Mikayla a44aae9e91
Finish documenting the action, asset, color, and element modules in GPUI
Remove SmallVec from the public API of GPUI
2024-01-20 20:15:23 -08:00

1351 lines
48 KiB

mod async_context;
mod entity_map;
mod model_context;
#[cfg(any(test, feature = "test-support"))]
mod test_context;
pub use async_context::*;
use derive_more::{Deref, DerefMut};
pub use entity_map::*;
pub use model_context::*;
use refineable::Refineable;
use smol::future::FutureExt;
#[cfg(any(test, feature = "test-support"))]
pub use test_context::*;
use time::UtcOffset;
use crate::{
current_platform, image_cache::ImageCache, init_app_menus, Action, ActionRegistry, Any,
AnyView, AnyWindowHandle, AppMetadata, AssetSource, BackgroundExecutor, ClipboardItem, Context,
DispatchPhase, DisplayId, Entity, EventEmitter, ForegroundExecutor, KeyBinding, Keymap,
Keystroke, LayoutId, Menu, PathPromptOptions, Pixels, Platform, PlatformDisplay, Point, Render,
SharedString, SubscriberSet, Subscription, SvgRenderer, Task, TextStyle, TextStyleRefinement,
TextSystem, View, ViewContext, Window, WindowContext, WindowHandle, WindowId,
use anyhow::{anyhow, Result};
use collections::{FxHashMap, FxHashSet, VecDeque};
use futures::{channel::oneshot, future::LocalBoxFuture, Future};
use parking_lot::Mutex;
use slotmap::SlotMap;
use std::{
any::{type_name, TypeId},
cell::{Ref, RefCell, RefMut},
ops::{Deref, DerefMut},
path::{Path, PathBuf},
rc::{Rc, Weak},
sync::{atomic::Ordering::SeqCst, Arc},
use util::{
http::{self, HttpClient},
/// The duration for which futures returned from [AppContext::on_app_context] or [ModelContext::on_app_quit] can run before the application fully quits.
pub const SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT: Duration = Duration::from_millis(100);
/// Temporary(?) wrapper around [`RefCell<AppContext>`] to help us debug any double borrows.
/// Strongly consider removing after stabilization.
pub struct AppCell {
app: RefCell<AppContext>,
impl AppCell {
pub fn borrow(&self) -> AppRef {
if option_env!("TRACK_THREAD_BORROWS").is_some() {
let thread_id = std::thread::current().id();
eprintln!("borrowed {thread_id:?}");
pub fn borrow_mut(&self) -> AppRefMut {
if option_env!("TRACK_THREAD_BORROWS").is_some() {
let thread_id = std::thread::current().id();
eprintln!("borrowed {thread_id:?}");
#[derive(Deref, DerefMut)]
pub struct AppRef<'a>(Ref<'a, AppContext>);
impl<'a> Drop for AppRef<'a> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
if option_env!("TRACK_THREAD_BORROWS").is_some() {
let thread_id = std::thread::current().id();
eprintln!("dropped borrow from {thread_id:?}");
#[derive(Deref, DerefMut)]
pub struct AppRefMut<'a>(RefMut<'a, AppContext>);
impl<'a> Drop for AppRefMut<'a> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
if option_env!("TRACK_THREAD_BORROWS").is_some() {
let thread_id = std::thread::current().id();
eprintln!("dropped {thread_id:?}");
/// A reference to a GPUI application, typically constructed in the `main` function of your app.
/// You won't interact with this type much outside of initial configuration and startup.
pub struct App(Rc<AppCell>);
/// Represents an application before it is fully launched. Once your app is
/// configured, you'll start the app with `App::run`.
impl App {
/// Builds an app with the given asset source.
pub fn new() -> Self {
/// Assign
pub fn with_assets(self, asset_source: impl AssetSource) -> Self {
let mut context_lock = self.0.borrow_mut();
let asset_source = Arc::new(asset_source);
context_lock.asset_source = asset_source.clone();
context_lock.svg_renderer = SvgRenderer::new(asset_source);
/// Start the application. The provided callback will be called once the
/// app is fully launched.
pub fn run<F>(self, on_finish_launching: F)
F: 'static + FnOnce(&mut AppContext),
let this = self.0.clone();
let platform = self.0.borrow().platform.clone();
platform.run(Box::new(move || {
let cx = &mut *this.borrow_mut();
/// Register a handler to be invoked when the platform instructs the application
/// to open one or more URLs.
pub fn on_open_urls<F>(&self, mut callback: F) -> &Self
F: 'static + FnMut(Vec<String>, &mut AppContext),
let this = Rc::downgrade(&self.0);
self.0.borrow().platform.on_open_urls(Box::new(move |urls| {
if let Some(app) = this.upgrade() {
callback(urls, &mut app.borrow_mut());
/// Invokes a handler when an already-running application is launched.
