Nathan Sobo b307a7e91d Populate the user data of worktree collaborators
This will make it possible for us to render their avatars. Previously we only had the user ids. During rendering, everything needs to be available synchronously. So now, whenever collaborators are added, we perform the async I/O to fetch their user data prior to adding them to the worktree.
2021-11-26 20:35:50 -07:00

372 lines
7.6 KiB
Protocol Buffer

syntax = "proto3";
package zed.messages;
message Envelope {
uint32 id = 1;
optional uint32 responding_to = 2;
optional uint32 original_sender_id = 3;
oneof payload {
Ack ack = 4;
Error error = 5;
Ping ping = 6;
ShareWorktree share_worktree = 7;
ShareWorktreeResponse share_worktree_response = 8;
JoinWorktree join_worktree = 9;
JoinWorktreeResponse join_worktree_response = 10;
UpdateWorktree update_worktree = 11;
CloseWorktree close_worktree = 12;
OpenBuffer open_buffer = 13;
OpenBufferResponse open_buffer_response = 14;
CloseBuffer close_buffer = 15;
UpdateBuffer update_buffer = 16;
SaveBuffer save_buffer = 17;
BufferSaved buffer_saved = 18;
AddCollaborator add_collaborator = 19;
RemoveCollaborator remove_collaborator = 20;
GetChannels get_channels = 21;
GetChannelsResponse get_channels_response = 22;
GetUsers get_users = 23;
GetUsersResponse get_users_response = 24;
JoinChannel join_channel = 25;
JoinChannelResponse join_channel_response = 26;
LeaveChannel leave_channel = 27;
SendChannelMessage send_channel_message = 28;
SendChannelMessageResponse send_channel_message_response = 29;
ChannelMessageSent channel_message_sent = 30;
GetChannelMessages get_channel_messages = 31;
GetChannelMessagesResponse get_channel_messages_response = 32;
OpenWorktree open_worktree = 33;
OpenWorktreeResponse open_worktree_response = 34;
UnshareWorktree unshare_worktree = 35;
UpdateContacts update_contacts = 36;
LeaveWorktree leave_worktree = 37;
// Messages
message Ping {}
message Ack {}
message Error {
string message = 1;
message OpenWorktree {
string root_name = 1;
repeated string authorized_logins = 2;
message OpenWorktreeResponse {
uint64 worktree_id = 1;
message ShareWorktree {
Worktree worktree = 1;
message ShareWorktreeResponse {}
message UnshareWorktree {
uint64 worktree_id = 1;
message JoinWorktree {
uint64 worktree_id = 1;
message LeaveWorktree {
uint64 worktree_id = 1;
message JoinWorktreeResponse {
Worktree worktree = 2;
uint32 replica_id = 3;
repeated Collaborator collaborators = 4;
message UpdateWorktree {
uint64 worktree_id = 1;
repeated Entry updated_entries = 2;
repeated uint64 removed_entries = 3;
message CloseWorktree {
uint64 worktree_id = 1;
message AddCollaborator {
uint64 worktree_id = 1;
Collaborator collaborator = 2;
message RemoveCollaborator {
uint64 worktree_id = 1;
uint32 peer_id = 2;
message OpenBuffer {
uint64 worktree_id = 1;
string path = 2;
message OpenBufferResponse {
Buffer buffer = 1;
message CloseBuffer {
uint64 worktree_id = 1;
uint64 buffer_id = 2;
message UpdateBuffer {
uint64 worktree_id = 1;
uint64 buffer_id = 2;
repeated Operation operations = 3;
message SaveBuffer {
uint64 worktree_id = 1;
uint64 buffer_id = 2;
message BufferSaved {
uint64 worktree_id = 1;
uint64 buffer_id = 2;
repeated VectorClockEntry version = 3;
Timestamp mtime = 4;
message GetChannels {}
message GetChannelsResponse {
repeated Channel channels = 1;
message JoinChannel {
uint64 channel_id = 1;
message JoinChannelResponse {
repeated ChannelMessage messages = 1;
bool done = 2;
