Changyuan Lyu fce37df627 docs: fix typos and format the source
Signed-off-by: Changyuan Lyu <>
2024-07-14 11:44:32 -07:00

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Error handling in Alioth (WIP)

Error handling in Alioth is done by a combination of the library SNAFU , the proc macro trace_error, and the trait DebugTrace in, which is inspired by GreptimeDB (see references).

Errors are classified into 3 types,

  • local errors, for example, division by zero,

  • external errors from function calls,

    • non-traceable external errors from the operating system or external libraries, which generally do not implement the trait DebugTrace,

    • traceable external errors from another Alioth module that implement the trait DebugTrace.

An example is

#[derive(Snafu, DebugTrace)]
#[snafu(module, context(suffix(false)))]
pub enum Error {
    #[snafu(display("Invalid descriptor id {id}"))]
    InvalidDescriptor { id: u16 }, // local error
    #[snafu(display("Error from OS"))]
    System { error: std::io::Error }, // non-traceable external error
    #[snafu(display("vhost error"))]
    Vhost { source: Box<vhost::Error> }, // traceable external error
    // ...

As a naming convention, an error variant wraps an external error type with field name error for a non-traceable one (std::io::Error) and source for a traceable one (vhost::Error).

Proc macro trace_error

The macro trace_error augments an error enum by

  • adding an extra field _location: ::snafu::Location to all enum variants. Essentially after macro expansion, the enum Error above is extended to

    #[derive(Snafu, DebugTrace)]
    #[snafu(module, context(suffix(false)))]
    pub enum Error {
        #[snafu(display("vhost error"))]
        Vhost {
            #[snafu(source(from(vhost::Error, Box::new)))]
            source: Box<vhost::Error>,
            _location: ::snafu::Location,
        // ...

    _location is the place in the source code where this error value is constructed.

  • adding #[snafu(source)] to the field error or source of an external error variant,

  • adding a from conversion if an external error type is wrapped in a Box and it is not a trait object.

Trait DebugTrace and its derive macro

#[derive(DebugTrace)] implements traits DebugTrace and Debug for an error enum. Basically, when an error value is Debug-printed,

  • the method Debug::fmt() Display-prints itself, which prints the content in #[snafu(display("..."))] of the error variant,

  • if the error value wraps a traceable external error source, Debug::fmt() calls the method debug_trace() of source,

  • if the wrapped source further wraps another traceable external error source2, debug_trace() calls the method debug_trace() of source2,

  • continue until a local error or a non-traceable external error is found,

  • now Display-print the error value and return back to the outer debug_trace() call, continue until returning back from Debug::fmt().

Putting everything together, when an error value that implements DebugTrace is Debug-printed, we get a pseudo-stack-trace like the following,

Error: Failed to create a device
0: No such file or directory (os error 2)
1: Cannot access file "/path/to/disk.img", at alioth/src/virtio/dev/
2: Failed to create a VirtIO device, at alioth/alioth/src/
3: Failed to create a device, at alioth-cli/src/


  1. Rust 错误处理在 GreptimeDB 的实践 (Rust error handling practice in GreptimeDB). Strongly recommended. Google translation should be enough for non-Chinese speakers.

  2. stack_trace_debug from GreptimeDB.