mirror of
synced 2025-02-07 13:00:08 +00:00
I think this is a variant of the problem fixed by 7fda80fc22
"tree: simplify
conflict before resolving at hunk level." We need to simplify() the conflict
before and after extracting file ids because the source conflict values may
contain trees to be cancelled out, and the file values may differ only in exec
bits. Since the legacy tree passes a simplified conflict in to this function,
I made the merged tree do the same.
Fixes #2654
1272 lines
48 KiB
1272 lines
48 KiB
// Copyright 2023 The Jujutsu Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
//! A lazily merged view of a set of trees.
use std::cmp::{max, Ordering};
use std::collections::{BTreeMap, VecDeque};
use std::iter::zip;
use std::pin::Pin;
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::task::{Context, Poll};
use std::{iter, vec};
use futures::stream::StreamExt;
use futures::{Future, Stream, TryStreamExt};
use itertools::Itertools;
use crate::backend::{BackendError, BackendResult, ConflictId, MergedTreeId, TreeId, TreeValue};
use crate::matchers::{EverythingMatcher, Matcher};
use crate::merge::{Merge, MergeBuilder, MergedTreeValue};
use crate::repo_path::{RepoPath, RepoPathBuf, RepoPathComponent, RepoPathComponentsIter};
use crate::store::Store;
use crate::tree::{try_resolve_file_conflict, Tree, TreeMergeError};
use crate::tree_builder::TreeBuilder;
use crate::{backend, tree};
/// Presents a view of a merged set of trees.
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Debug)]
pub enum MergedTree {
/// A single tree, possibly with path-level conflicts.
/// A merge of multiple trees, or just a single tree. The individual trees
/// have no path-level conflicts.
/// The value at a given path in a `MergedTree`.
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Clone, Debug)]
pub enum MergedTreeVal<'a> {
/// A single non-conflicted value.
Resolved(Option<&'a TreeValue>),
/// TODO: Make this a `Merge<Option<&'a TreeValue>>` (reference to the
/// value) once we have removed the `MergedTree::Legacy` variant.
impl MergedTreeVal<'_> {
fn to_merge(&self) -> MergedTreeValue {
match self {
MergedTreeVal::Resolved(value) => Merge::resolved(value.cloned()),
MergedTreeVal::Conflict(merge) => merge.clone(),
/// Summary of the changes between two trees.
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Clone)]
pub struct DiffSummary {
/// Modified files
pub modified: Vec<RepoPathBuf>,
/// Added files
pub added: Vec<RepoPathBuf>,
/// Removed files
pub removed: Vec<RepoPathBuf>,
impl MergedTree {
/// Creates a new `MergedTree` representing a single tree without conflicts.
pub fn resolved(tree: Tree) -> Self {
/// Creates a new `MergedTree` representing a merge of a set of trees. The
/// individual trees must not have any conflicts.
pub fn new(trees: Merge<Tree>) -> Self {
debug_assert!(!trees.iter().any(|t| t.has_conflict()));
debug_assert!(trees.iter().map(|tree| tree.dir()).all_equal());
.map(|tree| Arc::as_ptr(tree.store()))
/// Creates a new `MergedTree` backed by a tree with path-level conflicts.
pub fn legacy(tree: Tree) -> Self {
/// Takes a tree in the legacy format (with path-level conflicts in the
/// tree) and returns a `MergedTree` with any conflicts converted to
/// tree-level conflicts.
pub fn from_legacy_tree(tree: Tree) -> BackendResult<Self> {
let conflict_ids = tree.conflicts();
if conflict_ids.is_empty() {
return Ok(MergedTree::resolved(tree));
// Find the number of removes and adds in the most complex conflict.
let mut max_tree_count = 1;
let store = tree.store();
let mut conflicts: Vec<(&RepoPath, MergedTreeValue)> = vec![];
for (path, conflict_id) in &conflict_ids {
let conflict = store.read_conflict(path, conflict_id)?;
max_tree_count = max(max_tree_count, conflict.iter().len());
conflicts.push((path, conflict));
let mut tree_builders = Vec::new();
tree_builders.resize_with(max_tree_count, || store.tree_builder(tree.id().clone()));
for (path, conflict) in conflicts {
// If there are fewer terms in this conflict than in some other conflict, we can
// add canceling removes and adds of any value. The simplest value is an absent
// value, so we use that.
let terms_padded = conflict.into_iter().chain(iter::repeat(None));
for (builder, term) in zip(&mut tree_builders, terms_padded) {
builder.set_or_remove(path.to_owned(), term);
let new_trees: Vec<_> = tree_builders
.map(|builder| {
let tree_id = builder.write_tree();
store.get_tree(RepoPath::root(), &tree_id)
/// This tree's directory
pub fn dir(&self) -> &RepoPath {
match self {
MergedTree::Legacy(tree) => tree.dir(),
MergedTree::Merge(conflict) => conflict.first().dir(),
/// The `Store` associated with this tree.
