Antonio Scandurra e4fe9538d7 Checkpoint
2023-10-21 16:01:47 +02:00

126 lines
3.4 KiB

#![allow(dead_code, unused_variables)]
mod assets;
mod stories;
mod story;
mod story_selector;
mod themes;
use std::sync::Arc;
use clap::Parser;
use gpui2::{
div, px, size, view, AnyView, BorrowAppContext, Bounds, Context, Element, ViewContext,
WindowBounds, WindowOptions,
use log::LevelFilter;
use simplelog::SimpleLogger;
use story_selector::ComponentStory;
use ui::prelude::*;
use ui::{themed, with_settings, FakeSettings};
use crate::assets::Assets;
use crate::story_selector::StorySelector;
// gpui2::actions! {
// storybook,
// [ToggleInspector]
// }
#[command(author, version, about, long_about = None)]
struct Args {
story: Option<StorySelector>,
/// The name of the theme to use in the storybook.
/// If not provided, the default theme will be used.
theme: Option<String>,
fn main() {
// unsafe { backtrace_on_stack_overflow::enable() };
SimpleLogger::init(LevelFilter::Info, Default::default()).expect("could not initialize logger");
let args = Args::parse();
let story_selector = args.story.clone();
let theme_name = args.theme.unwrap_or("One Dark".to_string());
let theme = themes::load_theme(theme_name).unwrap();
let asset_source = Arc::new(Assets);
gpui2::App::production(asset_source).run(move |cx| {
let selector =
let window = cx.open_window(
WindowOptions {
bounds: WindowBounds::Fixed(Bounds {
origin: Default::default(),
size: size(px(1700.), px(980.)).into(),
move |cx| {
cx.entity(|cx| {
cx.with_global(FakeSettings::default(), |cx| {
cx.with_global(theme.clone(), |cx| {
StoryWrapper::new(selector.story(cx), theme)
pub struct StoryWrapper {
story: AnyView,
theme: Theme,
settings: FakeSettings,
impl StoryWrapper {
pub(crate) fn new(story: AnyView, theme: Theme) -> Self {
Self {
settings: FakeSettings::default(),
fn render(&mut self, cx: &mut ViewContext<Self>) -> impl Element<ViewState = Self> {
with_settings(self.settings.clone(), cx, |cx| {
themed(self.theme.clone(), cx, |cx| {
// fn load_embedded_fonts(platform: &dyn gpui2::Platform) {
// let font_paths = Assets.list("fonts");
// let mut embedded_fonts = Vec::new();
// for font_path in &font_paths {
// if font_path.ends_with(".ttf") {
// let font_path = &*font_path;
// let font_bytes = Assets.load(font_path).unwrap().to_vec();
// embedded_fonts.push(Arc::from(font_bytes));
// }
// }
// platform.fonts().add_fonts(&embedded_fonts).unwrap();
// }