/// On macOS, this can occur when the application icon is double-clicked or the app is launched via the dock.
pub fn on_reopen<F>(&self, mut callback: F) -> &Self
F: 'static + FnMut(&mut AppContext),
let this = Rc::downgrade(&self.0);
self.0.borrow_mut().platform.on_reopen(Box::new(move || {
if let Some(app) = this.upgrade() {
callback(&mut app.borrow_mut());
/// Returns metadata associated with the application
pub fn metadata(&self) -> AppMetadata {
/// Returns a handle to the [`BackgroundExecutor`] associated with this app, which can be used to spawn futures in the background.
pub fn background_executor(&self) -> BackgroundExecutor {
/// Returns a handle to the [`ForegroundExecutor`] associated with this app, which can be used to spawn futures in the foreground.
pub fn foreground_executor(&self) -> ForegroundExecutor {
/// Returns a reference to the [`TextSystem`] associated with this app.
pub fn text_system(&self) -> Arc<TextSystem> {
pub(crate) type FrameCallback = Box<dyn FnOnce(&mut AppContext)>;
type Handler = Box<dyn FnMut(&mut AppContext) -> bool + 'static>;
type Listener = Box<dyn FnMut(&dyn Any, &mut AppContext) -> bool + 'static>;
type KeystrokeObserver = Box<dyn FnMut(&KeystrokeEvent, &mut WindowContext) + 'static>;
type QuitHandler = Box<dyn FnOnce(&mut AppContext) -> LocalBoxFuture<'static, ()> + 'static>;
type ReleaseListener = Box<dyn FnOnce(&mut dyn Any, &mut AppContext) + 'static>;
type NewViewListener = Box<dyn FnMut(AnyView, &mut WindowContext) + 'static>;
/// Contains the state of the full application, and passed as a reference to a variety of callbacks.
/// Other contexts such as [ModelContext], [WindowContext], and [ViewContext] deref to this type, making it the most general context type.
/// You need a reference to an `AppContext` to access the state of a [Model].
pub struct AppContext {
pub(crate) this: Weak<AppCell>,
pub(crate) platform: Rc<dyn Platform>,
app_metadata: AppMetadata,
text_system: Arc<TextSystem>,
flushing_effects: bool,
pending_updates: usize,
pub(crate) actions: Rc<ActionRegistry>,
pub(crate) active_drag: Option<AnyDrag>,
pub(crate) next_frame_callbacks: FxHashMap<DisplayId, Vec<FrameCallback>>,
pub(crate) frame_consumers: FxHashMap<DisplayId, Task<()>>,
pub(crate) background_executor: BackgroundExecutor,
pub(crate) foreground_executor: ForegroundExecutor,
pub(crate) svg_renderer: SvgRenderer,
asset_source: Arc<dyn AssetSource>,
pub(crate) image_cache: ImageCache,
pub(crate) text_style_stack: Vec<TextStyleRefinement>,
pub(crate) globals_by_type: FxHashMap<TypeId, Box<dyn Any>>,
pub(crate) entities: EntityMap,
pub(crate) new_view_observers: SubscriberSet<TypeId, NewViewListener>,
pub(crate) windows: SlotMap<WindowId, Option<Window>>,
pub(crate) keymap: Arc<Mutex<Keymap>>,
pub(crate) global_action_listeners:
FxHashMap<TypeId, Vec<Rc<dyn Fn(&dyn Any, DispatchPhase, &mut Self)>>>,
pending_effects: VecDeque<Effect>,
pub(crate) pending_notifications: FxHashSet<EntityId>,
pub(crate) pending_global_notifications: FxHashSet<TypeId>,
pub(crate) observers: SubscriberSet<EntityId, Handler>,
// TypeId is the type of the event that the listener callback expects
pub(crate) event_listeners: SubscriberSet<EntityId, (TypeId, Listener)>,
pub(crate) keystroke_observers: SubscriberSet<(), KeystrokeObserver>,
pub(crate) release_listeners: SubscriberSet<EntityId, ReleaseListener>,
pub(crate) global_observers: SubscriberSet<TypeId, Handler>,
pub(crate) quit_observers: SubscriberSet<(), QuitHandler>,
pub(crate) layout_id_buffer: Vec<LayoutId>, // We recycle this memory across layout requests.