pub fn store(&self) -> &Arc<Store> {
match self {
MergedTree::Legacy(tree) => tree.store(),
MergedTree::Merge(trees) => trees.first().store(),
/// Base names of entries in this directory.
pub fn names<'a>(&'a self) -> Box<dyn Iterator<Item = &'a RepoPathComponent> + 'a> {
match self {
MergedTree::Legacy(tree) => Box::new(tree.data().names()),
MergedTree::Merge(conflict) => Box::new(all_tree_basenames(conflict)),
/// The value at the given basename. The value can be `Resolved` even if
/// `self` is a `Merge`, which happens if the value at the path can be
/// trivially merged. Does not recurse, so if `basename` refers to a Tree,
/// then a `TreeValue::Tree` will be returned.
pub fn value(&self, basename: &RepoPathComponent) -> MergedTreeVal {
match self {
MergedTree::Legacy(tree) => match tree.value(basename) {
Some(TreeValue::Conflict(conflict_id)) => {
let path = tree.dir().join(basename);
let conflict = tree.store().read_conflict(&path, conflict_id).unwrap();
other => MergedTreeVal::Resolved(other),
MergedTree::Merge(trees) => trees_value(trees, basename),
/// Tries to resolve any conflicts, resolving any conflicts that can be
/// automatically resolved and leaving the rest unresolved. The returned
/// conflict will either be resolved or have the same number of sides as
/// the input.
pub fn resolve(&self) -> Result<Merge<Tree>, TreeMergeError> {
match self {
MergedTree::Legacy(tree) => Ok(Merge::resolved(tree.clone())),
MergedTree::Merge(trees) => merge_trees(trees),
/// An iterator over the conflicts in this tree, including subtrees.
/// Recurses into subtrees and yields conflicts in those, but only if
/// all sides are trees, so tree/file conflicts will be reported as a single
/// conflict, not one for each path in the tree.
// TODO: Restrict this by a matcher (or add a separate method for that).
pub fn conflicts(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = (RepoPathBuf, MergedTreeValue)> {
/// Whether this tree has conflicts.
pub fn has_conflict(&self) -> bool {
match self {
MergedTree::Legacy(tree) => tree.has_conflict(),
MergedTree::Merge(trees) => !trees.is_resolved(),
/// Gets the `MergeTree` in a subdirectory of the current tree. If the path
/// doesn't correspond to a tree in any of the inputs to the merge, then
/// that entry will be replace by an empty tree in the result.
pub fn sub_tree(&self, name: &RepoPathComponent) -> Option<MergedTree> {
if let MergedTree::Legacy(tree) = self {
} else {
match self.value(name) {
MergedTreeVal::Resolved(Some(TreeValue::Tree(sub_tree_id))) => {
let subdir = self.dir().join(name);
self.store().get_tree(&subdir, sub_tree_id).unwrap(),
MergedTreeVal::Resolved(_) => None,
MergedTreeVal::Conflict(merge) => {
let merged_trees = merge.map(|value| match value {
Some(TreeValue::Tree(sub_tree_id)) => {
let subdir = self.dir().join(name);
self.store().get_tree(&subdir, sub_tree_id).unwrap()
_ => {
let subdir = self.dir().join(name);
Tree::null(self.store().clone(), subdir.clone())
/// The value at the given path. The value can be `Resolved` even if
/// `self` is a `Conflict`, which happens if the value at the path can be
/// trivially merged.
pub fn path_value(&self, path: &RepoPath) -> MergedTreeValue {
assert_eq!(self.dir(), RepoPath::root());
match path.split() {
Some((dir, basename)) => match self.sub_tree_recursive(dir.components()) {
None => Merge::absent(),
Some(tree) => tree.value(basename).to_merge(),
None => match self {
MergedTree::Legacy(tree) => Merge::normal(TreeValue::Tree(tree.id().clone())),
MergedTree::Merge(trees) => {
trees.map(|tree| Some(TreeValue::Tree(tree.id().clone())))
/// The tree's id
pub fn id(&self) -> MergedTreeId {
match self {
MergedTree::Legacy(tree) => MergedTreeId::Legacy(tree.id().clone()),
MergedTree::Merge(merge) => MergedTreeId::Merge(merge.map(|tree| tree.id().clone())),
fn sub_tree_recursive(&self, mut components: RepoPathComponentsIter) -> Option<MergedTree> {
if let Some(first) = components.next() {
components.try_fold(self.sub_tree(first)?, |tree, name| tree.sub_tree(name))
} else {
/// Iterator over the entries matching the given matcher. Subtrees are
/// visited recursively. Subtrees that differ between the current
/// `MergedTree`'s terms are merged on the fly. Missing terms are treated as
/// empty directories. Subtrees that conflict with non-trees are not
/// visited. For example, if current tree is a merge of 3 trees, and the
/// entry for 'foo' is a conflict between a change subtree and a symlink
/// (i.e. the subdirectory was replaced by symlink in one side of the
/// conflict), then the entry for `foo` itself will be emitted, but no
/// entries from inside `foo/` from either of the trees will be.
