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Martin von Zweigbergk 5a9d1e5fdd op_store: rename variables in upgrade code to be direction-agnostic
The code for migrating from ProtoBuf to Thrift is almost completely
independent of which direction the upgrade goes, so we can very easily
reuse it for migrating from Thrift to Protobuf. This patch renames
some variables to "old/new" instead of "proto/thrift", making the next
patch even simpler.
2022-12-03 22:31:02 -08:00

310 lines
12 KiB

// Copyright 2020 The Jujutsu Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet};
use std::fmt::Debug;
use std::fs;
use std::path::PathBuf;
use itertools::Itertools;
use tempfile::PersistError;
use crate::legacy_thrift_op_store::ThriftOpStore;
use crate::op_store::{OpStore, OpStoreError, OpStoreResult, Operation, OperationId, View, ViewId};
use crate::proto_op_store::ProtoOpStore;
impl From<std::io::Error> for OpStoreError {
fn from(err: std::io::Error) -> Self {
impl From<PersistError> for OpStoreError {
fn from(err: PersistError) -> Self {
// TODO: In version 0.7.0 or so, inline ThriftOpStore into this type and drop
// support for upgrading from the proto format
pub struct SimpleOpStore {
delegate: ThriftOpStore,
fn upgrade_to_thrift(store_path: PathBuf) -> std::io::Result<()> {
println!("Upgrading operation log to Thrift format...");
let old_store = ProtoOpStore::load(store_path.clone());
let tmp_store_dir = tempfile::Builder::new()
let tmp_store_path = tmp_store_dir.path().to_path_buf();
// Find the current operation head(s) of the operation log. Because the hash is
// based on the serialized format, it will be different after conversion, so
// we need to rewrite these later.
let op_heads_store_path = store_path.parent().unwrap().join("op_heads");
let mut old_op_heads = HashSet::new();
for entry in fs::read_dir(&op_heads_store_path)? {
let basename = entry?.file_name();
let op_id_str = basename.to_str().unwrap();
if let Ok(op_id_bytes) = hex::decode(op_id_str) {
// Do a DFS to rewrite the operations
let new_store = ThriftOpStore::init(tmp_store_path.clone());
let mut converted: HashMap<OperationId, OperationId> = HashMap::new();
// The DFS stack
let mut to_convert = old_op_heads
.map(|op_id| (op_id.clone(), old_store.read_operation(op_id).unwrap()))
while !to_convert.is_empty() {
let (_, op) = to_convert.last().unwrap();
let mut new_parent_ids: Vec<OperationId> = vec![];
let mut new_to_convert = vec![];
// Check which parents are already converted and which ones we need to rewrite
// first
for parent_id in &op.parents {
if let Some(new_parent_id) = converted.get(parent_id) {
} else {
let parent_op = old_store.read_operation(parent_id).unwrap();
new_to_convert.push((parent_id.clone(), parent_op));
if new_to_convert.is_empty() {
// If all parents have already been converted, remove this operation from the
// stack and convert it
let (old_op_id, mut old_op) = to_convert.pop().unwrap();
old_op.parents = new_parent_ids;
let old_view = old_store.read_view(&old_op.view_id).unwrap();
let new_view_id = new_store.write_view(&old_view).unwrap();
old_op.view_id = new_view_id;
let new_op_id = new_store.write_operation(&old_op).unwrap();
converted.insert(old_op_id, new_op_id);
} else {
fs::write(tmp_store_path.join("thrift_store"), "")?;
let backup_store_path = store_path.parent().unwrap().join("op_store_old");
fs::rename(&store_path, backup_store_path)?;
fs::rename(&tmp_store_path, &store_path)?;
// Update the pointers to the head(s) of the operation log
for old_op_head in old_op_heads {
let new_op_head = converted.get(&old_op_head).unwrap().clone();
fs::write(op_heads_store_path.join(new_op_head.hex()), "")?;
// Update the pointers from operations to index files
let index_operations_path = store_path
for entry in fs::read_dir(&index_operations_path)? {
let basename = entry?.file_name();
let op_id_str = basename.to_str().unwrap();
if let Ok(op_id_bytes) = hex::decode(op_id_str) {
let old_op_id = OperationId::new(op_id_bytes);
// This should always succeed, but just skip it if it doesn't. We'll index
// the commits on demand if we don't have an pointer to an index file.
