift-z shift-z": [
"saveIntent": "saveAll"
// Count support
"1": [
"2": [
"3": [
"4": [
"5": [
"6": [
"7": [
"8": [
"9": [
// window related commands (ctrl-w X)
"ctrl-w left": [
"ctrl-w right": [
"ctrl-w up": [
"ctrl-w down": [
"ctrl-w h": [
"ctrl-w l": [
"ctrl-w k": [
"ctrl-w j": [
"ctrl-w ctrl-h": [
"ctrl-w ctrl-l": [
"ctrl-w ctrl-k": [
"ctrl-w ctrl-j": [
"ctrl-w shift-left": [
"ctrl-w shift-right": [
"ctrl-w shift-up": [
"ctrl-w shift-down": [
"ctrl-w shift-h": [
"ctrl-w shift-l": [
"ctrl-w shift-k": [
"ctrl-w shift-j": [
"ctrl-w g t": "pane::ActivateNextItem",
"ctrl-w ctrl-g t": "pane::ActivateNextItem",
"ctrl-w g shift-t": "pane::ActivatePrevItem",
"ctrl-w ctrl-g shift-t": "pane::ActivatePrevItem",
"ctrl-w w": "workspace::ActivateNextPane",
"ctrl-w ctrl-w": "workspace::ActivateNextPane",
"ctrl-w p": "workspace::ActivatePreviousPane",
"ctrl-w ctrl-p": "workspace::ActivatePreviousPane",
"ctrl-w shift-w": "workspace::ActivatePreviousPane",
"ctrl-w ctrl-shift-w": "workspace::ActivatePreviousPane",
"ctrl-w v": "pane::SplitLeft",
"ctrl-w ctrl-v": "pane::SplitLeft",
"ctrl-w s": "pane::SplitUp",
"ctrl-w shift-s": "pane::SplitUp",
"ctrl-w ctrl-s": "pane::SplitUp",
"ctrl-w c": "pane::CloseAllItems",
"ctrl-w ctrl-c": "pane::CloseAllItems",
"ctrl-w q": "pane::CloseAllItems",
"ctrl-w ctrl-q": "pane::CloseAllItems",
"ctrl-w o": "workspace::CloseInactiveTabsAndPanes",
"ctrl-w ctrl-o": "workspace::CloseInactiveTabsAndPanes",
"ctrl-w n": [
"ctrl-w ctrl-n": [
// escape is in its own section so that it cancels a pending count.
"context": "Editor && vim_mode == normal && vim_operator == none && !VimWaiting",
"bindings": {
"escape": "editor::Cancel",
"ctrl+[": "editor::Cancel"
"context": "Editor && vim_mode == normal && vim_operator == none && !VimWaiting",
"bindings": {
".": "vim::Repeat",
"c": [
"shift-c": "vim::ChangeToEndOfLine",
"d": [
"shift-d": "vim::DeleteToEndOfLine",
"shift-j": "vim::JoinLines",
"y": [
"i": "vim::InsertBefore",
"shift-i": "vim::InsertFirstNonWhitespace",
"a": "vim::InsertAfter",
"shift-a": "vim::InsertEndOfLine",
"x": "vim::DeleteRight",
"shift-x": "vim::DeleteLeft",
"o": "vim::InsertLineBelow",
"shift-o": "vim::InsertLineAbove",
"~": "vim::ChangeCase",
"ctrl-a": "vim::Increment",
"ctrl-x": "vim::Decrement",
"p": "vim::Paste",
"shift-p": [
"before": true
"u": "editor::Undo",
"ctrl-r": "editor::Redo",
"/": "vim::Search",
"?": [
"backwards": true
";": "vim::RepeatFind",
",": [
"backwards": true
"r": [
"s": "vim::Substitute",
"shift-s": "vim::SubstituteLine",
"> >": "editor::Indent",
"< <": "editor::Outdent",
"ctrl-pagedown": "pane::ActivateNextItem",
"ctrl-pageup": "pane::ActivatePrevItem"
"context": "Editor && VimCount",
"bindings": {
"0": [
"context": "Editor && vim_operator == c",
"bindings": {
"c": "vim::CurrentLine",
"d": "editor::Rename" // zed specific
"context": "Editor && vim_operator == d",
"bindings": {
"d": "vim::CurrentLine"
"context": "Editor && vim_operator == y",
"bindings": {
"y": "vim::CurrentLine"
"context": "Editor && VimObject",
"bindings": {
"w": "vim::Word",
"shift-w": [
"ignorePunctuation": true
"s": "vim::Sentence",
"'": "vim::Quotes",
"`": "vim::BackQuotes",
"\"": "vim::DoubleQuotes",
"(": "vim::Parentheses",
")": "vim::Parentheses",
"[": "vim::SquareBrackets",
"]": "vim::SquareBrackets",
"{": "vim::CurlyBrackets",
"}": "vim::CurlyBrackets",
"<": "vim::AngleBrackets",
">": "vim::AngleBrackets"
"context": "Editor && vim_mode == visual && !VimWaiting && !VimObject",
"bindings": {
"u": "editor::Undo",
"o": "vim::OtherEnd",
"shift-o": "vim::OtherEnd",
"d": "vim::VisualDelete",
"x": "vim::VisualDelete",
"shift-d": "vim::VisualDelete",
"shift-x": "vim::VisualDelete",
"y": "vim::VisualYank",
"shift-y": "vim::VisualYank",
"p": "vim::Paste",
"shift-p": [
"preserveClipboard": true
"s": "vim::Substitute",
"shift-s": "vim::SubstituteLine",
"shift-r": "vim::SubstituteLine",
"c": "vim::Substitute",
"~": "vim::ChangeCase",
"ctrl-a": "vim::Increment",
"ctrl-x": "vim::Decrement",
"g ctrl-a": [
"step": true
"g ctrl-x": [
"step": true
"shift-i": "vim::InsertBefore",
"shift-a": "vim::InsertAfter",
"shift-j": "vim::JoinLines",
"r": [
"ctrl-c": [
"escape": [
"ctrl+[": [
">": "editor::Indent",
"<": "editor::Outdent",
"i": [
"Object": {
"around": false
"a": [
"Object": {
"around": true
"context": "Editor && vim_mode == insert",
"bindings": {
"escape": "vim::NormalBefore",
"ctrl-c": "vim::NormalBefore",
"ctrl-[": "vim::NormalBefore",
"ctrl-x ctrl-o": "editor::ShowCompletions",
"ctrl-x ctrl-a": "assistant::InlineAssist", // zed specific
"ctrl-x ctrl-c": "copilot::Suggest", // zed specific
"ctrl-x ctrl-l": "editor::ToggleCodeActions", // zed specific
"ctrl-x ctrl-z": "editor::Cancel"
"context": "Editor && VimWaiting",
"bindings": {
"tab": "vim::Tab",
"enter": "vim::Enter",
"escape": [
"ctrl+[": [
"context": "BufferSearchBar && !in_replace > VimEnabled",
"bindings": {
"enter": "vim::SearchSubmit",
"escape": "buffer_search::Dismiss"