pub(crate) propagate_event: bool,
impl AppContext {
pub(crate) fn new(
platform: Rc<dyn Platform>,
asset_source: Arc<dyn AssetSource>,
http_client: Arc<dyn HttpClient>,
) -> Rc<AppCell> {
let executor = platform.background_executor();
let foreground_executor = platform.foreground_executor();
"must construct App on main thread"
let text_system = Arc::new(TextSystem::new(platform.text_system()));
let entities = EntityMap::new();
let app_metadata = AppMetadata {
os_name: platform.os_name(),
os_version: platform.os_version().ok(),
app_version: platform.app_version().ok(),
let app = Rc::new_cyclic(|this| AppCell {
app: RefCell::new(AppContext {
this: this.clone(),
platform: platform.clone(),
actions: Rc::new(ActionRegistry::default()),
flushing_effects: false,
pending_updates: 0,
active_drag: None,
next_frame_callbacks: FxHashMap::default(),
frame_consumers: FxHashMap::default(),
background_executor: executor,
svg_renderer: SvgRenderer::new(asset_source.clone()),
image_cache: ImageCache::new(http_client),
text_style_stack: Vec::new(),
globals_by_type: FxHashMap::default(),
new_view_observers: SubscriberSet::new(),
windows: SlotMap::with_key(),
keymap: Arc::new(Mutex::new(Keymap::default())),
global_action_listeners: FxHashMap::default(),
pending_effects: VecDeque::new(),
pending_notifications: FxHashSet::default(),
pending_global_notifications: FxHashSet::default(),
observers: SubscriberSet::new(),
event_listeners: SubscriberSet::new(),
release_listeners: SubscriberSet::new(),
keystroke_observers: SubscriberSet::new(),
global_observers: SubscriberSet::new(),
quit_observers: SubscriberSet::new(),
layout_id_buffer: Default::default(),
propagate_event: true,
init_app_menus(platform.as_ref(), &mut app.borrow_mut());
let cx = app.clone();
move || {
/// Quit the application gracefully. Handlers registered with [`ModelContext::on_app_quit`]
/// will be given 100ms to complete before exiting.
pub fn shutdown(&mut self) {
let mut futures = Vec::new();
for observer in self.quit_observers.remove(&()) {
let futures = futures::future::join_all(futures);
if self
.block_with_timeout(SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT, futures)
log::error!("timed out waiting on app_will_quit");
/// Gracefully quit the application via the platform's standard routine.
pub fn quit(&mut self) {
/// Get metadata about the app and platform.
pub fn app_metadata(&self) -> AppMetadata {
/// Schedules all windows in the application to be redrawn. This can be called
/// multiple times in an update cycle and still result in a single redraw.
pub fn refresh(&mut self) {
pub(crate) fn update<R>(&mut self, update: impl FnOnce(&mut Self) -> R) -> R {
self.pending_updates += 1;
let result = update(self);
if !self.flushing_effects && self.pending_updates == 1 {
self.flushing_effects = true;
self.flushing_effects = false;
self.pending_updates -= 1;
/// Arrange a callback to be invoked when the given model or view calls `notify` on its respective context.
pub fn observe<W, E>(
&mut self,
entity: &E,
mut on_notify: impl FnMut(E, &mut AppContext) + 'static,
) -> Subscription
W: 'static,
E: Entity<W>,
self.observe_internal(entity, move |e, cx| {
on_notify(e, cx);
pub(crate) fn observe_internal<W, E>(
&mut self,
entity: &E,
mut on_notify: impl FnMut(E, &mut AppContext) -> bool + 'static,
) -> Subscription
W: 'static,
E: Entity<W>,
let entity_id = entity.entity_id();
let handle = entity.downgrade();
let (subscription, activate) = self.observers.insert(
Box::new(move |cx| {
if let Some(handle) = E::upgrade_from(&handle) {
on_notify(handle, cx)
} else {
self.defer(move |_| activate());
/// Arrange for the given callback to be invoked whenever the given model or view emits an event of a given type.
