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What do I do? </span> </a> </li> <li class="md-nav__item"> <a href="#where-is-my-commit-why-is-it-not-visible-in-jj-log" class="md-nav__link"> <span class="md-ellipsis"> Where is my commit, why is it not visible in jj log? </span> </a> </li> <li class="md-nav__item"> <a href="#how-can-i-get-jj-log-to-show-me-what-git-log-would-show-me" class="md-nav__link"> <span class="md-ellipsis"> How can I get jj log to show me what git log would show me? </span> </a> </li> <li class="md-nav__item"> <a href="#jj-is-said-to-record-the-working-copy-after-jj-log-and-every-other-command-where-can-i-see-these-automatic-saves" class="md-nav__link"> <span class="md-ellipsis"> jj is said to record the working copy after jj log and every other command. Where can I see these automatic "saves"? </span> </a> </li> <li class="md-nav__item"> <a href="#can-i-prevent-jujutsu-from-recording-my-unfinished-work-im-not-ready-to-commit-it" class="md-nav__link"> <span class="md-ellipsis"> Can I prevent Jujutsu from recording my unfinished work? I'm not ready to commit it. </span> </a> </li> <li class="md-nav__item"> <a href="#can-i-interactively-create-a-new-commit-from-only-some-of-the-changes-in-the-working-copy-like-git-add-p-git-commit-or-hg-commit-i" class="md-nav__link"> <span class="md-ellipsis"> Can I interactively create a new commit from only some of the changes in the working copy, like git add -p && git commit or hg commit -i? </span> </a> </li> <li class="md-nav__item"> <a href="#is-there-something-like-git-rebase-interactive-or-hg-histedit" class="md-nav__link"> <span class="md-ellipsis"> Is there something like git rebase --interactive or hg histedit? </span> </a> </li> <li class="md-nav__item"> <a href="#how-can-i-keep-my-scratch-files-in-the-repository" class="md-nav__link"> <span class="md-ellipsis"> How can I keep my scratch files in the repository? </span> </a> </li> <li class="md-nav__item"> <a href="#how-can-i-keep-local-changes-around-but-not-use-them-for-pull-requests" class="md-nav__link"> <span 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href="#i-made-a-commit-and-jj-git-push-all-says-nothing-changed-instead-of-pushing-it-what-do-i-do" class="md-nav__link"> <span class="md-ellipsis"> I made a commit and jj git push --all says "Nothing changed" instead of pushing it. What do I do? </span> </a> </li> <li class="md-nav__item"> <a href="#where-is-my-commit-why-is-it-not-visible-in-jj-log" class="md-nav__link"> <span class="md-ellipsis"> Where is my commit, why is it not visible in jj log? </span> </a> </li> <li class="md-nav__item"> <a href="#how-can-i-get-jj-log-to-show-me-what-git-log-would-show-me" class="md-nav__link"> <span class="md-ellipsis"> How can I get jj log to show me what git log would show me? </span> </a> </li> <li class="md-nav__item"> <a href="#jj-is-said-to-record-the-working-copy-after-jj-log-and-every-other-command-where-can-i-see-these-automatic-saves" class="md-nav__link"> <span class="md-ellipsis"> jj is said to record the working copy after jj log and every other command. Where can I see these automatic "saves"? </span> </a> </li> <li class="md-nav__item"> <a href="#can-i-prevent-jujutsu-from-recording-my-unfinished-work-im-not-ready-to-commit-it" class="md-nav__link"> <span class="md-ellipsis"> Can I prevent Jujutsu from recording my unfinished work? I'm not ready to commit it. </span> </a> </li> <li class="md-nav__item"> <a href="#can-i-interactively-create-a-new-commit-from-only-some-of-the-changes-in-the-working-copy-like-git-add-p-git-commit-or-hg-commit-i" class="md-nav__link"> <span class="md-ellipsis"> Can I interactively create a new commit from only some of the changes in the working copy, like git add -p && git commit or hg commit -i? </span> </a> </li> <li class="md-nav__item"> <a href="#is-there-something-like-git-rebase-interactive-or-hg-histedit" class="md-nav__link"> <span class="md-ellipsis"> Is there something like git rebase --interactive or hg histedit? </span> </a> </li> <li class="md-nav__item"> <a href="#how-can-i-keep-my-scratch-files-in-the-repository" class="md-nav__link"> <span class="md-ellipsis"> How can I keep my scratch files in the repository? </span> </a> </li> <li class="md-nav__item"> <a href="#how-can-i-keep-local-changes-around-but-not-use-them-for-pull-requests" class="md-nav__link"> <span