2023-11-06 11:06:43 -07:00

2938 lines
110 KiB

// mod dragged_item_receiver;
use crate::{
item::{Item, ItemHandle, ItemSettings, WeakItemHandle},
workspace_settings::{AutosaveSetting, WorkspaceSettings},
SplitDirection, Workspace,
use anyhow::Result;
use collections::{HashMap, HashSet, VecDeque};
use gpui::{
AppContext, AsyncWindowContext, Component, Div, EntityId, EventEmitter, FocusHandle, Model,
PromptLevel, Render, Task, View, ViewContext, VisualContext, WeakView, WindowContext,
use parking_lot::Mutex;
use project2::{Project, ProjectEntryId, ProjectPath};
use serde::Deserialize;
use settings2::Settings;
use std::{
cmp, fmt, mem,
path::{Path, PathBuf},
atomic::{AtomicUsize, Ordering},
use ui::v_stack;
use ui::{prelude::*, Icon, IconButton, IconColor, IconElement, TextTooltip};
use util::truncate_and_remove_front;
#[derive(PartialEq, Clone, Copy, Deserialize, Debug)]
#[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
pub enum SaveIntent {
/// write all files (even if unchanged)
/// prompt before overwriting on-disk changes
/// write any files that have local changes
/// prompt before overwriting on-disk changes
/// always prompt for a new path
/// prompt "you have unsaved changes" before writing
/// write all dirty files, don't prompt on conflict
/// skip all save-related behavior
// #[derive(Clone, Deserialize, PartialEq)]
// pub struct ActivateItem(pub usize);
// #[derive(Clone, PartialEq)]
// pub struct CloseItemById {
// pub item_id: usize,
// pub pane: WeakView<Pane>,
// }
// #[derive(Clone, PartialEq)]
// pub struct CloseItemsToTheLeftById {
// pub item_id: usize,
// pub pane: WeakView<Pane>,
// }
// #[derive(Clone, PartialEq)]
// pub struct CloseItemsToTheRightById {
// pub item_id: usize,
// pub pane: WeakView<Pane>,
// }
// #[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Debug, Deserialize, Default)]
// #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
// pub struct CloseActiveItem {
// pub save_intent: Option<SaveIntent>,
// }
// #[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Debug, Deserialize)]
// #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
// pub struct CloseAllItems {
// pub save_intent: Option<SaveIntent>,
// }
// todo!()
// actions!(
// pane,
// [
// ActivatePrevItem,
// ActivateNextItem,
// ActivateLastItem,
// CloseInactiveItems,
// CloseCleanItems,
// CloseItemsToTheLeft,
// CloseItemsToTheRight,
// GoBack,
// GoForward,
// ReopenClosedItem,
// SplitLeft,
// SplitUp,
// SplitRight,
// SplitDown,
// ]
// );
// impl_actions!(pane, [ActivateItem, CloseActiveItem, CloseAllItems]);
const MAX_NAVIGATION_HISTORY_LEN: usize = 1024;
pub fn init(cx: &mut AppContext) {
// todo!()
// cx.add_action(Pane::toggle_zoom);
// cx.add_action(|pane: &mut Pane, action: &ActivateItem, cx| {
// pane.activate_item(action.0, true, true, cx);
// });
// cx.add_action(|pane: &mut Pane, _: &ActivateLastItem, cx| {
// pane.activate_item(pane.items.len() - 1, true, true, cx);
// });
// cx.add_action(|pane: &mut Pane, _: &ActivatePrevItem, cx| {
// pane.activate_prev_item(true, cx);
// });
// cx.add_action(|pane: &mut Pane, _: &ActivateNextItem, cx| {
// pane.activate_next_item(true, cx);
// });
// cx.add_async_action(Pane::close_active_item);
// cx.add_async_action(Pane::close_inactive_items);
// cx.add_async_action(Pane::close_clean_items);
// cx.add_async_action(Pane::close_items_to_the_left);
// cx.add_async_action(Pane::close_items_to_the_right);
// cx.add_async_action(Pane::close_all_items);
// cx.add_action(|pane: &mut Pane, _: &SplitLeft, cx| pane.split(SplitDirection::Left, cx));
// cx.add_action(|pane: &mut Pane, _: &SplitUp, cx| pane.split(SplitDirection::Up, cx));
// cx.add_action(|pane: &mut Pane, _: &SplitRight, cx| pane.split(SplitDirection::Right, cx));
// cx.add_action(|pane: &mut Pane, _: &SplitDown, cx| pane.split(SplitDirection::Down, cx));
pub enum Event {
AddItem { item: Box<dyn ItemHandle> },
ActivateItem { local: bool },
RemoveItem { item_id: EntityId },
impl fmt::Debug for Event {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
match self {
Event::AddItem { item } => f.debug_struct("AddItem").field("item", &item.id()).finish(),
Event::ActivateItem { local } => f
.field("local", local)
Event::Remove => f.write_str("Remove"),
Event::RemoveItem { item_id } => f
.field("item_id", item_id)
Event::Split(direction) => f
.field("direction", direction)
Event::ChangeItemTitle => f.write_str("ChangeItemTitle"),
Event::Focus => f.write_str("Focus"),
Event::ZoomIn => f.write_str("ZoomIn"),
Event::ZoomOut => f.write_str("ZoomOut"),
pub struct Pane {
focus_handle: FocusHandle,
items: Vec<Box<dyn ItemHandle>>,
activation_history: Vec<EntityId>,
zoomed: bool,
active_item_index: usize,
// last_focused_view_by_item: HashMap<usize, AnyWeakViewHandle>,
autoscroll: bool,
nav_history: NavHistory,
toolbar: View<Toolbar>,
// tab_bar_context_menu: TabBarContextMenu,
// tab_context_menu: ViewHandle<ContextMenu>,
workspace: WeakView<Workspace>,
project: Model<Project>,
// can_drop: Rc<dyn Fn(&DragAndDrop<Workspace>, &WindowContext) -> bool>,
// can_split: bool,
// render_tab_bar_buttons: Rc<dyn Fn(&mut Pane, &mut ViewContext<Pane>) -> AnyElement<Pane>>,
pub struct ItemNavHistory {
history: NavHistory,
item: Arc<dyn WeakItemHandle>,
pub struct NavHistory(Arc<Mutex<NavHistoryState>>);
struct NavHistoryState {
mode: NavigationMode,
backward_stack: VecDeque<NavigationEntry>,
forward_stack: VecDeque<NavigationEntry>,
closed_stack: VecDeque<NavigationEntry>,
paths_by_item: HashMap<EntityId, (ProjectPath, Option<PathBuf>)>,
pane: WeakView<Pane>,
next_timestamp: Arc<AtomicUsize>,
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub enum NavigationMode {
impl Default for NavigationMode {
fn default() -> Self {
pub struct NavigationEntry {
pub item: Arc<dyn WeakItemHandle>,
pub data: Option<Box<dyn Any + Send>>,
pub timestamp: usize,
// pub struct DraggedItem {
// pub handle: Box<dyn ItemHandle>,
// pub pane: WeakView<Pane>,
// }
// pub enum ReorderBehavior {
// None,
// MoveAfterActive,
// MoveToIndex(usize),
// }
// #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
// enum TabBarContextMenuKind {
// New,
// Split,
// }
// struct TabBarContextMenu {
// kind: TabBarContextMenuKind,
// handle: ViewHandle<ContextMenu>,
// }
// impl TabBarContextMenu {
// fn handle_if_kind(&self, kind: TabBarContextMenuKind) -> Option<ViewHandle<ContextMenu>> {
// if self.kind == kind {
// return Some(self.handle.clone());
// }
// None
// }
// }
// #[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)]
// fn nav_button<A: Action, F: 'static + Fn(&mut Pane, &mut ViewContext<Pane>)>(
// svg_path: &'static str,
// style: theme2::Interactive<theme2::IconButton>,
// nav_button_height: f32,
// tooltip_style: TooltipStyle,
// enabled: bool,
// on_click: F,
// tooltip_action: A,
// action_name: &str,
// cx: &mut ViewContext<Pane>,
// ) -> AnyElement<Pane> {
// MouseEventHandler::new::<A, _>(0, cx, |state, _| {
// let style = if enabled {
// style.style_for(state)
// } else {
// style.disabled_style()
// };
// Svg::new(svg_path)
// .with_color(style.color)
// .constrained()
// .with_width(style.icon_width)
// .aligned()
// .contained()
// .with_style(style.container)
// .constrained()
// .with_width(style.button_width)
// .with_height(nav_button_height)
// .aligned()
// .top()
// })
// .with_cursor_style(if enabled {
// CursorStyle::PointingHand
// } else {
// CursorStyle::default()
// })
// .on_click(MouseButton::Left, move |_, toolbar, cx| {
// on_click(toolbar, cx)
// })
// .with_tooltip::<A>(
// 0,
// action_name.to_string(),
// Some(Box::new(tooltip_action)),
// tooltip_style,
// cx,
// )
// .contained()
// .into_any_named("nav button")
// }
impl EventEmitter for Pane {
type Event = Event;
impl Pane {
pub fn new(
workspace: WeakView<Workspace>,
project: Model<Project>,
next_timestamp: Arc<AtomicUsize>,
cx: &mut ViewContext<Self>,
) -> Self {
// todo!("context menu")
// let pane_view_id = cx.view_id();
// let context_menu = cx.add_view(|cx| ContextMenu::new(pane_view_id, cx));
// context_menu.update(cx, |menu, _| {
// menu.set_position_mode(OverlayPositionMode::Local)
// });
let handle = cx.view().downgrade();
Self {
focus_handle: cx.focus_handle(),
items: Vec::new(),
activation_history: Vec::new(),
zoomed: false,
active_item_index: 0,
// last_focused_view_by_item: Default::default(),
autoscroll: false,
nav_history: NavHistory(Arc::new(Mutex::new(NavHistoryState {
mode: NavigationMode::Normal,
backward_stack: Default::default(),
forward_stack: Default::default(),
closed_stack: Default::default(),
paths_by_item: Default::default(),
pane: handle.clone(),
toolbar: cx.build_view(|_| Toolbar::new()),
// tab_bar_context_menu: TabBarContextMenu {
// kind: TabBarContextMenuKind::New,
// handle: context_menu,
// },
// tab_context_menu: cx.add_view(|cx| ContextMenu::new(pane_view_id, cx)),