/// The callback is provided a handle to the emitting entity and a reference to the emitted event.
pub fn subscribe<T, E, Event>(
&mut self,
entity: &E,
mut on_event: impl FnMut(E, &Event, &mut AppContext) + 'static,
) -> Subscription
T: 'static + EventEmitter<Event>,
E: Entity<T>,
Event: 'static,
self.subscribe_internal(entity, move |entity, event, cx| {
on_event(entity, event, cx);
pub(crate) fn subscribe_internal<T, E, Evt>(
&mut self,
entity: &E,
mut on_event: impl FnMut(E, &Evt, &mut AppContext) -> bool + 'static,
) -> Subscription
T: 'static + EventEmitter<Evt>,
E: Entity<T>,
Evt: 'static,
let entity_id = entity.entity_id();
let entity = entity.downgrade();
let (subscription, activate) = self.event_listeners.insert(
Box::new(move |event, cx| {
let event: &Evt = event.downcast_ref().expect("invalid event type");
if let Some(handle) = E::upgrade_from(&entity) {
on_event(handle, event, cx)
} else {
self.defer(move |_| activate());
/// Returns handles to all open windows in the application.
/// Each handle could be downcast to a handle typed for the root view of that window.
/// To find all windows of a given type, you could filter on
pub fn windows(&self) -> Vec<AnyWindowHandle> {
.filter_map(|window| Some(window.as_ref()?.handle))
/// Returns a handle to the window that is currently focused at the platform level, if one exists.
pub fn active_window(&self) -> Option<AnyWindowHandle> {
/// Opens a new window with the given option and the root view returned by the given function.
/// The function is invoked with a `WindowContext`, which can be used to interact with window-specific
/// functionality.
pub fn open_window<V: 'static + Render>(
&mut self,
options: crate::WindowOptions,
build_root_view: impl FnOnce(&mut WindowContext) -> View<V>,
) -> WindowHandle<V> {
self.update(|cx| {
let id = cx.windows.insert(None);
let handle = WindowHandle::new(id);
let mut window = Window::new(handle.into(), options, cx);
let root_view = build_root_view(&mut WindowContext::new(cx, &mut window));
/// Instructs the platform to activate the application by bringing it to the foreground.
pub fn activate(&self, ignoring_other_apps: bool) {
/// Hide the application at the platform level.
pub fn hide(&self) {
/// Hide other applications at the platform level.
pub fn hide_other_apps(&self) {
/// Unhide other applications at the platform level.
pub fn unhide_other_apps(&self) {
/// Returns the list of currently active displays.
pub fn displays(&self) -> Vec<Rc<dyn PlatformDisplay>> {
/// Writes data to the platform clipboard.
pub fn write_to_clipboard(&self, item: ClipboardItem) {
/// Reads data from the platform clipboard.
pub fn read_from_clipboard(&self) -> Option<ClipboardItem> {
/// Writes credentials to the platform keychain.
pub fn write_credentials(&self, url: &str, username: &str, password: &[u8]) -> Result<()> {
self.platform.write_credentials(url, username, password)
/// Reads credentials from the platform keychain.
pub fn read_credentials(&self, url: &str) -> Result<Option<(String, Vec<u8>)>> {
/// Deletes credentials from the platform keychain.
pub fn delete_credentials(&self, url: &str) -> Result<()> {
/// Directs the platform's default browser to open the given URL.
pub fn open_url(&self, url: &str) {
/// Returns the full pathname of the current app bundle.
/// If the app is not being run from a bundle, returns an error.
pub fn app_path(&self) -> Result<PathBuf> {
/// Returns the file URL of the executable with the specified name in the application bundle
pub fn path_for_auxiliary_executable(&self, name: &str) -> Result<PathBuf> {
/// Returns the maximum duration in which a second mouse click must occur for an event to be a double-click event.
pub fn double_click_interval(&self) -> Duration {
/// Displays a platform modal for selecting paths.
/// When one or more paths are selected, they'll be relayed asynchronously via the returned oneshot channel.
/// If cancelled, a `None` will be relayed instead.
pub fn prompt_for_paths(
options: PathPromptOptions,
) -> oneshot::Receiver<Option<Vec<PathBuf>>> {
/// Displays a platform modal for selecting a new path where a file can be saved.
/// The provided directory will be used to set the iniital location.
/// When a path is selected, it is relayed asynchronously via the returned oneshot channel.