pub fn entries(&self) -> TreeEntriesIterator<'static> {
TreeEntriesIterator::new(self.clone(), &EverythingMatcher)
/// Like `entries()` but restricted by a matcher.
pub fn entries_matching<'matcher>(
matcher: &'matcher dyn Matcher,
) -> TreeEntriesIterator<'matcher> {
TreeEntriesIterator::new(self.clone(), matcher)
/// Iterate over the differences between this tree and another tree.
/// The files in a removed tree will be returned before a file that replaces
/// it.
pub fn diff<'matcher>(
other: &MergedTree,
matcher: &'matcher dyn Matcher,
) -> TreeDiffIterator<'matcher> {
TreeDiffIterator::new(self.clone(), other.clone(), matcher)
/// Stream of the differences between this tree and another tree.
pub fn diff_stream<'matcher>(
other: &MergedTree,
matcher: &'matcher dyn Matcher,
) -> TreeDiffStream<'matcher> {
let concurrency = self.store().concurrency();
if concurrency <= 1 {
} else {
/// Collects lists of modified, added, and removed files between this tree
/// and another tree.
pub fn diff_summary(
other: &MergedTree,
matcher: &dyn Matcher,
) -> BackendResult<DiffSummary> {
let mut modified = vec![];
let mut added = vec![];
let mut removed = vec![];
for (file, diff) in self.diff(other, matcher) {
let (before, after) = diff?;
if before.is_absent() {
} else if after.is_absent() {
} else {
Ok(DiffSummary {
/// Merges this tree with `other`, using `base` as base.
pub fn merge(
base: &MergedTree,
other: &MergedTree,
) -> Result<MergedTree, TreeMergeError> {
if let (MergedTree::Legacy(this), MergedTree::Legacy(base), MergedTree::Legacy(other)) =
(self, base, other)
let merged_tree = tree::merge_trees(this, base, other)?;
} else {
// Convert legacy trees to merged trees and unwrap to `Merge<Tree>`
let to_merge = |tree: &MergedTree| -> Result<Merge<Tree>, TreeMergeError> {
match tree {
MergedTree::Legacy(tree) => {
let MergedTree::Merge(tree) = MergedTree::from_legacy_tree(tree.clone())?
else {
MergedTree::Merge(conflict) => Ok(conflict.clone()),
let nested = Merge::from_vec(vec![to_merge(self)?, to_merge(base)?, to_merge(other)?]);
let tree = merge_trees(&nested.flatten().simplify())?;
// If the result can be resolved, then `merge_trees()` above would have returned
// a resolved merge. However, that function will always preserve the arity of
// conflicts it cannot resolve. So we simplify the conflict again
// here to possibly reduce a complex conflict to a simpler one.
let tree = tree.simplify();
// If debug assertions are enabled, check that the merge was idempotent. In
// particular, that this last simplification doesn't enable further automatic
// resolutions
if cfg!(debug_assertions) {
let re_merged = merge_trees(&tree).unwrap();
debug_assert_eq!(re_merged, tree);
/// Type alias for the result from `MergedTree::diff_stream()`. We use a
/// `Stream` instead of an `Iterator` so high-latency backends (e.g. cloud-based
/// ones) can fetch trees asynchronously.
