2023-11-02 10:55:02 -07:00

331 lines
10 KiB

pub mod kvp;
pub mod query;
// Re-export
pub use anyhow;
use anyhow::Context;
use gpui::AppContext;
pub use indoc::indoc;
pub use lazy_static;
pub use smol;
pub use sqlez;
pub use sqlez_macros;
pub use util::paths::DB_DIR;
use sqlez::domain::Migrator;
use sqlez::thread_safe_connection::ThreadSafeConnection;
use sqlez_macros::sql;
use std::future::Future;
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering};
use util::channel::ReleaseChannel;
use util::{async_maybe, ResultExt};
const CONNECTION_INITIALIZE_QUERY: &'static str = sql!(
PRAGMA foreign_keys=TRUE;
const DB_INITIALIZE_QUERY: &'static str = sql!(
PRAGMA journal_mode=WAL;
PRAGMA busy_timeout=1;
PRAGMA case_sensitive_like=TRUE;
PRAGMA synchronous=NORMAL;
const FALLBACK_DB_NAME: &'static str = "FALLBACK_MEMORY_DB";
const DB_FILE_NAME: &'static str = "db.sqlite";
lazy_static::lazy_static! {
pub static ref ZED_STATELESS: bool = std::env::var("ZED_STATELESS").map_or(false, |v| !v.is_empty());
pub static ref ALL_FILE_DB_FAILED: AtomicBool = AtomicBool::new(false);
/// Open or create a database at the given directory path.
/// This will retry a couple times if there are failures. If opening fails once, the db directory
/// is moved to a backup folder and a new one is created. If that fails, a shared in memory db is created.
/// In either case, static variables are set so that the user can be notified.
pub async fn open_db<M: Migrator + 'static>(
db_dir: &Path,
release_channel: &ReleaseChannel,
) -> ThreadSafeConnection<M> {
return open_fallback_db().await;
let release_channel_name = release_channel.dev_name();
let main_db_dir = db_dir.join(Path::new(&format!("0-{}", release_channel_name)));
let connection = async_maybe!({
.context("Could not create db directory")
let db_path = main_db_dir.join(Path::new(DB_FILE_NAME));
if let Some(connection) = connection {
return connection;
// Set another static ref so that we can escalate the notification
ALL_FILE_DB_FAILED.store(true, Ordering::Release);
// If still failed, create an in memory db with a known name
async fn open_main_db<M: Migrator>(db_path: &PathBuf) -> Option<ThreadSafeConnection<M>> {
log::info!("Opening main db");
ThreadSafeConnection::<M>::builder(db_path.to_string_lossy().as_ref(), true)
async fn open_fallback_db<M: Migrator>() -> ThreadSafeConnection<M> {
log::info!("Opening fallback db");
ThreadSafeConnection::<M>::builder(FALLBACK_DB_NAME, false)
"Fallback in memory database failed. Likely initialization queries or migrations have fundamental errors",
#[cfg(any(test, feature = "test-support"))]
pub async fn open_test_db<M: Migrator>(db_name: &str) -> ThreadSafeConnection<M> {
use sqlez::thread_safe_connection::locking_queue;
ThreadSafeConnection::<M>::builder(db_name, false)
// Serialize queued writes via a mutex and run them synchronously
/// Implements a basic DB wrapper for a given domain
macro_rules! define_connection {
(pub static ref $id:ident: $t:ident<()> = $migrations:expr;) => {
pub struct $t($crate::sqlez::thread_safe_connection::ThreadSafeConnection<$t>);
impl ::std::ops::Deref for $t {
type Target = $crate::sqlez::thread_safe_connection::ThreadSafeConnection<$t>;
fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
impl $crate::sqlez::domain::Domain for $t {
fn name() -> &'static str {
fn migrations() -> &'static [&'static str] {
#[cfg(any(test, feature = "test-support"))]
$crate::lazy_static::lazy_static! {
pub static ref $id: $t = $t($crate::smol::block_on($crate::open_test_db(stringify!($id))));