// can_drop: Rc::new(|_, _| true),
// can_split: true,
// render_tab_bar_buttons: Rc::new(move |pane, cx| {
// Flex::row()
// // New menu
// .with_child(Self::render_tab_bar_button(
// 0,
// "icons/plus.svg",
// false,
// Some(("New...".into(), None)),
// cx,
// |pane, cx| pane.deploy_new_menu(cx),
// |pane, cx| {
// pane.tab_bar_context_menu
// .handle
// .update(cx, |menu, _| menu.delay_cancel())
// },
// pane.tab_bar_context_menu
// .handle_if_kind(TabBarContextMenuKind::New),
// ))
// .with_child(Self::render_tab_bar_button(
// 1,
// "icons/split.svg",
// false,
// Some(("Split Pane".into(), None)),
// cx,
// |pane, cx| pane.deploy_split_menu(cx),
// |pane, cx| {
// pane.tab_bar_context_menu
// .handle
// .update(cx, |menu, _| menu.delay_cancel())
// },
// pane.tab_bar_context_menu
// .handle_if_kind(TabBarContextMenuKind::Split),
// ))
// .with_child({
// let icon_path;
// let tooltip_label;
// if pane.is_zoomed() {
// icon_path = "icons/minimize.svg";
// tooltip_label = "Zoom In";
// } else {
// icon_path = "icons/maximize.svg";
// tooltip_label = "Zoom In";
// }
// Pane::render_tab_bar_button(
// 2,
// icon_path,
// pane.is_zoomed(),
// Some((tooltip_label, Some(Box::new(ToggleZoom)))),
// cx,
// move |pane, cx| pane.toggle_zoom(&Default::default(), cx),
// move |_, _| {},
// None,
// )
// })
// .into_any()
// }),
pub(crate) fn workspace(&self) -> &WeakView<Workspace> {
pub fn has_focus(&self, cx: &WindowContext) -> bool {
pub fn active_item_index(&self) -> usize {
// pub fn on_can_drop<F>(&mut self, can_drop: F)
// where
// F: 'static + Fn(&DragAndDrop<Workspace>, &WindowContext) -> bool,
// {
// self.can_drop = Rc::new(can_drop);
// }
// pub fn set_can_split(&mut self, can_split: bool, cx: &mut ViewContext<Self>) {
// self.can_split = can_split;
// cx.notify();
// }
// pub fn set_can_navigate(&mut self, can_navigate: bool, cx: &mut ViewContext<Self>) {
// self.toolbar.update(cx, |toolbar, cx| {
// toolbar.set_can_navigate(can_navigate, cx);
// });
// cx.notify();
// }
// pub fn set_render_tab_bar_buttons<F>(&mut self, cx: &mut ViewContext<Self>, render: F)
// where
// F: 'static + Fn(&mut Pane, &mut ViewContext<Pane>) -> AnyElement<Pane>,
// {
// self.render_tab_bar_buttons = Rc::new(render);
// cx.notify();
// }
pub fn nav_history_for_item<T: Item>(&self, item: &View<T>) -> ItemNavHistory {
ItemNavHistory {
history: self.nav_history.clone(),
item: Arc::new(item.downgrade()),
pub fn nav_history(&self) -> &NavHistory {
pub fn nav_history_mut(&mut self) -> &mut NavHistory {
&mut self.nav_history
pub fn disable_history(&mut self) {
pub fn enable_history(&mut self) {
pub fn can_navigate_backward(&self) -> bool {
pub fn can_navigate_forward(&self) -> bool {
fn history_updated(&mut self, cx: &mut ViewContext<Self>) {
self.toolbar.update(cx, |_, cx| cx.notify());
pub(crate) fn open_item(
&mut self,
project_entry_id: ProjectEntryId,
focus_item: bool,
cx: &mut ViewContext<Self>,
build_item: impl FnOnce(&mut ViewContext<Pane>) -> Box<dyn ItemHandle>,
) -> Box<dyn ItemHandle> {
let mut existing_item = None;
for (index, item) in self.items.iter().enumerate() {
if item.is_singleton(cx) && item.project_entry_ids(cx).as_slice() == [project_entry_id]
let item = item.boxed_clone();
existing_item = Some((index, item));
if let Some((index, existing_item)) = existing_item {
self.activate_item(index, focus_item, focus_item, cx);
} else {
let new_item = build_item(cx);
self.add_item(new_item.clone(), true, focus_item, None, cx);
pub fn add_item(
&mut self,
item: Box<dyn ItemHandle>,
activate_pane: bool,
focus_item: bool,
destination_index: Option<usize>,
cx: &mut ViewContext<Self>,
) {
if item.is_singleton(cx) {
if let Some(&entry_id) = item.project_entry_ids(cx).get(0) {
let project = self.project.read(cx);
if let Some(project_path) = project.path_for_entry(entry_id, cx) {
let abs_path = project.absolute_path(&project_path, cx);
.insert(item.id(), (project_path, abs_path));
// If no destination index is specified, add or move the item after the active item.
let mut insertion_index = {
if let Some(destination_index) = destination_index {
} else {
self.active_item_index + 1
// Does the item already exist?
let project_entry_id = if item.is_singleton(cx) {
} else {
let existing_item_index = self.items.iter().position(|existing_item| {
if existing_item.id() == item.id() {
} else if existing_item.is_singleton(cx) {
.map_or(false, |existing_entry_id| {
Some(existing_entry_id) == project_entry_id.as_ref()
} else {
if let Some(existing_item_index) = existing_item_index {
// If the item already exists, move it to the desired destination and activate it
if existing_item_index != insertion_index {
let existing_item_is_active = existing_item_index == self.active_item_index;
// If the caller didn't specify a destination and the added item is already
// the active one, don't move it
if existing_item_is_active && destination_index.is_none() {
insertion_index = existing_item_index;
} else {
if existing_item_index < self.active_item_index {
self.active_item_index -= 1;
insertion_index = insertion_index.min(self.items.len());
self.items.insert(insertion_index, item.clone());
if existing_item_is_active {
self.active_item_index = insertion_index;
} else if insertion_index <= self.active_item_index {
self.active_item_index += 1;
self.activate_item(insertion_index, activate_pane, focus_item, cx);
} else {
self.items.insert(insertion_index, item.clone());
if insertion_index <= self.active_item_index {
self.active_item_index += 1;
self.activate_item(insertion_index, activate_pane, focus_item, cx);
cx.emit(Event::AddItem { item });
pub fn items_len(&self) -> usize {
pub fn items(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &Box<dyn ItemHandle>> + DoubleEndedIterator {
// pub fn items_of_type<T: View>(&self) -> impl '_ + Iterator<Item = ViewHandle<T>> {
// self.items
// .iter()
// .filter_map(|item| item.as_any().clone().downcast())
// }
pub fn active_item(&self) -> Option<Box<dyn ItemHandle>> {
// pub fn pixel_position_of_cursor(&self, cx: &AppContext) -> Option<Vector2F> {
// self.items
// .get(self.active_item_index)?
// .pixel_position_of_cursor(cx)
// }
pub fn item_for_entry(
entry_id: ProjectEntryId,
cx: &AppContext,
) -> Option<Box<dyn ItemHandle>> {
self.items.iter().find_map(|item| {
if item.is_singleton(cx) && item.project_entry_ids(cx).as_slice() == [entry_id] {
} else {
pub fn index_for_item(&self, item: &dyn ItemHandle) -> Option<usize> {
self.items.iter().position(|i| i.id() == item.id())
// pub fn toggle_zoom(&mut self, _: &ToggleZoom, cx: &mut ViewContext<Self>) {
// // Potentially warn the user of the new keybinding
// let workspace_handle = self.workspace().clone();
// cx.spawn(|_, mut cx| async move { notify_of_new_dock(&workspace_handle, &mut cx) })
// .detach();
// if self.zoomed {
// cx.emit(Event::ZoomOut);
// } else if !self.items.is_empty() {
// if !self.has_focus {
// cx.focus_self();
// }
// cx.emit(Event::ZoomIn);
// }
// }
pub fn activate_item(
&mut self,
index: usize,
activate_pane: bool,
focus_item: bool,
cx: &mut ViewContext<Self>,
) {
use NavigationMode::{GoingBack, GoingForward};
if index < self.items.len() {
let prev_active_item_ix = mem::replace(&mut self.active_item_index, index);
if prev_active_item_ix != self.active_item_index
|| matches!(self.nav_history.mode(), GoingBack | GoingForward)
if let Some(prev_item) = self.items.get(prev_active_item_ix) {
cx.emit(Event::ActivateItem {
local: activate_pane,
if let Some(newly_active_item) = self.items.get(index) {
.retain(|&previously_active_item_id| {
previously_active_item_id != newly_active_item.id()
if focus_item {
self.autoscroll = true;
// pub fn activate_prev_item(&mut self, activate_pane: bool, cx: &mut ViewContext<Self>) {
// let mut index = self.active_item_index;
// if index > 0 {
// index -= 1;
// } else if !self.items.is_empty() {
// index = self.items.len() - 1;
// }
// self.activate_item(index, activate_pane, activate_pane, cx);
// }
// pub fn activate_next_item(&mut self, activate_pane: bool, cx: &mut ViewContext<Self>) {
// let mut index = self.active_item_index;
// if index + 1 < self.items.len() {
// index += 1;
// } else {
// index = 0;
// }
// self.activate_item(index, activate_pane, activate_pane, cx);
// }
// pub fn close_active_item(
// &mut self,
// action: &CloseActiveItem,
// cx: &mut ViewContext<Self>,
// ) -> Option<Task<Result<()>>> {
// if self.items.is_empty() {
// return None;
// }
// let active_item_id = self.items[self.active_item_index].id();
// Some(self.close_item_by_id(
// active_item_id,
// action.save_intent.unwrap_or(SaveIntent::Close),
// cx,
// ))
// }
pub fn close_item_by_id(
&mut self,
item_id_to_close: EntityId,
save_intent: SaveIntent,
cx: &mut ViewContext<Self>,
) -> Task<Result<()>> {
self.close_items(cx, save_intent, move |view_id| view_id == item_id_to_close)
// pub fn close_inactive_items(
