2022-04-10 18:32:36 -07:00

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All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.


New features

  • The new jj print command prints the contents of a file in a revision.

  • jj move and jj squash now lets you limit the set of changes to move by specifying paths on the command line (in addition to the --interactive mode). For example, use jj move --to @-- foo to move the changes to file (or directory) foo in the working copy to the grandparent commit.

  • jj split now lets you specify on the CLI which paths to include in the first commit. The interactive diff-editing is not started when you do that.

  • The $JJ_CONFIG environment variable can now point to a directory. If it does, all files in the directory will be read, in alphabetical order.

  • You can now override the $EDITOR environment variable by setting the ui.editor config. There is also a new $JJ_EDITOR environment variable, which has even higher priority than the config.

Fixed bugs

  • When rebasing a conflict where one side modified a file and the other side deleted it, we no longer automatically resolve it in favor of the modified content (this was a regression from commit c0ae4b16e8).

  • Errors are now printed to stderr (they used to be printed to stdout).

  • jj untrack now requires at least one path (allowing no arguments was a UX bug).

  • You now get a proper error message instead of a crash when $EDITOR doesn't exist or exits with an error.

[0.4.0] - 2022-04-02

Breaking changes

  • Dropped support for config in ~/.jjconfig. Your configuration is now read from <config dir>/jj/config.toml, where <config dir> is ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME} or ~/.config/ on Linux, ~/Library/Application Support/ on macOS, and ~\AppData\Roaming\ on Windows.

New features

  • You can now set an environment variable called $JJ_CONFIG to a path to a config file. That will then be read instead of your regular config file. This is mostly intended for testing and scripts.

  • The standard $NO_COLOR environment variable is now respected.

  • jj new now lets you specify a description with --message/-m.

  • When you check out a commit, the old commit no longer automatically gets abandoned if it's empty and has descendants, it only gets abandoned if it's empty and does not have descendants.

  • (#111) When undoing an earlier operation, any new commits on top of commits from the undone operation will be rebased away. For example, let's say you rebase commit A so it becomes a new commit A', and then you create commit B on top of A'. If you now undo the rebase operation, commit B will be rebased to be on top of A instead. The same logic is used if the repo was modified by concurrent operations (so if one operation added B on top of A, and one operation rebased A as A', then B would be automatically rebased on top of A'). See #111 for more examples.

  • jj log now accepts -p/--patch option.

Fixed bugs

  • Fixed crash on jj init --git-repo=. (it almost always crashed).

  • When sharing the working copy with a Git repo, the automatic importing and exporting (sometimes?) didn't happen on Windows.

[0.3.3] - 2022-03-16

No changes, only trying to get the automated build to work.

[0.3.2] - 2022-03-16

No changes, only trying to get the automated build to work.

[0.3.1] - 2022-03-13

Fixed bugs

  • (#131) Fixed crash when core.excludesFile pointed to non-existent file, and made leading ~/ in that config expand to $HOME/

[0.3.0] - 2022-03-12

Last release before this changelog started.