/// If cancelled, a `None` will be relayed instead.
pub fn prompt_for_new_path(&self, directory: &Path) -> oneshot::Receiver<Option<PathBuf>> {
/// Reveals the specified path at the platform level, such as in Finder on macOS.
pub fn reveal_path(&self, path: &Path) {
/// Returns whether the user has configured scrollbars to auto-hide at the platform level.
pub fn should_auto_hide_scrollbars(&self) -> bool {
/// Restart the application.
pub fn restart(&self) {
/// Returns the local timezone at the platform level.
pub fn local_timezone(&self) -> UtcOffset {
pub(crate) fn push_effect(&mut self, effect: Effect) {
match &effect {
Effect::Notify { emitter } => {
if !self.pending_notifications.insert(*emitter) {
Effect::NotifyGlobalObservers { global_type } => {
if !self.pending_global_notifications.insert(*global_type) {
_ => {}
/// Called at the end of [`AppContext::update`] to complete any side effects
/// such as notifying observers, emitting events, etc. Effects can themselves
/// cause effects, so we continue looping until all effects are processed.
fn flush_effects(&mut self) {
loop {
if let Some(effect) = self.pending_effects.pop_front() {
match effect {
Effect::Notify { emitter } => {
Effect::Emit {
} => self.apply_emit_effect(emitter, event_type, event),
Effect::Refresh => {
Effect::NotifyGlobalObservers { global_type } => {
Effect::Defer { callback } => {
} else {
for window in self.windows.values() {
if let Some(window) = window.as_ref() {
if window.dirty {
#[cfg(any(test, feature = "test-support"))]
for window in self
.filter_map(|window| {
let window = window.as_ref()?;
(window.dirty || window.focus_invalidated).then_some(window.handle)
self.update_window(window, |_, cx| cx.draw()).unwrap();
if self.pending_effects.is_empty() {
/// Repeatedly called during `flush_effects` to release any entities whose
/// reference count has become zero. We invoke any release observers before dropping
/// each entity.
fn release_dropped_entities(&mut self) {
loop {
let dropped = self.entities.take_dropped();
if dropped.is_empty() {
for (entity_id, mut entity) in dropped {
for release_callback in self.release_listeners.remove(&entity_id) {
release_callback(entity.as_mut(), self);
/// Repeatedly called during `flush_effects` to handle a focused handle being dropped.
fn release_dropped_focus_handles(&mut self) {
for window_handle in self.windows() {
.update(self, |_, cx| {
let mut blur_window = false;
let focus = cx.window.focus;
cx.window.focus_handles.write().retain(|handle_id, count| {
if count.load(SeqCst) == 0 {
if focus == Some(handle_id) {
blur_window = true;
} else {
if blur_window {
fn apply_notify_effect(&mut self, emitter: EntityId) {
.retain(&emitter, |handler| handler(self));
fn apply_emit_effect(&mut self, emitter: EntityId, event_type: TypeId, event: Box<dyn Any>) {
.retain(&emitter, |(stored_type, handler)| {
if *stored_type == event_type {
handler(event.as_ref(), self)
} else {
fn apply_refresh_effect(&mut self) {
for window in self.windows.values_mut() {
if let Some(window) = window.as_mut() {
window.dirty = true;
fn apply_notify_global_observers_effect(&mut self, type_id: TypeId) {
.retain(&type_id, |observer| observer(self));
fn apply_defer_effect(&mut self, callback: Box<dyn FnOnce(&mut Self) + 'static>) {
/// Creates an `AsyncAppContext`, which can be cloned and has a static lifetime
/// so it can be held across `await` points.
pub fn to_async(&self) -> AsyncAppContext {
AsyncAppContext {
app: unsafe { mem::transmute(self.this.clone()) },
background_executor: self.background_executor.clone(),
foreground_executor: self.foreground_executor.clone(),
/// Obtains a reference to the executor, which can be used to spawn futures.
pub fn background_executor(&self) -> &BackgroundExecutor {
/// Obtains a reference to the executor, which can be used to spawn futures.
pub fn foreground_executor(&self) -> &ForegroundExecutor {
/// Spawns the future returned by the given function on the thread pool. The closure will be invoked
/// with [AsyncAppContext], which allows the application state to be accessed across await points.
pub fn spawn<Fut, R>(&self, f: impl FnOnce(AsyncAppContext) -> Fut) -> Task<R>
Fut: Future<Output = R> + 'static,
R: 'static,
/// Schedules the given function to be run at the end of the current effect cycle, allowing entities
/// that are currently on the stack to be returned to the app.