// &mut self,
// _: &CloseInactiveItems,
// cx: &mut ViewContext<Self>,
// ) -> Option<Task<Result<()>>> {
// if self.items.is_empty() {
// return None;
// }
// let active_item_id = self.items[self.active_item_index].id();
// Some(self.close_items(cx, SaveIntent::Close, move |item_id| {
// item_id != active_item_id
// }))
// }
// pub fn close_clean_items(
// &mut self,
// _: &CloseCleanItems,
// cx: &mut ViewContext<Self>,
// ) -> Option<Task<Result<()>>> {
// let item_ids: Vec<_> = self
// .items()
// .filter(|item| !item.is_dirty(cx))
// .map(|item| item.id())
// .collect();
// Some(self.close_items(cx, SaveIntent::Close, move |item_id| {
// item_ids.contains(&item_id)
// }))
// }
// pub fn close_items_to_the_left(
// &mut self,
// _: &CloseItemsToTheLeft,
// cx: &mut ViewContext<Self>,
// ) -> Option<Task<Result<()>>> {
// if self.items.is_empty() {
// return None;
// }
// let active_item_id = self.items[self.active_item_index].id();
// Some(self.close_items_to_the_left_by_id(active_item_id, cx))
// }
// pub fn close_items_to_the_left_by_id(
// &mut self,
// item_id: usize,
// cx: &mut ViewContext<Self>,
// ) -> Task<Result<()>> {
// let item_ids: Vec<_> = self
// .items()
// .take_while(|item| item.id() != item_id)
// .map(|item| item.id())
// .collect();
// self.close_items(cx, SaveIntent::Close, move |item_id| {
// item_ids.contains(&item_id)
// })
// }
// pub fn close_items_to_the_right(
// &mut self,
// _: &CloseItemsToTheRight,
// cx: &mut ViewContext<Self>,
// ) -> Option<Task<Result<()>>> {
// if self.items.is_empty() {
// return None;
// }
// let active_item_id = self.items[self.active_item_index].id();
// Some(self.close_items_to_the_right_by_id(active_item_id, cx))
// }
// pub fn close_items_to_the_right_by_id(
// &mut self,
// item_id: usize,
// cx: &mut ViewContext<Self>,
// ) -> Task<Result<()>> {
// let item_ids: Vec<_> = self
// .items()
// .rev()
// .take_while(|item| item.id() != item_id)
// .map(|item| item.id())
// .collect();
// self.close_items(cx, SaveIntent::Close, move |item_id| {
// item_ids.contains(&item_id)
// })
// }
// pub fn close_all_items(
// &mut self,
// action: &CloseAllItems,
// cx: &mut ViewContext<Self>,
// ) -> Option<Task<Result<()>>> {
// if self.items.is_empty() {
// return None;
// }
// Some(
// self.close_items(cx, action.save_intent.unwrap_or(SaveIntent::Close), |_| {
// true
// }),
// )
// }
pub(super) fn file_names_for_prompt(
items: &mut dyn Iterator<Item = &Box<dyn ItemHandle>>,
all_dirty_items: usize,
cx: &AppContext,
) -> String {
/// Quantity of item paths displayed in prompt prior to cutoff..
const FILE_NAMES_CUTOFF_POINT: usize = 10;
let mut file_names: Vec<_> = items
.filter_map(|item| {
item.project_path(cx).and_then(|project_path| {
.and_then(|name| name.to_str().map(ToOwned::to_owned))
let should_display_followup_text =
all_dirty_items > FILE_NAMES_CUTOFF_POINT || file_names.len() != all_dirty_items;
if should_display_followup_text {
let not_shown_files = all_dirty_items - file_names.len();
if not_shown_files == 1 {
file_names.push(".. 1 file not shown".into());
} else {
file_names.push(format!(".. {} files not shown", not_shown_files).into());
let file_names = file_names.join("\n");
"Do you want to save changes to the following {} files?\n{file_names}",
pub fn close_items(
&mut self,
cx: &mut ViewContext<Pane>,
mut save_intent: SaveIntent,
should_close: impl 'static + Fn(EntityId) -> bool,
) -> Task<Result<()>> {
// Find the items to close.
let mut items_to_close = Vec::new();
let mut dirty_items = Vec::new();
for item in &self.items {
if should_close(item.id()) {
if item.is_dirty(cx) {
// If a buffer is open both in a singleton editor and in a multibuffer, make sure
// to focus the singleton buffer when prompting to save that buffer, as opposed
// to focusing the multibuffer, because this gives the user a more clear idea
// of what content they would be saving.
items_to_close.sort_by_key(|item| !item.is_singleton(cx));
let workspace = self.workspace.clone();
cx.spawn(|pane, mut cx| async move {
if save_intent == SaveIntent::Close && dirty_items.len() > 1 {
let answer = pane.update(&mut cx, |_, cx| {
let prompt =
Self::file_names_for_prompt(&mut dirty_items.iter(), dirty_items.len(), cx);
&["Save all", "Discard all", "Cancel"],
match answer.await {
Ok(0) => save_intent = SaveIntent::SaveAll,
Ok(1) => save_intent = SaveIntent::Skip,
_ => {}
let mut saved_project_items_ids = HashSet::default();
for item in items_to_close.clone() {
// Find the item's current index and its set of project item models. Avoid
// storing these in advance, in case they have changed since this task
// was started.
let (item_ix, mut project_item_ids) = pane.update(&mut cx, |pane, cx| {
(pane.index_for_item(&*item), item.project_item_model_ids(cx))
let item_ix = if let Some(ix) = item_ix {
} else {
// Check if this view has any project items that are not open anywhere else
// in the workspace, AND that the user has not already been prompted to save.
// If there are any such project entries, prompt the user to save this item.
let project = workspace.update(&mut cx, |workspace, cx| {
for item in workspace.items(cx) {
if !items_to_close
.any(|item_to_close| item_to_close.id() == item.id())
let other_project_item_ids = item.project_item_model_ids(cx);
project_item_ids.retain(|id| !other_project_item_ids.contains(id));
let should_save = project_item_ids
.any(|id| saved_project_items_ids.insert(*id));
if should_save
&& !Self::save_item(
&mut cx,
// Remove the item from the pane.
pane.update(&mut cx, |pane, cx| {
if let Some(item_ix) = pane.items.iter().position(|i| i.id() == item.id()) {
pane.remove_item(item_ix, false, cx);
pane.update(&mut cx, |_, cx| cx.notify())?;
pub fn remove_item(
&mut self,
item_index: usize,
activate_pane: bool,
cx: &mut ViewContext<Self>,
) {
.retain(|&history_entry| history_entry != self.items[item_index].id());
if item_index == self.active_item_index {
let index_to_activate = self
.and_then(|last_activated_item| {
self.items.iter().enumerate().find_map(|(index, item)| {
(item.id() == last_activated_item).then_some(index)
// We didn't have a valid activation history entry, so fallback
// to activating the item to the left
.unwrap_or_else(|| item_index.min(self.items.len()).saturating_sub(1));
let should_activate = activate_pane || self.has_focus(cx);
self.activate_item(index_to_activate, should_activate, should_activate, cx);
let item = self.items.remove(item_index);
cx.emit(Event::RemoveItem { item_id: item.id() });
if self.items.is_empty() {
if item_index < self.active_item_index {
self.active_item_index -= 1;
if let Some(path) = item.project_path(cx) {
let abs_path = self
.and_then(|(_, abs_path)| abs_path.clone());
.insert(item.id(), (path, abs_path));
} else {
if self.items.is_empty() && self.zoomed {
pub async fn save_item(
project: Model<Project>,
pane: &WeakView<Pane>,
item_ix: usize,
item: &dyn ItemHandle,
save_intent: SaveIntent,
cx: &mut AsyncWindowContext,
) -> Result<bool> {
const CONFLICT_MESSAGE: &str =
"This file has changed on disk since you started editing it. Do you want to overwrite it?";
if save_intent == SaveIntent::Skip {
return Ok(true);
let (mut has_conflict, mut is_dirty, mut can_save, can_save_as) = cx.update(|_, cx| {
// when saving a single buffer, we ignore whether or not it's dirty.
if save_intent == SaveIntent::Save {
is_dirty = true;
if save_intent == SaveIntent::SaveAs {
is_dirty = true;
has_conflict = false;
can_save = false;
if save_intent == SaveIntent::Overwrite {
has_conflict = false;
if has_conflict && can_save {
let answer = pane.update(cx, |pane, cx| {
pane.activate_item(item_ix, true, true, cx);
&["Overwrite", "Discard", "Cancel"],
match answer.await {
Ok(0) => pane.update(cx, |_, cx| item.save(project, cx))?.await?,
Ok(1) => pane.update(cx, |_, cx| item.reload(project, cx))?.await?,
_ => return Ok(false),
} else if is_dirty && (can_save || can_save_as) {
if save_intent == SaveIntent::Close {
let will_autosave = cx.update(|_, cx| {
AutosaveSetting::OnFocusChange | AutosaveSetting::OnWindowChange
) && Self::can_autosave_item(&*item, cx)
if !will_autosave {
let answer = pane.update(cx, |pane, cx| {
pane.activate_item(item_ix, true, true, cx);
let prompt = dirty_message_for(item.project_path(cx));
&["Save", "Don't Save", "Cancel"],
match answer.await {
Ok(0) => {}
Ok(1) => return Ok(true), // Don't save this file
_ => return Ok(false), // Cancel
if can_save {
pane.update(cx, |_, cx| item.save(project, cx))?.await?;
} else if can_save_as {
let start_abs_path = project
.update(cx, |project, cx| {
let worktree = project.visible_worktrees(cx).next()?;
.unwrap_or_else(|| Path::new("").into());
let abs_path = cx.update(|_, cx| cx.prompt_for_new_path(&start_abs_path))?;
if let Some(abs_path) = abs_path.await.ok().flatten() {
pane.update(cx, |_, cx| item.save_as(project, abs_path, cx))?