class="md-ellipsis"> How can I keep local changes around, but not use them for Pull Requests? </span> </a> </li> <li class="md-nav__item"> <a href="#i-accidentally-changed-files-in-the-wrong-commit-how-do-i-move-the-recent-changes-into-another-commit" class="md-nav__link"> <span class="md-ellipsis"> I accidentally changed files in the wrong commit, how do I move the recent changes into another commit? </span> </a> </li> <li class="md-nav__item"> <a href="#how-do-i-resume-working-on-an-existing-change" class="md-nav__link"> <span class="md-ellipsis"> How do I resume working on an existing change? </span> </a> </li> <li class="md-nav__item"> <a href="#how-do-i-deal-with-divergent-changes-after-the-change-id" class="md-nav__link"> <span class="md-ellipsis"> How do I deal with divergent changes ('??' after the change ID)? </span> </a> </li> <li class="md-nav__item"> <a href="#how-do-i-deal-with-conflicted-branches-after-branch-name" class="md-nav__link"> <span class="md-ellipsis"> How do I deal with conflicted branches ('??' after branch name)? </span> </a> </li> <li class="md-nav__item"> <a href="#how-do-i-integrate-jujutsu-with-gerrit" class="md-nav__link"> <span class="md-ellipsis"> How do I integrate Jujutsu with Gerrit? </span> </a> </li> </ul> </nav> </div> </div> </div> <div class="md-content" data-md-component="content"> <article class="md-content__inner md-typeset"> <h1 id="frequently-asked-questions">Frequently asked questions<a class="headerlink" href="#frequently-asked-questions" title="Permanent link">¶</a></h1> <h3 id="why-does-my-branch-not-move-to-the-new-commit-after-jj-newcommit">Why does my branch not move to the new commit after <code>jj new/commit</code>?<a class="headerlink" href="#why-does-my-branch-not-move-to-the-new-commit-after-jj-newcommit" title="Permanent link">¶</a></h3> <p>If you're familiar with Git, you might expect the current branch to move forward when you commit. However, Jujutsu does not have a concept of a "current branch".</p> <p>To move branches, use <code>jj branch set</code>.</p> <h3 id="i-made-a-commit-and-jj-git-push-all-says-nothing-changed-instead-of-pushing-it-what-do-i-do">I made a commit and <code>jj git push --all</code> says "Nothing changed" instead of pushing it. What do I do?<a class="headerlink" href="#i-made-a-commit-and-jj-git-push-all-says-nothing-changed-instead-of-pushing-it-what-do-i-do" title="Permanent link">¶</a></h3> <p><code>jj git push --all</code> pushes all <em>branches</em>, not all revisions. You have two options:</p> <ul> <li>Using <code>jj git push --change</code> will automatically create a branch and push it.</li> <li>Using <code>jj branch</code> commands to create or move a branch to either the commit you want to push or a descendant on it. Unlike Git, Jujutsu doesn't do this automatically (see previous question).</li> </ul> <h3 id="where-is-my-commit-why-is-it-not-visible-in-jj-log">Where is my commit, why is it not visible in <code>jj log</code>?<a class="headerlink" href="#where-is-my-commit-why-is-it-not-visible-in-jj-log" title="Permanent link">¶</a></h3> <p>Is your commit visible with <code>jj log -r 'all()'</code>?</p> <p>If yes, you should be aware that <code>jj log</code> only shows the revisions matching <code>revsets.log</code> by default. You can change it as described in <a href="../config/">config</a> to show more revisions.</p> <p>If not, the revision may have been abandoned (e.g. because you used <code>jj abandon</code>, or because it's an obsolete version that's been rewritten with <code>jj rebase</code>, <code>jj describe</code>, etc). In that case, <code>jj log -r commit_id</code> should show the revision as "hidden". <code>jj new commit_id</code> should make the revision visible again.</p> <p>See <a href="../revsets/">revsets</a> and <a href="../templates/">templates</a> for further guidance.</p> <h3 id="how-can-i-get-jj-log-to-show-me-what-git-log-would-show-me">How can I get <code>jj log</code> to show me what <code>git log</code> would show me?<a class="headerlink" href="#how-can-i-get-jj-log-to-show-me-what-git-log-would-show-me" title="Permanent link">¶</a></h3> <p>Use <code>jj log -r ..</code>. The <code>..</code> <a href="../revsets/#operators">operator</a> lists all visible commits in the repo, excluding the root (which is never interesting and is shared by all repos).