message LeaveChannel {
uint64 channel_id = 1;
message GetUsers {
repeated uint64 user_ids = 1;
message GetUsersResponse {
repeated User users = 1;
message SendChannelMessage {
uint64 channel_id = 1;
string body = 2;
Nonce nonce = 3;
message SendChannelMessageResponse {
ChannelMessage message = 1;
message ChannelMessageSent {
uint64 channel_id = 1;
ChannelMessage message = 2;
message GetChannelMessages {
uint64 channel_id = 1;
uint64 before_message_id = 2;
message GetChannelMessagesResponse {
repeated ChannelMessage messages = 1;
bool done = 2;
message UpdateContacts {
repeated Contact contacts = 1;
// Entities
message Collaborator {
uint32 peer_id = 1;
uint32 replica_id = 2;
uint64 user_id = 3;
message User {
uint64 id = 1;
string github_login = 2;
string avatar_url = 3;
message Worktree {
uint64 id = 1;
string root_name = 2;
repeated Entry entries = 3;
message Entry {
uint64 id = 1;
bool is_dir = 2;
string path = 3;
uint64 inode = 4;
Timestamp mtime = 5;
bool is_symlink = 6;
bool is_ignored = 7;
message Buffer {
uint64 id = 1;
string content = 2;
repeated Operation.Edit history = 3;
repeated SelectionSet selections = 4;
DiagnosticSet diagnostics = 5;
message SelectionSet {
uint32 replica_id = 1;
uint32 lamport_timestamp = 2;
bool is_active = 3;
repeated VectorClockEntry version = 4;
repeated Selection selections = 5;
message Selection {
uint64 id = 1;
uint64 start = 2;
uint64 end = 3;
bool reversed = 4;
message DiagnosticSet {
repeated VectorClockEntry version = 1;
repeated Diagnostic diagnostics = 2;
message Diagnostic {
uint64 start = 1;
uint64 end = 2;
Severity severity = 3;
string message = 4;
uint64 group_id = 5;
bool is_primary = 6;
enum Severity {
None = 0;
Error = 1;
Warning = 2;
Information = 3;
Hint = 4;
message Operation {
oneof variant {
Edit edit = 1;
Undo undo = 2;
UpdateSelections update_selections = 3;
RemoveSelections remove_selections = 4;
SetActiveSelections set_active_selections = 5;
DiagnosticSet update_diagnostics = 6;
message Edit {
uint32 replica_id = 1;
uint32 local_timestamp = 2;
uint32 lamport_timestamp = 3;
repeated VectorClockEntry version = 4;
repeated Range ranges = 5;
optional string new_text = 6;
message Undo {
uint32 replica_id = 1;
uint32 local_timestamp = 2;
uint32 lamport_timestamp = 3;
repeated Range ranges = 4;
repeated VectorClockEntry version = 5;
repeated UndoCount counts = 6;
message UndoCount {
uint32 replica_id = 1;
uint32 local_timestamp = 2;
uint32 count = 3;
message UpdateSelections {
uint32 replica_id = 1;
uint32 local_timestamp = 2;
uint32 lamport_timestamp = 3;
repeated VectorClockEntry version = 4;
repeated Selection selections = 5;
message RemoveSelections {
uint32 replica_id = 1;
uint32 local_timestamp = 2;
uint32 lamport_timestamp = 3;
message SetActiveSelections {
uint32 replica_id = 1;
optional uint32 local_timestamp = 2;
uint32 lamport_timestamp = 3;
message VectorClockEntry {
uint32 replica_id = 1;
uint32 timestamp = 2;
message Timestamp {
uint64 seconds = 1;
uint32 nanos = 2;
message Range {
uint64 start = 1;
uint64 end = 2;
message Nonce {
uint64 upper_half = 1;
uint64 lower_half = 2;
message Channel {
uint64 id = 1;
string name = 2;
message ChannelMessage {
uint64 id = 1;
string body = 2;
uint64 timestamp = 3;
uint64 sender_id = 4;
Nonce nonce = 5;
message Contact {
uint64 user_id = 1;
repeated WorktreeMetadata worktrees = 2;
message WorktreeMetadata {
uint64 id = 1;
string root_name = 2;
bool is_shared = 3;
repeated uint64 guests = 4;