} else {
return Ok(false);
fn can_autosave_item(item: &dyn ItemHandle, cx: &AppContext) -> bool {
let is_deleted = item.project_entry_ids(cx).is_empty();
item.is_dirty(cx) && !item.has_conflict(cx) && item.can_save(cx) && !is_deleted
pub fn autosave_item(
item: &dyn ItemHandle,
project: Model<Project>,
cx: &mut WindowContext,
) -> Task<Result<()>> {
if Self::can_autosave_item(item, cx) {
item.save(project, cx)
} else {
pub fn focus(&mut self, cx: &mut ViewContext<Pane>) {
pub fn focus_active_item(&mut self, cx: &mut ViewContext<Self>) {
if let Some(active_item) = self.active_item() {
let focus_handle = active_item.focus_handle(cx);
// pub fn split(&mut self, direction: SplitDirection, cx: &mut ViewContext<Self>) {
// cx.emit(Event::Split(direction));
// }
// fn deploy_split_menu(&mut self, cx: &mut ViewContext<Self>) {
// self.tab_bar_context_menu.handle.update(cx, |menu, cx| {
// menu.toggle(
// Default::default(),
// AnchorCorner::TopRight,
// vec![
// ContextMenuItem::action("Split Right", SplitRight),
// ContextMenuItem::action("Split Left", SplitLeft),
// ContextMenuItem::action("Split Up", SplitUp),
// ContextMenuItem::action("Split Down", SplitDown),
// ],
// cx,
// );
// });
// self.tab_bar_context_menu.kind = TabBarContextMenuKind::Split;
// }
// fn deploy_new_menu(&mut self, cx: &mut ViewContext<Self>) {
// self.tab_bar_context_menu.handle.update(cx, |menu, cx| {
// menu.toggle(
// Default::default(),
// AnchorCorner::TopRight,
// vec![
// ContextMenuItem::action("New File", NewFile),
// ContextMenuItem::action("New Terminal", NewCenterTerminal),
// ContextMenuItem::action("New Search", NewSearch),
// ],
// cx,
// );
// });
// self.tab_bar_context_menu.kind = TabBarContextMenuKind::New;
// }
// fn deploy_tab_context_menu(
// &mut self,
// position: Vector2F,
// target_item_id: usize,
// cx: &mut ViewContext<Self>,
// ) {
// let active_item_id = self.items[self.active_item_index].id();
// let is_active_item = target_item_id == active_item_id;
// let target_pane = cx.weak_handle();
// // The `CloseInactiveItems` action should really be called "CloseOthers" and the behaviour should be dynamically based on the tab the action is ran on. Currently, this is a weird action because you can run it on a non-active tab and it will close everything by the actual active tab
// self.tab_context_menu.update(cx, |menu, cx| {
// menu.show(
// position,
// AnchorCorner::TopLeft,
// if is_active_item {
// vec![
// ContextMenuItem::action(
// "Close Active Item",
// CloseActiveItem { save_intent: None },
// ),
// ContextMenuItem::action("Close Inactive Items", CloseInactiveItems),
// ContextMenuItem::action("Close Clean Items", CloseCleanItems),
// ContextMenuItem::action("Close Items To The Left", CloseItemsToTheLeft),
// ContextMenuItem::action("Close Items To The Right", CloseItemsToTheRight),
// ContextMenuItem::action(
// "Close All Items",
// CloseAllItems { save_intent: None },
// ),
// ]
// } else {
// // In the case of the user right clicking on a non-active tab, for some item-closing commands, we need to provide the id of the tab, for the others, we can reuse the existing command.
// vec![
// ContextMenuItem::handler("Close Inactive Item", {
// let pane = target_pane.clone();
// move |cx| {
// if let Some(pane) = pane.upgrade(cx) {
// pane.update(cx, |pane, cx| {
// pane.close_item_by_id(
// target_item_id,
// SaveIntent::Close,
// cx,
// )
// .detach_and_log_err(cx);
// })
// }
// }
// }),
// ContextMenuItem::action("Close Inactive Items", CloseInactiveItems),
// ContextMenuItem::action("Close Clean Items", CloseCleanItems),
// ContextMenuItem::handler("Close Items To The Left", {
// let pane = target_pane.clone();
// move |cx| {
// if let Some(pane) = pane.upgrade(cx) {
// pane.update(cx, |pane, cx| {
// pane.close_items_to_the_left_by_id(target_item_id, cx)
// .detach_and_log_err(cx);
// })
// }
// }
// }),
// ContextMenuItem::handler("Close Items To The Right", {
// let pane = target_pane.clone();
// move |cx| {
// if let Some(pane) = pane.upgrade(cx) {
// pane.update(cx, |pane, cx| {
// pane.close_items_to_the_right_by_id(target_item_id, cx)
// .detach_and_log_err(cx);
// })
// }
// }
// }),
// ContextMenuItem::action(
// "Close All Items",
// CloseAllItems { save_intent: None },
// ),
// ]
// },
// cx,
// );
// });
// }
pub fn toolbar(&self) -> &View<Toolbar> {
pub fn handle_deleted_project_item(
&mut self,
entry_id: ProjectEntryId,
cx: &mut ViewContext<Pane>,
) -> Option<()> {
let (item_index_to_delete, item_id) = self.items().enumerate().find_map(|(i, item)| {
if item.is_singleton(cx) && item.project_entry_ids(cx).as_slice() == [entry_id] {
Some((i, item.id()))
} else {
self.remove_item(item_index_to_delete, false, cx);
fn update_toolbar(&mut self, cx: &mut ViewContext<Self>) {
let active_item = self
.map(|item| item.as_ref());
self.toolbar.update(cx, |toolbar, cx| {
toolbar.set_active_item(active_item, cx);
fn render_tab(
ix: usize,
item: &Box<dyn ItemHandle>,
detail: usize,
cx: &mut ViewContext<'_, Pane>,
) -> impl Component<Self> {
let label = item.tab_content(Some(detail), cx);
let close_icon = || {
let id = item.id();
.group_hover("", |style| style.visible())
.child(IconButton::new("close_tab", Icon::Close).on_click(
move |pane: &mut Self, cx| {
pane.close_item_by_id(id, SaveIntent::Close, cx)
let (text_color, tab_bg, tab_hover_bg, tab_active_bg) = match ix == self.active_item_index {
false => (
true => (
let close_right = ItemSettings::get_global(cx).close_position.right();
.when_some(item.tab_tooltip_text(cx), |div, text| {
div.tooltip(move |_, cx| cx.build_view(|cx| TextTooltip::new(text.clone())))
// .on_drag(move |pane, cx| pane.render_tab(ix, item.boxed_clone(), detail, cx))
// .drag_over::<DraggedTab>(|d| d.bg(cx.theme().colors().element_drop_target))
// .on_drop(|_view, state: View<DraggedTab>, cx| {
// eprintln!("{:?}", state.read(cx));
// })
.hover(|h| h.bg(tab_hover_bg))
.active(|a| a.bg(tab_active_bg))
.children(if item.has_conflict(cx) {
} else if item.is_dirty(cx) {
} else {
.children(if !close_right {
} else {
.children(if close_right {
} else {
fn render_tab_bar(&mut self, cx: &mut ViewContext<'_, Pane>) -> impl Component<Self> {
// Left Side
// Nav Buttons
.child(IconButton::new("navigate_backward", Icon::ArrowLeft).state(
.child(IconButton::new("navigate_forward", Icon::ArrowRight).state(
.map(|((ix, item), detail)| self.render_tab(ix, item, detail, cx)),
// Right Side
// We only use absolute here since we don't
// have opacity or `hidden()` yet
.group_hover("tab_bar", |this| this.top_0())
// Nav Buttons
.child(IconButton::new("plus", Icon::Plus))
.child(IconButton::new("split", Icon::Split)),
// fn render_tabs(&mut self, cx: &mut ViewContext<Self>) -> impl Element<Self> {
// let theme = theme::current(cx).clone();
// let pane = cx.handle().downgrade();
// let autoscroll = if mem::take(&mut self.autoscroll) {
// Some(self.active_item_index)
// } else {
// None
// };
// let pane_active = self.has_focus;
// enum Tabs {}
// let mut row = Flex::row().scrollable::<Tabs>(1, autoscroll, cx);
// for (ix, (item, detail)) in self
// .items
// .iter()
// .cloned()
// .zip(self.tab_details(cx))
// .enumerate()
// {
// let git_status = item
// .project_path(cx)
// .and_then(|path| self.project.read(cx).entry_for_path(&path, cx))
// .and_then(|entry| entry.git_status());
// let detail = if detail == 0 { None } else { Some(detail) };
// let tab_active = ix == self.active_item_index;
// row.add_child({
// enum TabDragReceiver {}
// let mut receiver =
// dragged_item_receiver::<TabDragReceiver, _, _>(self, ix, ix, true, None, cx, {
// let item = item.clone();
// let pane = pane.clone();
// let detail = detail.clone();
// let theme = theme::current(cx).clone();
// let mut tooltip_theme = theme.tooltip.clone();
// tooltip_theme.max_text_width = None;
// let tab_tooltip_text =
// item.tab_tooltip_text(cx).map(|text| text.into_owned());
// let mut tab_style = theme
// .workspace
// .tab_bar
// .tab_style(pane_active, tab_active)
// .clone();
// let should_show_status = settings::get::<ItemSettings>(cx).git_status;
// if should_show_status && git_status != None {
// tab_style.label.text.color = match git_status.unwrap() {
// GitFileStatus::Added => tab_style.git.inserted,
// GitFileStatus::Modified => tab_style.git.modified,
// GitFileStatus::Conflict => tab_style.git.conflict,
// };
// }
// move |mouse_state, cx| {
// let hovered = mouse_state.hovered();
// enum Tab {}
// let mouse_event_handler =
// MouseEventHandler::new::<Tab, _>(ix, cx, |_, cx| {
// Self::render_tab(
// &item,
// pane.clone(),
// ix == 0,
// detail,
// hovered,
// &tab_style,
// cx,
// )
// })
// .on_down(MouseButton::Left, move |_, this, cx| {
// this.activate_item(ix, true, true, cx);
// })
// .on_click(MouseButton::Middle, {
// let item_id = item.id();
// move |_, pane, cx| {
// pane.close_item_by_id(item_id, SaveIntent::Close, cx)
// .detach_and_log_err(cx);
// }
// })
// .on_down(
// MouseButton::Right,
// move |event, pane, cx| {
// pane.deploy_tab_context_menu(event.position, item.id(), cx);
// },
// );
// if let Some(tab_tooltip_text) = tab_tooltip_text {
// mouse_event_handler
// .with_tooltip::<Self>(
// ix,
// tab_tooltip_text,
// None,
// tooltip_theme,
// cx,
// )
// .into_any()
// } else {
// mouse_event_handler.into_any()
// }
// }
// });
// if !pane_active || !tab_active {
// receiver = receiver.with_cursor_style(CursorStyle::PointingHand);
// }
// receiver.as_draggable(
// DraggedItem {
// handle: item,
// pane: pane.clone(),
// },
// {
// let theme = theme::current(cx).clone();
// let detail = detail.clone();
// move |_, dragged_item: &DraggedItem, cx: &mut ViewContext<Workspace>| {
// let tab_style = &theme.workspace.tab_bar.dragged_tab;
// Self::render_dragged_tab(
// &dragged_item.handle,
// dragged_item.pane.clone(),
// false,
// detail,
// false,
// &tab_style,
// cx,
// )
// }
// },
// )
// })
// }
// // Use the inactive tab style along with the current pane's active status to decide how to render
// // the filler
// let filler_index = self.items.len();
// let filler_style = theme.workspace.tab_bar.tab_style(pane_active, false);
// enum Filler {}
// row.add_child(
// dragged_item_receiver::<Filler, _, _>(self, 0, filler_index, true, None, cx, |_, _| {
// Empty::new()
// .contained()
// .with_style(filler_style.container)
// .with_border(filler_style.container.border)
// })
// .flex(1., true)
// .into_any_named("filler"),
// );
// row
// }
fn tab_details(&self, cx: &AppContext) -> Vec<usize> {
let mut tab_details = self.items.iter().map(|_| 0).collect::<Vec<_>>();
let mut tab_descriptions = HashMap::default();
let mut done = false;
while !done {
done = true;
// Store item indices by their tab description.