</p> <h3 id="jj-is-said-to-record-the-working-copy-after-jj-log-and-every-other-command-where-can-i-see-these-automatic-saves"><code>jj</code> is said to record the working copy after <code>jj log</code> and every other command. Where can I see these automatic "saves"?<a class="headerlink" href="#jj-is-said-to-record-the-working-copy-after-jj-log-and-every-other-command-where-can-i-see-these-automatic-saves" title="Permanent link">¶</a></h3> <p>Indeed, every <code>jj</code> command updates the current "working-copy" revision, marked with <code>@</code> in <code>jj log</code>. You can notice this by how the <a href="../glossary/#commit-id">commit ID</a> of the working copy revision changes when it's updated. Note that, unless you move to another revision (with <code>jj new</code> or <code>jj edit</code>, for example), the <a href="../glossary/#change-id">change ID</a> will not change.</p> <p>If you expected to see a historical view of your working copy changes in the parent-child relationships between commits you can see in <code>jj log</code>, this is simply not what they mean. What you can see in <code>jj log</code> is that after the working copy commit gets amended (after any edit), the commit ID changes.</p> <p>You can see the actual history of working copy changes using <code>jj obslog</code>. This will show the history of the commits that were previously the "working-copy commit", since the last time the change id of the working copy commit changed. The obsolete changes will be marked as "hidden". They are still accessible with any <code>jj</code> command (<code>jj diff</code>, for example), but you will need to use the commit id to refer to hidden commits.</p> <p>You can also use <code>jj obslog -r</code> on revisions that were previously the working-copy revisions (or on any other revisions). Use <code>jj obslog -p</code> as an easy way to see the evolution of the commit's contents.</p> <h3 id="can-i-prevent-jujutsu-from-recording-my-unfinished-work-im-not-ready-to-commit-it">Can I prevent Jujutsu from recording my unfinished work? I'm not ready to commit it.<a class="headerlink" href="#can-i-prevent-jujutsu-from-recording-my-unfinished-work-im-not-ready-to-commit-it" title="Permanent link">¶</a></h3> <p>Jujutsu automatically records new files in the current working-copy commit and doesn't provide a way to prevent that.</p> <p>However, you can easily record intermediate drafts of your work. If you think you might want to go back to the current state of the working-copy commit, simply use <code>jj new</code>. There's no need for the commit to be "finished" or even have a description.</p> <p>Then future edits will go into a new working-copy commit on top of the now former working-copy commit. Whenever you are happy with another set of edits, use <code>jj squash</code> to amend the previous commit.</p> <p>For more options see the next question.</p> <h3 id="can-i-interactively-create-a-new-commit-from-only-some-of-the-changes-in-the-working-copy-like-git-add-p-git-commit-or-hg-commit-i">Can I interactively create a new commit from only some of the changes in the working copy, like <code>git add -p && git commit</code> or <code>hg commit -i</code>?<a class="headerlink" href="#can-i-interactively-create-a-new-commit-from-only-some-of-the-changes-in-the-working-copy-like-git-add-p-git-commit-or-hg-commit-i" title="Permanent link">¶</a></h3> <p>Since the changes are already in the working-copy commit, the equivalent to <code>git add -p && git commit</code>/<code>git commit -p</code>/<code>hg commit -i</code> is to split the working-copy commit with <code>jj split -i</code> (or the practically identical <code>jj commit -i</code>).</p> <p>For the equivalent of <code>git commit --amend -p</code>/<code>hg amend -i</code>, use <code>jj squash -i</code>.</p> <h3 id="is-there-something-like-git-rebase-interactive-or-hg-histedit">Is there something like <code>git rebase --interactive</code> or <code>hg histedit</code>?<a class="headerlink" href="#is-there-something-like-git-rebase-interactive-or-hg-histedit" title="Permanent link">¶</a></h3> <p>Not yet, you can check <a href="https://github.com/martinvonz/jj/issues/1531">this issue</a> for updates.</p> <p>To reorder commits, it is for now recommended to rebase commits individually, which may require multiple invocations of <code>jj rebase -r</code> or <code>jj rebase -s</code>.