pub fn defer(&mut self, f: impl FnOnce(&mut AppContext) + 'static) {
self.push_effect(Effect::Defer {
callback: Box::new(f),
/// Accessor for the application's asset source, which is provided when constructing the `App`.
pub fn asset_source(&self) -> &Arc<dyn AssetSource> {
/// Accessor for the text system.
pub fn text_system(&self) -> &Arc<TextSystem> {
/// The current text style. Which is composed of all the style refinements provided to `with_text_style`.
pub fn text_style(&self) -> TextStyle {
let mut style = TextStyle::default();
for refinement in &self.text_style_stack {
/// Check whether a global of the given type has been assigned.
pub fn has_global<G: 'static>(&self) -> bool {
/// Access the global of the given type. Panics if a global for that type has not been assigned.
pub fn global<G: 'static>(&self) -> &G {
.map(|any_state| any_state.downcast_ref::<G>().unwrap())
.ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("no state of type {} exists", type_name::<G>()))
/// Access the global of the given type if a value has been assigned.
pub fn try_global<G: 'static>(&self) -> Option<&G> {
.map(|any_state| any_state.downcast_ref::<G>().unwrap())
/// Access the global of the given type mutably. Panics if a global for that type has not been assigned.
pub fn global_mut<G: 'static>(&mut self) -> &mut G {
let global_type = TypeId::of::<G>();
self.push_effect(Effect::NotifyGlobalObservers { global_type });
.and_then(|any_state| any_state.downcast_mut::<G>())
.ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("no state of type {} exists", type_name::<G>()))
/// Access the global of the given type mutably. A default value is assigned if a global of this type has not
/// yet been assigned.
pub fn default_global<G: 'static + Default>(&mut self) -> &mut G {
let global_type = TypeId::of::<G>();
self.push_effect(Effect::NotifyGlobalObservers { global_type });
.or_insert_with(|| Box::<G>::default())
/// Sets the value of the global of the given type.
pub fn set_global<G: Any>(&mut self, global: G) {
let global_type = TypeId::of::<G>();
self.push_effect(Effect::NotifyGlobalObservers { global_type });
self.globals_by_type.insert(global_type, Box::new(global));
/// Clear all stored globals. Does not notify global observers.
#[cfg(any(test, feature = "test-support"))]
pub fn clear_globals(&mut self) {
/// Remove the global of the given type from the app context. Does not notify global observers.
pub fn remove_global<G: Any>(&mut self) -> G {
let global_type = TypeId::of::<G>();
self.push_effect(Effect::NotifyGlobalObservers { global_type });
.unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("no global added for {}", std::any::type_name::<G>()))
/// Updates the global of the given type with a closure. Unlike `global_mut`, this method provides
/// your closure with mutable access to the `AppContext` and the global simultaneously.
pub fn update_global<G: 'static, R>(&mut self, f: impl FnOnce(&mut G, &mut Self) -> R) -> R {
self.update(|cx| {
let mut global = cx.lease_global::<G>();
let result = f(&mut global, cx);
/// Register a callback to be invoked when a global of the given type is updated.
pub fn observe_global<G: 'static>(
&mut self,
mut f: impl FnMut(&mut Self) + 'static,
) -> Subscription {
let (subscription, activate) = self.global_observers.insert(
Box::new(move |cx| {
self.defer(move |_| activate());
/// Move the global of the given type to the stack.
pub(crate) fn lease_global<G: 'static>(&mut self) -> GlobalLease<G> {
.ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("no global registered of type {}", type_name::<G>()))
/// Restore the global of the given type after it is moved to the stack.
pub(crate) fn end_global_lease<G: 'static>(&mut self, lease: GlobalLease<G>) {
let global_type = TypeId::of::<G>();
self.push_effect(Effect::NotifyGlobalObservers { global_type });
self.globals_by_type.insert(global_type, lease.global);
/// Arrange for the given function to be invoked whenever a view of the specified type is created.