for (ix, (item, detail)) in self.items.iter().zip(&tab_details).enumerate() {
if let Some(description) = item.tab_description(*detail, cx) {
if *detail == 0
|| Some(&description) != item.tab_description(detail - 1, cx).as_ref()
// If two or more items have the same tab description, increase eir level
// of detail and try again.
for (_, item_ixs) in tab_descriptions.drain() {
if item_ixs.len() > 1 {
done = false;
for ix in item_ixs {
tab_details[ix] += 1;
// fn render_tab(
// item: &Box<dyn ItemHandle>,
// pane: WeakView<Pane>,
// first: bool,
// detail: Option<usize>,
// hovered: bool,
// tab_style: &theme::Tab,
// cx: &mut ViewContext<Self>,
// ) -> AnyElement<Self> {
// let title = item.tab_content(detail, &tab_style, cx);
// Self::render_tab_with_title(title, item, pane, first, hovered, tab_style, cx)
// }
// fn render_dragged_tab(
// item: &Box<dyn ItemHandle>,
// pane: WeakView<Pane>,
// first: bool,
// detail: Option<usize>,
// hovered: bool,
// tab_style: &theme::Tab,
// cx: &mut ViewContext<Workspace>,
// ) -> AnyElement<Workspace> {
// let title = item.dragged_tab_content(detail, &tab_style, cx);
// Self::render_tab_with_title(title, item, pane, first, hovered, tab_style, cx)
// }
// fn render_tab_with_title<T: View>(
// title: AnyElement<T>,
// item: &Box<dyn ItemHandle>,
// pane: WeakView<Pane>,
// first: bool,
// hovered: bool,
// tab_style: &theme::Tab,
// cx: &mut ViewContext<T>,
// ) -> AnyElement<T> {
// let mut container = tab_style.container.clone();
// if first {
// container.border.left = false;
// }
// let buffer_jewel_element = {
// let diameter = 7.0;
// let icon_color = if item.has_conflict(cx) {
// Some(tab_style.icon_conflict)
// } else if item.is_dirty(cx) {
// Some(tab_style.icon_dirty)
// } else {
// None
// };
// Canvas::new(move |bounds, _, _, cx| {
// if let Some(color) = icon_color {
// let square = RectF::new(bounds.origin(), vec2f(diameter, diameter));
// cx.scene().push_quad(Quad {
// bounds: square,
// background: Some(color),
// border: Default::default(),
// corner_radii: (diameter / 2.).into(),
// });
// }
// })
// .constrained()
// .with_width(diameter)
// .with_height(diameter)
// .aligned()
// };
// let title_element = title.aligned().contained().with_style(ContainerStyle {
// margin: Margin {
// left: tab_style.spacing,
// right: tab_style.spacing,
// ..Default::default()
// },
// ..Default::default()
// });
// let close_element = if hovered {
// let item_id = item.id();
// enum TabCloseButton {}
// let icon = Svg::new("icons/x.svg");
// MouseEventHandler::new::<TabCloseButton, _>(item_id, cx, |mouse_state, _| {
// if mouse_state.hovered() {
// icon.with_color(tab_style.icon_close_active)
// } else {
// icon.with_color(tab_style.icon_close)
// }
// })
// .with_padding(Padding::uniform(4.))
// .with_cursor_style(CursorStyle::PointingHand)
// .on_click(MouseButton::Left, {
// let pane = pane.clone();
// move |_, _, cx| {
// let pane = pane.clone();
// cx.window_context().defer(move |cx| {
// if let Some(pane) = pane.upgrade(cx) {
// pane.update(cx, |pane, cx| {
// pane.close_item_by_id(item_id, SaveIntent::Close, cx)
// .detach_and_log_err(cx);
// });
// }
// });
// }
// })
// .into_any_named("close-tab-icon")
// .constrained()
// } else {
// Empty::new().constrained()
// }
// .with_width(tab_style.close_icon_width)
// .aligned();
// let close_right = settings::get::<ItemSettings>(cx).close_position.right();
// if close_right {
// Flex::row()
// .with_child(buffer_jewel_element)
// .with_child(title_element)
// .with_child(close_element)
// } else {
// Flex::row()
// .with_child(close_element)
// .with_child(title_element)
// .with_child(buffer_jewel_element)
// }
// .contained()
// .with_style(container)
// .constrained()
// .with_height(tab_style.height)
// .into_any()
// }
// pub fn render_tab_bar_button<
// F1: 'static + Fn(&mut Pane, &mut EventContext<Pane>),
// F2: 'static + Fn(&mut Pane, &mut EventContext<Pane>),
// >(
// index: usize,
// icon: &'static str,
// is_active: bool,
// tooltip: Option<(&'static str, Option<Box<dyn Action>>)>,
// cx: &mut ViewContext<Pane>,
// on_click: F1,
// on_down: F2,
// context_menu: Option<ViewHandle<ContextMenu>>,
// ) -> AnyElement<Pane> {
// enum TabBarButton {}
// let mut button = MouseEventHandler::new::<TabBarButton, _>(index, cx, |mouse_state, cx| {
// let theme = &settings2::get::<ThemeSettings>(cx).theme.workspace.tab_bar;
// let style = theme.pane_button.in_state(is_active).style_for(mouse_state);
// Svg::new(icon)
// .with_color(style.color)
// .constrained()
// .with_width(style.icon_width)
// .aligned()
// .constrained()
// .with_width(style.button_width)
// .with_height(style.button_width)
// })
// .with_cursor_style(CursorStyle::PointingHand)
// .on_down(MouseButton::Left, move |_, pane, cx| on_down(pane, cx))
// .on_click(MouseButton::Left, move |_, pane, cx| on_click(pane, cx))
// .into_any();
// if let Some((tooltip, action)) = tooltip {
// let tooltip_style = settings::get::<ThemeSettings>(cx).theme.tooltip.clone();
// button = button
// .with_tooltip::<TabBarButton>(index, tooltip, action, tooltip_style, cx)
// .into_any();
// }
// Stack::new()
// .with_child(button)
// .with_children(
// context_menu.map(|menu| ChildView::new(&menu, cx).aligned().bottom().right()),
// )
// .flex(1., false)
// .into_any_named("tab bar button")
// }
// fn render_blank_pane(&self, theme: &Theme, _cx: &mut ViewContext<Self>) -> AnyElement<Self> {
// let background = theme.workspace.background;
// Empty::new()
// .contained()
// .with_background_color(background)
// .into_any()
// }
pub fn set_zoomed(&mut self, zoomed: bool, cx: &mut ViewContext<Self>) {
self.zoomed = zoomed;
pub fn is_zoomed(&self) -> bool {
// impl Entity for Pane {
// type Event = Event;
// }
impl Render for Pane {
type Element = Div<Self>;
fn render(&mut self, cx: &mut ViewContext<Self>) -> Self::Element {
.child(div() /* todo!(toolbar) */)
.child(if let Some(item) = self.active_item() {
} else {
// todo!()
div().child("Empty Pane")
// enum MouseNavigationHandler {}
// MouseEventHandler::new::<MouseNavigationHandler, _>(0, cx, |_, cx| {
// let active_item_index = self.active_item_index;
// if let Some(active_item) = self.active_item() {
// Flex::column()
// .with_child({
// let theme = theme::current(cx).clone();
// let mut stack = Stack::new();
// enum TabBarEventHandler {}
// stack.add_child(
// MouseEventHandler::new::<TabBarEventHandler, _>(0, cx, |_, _| {
// Empty::new()
// .contained()
// .with_style(theme.workspace.tab_bar.container)
// })
// .on_down(
// MouseButton::Left,
// move |_, this, cx| {
// this.activate_item(active_item_index, true, true, cx);
// },
// ),
// );
// let tooltip_style = theme.tooltip.clone();
// let tab_bar_theme = theme.workspace.tab_bar.clone();
// let nav_button_height = tab_bar_theme.height;
// let button_style = tab_bar_theme.nav_button;
// let border_for_nav_buttons = tab_bar_theme
// .tab_style(false, false)
// .container
// .border
// .clone();
// let mut tab_row = Flex::row()
// .with_child(nav_button(
// "icons/arrow_left.svg",
// button_style.clone(),
// nav_button_height,
// tooltip_style.clone(),
// self.can_navigate_backward(),
// {
// move |pane, cx| {
// if let Some(workspace) = pane.workspace.upgrade(cx) {
// let pane = cx.weak_handle();
// cx.window_context().defer(move |cx| {
// workspace.update(cx, |workspace, cx| {
// workspace
// .go_back(pane, cx)
// .detach_and_log_err(cx)
// })
// })
// }
// }
// },
// super::GoBack,
// "Go Back",
// cx,
// ))
// .with_child(
// nav_button(
// "icons/arrow_right.svg",
// button_style.clone(),
// nav_button_height,
// tooltip_style,
// self.can_navigate_forward(),
// {
// move |pane, cx| {
// if let Some(workspace) = pane.workspace.upgrade(cx) {
// let pane = cx.weak_handle();
// cx.window_context().defer(move |cx| {
// workspace.update(cx, |workspace, cx| {
// workspace
// .go_forward(pane, cx)
// .detach_and_log_err(cx)
// })
// })
// }
// }
// },
// super::GoForward,
// "Go Forward",
// cx,
// )
// .contained()
// .with_border(border_for_nav_buttons),
// )
// .with_child(self.render_tabs(cx).flex(1., true).into_any_named("tabs"));
// if self.has_focus {
// let render_tab_bar_buttons = self.render_tab_bar_buttons.clone();
// tab_row.add_child(
// (render_tab_bar_buttons)(self, cx)
// .contained()
// .with_style(theme.workspace.tab_bar.pane_button_container)
// .flex(1., false)
// .into_any(),
// )
// }
// stack.add_child(tab_row);
// stack
// .constrained()
// .with_height(theme.workspace.tab_bar.height)
// .flex(1., false)
// .into_any_named("tab bar")
// })
// .with_child({
// enum PaneContentTabDropTarget {}