</p> <p>To squash or split commits, use <code>jj squash</code> and <code>jj split</code>.</p> <h3 id="how-can-i-keep-my-scratch-files-in-the-repository">How can I keep my scratch files in the repository?<a class="headerlink" href="#how-can-i-keep-my-scratch-files-in-the-repository" title="Permanent link">¶</a></h3> <p>You can keep your notes and other scratch files in the repository, if you add a wildcard pattern to either the repo's <code>gitignore</code> or your global <code>gitignore</code>. Something like <code>*.scratch</code> or <code>*.scratchpad</code> should do, after that rename the files you want to keep around to match the pattern.</p> <p>If <code>$EDITOR</code> integration is important, something like <code>scratchpad.*</code> may be more helpful, as you can keep the filename extension intact (it matches <code>scratchpad.md</code>, <code>scratchpad.rs</code> and more).</p> <p>You can find more details on <code>gitignore</code> files <a href="https://git-scm.com/docs/gitignore">here</a>.</p> <h3 id="how-can-i-keep-local-changes-around-but-not-use-them-for-pull-requests">How can I keep local changes around, but not use them for Pull Requests?<a class="headerlink" href="#how-can-i-keep-local-changes-around-but-not-use-them-for-pull-requests" title="Permanent link">¶</a></h3> <p>In general, you should separate out the changes to their own commit (using e.g. <code>jj split</code>). After that, one possible workflow is to rebase your pending PRs on top of the commit with the local changes. Then, just before pushing to a remote, use <code>jj rebase -s child_of_commit_with_local_changes -d main</code> to move the PRs back on top of <code>main</code>.</p> <p>If you have several PRs, you can try <code>jj rebase -s all:commit_with_local_changes+ -d main</code> (note the <code>+</code>) to move them all at once.</p> <p>An alternative workflow would be to rebase the commit with local changes on top of the PR you're working on and then do <code>jj new commit_with_local_changes</code>. You'll then need to use <code>jj new --before</code> to create new commits and <code>jj squash --into</code> to move new changes into the correct commits.</p> <h3 id="i-accidentally-changed-files-in-the-wrong-commit-how-do-i-move-the-recent-changes-into-another-commit">I accidentally changed files in the wrong commit, how do I move the recent changes into another commit?<a class="headerlink" href="#i-accidentally-changed-files-in-the-wrong-commit-how-do-i-move-the-recent-changes-into-another-commit" title="Permanent link">¶</a></h3> <p>Use <code>jj obslog -p</code> to see how your working-copy commit has evolved. Find the commit you want to restore the contents to. Let's say the current commit (with the changes intended for a new commit) are in commit X and the state you wanted is in commit Y. Note the commit id (normally in blue at the end of the line in the log output) of each of them. Now use <code>jj new</code> to create a new working-copy commit, then run <code>jj restore --from Y --to @-</code> to restore the parent commit to the old state, and <code>jj restore --from X</code> to restore the new working-copy commit to the new state.</p> <h3 id="how-do-i-resume-working-on-an-existing-change">How do I resume working on an existing change?<a class="headerlink" href="#how-do-i-resume-working-on-an-existing-change" title="Permanent link">¶</a></h3> <p>There are two ways to resume working on an earlier change: <code>jj new</code> then <code>jj squash</code>, and <code>jj edit</code>. The first is generally recommended, but <code>jj edit</code> can be useful. When you use <code>jj edit</code>, the revision is directly amended with your new changes, making it difficult to tell what exactly you change. You should avoid using <code>jj edit</code> when the revision has a conflict, as you may accidentally break the plain-text annotations on your state without realising.</p> <p>To start, use <code>jj new <rev></code> to create a change based on that earlier revision. Make your edits, then use <code>jj squash</code> to update the earlier revision with those edits. For when you would use git stashing, use <code>jj edit <rev></code> for expected behaviour. Other workflows may prefer <code>jj edit</code> as well.