/// The function will be passed a mutable reference to the view along with an appropriate context.
pub fn observe_new_views<V: 'static>(
&mut self,
on_new: impl 'static + Fn(&mut V, &mut ViewContext<V>),
) -> Subscription {
let (subscription, activate) = self.new_view_observers.insert(
Box::new(move |any_view: AnyView, cx: &mut WindowContext| {
.update(cx, |view_state, cx| {
on_new(view_state, cx);
/// Observe the release of a model or view. The callback is invoked after the model or view
/// has no more strong references but before it has been dropped.
pub fn observe_release<E, T>(
&mut self,
handle: &E,
on_release: impl FnOnce(&mut T, &mut AppContext) + 'static,
) -> Subscription
E: Entity<T>,
T: 'static,
let (subscription, activate) = self.release_listeners.insert(
Box::new(move |entity, cx| {
let entity = entity.downcast_mut().expect("invalid entity type");
on_release(entity, cx)
/// Register a callback to be invoked when a keystroke is received by the application
/// in any window. Note that this fires after all other action and event mechanisms have resolved
/// and that this API will not be invoked if the event's propagation is stopped.
pub fn observe_keystrokes(
&mut self,
f: impl FnMut(&KeystrokeEvent, &mut WindowContext) + 'static,
) -> Subscription {
let (subscription, activate) = self.keystroke_observers.insert((), Box::new(f));
pub(crate) fn push_text_style(&mut self, text_style: TextStyleRefinement) {
pub(crate) fn pop_text_style(&mut self) {
/// Register key bindings.
pub fn bind_keys(&mut self, bindings: impl IntoIterator<Item = KeyBinding>) {
/// Clear all key bindings in the app.
pub fn clear_key_bindings(&mut self) {
/// Register a global listener for actions invoked via the keyboard.
pub fn on_action<A: Action>(&mut self, listener: impl Fn(&A, &mut Self) + 'static) {
.push(Rc::new(move |action, phase, cx| {
if phase == DispatchPhase::Bubble {
let action = action.downcast_ref().unwrap();
listener(action, cx)
/// Event handlers propagate events by default. Call this method to stop dispatching to
/// event handlers with a lower z-index (mouse) or higher in the tree (keyboard). This is
/// the opposite of [`Self::propagate`]. It's also possible to cancel a call to [`Self::propagate`] by
/// calling this method before effects are flushed.
pub fn stop_propagation(&mut self) {
self.propagate_event = false;
/// Action handlers stop propagation by default during the bubble phase of action dispatch
/// dispatching to action handlers higher in the element tree. This is the opposite of
/// [`Self::stop_propagation`]. It's also possible to cancel a call to [`Self::stop_propagation`] by calling
/// this method before effects are flushed.
pub fn propagate(&mut self) {
self.propagate_event = true;
/// Build an action from some arbitrary data, typically a keymap entry.
pub fn build_action(
name: &str,
data: Option<serde_json::Value>,
) -> Result<Box<dyn Action>> {
self.actions.build_action(name, data)
/// Get a list of all action names that have been registered.
/// in the application. Note that registration only allows for
/// actions to be built dynamically, and is unrelated to binding
/// actions in the element tree.
pub fn all_action_names(&self) -> &[SharedString] {
/// Register a callback to be invoked when the application is about to quit.
/// It is not possible to cancel the quit event at this point.
pub fn on_app_quit<Fut>(
&mut self,
mut on_quit: impl FnMut(&mut AppContext) -> Fut + 'static,
) -> Subscription
Fut: 'static + Future<Output = ()>,
let (subscription, activate) = self.quit_observers.insert(
Box::new(move |cx| {
let future = on_quit(cx);
pub(crate) fn clear_pending_keystrokes(&mut self) {
for window in self.windows() {
.update(self, |_, cx| {
/// Checks if the given action is bound in the current context, as defined by the app's current focus,
/// the bindings in the element tree, and any global action listeners.
pub fn is_action_available(&mut self, action: &dyn Action) -> bool {
if let Some(window) = self.active_window() {
if let Ok(window_action_available) =
window.update(self, |_, cx| cx.is_action_available(action))
return window_action_available;
/// Sets the menu bar for this application. This will replace any existing menu bar.
pub fn set_menus(&mut self, menus: Vec<Menu>) {
self.platform.set_menus(menus, &self.keymap.lock());
/// Dispatch an action to the currently active window or global action handler
/// See [action::Action] for more information on how actions work
pub fn dispatch_action(&mut self, action: &dyn Action) {
if let Some(active_window) = self.active_window() {
.update(self, |_, cx| cx.dispatch_action(action.boxed_clone()))
} else {
self.propagate_event = true;
if let Some(mut global_listeners) = self
for listener in &global_listeners {
listener(action.as_any(), DispatchPhase::Capture, self);
if !self.propagate_event {
.insert(action.as_any().type_id(), global_listeners);
if self.propagate_event {
if let Some(mut global_listeners) = self
for listener in global_listeners.iter().rev() {
listener(action.as_any(), DispatchPhase::Bubble, self);
if !self.propagate_event {
.insert(action.as_any().type_id(), global_listeners);
/// Is there currently something being dragged?