// dragged_item_receiver::<PaneContentTabDropTarget, _, _>(
// self,
// 0,
// self.active_item_index + 1,
// !self.can_split,
// if self.can_split { Some(100.) } else { None },
// cx,
// {
// let toolbar = self.toolbar.clone();
// let toolbar_hidden = toolbar.read(cx).hidden();
// move |_, cx| {
// Flex::column()
// .with_children(
// (!toolbar_hidden)
// .then(|| ChildView::new(&toolbar, cx).expanded()),
// )
// .with_child(
// ChildView::new(active_item.as_any(), cx).flex(1., true),
// )
// }
// },
// )
// .flex(1., true)
// })
// .with_child(ChildView::new(&self.tab_context_menu, cx))
// .into_any()
// } else {
// enum EmptyPane {}
// let theme = theme::current(cx).clone();
// dragged_item_receiver::<EmptyPane, _, _>(self, 0, 0, false, None, cx, |_, cx| {
// self.render_blank_pane(&theme, cx)
// })
// .on_down(MouseButton::Left, |_, _, cx| {
// cx.focus_parent();
// })
// .into_any()
// }
// })
// .on_down(
// MouseButton::Navigate(NavigationDirection::Back),
// move |_, pane, cx| {
// if let Some(workspace) = pane.workspace.upgrade(cx) {
// let pane = cx.weak_handle();
// cx.window_context().defer(move |cx| {
// workspace.update(cx, |workspace, cx| {
// workspace.go_back(pane, cx).detach_and_log_err(cx)
// })
// })
// }
// },
// )
// .on_down(MouseButton::Navigate(NavigationDirection::Forward), {
// move |_, pane, cx| {
// if let Some(workspace) = pane.workspace.upgrade(cx) {
// let pane = cx.weak_handle();
// cx.window_context().defer(move |cx| {
// workspace.update(cx, |workspace, cx| {
// workspace.go_forward(pane, cx).detach_and_log_err(cx)
// })
// })
// }
// }
// })
// .into_any_named("pane")
// fn focus_in(&mut self, focused: AnyViewHandle, cx: &mut ViewContext<Self>) {
// if !self.has_focus {
// self.has_focus = true;
// cx.emit(Event::Focus);
// cx.notify();
// }
// self.toolbar.update(cx, |toolbar, cx| {
// toolbar.focus_changed(true, cx);
// });
// if let Some(active_item) = self.active_item() {
// if cx.is_self_focused() {
// // Pane was focused directly. We need to either focus a view inside the active item,
// // or focus the active item itself
// if let Some(weak_last_focused_view) =
// self.last_focused_view_by_item.get(&active_item.id())
// {
// if let Some(last_focused_view) = weak_last_focused_view.upgrade(cx) {
// cx.focus(&last_focused_view);
// return;
// } else {
// self.last_focused_view_by_item.remove(&active_item.id());
// }
// }
// cx.focus(active_item.as_any());
// } else if focused != self.tab_bar_context_menu.handle {
// self.last_focused_view_by_item
// .insert(active_item.id(), focused.downgrade());
// }
// }
// }
// fn focus_out(&mut self, _: AnyViewHandle, cx: &mut ViewContext<Self>) {
// self.has_focus = false;
// self.toolbar.update(cx, |toolbar, cx| {
// toolbar.focus_changed(false, cx);
// });
// cx.notify();
// }
// fn update_keymap_context(&self, keymap: &mut KeymapContext, _: &AppContext) {
// Self::reset_to_default_keymap_context(keymap);
// }
impl ItemNavHistory {
pub fn push<D: 'static + Send + Any>(&mut self, data: Option<D>, cx: &mut WindowContext) {
self.history.push(data, self.item.clone(), cx);
pub fn pop_backward(&mut self, cx: &mut WindowContext) -> Option<NavigationEntry> {
self.history.pop(NavigationMode::GoingBack, cx)
pub fn pop_forward(&mut self, cx: &mut WindowContext) -> Option<NavigationEntry> {
self.history.pop(NavigationMode::GoingForward, cx)
impl NavHistory {
pub fn for_each_entry(
cx: &AppContext,
mut f: impl FnMut(&NavigationEntry, (ProjectPath, Option<PathBuf>)),
) {
let borrowed_history = self.0.lock();
.for_each(|entry| {
if let Some(project_and_abs_path) =
f(entry, project_and_abs_path.clone());
} else if let Some(item) = entry.item.upgrade() {
if let Some(path) = item.project_path(cx) {
f(entry, (path, None));
pub fn set_mode(&mut self, mode: NavigationMode) {
self.0.lock().mode = mode;
pub fn mode(&self) -> NavigationMode {
pub fn disable(&mut self) {
self.0.lock().mode = NavigationMode::Disabled;
pub fn enable(&mut self) {
self.0.lock().mode = NavigationMode::Normal;
pub fn pop(&mut self, mode: NavigationMode, cx: &mut WindowContext) -> Option<NavigationEntry> {
let mut state = self.0.lock();
let entry = match mode {
NavigationMode::Normal | NavigationMode::Disabled | NavigationMode::ClosingItem => {
return None
NavigationMode::GoingBack => &mut state.backward_stack,
NavigationMode::GoingForward => &mut state.forward_stack,
NavigationMode::ReopeningClosedItem => &mut state.closed_stack,
if entry.is_some() {
pub fn push<D: 'static + Send + Any>(
&mut self,
data: Option<D>,
item: Arc<dyn WeakItemHandle>,
cx: &mut WindowContext,
) {
let state = &mut *self.0.lock();
match state.mode {
NavigationMode::Disabled => {}
NavigationMode::Normal | NavigationMode::ReopeningClosedItem => {
if state.backward_stack.len() >= MAX_NAVIGATION_HISTORY_LEN {
state.backward_stack.push_back(NavigationEntry {
data: data.map(|data| Box::new(data) as Box<dyn Any + Send>),
timestamp: state.next_timestamp.fetch_add(1, Ordering::SeqCst),
NavigationMode::GoingBack => {
if state.forward_stack.len() >= MAX_NAVIGATION_HISTORY_LEN {
state.forward_stack.push_back(NavigationEntry {
data: data.map(|data| Box::new(data) as Box<dyn Any + Send>),
timestamp: state.next_timestamp.fetch_add(1, Ordering::SeqCst),
NavigationMode::GoingForward => {
if state.backward_stack.len() >= MAX_NAVIGATION_HISTORY_LEN {
state.backward_stack.push_back(NavigationEntry {
data: data.map(|data| Box::new(data) as Box<dyn Any + Send>),
timestamp: state.next_timestamp.fetch_add(1, Ordering::SeqCst),
NavigationMode::ClosingItem => {
if state.closed_stack.len() >= MAX_NAVIGATION_HISTORY_LEN {
state.closed_stack.push_back(NavigationEntry {
data: data.map(|data| Box::new(data) as Box<dyn Any + Send>),
timestamp: state.next_timestamp.fetch_add(1, Ordering::SeqCst),
pub fn remove_item(&mut self, item_id: EntityId) {
let mut state = self.0.lock();
.retain(|entry| entry.item.id() != item_id);
.retain(|entry| entry.item.id() != item_id);
.retain(|entry| entry.item.id() != item_id);
pub fn path_for_item(&self, item_id: EntityId) -> Option<(ProjectPath, Option<PathBuf>)> {
impl NavHistoryState {
pub fn did_update(&self, cx: &mut WindowContext) {
if let Some(pane) = self.pane.upgrade() {
cx.defer(move |cx| {
pane.update(cx, |pane, cx| pane.history_updated(cx));
// pub struct PaneBackdrop<V> {
// child_view: usize,
// child: AnyElement<V>,
// }
// impl<V> PaneBackdrop<V> {
// pub fn new(pane_item_view: usize, child: AnyElement<V>) -> Self {
// PaneBackdrop {
// child,
// child_view: pane_item_view,
// }
// }
// }
// impl<V: 'static> Element<V> for PaneBackdrop<V> {
// type LayoutState = ();
// type PaintState = ();
// fn layout(
// &mut self,
// constraint: gpui::SizeConstraint,
// view: &mut V,
// cx: &mut ViewContext<V>,
// ) -> (Vector2F, Self::LayoutState) {
// let size = self.child.layout(constraint, view, cx);
// (size, ())
// }
// fn paint(
// &mut self,
// bounds: RectF,
// visible_bounds: RectF,
// _: &mut Self::LayoutState,
// view: &mut V,
// cx: &mut ViewContext<V>,
// ) -> Self::PaintState {
// let background = theme::current(cx).editor.background;
// let visible_bounds = bounds.intersection(visible_bounds).unwrap_or_default();
// cx.scene().push_quad(gpui::Quad {
// bounds: RectF::new(bounds.origin(), bounds.size()),
// background: Some(background),
// ..Default::default()
// });
// let child_view_id = self.child_view;
// cx.scene().push_mouse_region(
// MouseRegion::new::<Self>(child_view_id, 0, visible_bounds).on_down(
// gpui::platform::MouseButton::Left,
// move |_, _: &mut V, cx| {
// let window = cx.window();
// cx.app_context().focus(window, Some(child_view_id))
// },
// ),
// );
// cx.scene().push_layer(Some(bounds));
// self.child.paint(bounds.origin(), visible_bounds, view, cx);
// cx.scene().pop_layer();
// }
// fn rect_for_text_range(
// &self,
// range_utf16: std::ops::Range<usize>,
// _bounds: RectF,
// _visible_bounds: RectF,
// _layout: &Self::LayoutState,
// _paint: &Self::PaintState,
// view: &V,
// cx: &gpui::ViewContext<V>,
// ) -> Option<RectF> {
// self.child.rect_for_text_range(range_utf16, view, cx)
// }
// fn debug(
// &self,
// _bounds: RectF,
// _layout: &Self::LayoutState,
// _paint: &Self::PaintState,
// view: &V,
// cx: &gpui::ViewContext<V>,
// ) -> serde_json::Value {
// gpui::json::json!({
// "type": "Pane Back Drop",
// "view": self.child_view,
// "child": self.child.debug(view, cx),
// })
// }
// }
fn dirty_message_for(buffer_path: Option<ProjectPath>) -> String {
let path = buffer_path
.and_then(|p| p.path.to_str())
.unwrap_or(&"This buffer");
let path = truncate_and_remove_front(path, 80);
format!("{path} contains unsaved edits. Do you want to save it?")