</p> <h3 id="how-do-i-deal-with-divergent-changes-after-the-change-id">How do I deal with divergent changes ('??' after the <a href="../glossary/#change-id">change ID</a>)?<a class="headerlink" href="#how-do-i-deal-with-divergent-changes-after-the-change-id" title="Permanent link">¶</a></h3> <p>A <a href="../glossary/#divergent-change">divergent change</a> represents a change that has two or more visible commits associated with it. To refer to such commits, you must use their <a href="../glossary/#commit-id">commit ID</a>. Most commonly, the way to resolve this is to abandon the unneeded commits (using <code>jj abandon <commit ID></code>). If you would like to keep both commits with this change ID, you can <code>jj duplicate</code> one of them before abandoning it.</p> <p>Usually, the different commits associated with the divergent change ID should all appear in the log, but due to #2476, they may not. If that happens, you can either use <code>jj log -r 'all()' | grep <change id></code> or disable the <code>revsets.short-prefixes</code> config option.</p> <h3 id="how-do-i-deal-with-conflicted-branches-after-branch-name">How do I deal with conflicted branches ('??' after branch name)?<a class="headerlink" href="#how-do-i-deal-with-conflicted-branches-after-branch-name" title="Permanent link">¶</a></h3> <p>A <a href="../branches/#conflicts">conflicted branch</a> is a branch that refers to multiple different commits because jj couldn't fully resolve its desired position. Resolving conflicted branches is usually done by setting the branch to the correct commit using <code>jj branch set <commit ID></code>.</p> <p>Usually, the different commits associated with the conflicted branch should all appear in the log, but if they don't you can use <code>jj branch list</code>to show all the commits associated with it.</p> <h3 id="how-do-i-integrate-jujutsu-with-gerrit">How do I integrate Jujutsu with Gerrit?<a class="headerlink" href="#how-do-i-integrate-jujutsu-with-gerrit" title="Permanent link">¶</a></h3> <p>At the moment you'll need a script, which adds the required fields for Gerrit like the <code>Change-Id</code> footer. Then <code>jj</code> can invoke it via an <code>$EDITOR</code> override in an aliased command. Here's an <a href="https://gist.github.com/thoughtpolice/8f2fd36ae17cd11b8e7bd93a70e31ad6">example</a> from an contributor (look for the <code>jj signoff</code> alias).</p> <p>After you have attached the <code>Change-Id:</code> footer to the commit series, you'll have to manually invoke <code>git push</code> of <code>HEAD</code> on the underlying git repository into the remote Gerrit branch <code>refs/for/$BRANCH</code>, where <code>$BRANCH</code> is the base branch you want your changes to go to (e.g., <code>git push origin HEAD:refs/for/main</code>). Using a <a href="../glossary/#co-located-repos">co-located</a> repo will make the underlying git repo directly accessible from the working directory.</p> <p>We hope to integrate with Gerrit natively in the future.</p> </article> </div> <script>var target=document.getElementById(location.hash.slice(1));target&&target.name&&(target.checked=target.name.startsWith("__tabbed_"))</script> </div> </main> <footer class="md-footer"> <div class="md-footer-meta md-typeset"> <div class="md-footer-meta__inner md-grid"> <div class="md-copyright"> Made with <a href="https://squidfunk.github.io/mkdocs-material/" target="_blank" rel="noopener"> Material for MkDocs </a> </div> </div> </div> </footer> </div> <div class="md-dialog" data-md-component="dialog"> <div class="md-dialog__inner md-typeset"></div> </div> <script id="__config" type="application/json">{"base": "..", "features": [], "search": "../assets/javascripts/workers/search.b8dbb3d2.min.js", "translations": {"clipboard.copied": "Copied to clipboard", "clipboard.copy": "Copy to clipboard", "search.result.more.one": "1 more on this page", "search.result.more.other": "# more on this page", "search.result.none": "No matching documents", "search.result.one": "1 matching document", "search.result.other": "# matching documents", "search.result.placeholder": "Type to start searching", "search.result.term.missing": "Missing", "select.version": "Select version"}, "version": {"alias": true, "provider": "mike"}}</script> <script src="../assets/javascripts/bundle.081f42fc.min.js"></script> </body> </html>