pub fn has_active_drag(&self) -> bool {
impl Context for AppContext {
type Result<T> = T;
/// Build an entity that is owned by the application. The given function will be invoked with
/// a `ModelContext` and must return an object representing the entity. A `Model` handle will be returned,
/// which can be used to access the entity in a context.
fn new_model<T: 'static>(
&mut self,
build_model: impl FnOnce(&mut ModelContext<'_, T>) -> T,
) -> Model<T> {
self.update(|cx| {
let slot = cx.entities.reserve();
let entity = build_model(&mut ModelContext::new(cx, slot.downgrade()));
cx.entities.insert(slot, entity)
/// Updates the entity referenced by the given model. The function is passed a mutable reference to the
/// entity along with a `ModelContext` for the entity.
fn update_model<T: 'static, R>(
&mut self,
model: &Model<T>,
update: impl FnOnce(&mut T, &mut ModelContext<'_, T>) -> R,
) -> R {
self.update(|cx| {
let mut entity = cx.entities.lease(model);
let result = update(&mut entity, &mut ModelContext::new(cx, model.downgrade()));
fn update_window<T, F>(&mut self, handle: AnyWindowHandle, update: F) -> Result<T>
F: FnOnce(AnyView, &mut WindowContext<'_>) -> T,
self.update(|cx| {
let mut window = cx
.ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("window not found"))?
let root_view = window.root_view.clone().unwrap();
let result = update(root_view, &mut WindowContext::new(cx, &mut window));
if window.removed {
} else {
.ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("window not found"))?
fn read_model<T, R>(
handle: &Model<T>,
read: impl FnOnce(&T, &AppContext) -> R,
) -> Self::Result<R>
T: 'static,
let entity = self.entities.read(handle);
read(entity, self)
fn read_window<T, R>(
window: &WindowHandle<T>,
read: impl FnOnce(View<T>, &AppContext) -> R,
) -> Result<R>
T: 'static,
let window = self
.ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("window not found"))?
let root_view = window.root_view.clone().unwrap();
let view = root_view
.map_err(|_| anyhow!("root view's type has changed"))?;
Ok(read(view, self))
/// These effects are processed at the end of each application update cycle.
pub(crate) enum Effect {
Notify {
emitter: EntityId,
Emit {
emitter: EntityId,
event_type: TypeId,
event: Box<dyn Any>,
NotifyGlobalObservers {
global_type: TypeId,
Defer {
callback: Box<dyn FnOnce(&mut AppContext) + 'static>,
/// Wraps a global variable value during `update_global` while the value has been moved to the stack.
pub(crate) struct GlobalLease<G: 'static> {
global: Box<dyn Any>,
global_type: PhantomData<G>,
impl<G: 'static> GlobalLease<G> {
fn new(global: Box<dyn Any>) -> Self {
GlobalLease {
global_type: PhantomData,
impl<G: 'static> Deref for GlobalLease<G> {
type Target = G;
fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
impl<G: 'static> DerefMut for GlobalLease<G> {
fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Target {
/// Contains state associated with an active drag operation, started by dragging an element
/// within the window or by dragging into the app from the underlying platform.
pub struct AnyDrag {
/// The view used to render this drag
pub view: AnyView,
/// The value of the dragged item, to be dropped
pub value: Box<dyn Any>,
/// This is used to render the dragged item in the same place
/// on the original element that the drag was initiated
pub cursor_offset: Point<Pixels>,
/// Contains state associated with a tooltip. You'll only need this struct if you're implementing
/// tooltip behavior on a custom element. Otherwise, use [Div::tooltip].
pub struct AnyTooltip {
/// The view used to display the tooltip
pub view: AnyView,
/// The offset from the cursor to use, relative to the parent view
pub cursor_offset: Point<Pixels>,
/// A keystroke event, and potentially the associated action
pub struct KeystrokeEvent {
/// The keystroke that occurred
pub keystroke: Keystroke,
/// The action that was resolved for the keystroke, if any
pub action: Option<Box<dyn Action>>,