// todo!("uncomment tests")
// #[cfg(test)]
// mod tests {
// use super::*;
// use crate::item::test::{TestItem, TestProjectItem};
// use gpui::TestAppContext;
// use project::FakeFs;
// use settings::SettingsStore;
// #[gpui::test]
// async fn test_remove_active_empty(cx: &mut TestAppContext) {
// init_test(cx);
// let fs = FakeFs::new(cx.background());
// let project = Project::test(fs, None, cx).await;
// let window = cx.add_window(|cx| Workspace::test_new(project.clone(), cx));
// let workspace = window.root(cx);
// let pane = workspace.read_with(cx, |workspace, _| workspace.active_pane().clone());
// pane.update(cx, |pane, cx| {
// assert!(pane
// .close_active_item(&CloseActiveItem { save_intent: None }, cx)
// .is_none())
// });
// }
// #[gpui::test]
// async fn test_add_item_with_new_item(cx: &mut TestAppContext) {
// cx.foreground().forbid_parking();
// init_test(cx);
// let fs = FakeFs::new(cx.background());
// let project = Project::test(fs, None, cx).await;
// let window = cx.add_window(|cx| Workspace::test_new(project.clone(), cx));
// let workspace = window.root(cx);
// let pane = workspace.read_with(cx, |workspace, _| workspace.active_pane().clone());
// // 1. Add with a destination index
// // a. Add before the active item
// set_labeled_items(&pane, ["A", "B*", "C"], cx);
// pane.update(cx, |pane, cx| {
// pane.add_item(
// Box::new(cx.add_view(|_| TestItem::new().with_label("D"))),
// false,
// false,
// Some(0),
// cx,
// );
// });
// assert_item_labels(&pane, ["D*", "A", "B", "C"], cx);
// // b. Add after the active item
// set_labeled_items(&pane, ["A", "B*", "C"], cx);
// pane.update(cx, |pane, cx| {
// pane.add_item(
// Box::new(cx.add_view(|_| TestItem::new().with_label("D"))),
// false,
// false,
// Some(2),
// cx,
// );
// });
// assert_item_labels(&pane, ["A", "B", "D*", "C"], cx);
// // c. Add at the end of the item list (including off the length)
// set_labeled_items(&pane, ["A", "B*", "C"], cx);
// pane.update(cx, |pane, cx| {
// pane.add_item(
// Box::new(cx.add_view(|_| TestItem::new().with_label("D"))),
// false,
// false,
// Some(5),
// cx,
// );
// });
// assert_item_labels(&pane, ["A", "B", "C", "D*"], cx);
// // 2. Add without a destination index
// // a. Add with active item at the start of the item list
// set_labeled_items(&pane, ["A*", "B", "C"], cx);
// pane.update(cx, |pane, cx| {
// pane.add_item(
// Box::new(cx.add_view(|_| TestItem::new().with_label("D"))),
// false,
// false,
// None,
// cx,
// );
// });
// set_labeled_items(&pane, ["A", "D*", "B", "C"], cx);
// // b. Add with active item at the end of the item list
// set_labeled_items(&pane, ["A", "B", "C*"], cx);
// pane.update(cx, |pane, cx| {
// pane.add_item(
// Box::new(cx.add_view(|_| TestItem::new().with_label("D"))),
// false,
// false,
// None,
// cx,
// );
// });
// assert_item_labels(&pane, ["A", "B", "C", "D*"], cx);
// }
// #[gpui::test]
// async fn test_add_item_with_existing_item(cx: &mut TestAppContext) {
// cx.foreground().forbid_parking();
// init_test(cx);
// let fs = FakeFs::new(cx.background());
// let project = Project::test(fs, None, cx).await;
// let window = cx.add_window(|cx| Workspace::test_new(project.clone(), cx));
// let workspace = window.root(cx);
// let pane = workspace.read_with(cx, |workspace, _| workspace.active_pane().clone());
// // 1. Add with a destination index
// // 1a. Add before the active item
// let [_, _, _, d] = set_labeled_items(&pane, ["A", "B*", "C", "D"], cx);
// pane.update(cx, |pane, cx| {
// pane.add_item(d, false, false, Some(0), cx);
// });
// assert_item_labels(&pane, ["D*", "A", "B", "C"], cx);
// // 1b. Add after the active item
// let [_, _, _, d] = set_labeled_items(&pane, ["A", "B*", "C", "D"], cx);
// pane.update(cx, |pane, cx| {
// pane.add_item(d, false, false, Some(2), cx);
// });
// assert_item_labels(&pane, ["A", "B", "D*", "C"], cx);
// // 1c. Add at the end of the item list (including off the length)
// let [a, _, _, _] = set_labeled_items(&pane, ["A", "B*", "C", "D"], cx);
// pane.update(cx, |pane, cx| {
// pane.add_item(a, false, false, Some(5), cx);
// });
// assert_item_labels(&pane, ["B", "C", "D", "A*"], cx);
// // 1d. Add same item to active index
// let [_, b, _] = set_labeled_items(&pane, ["A", "B*", "C"], cx);
// pane.update(cx, |pane, cx| {
// pane.add_item(b, false, false, Some(1), cx);
// });
// assert_item_labels(&pane, ["A", "B*", "C"], cx);
// // 1e. Add item to index after same item in last position
// let [_, _, c] = set_labeled_items(&pane, ["A", "B*", "C"], cx);
// pane.update(cx, |pane, cx| {
// pane.add_item(c, false, false, Some(2), cx);
// });
// assert_item_labels(&pane, ["A", "B", "C*"], cx);
// // 2. Add without a destination index
// // 2a. Add with active item at the start of the item list
// let [_, _, _, d] = set_labeled_items(&pane, ["A*", "B", "C", "D"], cx);
// pane.update(cx, |pane, cx| {
// pane.add_item(d, false, false, None, cx);
// });
// assert_item_labels(&pane, ["A", "D*", "B", "C"], cx);
// // 2b. Add with active item at the end of the item list
// let [a, _, _, _] = set_labeled_items(&pane, ["A", "B", "C", "D*"], cx);
// pane.update(cx, |pane, cx| {
// pane.add_item(a, false, false, None, cx);
// });
// assert_item_labels(&pane, ["B", "C", "D", "A*"], cx);
// // 2c. Add active item to active item at end of list
// let [_, _, c] = set_labeled_items(&pane, ["A", "B", "C*"], cx);
// pane.update(cx, |pane, cx| {
// pane.add_item(c, false, false, None, cx);
// });
// assert_item_labels(&pane, ["A", "B", "C*"], cx);
// // 2d. Add active item to active item at start of list
// let [a, _, _] = set_labeled_items(&pane, ["A*", "B", "C"], cx);
// pane.update(cx, |pane, cx| {
// pane.add_item(a, false, false, None, cx);
// });
// assert_item_labels(&pane, ["A*", "B", "C"], cx);
// }
// #[gpui::test]
// async fn test_add_item_with_same_project_entries(cx: &mut TestAppContext) {
// cx.foreground().forbid_parking();
// init_test(cx);
// let fs = FakeFs::new(cx.background());
// let project = Project::test(fs, None, cx).await;
// let window = cx.add_window(|cx| Workspace::test_new(project.clone(), cx));
// let workspace = window.root(cx);
// let pane = workspace.read_with(cx, |workspace, _| workspace.active_pane().clone());
// // singleton view
// pane.update(cx, |pane, cx| {
// let item = TestItem::new()
// .with_singleton(true)
// .with_label("buffer 1")
// .with_project_items(&[TestProjectItem::new(1, "one.txt", cx)]);
// pane.add_item(Box::new(cx.add_view(|_| item)), false, false, None, cx);
// });
// assert_item_labels(&pane, ["buffer 1*"], cx);
// // new singleton view with the same project entry
// pane.update(cx, |pane, cx| {
// let item = TestItem::new()
// .with_singleton(true)
// .with_label("buffer 1")
// .with_project_items(&[TestProjectItem::new(1, "1.txt", cx)]);
// pane.add_item(Box::new(cx.add_view(|_| item)), false, false, None, cx);
// });
// assert_item_labels(&pane, ["buffer 1*"], cx);
// // new singleton view with different project entry
// pane.update(cx, |pane, cx| {
// let item = TestItem::new()
// .with_singleton(true)
// .with_label("buffer 2")
// .with_project_items(&[TestProjectItem::new(2, "2.txt", cx)]);
// pane.add_item(Box::new(cx.add_view(|_| item)), false, false, None, cx);
// });
// assert_item_labels(&pane, ["buffer 1", "buffer 2*"], cx);
// // new multibuffer view with the same project entry
// pane.update(cx, |pane, cx| {
// let item = TestItem::new()
// .with_singleton(false)
// .with_label("multibuffer 1")
// .with_project_items(&[TestProjectItem::new(1, "1.txt", cx)]);
// pane.add_item(Box::new(cx.add_view(|_| item)), false, false, None, cx);
// });
// assert_item_labels(&pane, ["buffer 1", "buffer 2", "multibuffer 1*"], cx);
// // another multibuffer view with the same project entry
// pane.update(cx, |pane, cx| {
// let item = TestItem::new()
// .with_singleton(false)
// .with_label("multibuffer 1b")
// .with_project_items(&[TestProjectItem::new(1, "1.txt", cx)]);
// pane.add_item(Box::new(cx.add_view(|_| item)), false, false, None, cx);
// });