pub type TreeDiffStream<'matcher> = Pin<
dyn Stream<
Item = (
BackendResult<(MergedTreeValue, MergedTreeValue)>,
> + 'matcher,
fn all_tree_basenames(trees: &Merge<Tree>) -> impl Iterator<Item = &RepoPathComponent> {
.map(|tree| tree.data().names())
fn merged_tree_basenames<'a>(
tree1: &'a MergedTree,
tree2: &'a MergedTree,
) -> Box<dyn Iterator<Item = &'a RepoPathComponent> + 'a> {
fn merge_iters<'a>(
iter1: impl Iterator<Item = &'a RepoPathComponent> + 'a,
iter2: impl Iterator<Item = &'a RepoPathComponent> + 'a,
) -> Box<dyn Iterator<Item = &'a RepoPathComponent> + 'a> {
match (&tree1, &tree2) {
(MergedTree::Legacy(before), MergedTree::Legacy(after)) => {
merge_iters(before.data().names(), after.data().names())
(MergedTree::Merge(before), MergedTree::Legacy(after)) => {
merge_iters(all_tree_basenames(before), after.data().names())
(MergedTree::Legacy(before), MergedTree::Merge(after)) => {
merge_iters(before.data().names(), all_tree_basenames(after))
(MergedTree::Merge(before), MergedTree::Merge(after)) => {
merge_iters(all_tree_basenames(before), all_tree_basenames(after))
fn merged_tree_entry_diff<'a>(
before: &'a MergedTree,
after: &'a MergedTree,
) -> impl Iterator<Item = (&'a RepoPathComponent, MergedTreeVal<'a>, MergedTreeVal<'a>)> {
merged_tree_basenames(before, after).filter_map(|basename| {
let value_before = before.value(basename);
let value_after = after.value(basename);
(value_after != value_before).then_some((basename, value_before, value_after))
fn trees_value<'a>(trees: &'a Merge<Tree>, basename: &RepoPathComponent) -> MergedTreeVal<'a> {
if let Some(tree) = trees.as_resolved() {
return MergedTreeVal::Resolved(tree.value(basename));
let value = trees.map(|tree| tree.value(basename));
if let Some(resolved) = value.resolve_trivial() {
return MergedTreeVal::Resolved(*resolved);
MergedTreeVal::Conflict(value.map(|x| x.cloned()))
fn merge_trees(merge: &Merge<Tree>) -> Result<Merge<Tree>, TreeMergeError> {
if let Some(tree) = merge.resolve_trivial() {
return Ok(Merge::resolved(tree.clone()));
let base_tree = merge.first();
let store = base_tree.store();
let dir = base_tree.dir();
// Keep resolved entries in `new_tree` and conflicted entries in `conflicts` to
// start with. Then we'll create the full trees later, and only if there are
// any conflicts.
let mut new_tree = backend::Tree::default();
let mut conflicts = vec![];
for basename in all_tree_basenames(merge) {
let path_merge = merge.map(|tree| tree.value(basename).cloned());
let path = dir.join(basename);
let path_merge = merge_tree_values(store, &path, path_merge)?;
match path_merge.into_resolved() {
Ok(value) => {
new_tree.set_or_remove(basename, value);
Err(path_merge) => {
conflicts.push((basename, path_merge.into_iter()));
if conflicts.is_empty() {
let new_tree_id = store.write_tree(dir, new_tree)?;
} else {
// For each side of the conflict, overwrite the entries in `new_tree` with the
// values from `conflicts`. Entries that are not in `conflicts` will remain
// unchanged and will be reused for each side.
let tree_count = merge.iter().len();
let mut new_trees = Vec::with_capacity(tree_count);
for _ in 0..tree_count {
for (basename, path_conflict) in &mut conflicts {
new_tree.set_or_remove(basename, path_conflict.next().unwrap());
let tree = store.write_tree(dir, new_tree.clone())?;
/// Tries to resolve a conflict between tree values. Returns
/// Ok(Merge::normal(value)) if the conflict was resolved, and
/// Ok(Merge::absent()) if the path should be removed. Returns the
/// conflict unmodified if it cannot be resolved automatically.
fn merge_tree_values(
store: &Arc<Store>,
path: &RepoPath,
values: MergedTreeValue,
) -> Result<MergedTreeValue, TreeMergeError> {
if let Some(resolved) = values.resolve_trivial() {
return Ok(Merge::resolved(resolved.clone()));
if let Some(trees) = values.to_tree_merge(store, path)? {
// If all sides are trees or missing, merge the trees recursively, treating
// missing trees as empty.
let empty_tree_id = store.empty_tree_id();
let merged_tree = merge_trees(&trees)?;
.map(|tree| (tree.id() != empty_tree_id).then(|| TreeValue::Tree(tree.id().clone()))))
} else {
// Try to resolve file conflicts by merging the file contents. Treats missing
// files as empty. The values may contain trees canceling each other (notably
// padded absent trees), so we need to simplify them first.
let simplified = values.clone().simplify();
// No fast path for simplified.is_resolved(). If it could be resolved, it would
// have been caught by values.resolve_trivial() above.
if let Some(resolved) = try_resolve_file_conflict(store, path, &simplified)? {
} else {
// Failed to merge the files, or the paths are not files
/// Recursive iterator over the entries in a tree.