if let Some(new_op_id) = converted.get(&old_op_id) {
// Update the pointer to the last operation exported to Git
let git_export_path = store_path.parent().unwrap().join("git_export_operation_id");
if let Ok(op_id_string) = fs::read_to_string(&git_export_path) {
if let Ok(op_id_bytes) = hex::decode(op_id_string) {
let old_op_id = OperationId::new(op_id_bytes);
let new_op_id = converted.get(&old_op_id).unwrap();
fs::write(&git_export_path, new_op_id.hex())?;
println!("Upgrade complete");
impl SimpleOpStore {
pub fn init(store_path: PathBuf) -> Self {
fs::write(store_path.join("thrift_store"), "").unwrap();
let delegate = ThriftOpStore::init(store_path);
SimpleOpStore { delegate }
pub fn load(store_path: PathBuf) -> Self {
if !store_path.join("thrift_store").exists() {
.expect("Failed to upgrade operation log to Thrift format");
let delegate = ThriftOpStore::load(store_path);
SimpleOpStore { delegate }
impl OpStore for SimpleOpStore {
fn read_view(&self, id: &ViewId) -> OpStoreResult<View> {
fn write_view(&self, view: &View) -> OpStoreResult<ViewId> {
fn read_operation(&self, id: &OperationId) -> OpStoreResult<Operation> {
fn write_operation(&self, operation: &Operation) -> OpStoreResult<OperationId> {
mod tests {
use insta::assert_snapshot;
use maplit::{btreemap, hashmap, hashset};
use super::*;
use crate::backend::{CommitId, MillisSinceEpoch, Timestamp};
use crate::content_hash::blake2b_hash;
use crate::op_store::{BranchTarget, OperationMetadata, RefTarget, WorkspaceId};
fn create_view() -> View {
let head_id1 = CommitId::from_hex("aaa111");
let head_id2 = CommitId::from_hex("aaa222");
let public_head_id1 = CommitId::from_hex("bbb444");
let public_head_id2 = CommitId::from_hex("bbb555");
let branch_main_local_target = RefTarget::Normal(CommitId::from_hex("ccc111"));
let branch_main_origin_target = RefTarget::Normal(CommitId::from_hex("ccc222"));
let branch_deleted_origin_target = RefTarget::Normal(CommitId::from_hex("ccc333"));
let tag_v1_target = RefTarget::Normal(CommitId::from_hex("ddd111"));
let git_refs_main_target = RefTarget::Normal(CommitId::from_hex("fff111"));
let git_refs_feature_target = RefTarget::Conflict {
removes: vec![CommitId::from_hex("fff111")],
adds: vec![CommitId::from_hex("fff222"), CommitId::from_hex("fff333")],
let default_wc_commit_id = CommitId::from_hex("abc111");
let test_wc_commit_id = CommitId::from_hex("abc222");
View {
head_ids: hashset! {head_id1, head_id2},
public_head_ids: hashset! {public_head_id1, public_head_id2},
branches: btreemap! {
"main".to_string() => BranchTarget {
local_target: Some(branch_main_local_target),
remote_targets: btreemap! {
"origin".to_string() => branch_main_origin_target,
"deleted".to_string() => BranchTarget {
local_target: None,
remote_targets: btreemap! {
"origin".to_string() => branch_deleted_origin_target,
tags: btreemap! {
"v1.0".to_string() => tag_v1_target,
git_refs: btreemap! {
"refs/heads/main".to_string() => git_refs_main_target,
"refs/heads/feature".to_string() => git_refs_feature_target
git_head: Some(CommitId::from_hex("fff111")),
wc_commit_ids: hashmap! {
WorkspaceId::default() => default_wc_commit_id,
WorkspaceId::new("test".to_string()) => test_wc_commit_id,
fn create_operation() -> Operation {
Operation {
view_id: ViewId::from_hex("aaa111"),
parents: vec![
metadata: OperationMetadata {
start_time: Timestamp {
timestamp: MillisSinceEpoch(123456789),
tz_offset: 3600,
end_time: Timestamp {
timestamp: MillisSinceEpoch(123456800),
tz_offset: 3600,
description: "check out foo".to_string(),
hostname: "some.host.example.com".to_string(),
username: "someone".to_string(),
tags: hashmap! {
"key1".to_string() => "value1".to_string(),
"key2".to_string() => "value2".to_string(),
fn test_hash_view() {
// Test exact output so we detect regressions in compatibility
fn test_hash_operation() {
// Test exact output so we detect regressions in compatibility
fn test_read_write_view() {
let temp_dir = testutils::new_temp_dir();
let store = SimpleOpStore::init(temp_dir.path().to_owned());
let view = create_view();
let view_id = store.write_view(&view).unwrap();
let read_view = store.read_view(&view_id).unwrap();
assert_eq!(read_view, view);
fn test_read_write_operation() {
let temp_dir = testutils::new_temp_dir();
let store = SimpleOpStore::init(temp_dir.path().to_owned());
let operation = create_operation();
let op_id = store.write_operation(&operation).unwrap();
let read_operation = store.read_operation(&op_id).unwrap();
assert_eq!(read_operation, operation);