#[cfg(not(any(test, feature = "test-support")))]
$crate::lazy_static::lazy_static! {
pub static ref $id: $t = $t($crate::smol::block_on($crate::open_db(&$crate::DB_DIR, &$crate::RELEASE_CHANNEL)));
(pub static ref $id:ident: $t:ident<$($d:ty),+> = $migrations:expr;) => {
pub struct $t($crate::sqlez::thread_safe_connection::ThreadSafeConnection<( $($d),+, $t )>);
impl ::std::ops::Deref for $t {
type Target = $crate::sqlez::thread_safe_connection::ThreadSafeConnection<($($d),+, $t)>;
fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
impl $crate::sqlez::domain::Domain for $t {
fn name() -> &'static str {
fn migrations() -> &'static [&'static str] {
#[cfg(any(test, feature = "test-support"))]
$crate::lazy_static::lazy_static! {
pub static ref $id: $t = $t($crate::smol::block_on($crate::open_test_db(stringify!($id))));
#[cfg(not(any(test, feature = "test-support")))]
$crate::lazy_static::lazy_static! {
pub static ref $id: $t = $t($crate::smol::block_on($crate::open_db(&$crate::DB_DIR, &$crate::RELEASE_CHANNEL)));
pub fn write_and_log<F>(cx: &mut AppContext, db_write: impl FnOnce() -> F + Send + 'static)
F: Future<Output = anyhow::Result<()>> + Send,
.spawn(async move { db_write().await.log_err() })
mod tests {
use std::thread;
use sqlez::domain::Domain;
use sqlez_macros::sql;
use tempdir::TempDir;
use crate::open_db;
// Test bad migration panics
async fn test_bad_migration_panics() {
enum BadDB {}
impl Domain for BadDB {
fn name() -> &'static str {
fn migrations() -> &'static [&'static str] {
sql!(CREATE TABLE test(value);),
// failure because test already exists
sql!(CREATE TABLE test(value);),
let tempdir = TempDir::new("DbTests").unwrap();
let _bad_db = open_db::<BadDB>(tempdir.path(), &util::channel::ReleaseChannel::Dev).await;
/// Test that DB exists but corrupted (causing recreate)
async fn test_db_corruption(cx: &mut gpui::TestAppContext) {
enum CorruptedDB {}
impl Domain for CorruptedDB {
fn name() -> &'static str {
fn migrations() -> &'static [&'static str] {
&[sql!(CREATE TABLE test(value);)]
enum GoodDB {}
impl Domain for GoodDB {
fn name() -> &'static str {
"db_tests" //Notice same name
fn migrations() -> &'static [&'static str] {
&[sql!(CREATE TABLE test2(value);)] //But different migration
let tempdir = TempDir::new("DbTests").unwrap();
let corrupt_db =
open_db::<CorruptedDB>(tempdir.path(), &util::channel::ReleaseChannel::Dev).await;
let good_db = open_db::<GoodDB>(tempdir.path(), &util::channel::ReleaseChannel::Dev).await;
good_db.select_row::<usize>("SELECT * FROM test2").unwrap()()
/// Test that DB exists but corrupted (causing recreate)
#[gpui::test(iterations = 30)]
async fn test_simultaneous_db_corruption(cx: &mut gpui::TestAppContext) {
enum CorruptedDB {}
impl Domain for CorruptedDB {
fn name() -> &'static str {
fn migrations() -> &'static [&'static str] {
&[sql!(CREATE TABLE test(value);)]
enum GoodDB {}
impl Domain for GoodDB {
fn name() -> &'static str {
"db_tests" //Notice same name
fn migrations() -> &'static [&'static str] {
&[sql!(CREATE TABLE test2(value);)] //But different migration
let tempdir = TempDir::new("DbTests").unwrap();
// Setup the bad database
let corrupt_db =
open_db::<CorruptedDB>(tempdir.path(), &util::channel::ReleaseChannel::Dev).await;
// Try to connect to it a bunch of times at once
let mut guards = vec![];
for _ in 0..10 {
let tmp_path = tempdir.path().to_path_buf();
let guard = thread::spawn(move || {
let good_db = smol::block_on(open_db::<GoodDB>(
good_db.select_row::<usize>("SELECT * FROM test2").unwrap()()
for guard in guards.into_iter() {