pub struct TreeEntriesIterator<'matcher> {
stack: Vec<TreeEntriesDirItem>,
matcher: &'matcher dyn Matcher,
struct TreeEntriesDirItem {
tree: MergedTree,
entries: Vec<(RepoPathBuf, MergedTreeValue)>,
impl TreeEntriesDirItem {
fn new(tree: MergedTree, matcher: &dyn Matcher) -> Self {
let mut entries = vec![];
let dir = tree.dir();
for name in tree.names() {
let path = dir.join(name);
let value = tree.value(name).to_merge();
if value.is_tree() {
// TODO: Handle the other cases (specific files and trees)
if matcher.visit(&path).is_nothing() {
} else if !matcher.matches(&path) {
entries.push((path, value));
TreeEntriesDirItem { tree, entries }
impl<'matcher> TreeEntriesIterator<'matcher> {
fn new(tree: MergedTree, matcher: &'matcher dyn Matcher) -> Self {
Self {
stack: vec![TreeEntriesDirItem::new(tree, matcher)],
impl Iterator for TreeEntriesIterator<'_> {
type Item = (RepoPathBuf, MergedTreeValue);
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
while let Some(top) = self.stack.last_mut() {
if let Some((path, value)) = top.entries.pop() {
if value.is_tree() {
let tree_merge = value
.to_tree_merge(top.tree.store(), &path)
let merged_tree = MergedTree::Merge(tree_merge);
.push(TreeEntriesDirItem::new(merged_tree, self.matcher));
} else {
return Some((path, value));
} else {
/// The state for the non-recursive iteration over the conflicted entries in a
/// single directory.
struct ConflictsDirItem {
entries: Vec<(RepoPathBuf, MergedTreeValue)>,
impl From<&Merge<Tree>> for ConflictsDirItem {
fn from(trees: &Merge<Tree>) -> Self {
let dir = trees.first().dir();
if trees.is_resolved() {
return ConflictsDirItem { entries: vec![] };
let mut entries = vec![];
for basename in all_tree_basenames(trees) {
match trees_value(trees, basename) {
MergedTreeVal::Resolved(_) => {}
MergedTreeVal::Conflict(tree_values) => {
entries.push((dir.join(basename), tree_values));
ConflictsDirItem { entries }
enum ConflictIterator {
Legacy {
store: Arc<Store>,
conflicts_iter: vec::IntoIter<(RepoPathBuf, ConflictId)>,
Merge {
store: Arc<Store>,
stack: Vec<ConflictsDirItem>,
impl ConflictIterator {
fn new(tree: &MergedTree) -> Self {
match tree {
MergedTree::Legacy(tree) => ConflictIterator::Legacy {
store: tree.store().clone(),
conflicts_iter: tree.conflicts().into_iter(),
MergedTree::Merge(trees) => ConflictIterator::Merge {
store: tree.store().clone(),
stack: vec![ConflictsDirItem::from(trees)],
impl Iterator for ConflictIterator {
type Item = (RepoPathBuf, MergedTreeValue);
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
match self {
ConflictIterator::Legacy {
} => {
if let Some((path, conflict_id)) = conflicts_iter.next() {
// TODO: propagate errors
let conflict = store.read_conflict(&path, &conflict_id).unwrap();
Some((path, conflict))
} else {
ConflictIterator::Merge { store, stack } => {
while let Some(top) = stack.last_mut() {
if let Some((path, tree_values)) = top.entries.pop() {
// TODO: propagate errors
if let Some(trees) = tree_values.to_tree_merge(store, &path).unwrap() {
// If all sides are trees or missing, descend into the merged tree
} else {
// Otherwise this is a conflict between files, trees, etc. If they could
// be automatically resolved, they should have been when the top-level
// tree conflict was written, so we assume that they can't be.
return Some((path, tree_values));
} else {
/// Iterator over the differences between two trees.
pub struct TreeDiffIterator<'matcher> {
stack: Vec<TreeDiffItem>,
matcher: &'matcher dyn Matcher,
struct TreeDiffDirItem {
tree1: MergedTree,
tree2: MergedTree,
entries: Vec<(RepoPathBuf, MergedTreeValue, MergedTreeValue)>,
enum TreeDiffItem {
// This is used for making sure that when a directory gets replaced by a file, we
// yield the value for the addition of the file after we yield the values
// for removing files in the directory.
File(RepoPathBuf, MergedTreeValue, MergedTreeValue),
impl<'matcher> TreeDiffIterator<'matcher> {
/// Creates a iterator over the differences between two trees. Generally
/// prefer `MergedTree::diff()` of calling this directly.
pub fn new(tree1: MergedTree, tree2: MergedTree, matcher: &'matcher dyn Matcher) -> Self {
let root_dir = RepoPath::root();
let mut stack = Vec::new();
if !matcher.visit(root_dir).is_nothing() {
root_dir, tree1, tree2, matcher,
Self { stack, matcher }
fn single_tree(
store: &Arc<Store>,
dir: &RepoPath,
value: Option<&TreeValue>,
) -> BackendResult<Tree> {
match value {
Some(TreeValue::Tree(tree_id)) => store.get_tree(dir, tree_id),
_ => Ok(Tree::null(store.clone(), dir.to_owned())),
/// Gets the given tree if `value` is a tree, otherwise an empty tree.
fn tree(
tree: &MergedTree,
dir: &RepoPath,
values: &MergedTreeValue,
) -> BackendResult<MergedTree> {
let trees = if values.is_tree() {
values.try_map(|value| Self::single_tree(tree.store(), dir, value.as_ref()))?