// assert_item_labels(
// &pane,
// ["buffer 1", "buffer 2", "multibuffer 1", "multibuffer 1b*"],
// cx,
// );
// }
// #[gpui::test]
// async fn test_remove_item_ordering(cx: &mut TestAppContext) {
// init_test(cx);
// let fs = FakeFs::new(cx.background());
// let project = Project::test(fs, None, cx).await;
// let window = cx.add_window(|cx| Workspace::test_new(project.clone(), cx));
// let workspace = window.root(cx);
// let pane = workspace.read_with(cx, |workspace, _| workspace.active_pane().clone());
// add_labeled_item(&pane, "A", false, cx);
// add_labeled_item(&pane, "B", false, cx);
// add_labeled_item(&pane, "C", false, cx);
// add_labeled_item(&pane, "D", false, cx);
// assert_item_labels(&pane, ["A", "B", "C", "D*"], cx);
// pane.update(cx, |pane, cx| pane.activate_item(1, false, false, cx));
// add_labeled_item(&pane, "1", false, cx);
// assert_item_labels(&pane, ["A", "B", "1*", "C", "D"], cx);
// pane.update(cx, |pane, cx| {
// pane.close_active_item(&CloseActiveItem { save_intent: None }, cx)
// })
// .unwrap()
// .await
// .unwrap();
// assert_item_labels(&pane, ["A", "B*", "C", "D"], cx);
// pane.update(cx, |pane, cx| pane.activate_item(3, false, false, cx));
// assert_item_labels(&pane, ["A", "B", "C", "D*"], cx);
// pane.update(cx, |pane, cx| {
// pane.close_active_item(&CloseActiveItem { save_intent: None }, cx)
// })
// .unwrap()
// .await
// .unwrap();
// assert_item_labels(&pane, ["A", "B*", "C"], cx);
// pane.update(cx, |pane, cx| {
// pane.close_active_item(&CloseActiveItem { save_intent: None }, cx)
// })
// .unwrap()
// .await
// .unwrap();
// assert_item_labels(&pane, ["A", "C*"], cx);
// pane.update(cx, |pane, cx| {
// pane.close_active_item(&CloseActiveItem { save_intent: None }, cx)
// })
// .unwrap()
// .await
// .unwrap();
// assert_item_labels(&pane, ["A*"], cx);
// }
// #[gpui::test]
// async fn test_close_inactive_items(cx: &mut TestAppContext) {
// init_test(cx);
// let fs = FakeFs::new(cx.background());
// let project = Project::test(fs, None, cx).await;
// let window = cx.add_window(|cx| Workspace::test_new(project.clone(), cx));
// let workspace = window.root(cx);
// let pane = workspace.read_with(cx, |workspace, _| workspace.active_pane().clone());
// set_labeled_items(&pane, ["A", "B", "C*", "D", "E"], cx);
// pane.update(cx, |pane, cx| {
// pane.close_inactive_items(&CloseInactiveItems, cx)
// })
// .unwrap()
// .await
// .unwrap();
// assert_item_labels(&pane, ["C*"], cx);
// }
// #[gpui::test]
// async fn test_close_clean_items(cx: &mut TestAppContext) {
// init_test(cx);
// let fs = FakeFs::new(cx.background());
// let project = Project::test(fs, None, cx).await;
// let window = cx.add_window(|cx| Workspace::test_new(project.clone(), cx));
// let workspace = window.root(cx);
// let pane = workspace.read_with(cx, |workspace, _| workspace.active_pane().clone());
// add_labeled_item(&pane, "A", true, cx);
// add_labeled_item(&pane, "B", false, cx);
// add_labeled_item(&pane, "C", true, cx);
// add_labeled_item(&pane, "D", false, cx);
// add_labeled_item(&pane, "E", false, cx);
// assert_item_labels(&pane, ["A^", "B", "C^", "D", "E*"], cx);
// pane.update(cx, |pane, cx| pane.close_clean_items(&CloseCleanItems, cx))
// .unwrap()
// .await
// .unwrap();
// assert_item_labels(&pane, ["A^", "C*^"], cx);
// }
// #[gpui::test]
// async fn test_close_items_to_the_left(cx: &mut TestAppContext) {
// init_test(cx);
// let fs = FakeFs::new(cx.background());
// let project = Project::test(fs, None, cx).await;
// let window = cx.add_window(|cx| Workspace::test_new(project.clone(), cx));
// let workspace = window.root(cx);
// let pane = workspace.read_with(cx, |workspace, _| workspace.active_pane().clone());
// set_labeled_items(&pane, ["A", "B", "C*", "D", "E"], cx);
// pane.update(cx, |pane, cx| {
// pane.close_items_to_the_left(&CloseItemsToTheLeft, cx)
// })
// .unwrap()
// .await
// .unwrap();
// assert_item_labels(&pane, ["C*", "D", "E"], cx);
// }
// #[gpui::test]
// async fn test_close_items_to_the_right(cx: &mut TestAppContext) {
// init_test(cx);
// let fs = FakeFs::new(cx.background());
// let project = Project::test(fs, None, cx).await;
// let window = cx.add_window(|cx| Workspace::test_new(project.clone(), cx));
// let workspace = window.root(cx);
// let pane = workspace.read_with(cx, |workspace, _| workspace.active_pane().clone());
// set_labeled_items(&pane, ["A", "B", "C*", "D", "E"], cx);
// pane.update(cx, |pane, cx| {
// pane.close_items_to_the_right(&CloseItemsToTheRight, cx)
// })
// .unwrap()
// .await
// .unwrap();
// assert_item_labels(&pane, ["A", "B", "C*"], cx);
// }
// #[gpui::test]
// async fn test_close_all_items(cx: &mut TestAppContext) {
// init_test(cx);
// let fs = FakeFs::new(cx.background());
// let project = Project::test(fs, None, cx).await;
// let window = cx.add_window(|cx| Workspace::test_new(project.clone(), cx));
// let workspace = window.root(cx);
// let pane = workspace.read_with(cx, |workspace, _| workspace.active_pane().clone());
// add_labeled_item(&pane, "A", false, cx);
// add_labeled_item(&pane, "B", false, cx);
// add_labeled_item(&pane, "C", false, cx);
// assert_item_labels(&pane, ["A", "B", "C*"], cx);
// pane.update(cx, |pane, cx| {
// pane.close_all_items(&CloseAllItems { save_intent: None }, cx)
// })
// .unwrap()
// .await
// .unwrap();
// assert_item_labels(&pane, [], cx);
// add_labeled_item(&pane, "A", true, cx);
// add_labeled_item(&pane, "B", true, cx);
// add_labeled_item(&pane, "C", true, cx);
// assert_item_labels(&pane, ["A^", "B^", "C*^"], cx);
// let save = pane
// .update(cx, |pane, cx| {
// pane.close_all_items(&CloseAllItems { save_intent: None }, cx)
// })
// .unwrap();
// cx.foreground().run_until_parked();
// window.simulate_prompt_answer(2, cx);
// save.await.unwrap();
// assert_item_labels(&pane, [], cx);
// }
// fn init_test(cx: &mut TestAppContext) {
// cx.update(|cx| {
// cx.set_global(SettingsStore::test(cx));
// theme::init((), cx);
// crate::init_settings(cx);
// Project::init_settings(cx);
// });
// }
// fn add_labeled_item(
// pane: &ViewHandle<Pane>,
// label: &str,
// is_dirty: bool,
// cx: &mut TestAppContext,
// ) -> Box<ViewHandle<TestItem>> {
// pane.update(cx, |pane, cx| {
// let labeled_item =
// Box::new(cx.add_view(|_| TestItem::new().with_label(label).with_dirty(is_dirty)));
// pane.add_item(labeled_item.clone(), false, false, None, cx);
// labeled_item
// })
// }
// fn set_labeled_items<const COUNT: usize>(
// pane: &ViewHandle<Pane>,
// labels: [&str; COUNT],
// cx: &mut TestAppContext,
// ) -> [Box<ViewHandle<TestItem>>; COUNT] {
// pane.update(cx, |pane, cx| {
// pane.items.clear();
// let mut active_item_index = 0;
// let mut index = 0;
// let items = labels.map(|mut label| {
// if label.ends_with("*") {
// label = label.trim_end_matches("*");
// active_item_index = index;
// }
// let labeled_item = Box::new(cx.add_view(|_| TestItem::new().with_label(label)));
// pane.add_item(labeled_item.clone(), false, false, None, cx);
// index += 1;
// labeled_item
// });
// pane.activate_item(active_item_index, false, false, cx);
// items
// })
// }
// // Assert the item label, with the active item label suffixed with a '*'
// fn assert_item_labels<const COUNT: usize>(
// pane: &ViewHandle<Pane>,
// expected_states: [&str; COUNT],
// cx: &mut TestAppContext,
// ) {
// pane.read_with(cx, |pane, cx| {
// let actual_states = pane
// .items
// .iter()
// .enumerate()
// .map(|(ix, item)| {
// let mut state = item
// .as_any()
// .downcast_ref::<TestItem>()
// .unwrap()
// .read(cx)
// .label
// .clone();
// if ix == pane.active_item_index {
// state.push('*');
// }
// if item.is_dirty(cx) {
// state.push('^');
// }
// state
// })
// .collect::<Vec<_>>();
// assert_eq!(
// actual_states, expected_states,
// "pane items do not match expectation"
// );
// })
// }
// }
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
struct DraggedTab {
title: String,
impl Render for DraggedTab {
type Element = Div<Self>;
fn render(&mut self, cx: &mut ViewContext<Self>) -> Self::Element {