} else {
Merge::resolved(Tree::null(tree.store().clone(), dir.to_owned()))
// Maintain the type of tree, so we resolve `TreeValue::Conflict` as necessary
// in the subtree
match tree {
MergedTree::Legacy(_) => Ok(MergedTree::Legacy(trees.into_resolved().unwrap())),
MergedTree::Merge(_) => Ok(MergedTree::Merge(trees)),
impl TreeDiffDirItem {
fn from_trees(
dir: &RepoPath,
tree1: MergedTree,
tree2: MergedTree,
matcher: &dyn Matcher,
) -> Self {
let mut entries = vec![];
for (name, before, after) in merged_tree_entry_diff(&tree1, &tree2) {
let path = dir.join(name);
let before = before.to_merge();
let after = after.to_merge();
let tree_before = before.is_tree();
let tree_after = after.is_tree();
// Check if trees and files match, but only if either side is a tree or a file
// (don't query the matcher unnecessarily).
let tree_matches = (tree_before || tree_after) && !matcher.visit(&path).is_nothing();
let file_matches = (!tree_before || !tree_after) && matcher.matches(&path);
// Replace trees or files that don't match by `Merge::absent()`
let before = if (tree_before && tree_matches) || (!tree_before && file_matches) {
} else {
let after = if (tree_after && tree_matches) || (!tree_after && file_matches) {
} else {
if before.is_absent() && after.is_absent() {
entries.push((path, before, after));
Self {
impl Iterator for TreeDiffIterator<'_> {
type Item = (
BackendResult<(MergedTreeValue, MergedTreeValue)>,
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
while let Some(top) = self.stack.last_mut() {
let (dir, (path, before, after)) = match top {
TreeDiffItem::Dir(dir) => match dir.entries.pop() {
Some(entry) => (dir, entry),
None => {
TreeDiffItem::File(..) => {
if let TreeDiffItem::File(path, before, after) = self.stack.pop().unwrap() {
return Some((path, Ok((before, after))));
} else {
let tree_before = before.is_tree();
let tree_after = after.is_tree();
let post_subdir = if tree_before || tree_after {
let before_tree = match Self::tree(&dir.tree1, &path, &before) {
Ok(tree) => tree,
Err(err) => return Some((path, Err(err))),
let after_tree = match Self::tree(&dir.tree2, &path, &after) {
Ok(tree) => tree,
Err(err) => return Some((path, Err(err))),
let subdir =
TreeDiffDirItem::from_trees(&path, before_tree, after_tree, self.matcher);
self.stack.len() - 1
} else {
if !tree_before && tree_after {
if before.is_present() {
return Some((path, Ok((before, Merge::absent()))));
} else if tree_before && !tree_after {
if after.is_present() {
TreeDiffItem::File(path, Merge::absent(), after),
} else if !tree_before && !tree_after {
return Some((path, Ok((before, after))));
/// Stream of differences between two trees.
pub struct TreeDiffStreamImpl<'matcher> {
matcher: &'matcher dyn Matcher,
legacy_format_before: bool,
legacy_format_after: bool,
/// Pairs of tree values that may or may not be ready to emit, sorted in the
/// order we want to emit them. If either side is a tree, there will be
/// a corresponding entry in `pending_trees`.
items: BTreeMap<DiffStreamKey, BackendResult<(MergedTreeValue, MergedTreeValue)>>,
// TODO: Is it better to combine this and `items` into a single map?
pending_trees: VecDeque<(
Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = BackendResult<(MergedTree, MergedTree)>> + 'matcher>>,
/// The maximum number of trees to request concurrently. However, we do the
/// accounting per path, so for there will often be twice as many pending
/// `Backend::read_tree()` calls - for the "before" and "after" sides. For
/// conflicts, there will be even more.
max_concurrent_reads: usize,
/// The maximum number of items in `items`. However, we will always add the
/// full differences from a particular pair of trees, so it may temporarily
/// go over the limit (until we emit those items). It may also go over the
/// limit because we have a file item that's blocked by pending subdirectory
/// items.
max_queued_items: usize,
/// A wrapper around `RepoPath` that allows us to optionally sort files after
/// directories that have the file as a prefix.
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Debug)]
struct DiffStreamKey {
path: RepoPathBuf,
file_after_dir: bool,
impl DiffStreamKey {
fn normal(path: RepoPathBuf) -> Self {
DiffStreamKey {
file_after_dir: false,
fn file_after_dir(path: RepoPathBuf) -> Self {
DiffStreamKey {
file_after_dir: true,
impl PartialOrd for DiffStreamKey {
fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option<Ordering> {
impl Ord for DiffStreamKey {
fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Ordering {
if self == other {
} else if self.file_after_dir && other.path.starts_with(&self.path) {
} else if other.file_after_dir && self.path.starts_with(&other.path) {
} else {
impl<'matcher> TreeDiffStreamImpl<'matcher> {
/// Creates a iterator over the differences between two trees. Generally
/// prefer `MergedTree::diff_stream()` of calling this directly.
pub fn new(
tree1: MergedTree,
tree2: MergedTree,
matcher: &'matcher dyn Matcher,
max_concurrent_reads: usize,
) -> Self {
let mut stream = Self {
legacy_format_before: matches!(tree1, MergedTree::Legacy(_)),
legacy_format_after: matches!(tree2, MergedTree::Legacy(_)),
items: BTreeMap::new(),
pending_trees: VecDeque::new(),
max_queued_items: 10000,
stream.add_dir_diff_items(RepoPathBuf::root(), Ok((tree1, tree2)));
async fn single_tree(
store: &Arc<Store>,
dir: &RepoPath,
value: Option<&TreeValue>,
) -> BackendResult<Tree> {
match value {
Some(TreeValue::Tree(tree_id)) => store.get_tree_async(dir, tree_id).await,
_ => Ok(Tree::null(store.clone(), dir.to_owned())),
/// Gets the given tree if `value` is a tree, otherwise an empty tree.
async fn tree(
store: Arc<Store>,
legacy_format: bool,
dir: RepoPathBuf,
values: MergedTreeValue,
) -> BackendResult<MergedTree> {
let trees = if values.is_tree() {
let builder: MergeBuilder<Tree> = futures::stream::iter(values.iter())
.then(|value| Self::single_tree(&store, &dir, value.as_ref()))
} else {
Merge::resolved(Tree::null(store, dir.clone()))
// Maintain the type of tree, so we resolve `TreeValue::Conflict` as necessary
// in the subtree
if legacy_format {
} else {
fn add_dir_diff_items(
&mut self,
dir: RepoPathBuf,
tree_diff: BackendResult<(MergedTree, MergedTree)>,
) {
let (tree1, tree2) = match tree_diff {
Ok(trees) => trees,
Err(err) => {
self.items.insert(DiffStreamKey::normal(dir), Err(err));
for (basename, value_before, value_after) in merged_tree_entry_diff(&tree1, &tree2) {
let path = dir.join(basename);
let before = value_before.to_merge();
let after = value_after.to_merge();
let tree_before = before.is_tree();
let tree_after = after.is_tree();
// Check if trees and files match, but only if either side is a tree or a file
// (don't query the matcher unnecessarily).
let tree_matches =
(tree_before || tree_after) && !self.matcher.visit(&path).is_nothing();
let file_matches = (!tree_before || !tree_after) && self.matcher.matches(&path);
// Replace trees or files that don't match by `Merge::absent()`
let before = if (tree_before && tree_matches) || (!tree_before && file_matches) {
} else {
let after = if (tree_after && tree_matches) || (!tree_after && file_matches) {
} else {
if before.is_absent() && after.is_absent() {
// If the path was a tree on either side of the diff, read those trees.
if tree_matches {
let before_tree_future = Self::tree(
let after_tree_future = Self::tree(
let both_trees_future =
async { futures::try_join!(before_tree_future, after_tree_future) };
.push_back((path.clone(), Box::pin(both_trees_future)));
.insert(DiffStreamKey::normal(path), Ok((before, after)));
fn poll_tree_futures(&mut self, cx: &mut Context<'_>) {
let mut pending_index = 0;
while pending_index < self.pending_trees.len()
&& (pending_index < self.max_concurrent_reads
|| self.items.len() < self.max_queued_items)
let (_, future) = &mut self.pending_trees[pending_index];
if let Poll::Ready(tree_diff) = future.as_mut().poll(cx) {
let (dir, _) = self.pending_trees.remove(pending_index).unwrap();
let key = DiffStreamKey::normal(dir);
// Whenever we add an entry to `self.pending_trees`, we also add an Ok() entry
// to `self.items`.
let (before, after) = self.items.remove(&key).unwrap().unwrap();
// If this was a transition from file to tree or vice versa, add back an item
// for just the removal/addition of the file.
if before.is_present() && !before.is_tree() {
.insert(key.clone(), Ok((before, Merge::absent())));
} else if after.is_present() && !after.is_tree() {
Ok((Merge::absent(), after)),
self.add_dir_diff_items(key.path, tree_diff);
} else {
pending_index += 1;
impl Stream for TreeDiffStreamImpl<'_> {
type Item = (
BackendResult<(MergedTreeValue, MergedTreeValue)>,
fn poll_next(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Option<Self::Item>> {
// Go through all pending tree futures and poll them.
// Now emit the first file, or the first tree that completed with an error
if let Some(entry) = self.items.first_entry() {
match entry.get() {
Err(_) => {
// File or tree with error
let (key, result) = entry.remove_entry();
Poll::Ready(Some((key.path, result)))
Ok((before, after)) if !before.is_tree() && !after.is_tree() => {
// A diff with no trees involved
let (key, result) = entry.remove_entry();
Poll::Ready(Some((key.path, result)))
_ => {
// The first entry has a tree on at least one side (before or after). We need to
// wait for that future to complete.
} else {
/// Helps with writing trees with conflicts. You start by creating an instance
/// of this type with one or more base trees. You then add overrides on top. The
/// overrides may be conflicts. Then you can write the result as a legacy tree
/// (allowing path-level conflicts) or as multiple conflict-free trees.
pub struct MergedTreeBuilder {
base_tree_id: MergedTreeId,
overrides: BTreeMap<RepoPathBuf, MergedTreeValue>,
impl MergedTreeBuilder {
/// Create a new builder with the given trees as base.
pub fn new(base_tree_id: MergedTreeId) -> Self {
MergedTreeBuilder {
overrides: BTreeMap::new(),
/// Set an override compared to the base tree. The `values` merge must
/// either be resolved (i.e. have 1 side) or have the same number of
/// sides as the `base_tree_ids` used to construct this builder. Use
/// `Merge::absent()` to remove a value from the tree. When the base tree is
/// a legacy tree, conflicts can be written either as a multi-way `Merge`
/// value or as a resolved `Merge` value using `TreeValue::Conflict`.
pub fn set_or_remove(&mut self, path: RepoPathBuf, values: MergedTreeValue) {
if let MergedTreeId::Merge(_) = &self.base_tree_id {
.any(|value| matches!(value, TreeValue::Conflict(_))));
self.overrides.insert(path, values);
/// Create new tree(s) from the base tree(s) and overrides.
/// When the base tree was a legacy tree and the
/// `format.tree-level-conflicts` config is disabled, then the result will
/// be another legacy tree. Overrides with conflicts will result in
/// conflict objects being written to the store. If
/// `format.tree-tree-level-conflicts` is enabled, then a legacy tree will
/// still be written and immediately converted and returned as a merged
/// tree.
pub fn write_tree(self, store: &Arc<Store>) -> BackendResult<MergedTreeId> {
match self.base_tree_id.clone() {
MergedTreeId::Legacy(base_tree_id) => {
let mut tree_builder = TreeBuilder::new(store.clone(), base_tree_id);
for (path, values) in self.overrides {
let values = values.simplify();
match values.into_resolved() {
Ok(value) => {
tree_builder.set_or_remove(path, value);
Err(values) => {
let conflict_id = store.write_conflict(&path, &values)?;
tree_builder.set(path, TreeValue::Conflict(conflict_id));
let legacy_id = tree_builder.write_tree();
if store.use_tree_conflict_format() {
let legacy_tree = store.get_tree(RepoPath::root(), &legacy_id)?;
let merged_tree = MergedTree::from_legacy_tree(legacy_tree)?;
} else {
MergedTreeId::Merge(base_tree_ids) => {
let new_tree_ids = self.write_merged_trees(base_tree_ids, store)?;
fn write_merged_trees(
mut base_tree_ids: Merge<TreeId>,
store: &Arc<Store>,
) -> Result<Merge<TreeId>, BackendError> {
let num_sides = self
.map(|value| value.num_sides())
base_tree_ids.pad_to(num_sides, store.empty_tree_id());
// Create a single-tree builder for each base tree
let mut tree_builders =
base_tree_ids.map(|base_tree_id| TreeBuilder::new(store.clone(), base_tree_id.clone()));
for (path, values) in self.overrides {
match values.into_resolved() {
Ok(value) => {
// This path was overridden with a resolved value. Apply that to all
// builders.
for builder in tree_builders.iter_mut() {
builder.set_or_remove(path.clone(), value.clone());
Err(mut values) => {
values.pad_to(num_sides, &None);
// This path was overridden with a conflicted value. Apply each term to
// its corresponding builder.
for (builder, value) in zip(tree_builders.iter_mut(), values) {
builder.set_or_remove(path.clone(), value);
// TODO: This can be made more efficient. If there's a single resolved conflict
// in `dir/file`, we shouldn't have to write the `dir/` and root trees more than
// once.
let merge_builder: MergeBuilder<TreeId> = tree_builders
.map(|builder| builder.write_tree())