2024-04-09 12:54:49 +02:00

14 KiB

Upgrading from v0.6.0 to v0.7.0

Version 0.7.0 of Stalwart Mail Server introduces significant improvements and features that enhance performance and functionality. However, it also comes with multiple breaking changes in the configuration files and a revamped database layout optimized for accessing large mailboxes. Additionally, Stalwart now supports compression for binaries stored in the blob store, further increasing efficiency. Due to these extensive changes, the recommended approach for upgrading is to perform a clean reinstallation of Stalwart and manually migrate your accounts to the new version.

Pre-Upgrade Steps

  • Download the v0.7.0 mail-server and CLI binaries for your platform from the releases page.
  • Initialize the setup on a distinct directory using the command sudo ./stalwart-mail -- init /path/to/new-install. This command will print the administrator password required to access the web-admin.
  • Create the bin directory using mkdir /path/to/new-install/bin.
  • Move the downloaded binaries to the bin directory using the command mv stalwart-mail stalwart-cli /path/to/new-install/bin.
  • Open /path/to/new-install/etc/config.toml in a text editor and comment out all listeners except the HTTP listener for port 8080.
  • Start the new installation from the terminal using the command sudo /path/to/new-install/bin/stalwart-mail --config /path/to/new-install/etc/config.toml.
  • Point your browser to the web-admin at and login using the auto-generated administrator password.
  • Configure the new installation with your domain, hostname, certificates, and other settings following the instructions at Ignore the part about using the installation script, we are performing a manual installation.
  • Add your user accounts.
  • Configure Stalwart to run as the stalwart-mail user and stalwart-mail group from Settings > Server > System. This is not necessary if you are using Docker.
  • Stop the new installation by pressing Ctrl+C in the terminal.

Upgrade Steps

  • On your v0.6.0 installation, open in a text editor the smtp/listener.toml, imap/listener.toml files and comment out all listeners except the JMAP/HTTP listener (we are going to need it to export the user accounts) and then restart the service.
  • If you are using an external store, backup the database using the appropriate method for your database system.
  • Create the ~/exports directory, here we will store the exported accounts.
  • Using the existing CLI tool (not the one you just downloaded as it is not compatible), export each user account using the command ./stalwart-cli -u -c <ADMIN_PASSWORD> export account <ACCOUNT_NAME> ~/exports.
  • Stop the v0.6.0 installation using the command sudo systemctl stop stalwart-mail.
  • Move the old v0.6.0 installation to a backup directory, for example mv /opt/stalwart-mail /opt/stalwart-mail-backup.
  • Move the new v0.7.0 installation to the old installation directory, for example mv /path/to/new-install /opt/stalwart-mail.
  • Set the right permissions for the new installation using the command sudo chown -R stalwart:stalwart /opt/stalwart-mail.
  • Start the new installation using the command sudo systemctl start stalwart-mail.
  • Import the accounts using the new CLI tool with the command ./stalwart-cli -u <ADMIN_PASSWORD> import <ACCOUNT> ~/exports/<ACCOUNT>.
  • Using the admin tool, reactivate all the necessary listener (SMTP, IMAP, etc.)
  • Restart the service using the command sudo systemctl restart stalwart-mail.

We apologize for the complexity of the upgrade process associated with this version of Stalwart. We understand the challenges and inconveniences that the requirement for a clean reinstallation and manual account migration poses. Moving forward, an automated migration tool will be included in any future releases that necessitate changes to the database layout, aiming to streamline the upgrade process for you. Furthermore, as we approach the milestone of version 1.0.0, we anticipate that such foundational changes will become increasingly infrequent, leading to more straightforward updates. We appreciate your patience and commitment to Stalwart during this upgrade.

Upgrading from v0.5.3 to v0.6.0

  • In order to support expressions, version 0.6.0 introduces multiple breaking changes in the SMTP server configuration file. It is recommended to download the new SMTP configuration files from the repository, make any necessary changes and replace the old files under INSTALL_DIR/etc/smtp with the new ones.
  • If you are using custom subaddressing of catch-all rules, you'll need to replace these rules with expressions. Check out the updated syntax.
  • Message queues are now distributed and stored in the backend specified by the and storage.blob settings. Make sure to flush your SMTP message queue before upgrading to 0.6.0 to avoid losing any outgoing messages pending delivery.
  • Replace the binary with the new version.
  • Restart the service.

Upgrading from v0.5.2 to v0.5.3

  • The following configuration attributes have been renamed, see store.toml for an example:
    • ->
    • -> storage.fts
    • -> storage.blob
    • jmap.encryption.* -> storage.encryption.*
    • jmap.spam.header -> storage.spam.header
    • jmap.fts.default-language -> storage.fts.default-language
    • jmap.cluster.node-id -> storage.cluster.node-id
    • and ->
    • -> storage.lookup
  • Proxy networks are now configured under server.proxy.trusted-networks rather than server.proxy-trusted-networks. IP addresses/masks have to be defined within a set ({}) rather than a list ([]), see server.toml for an example.

Upgrading from v0.5.1 to v0.5.2

  • Make sure that implicit TLS is enabled for the JMAP listener configured under ets/jmap/listener.toml:
    implicit = true
  • Optional: Enable automatic TLS with ACME.
  • Replace the binary with the new version.
  • Restart the service.

Upgrading from v0.5.0 to v0.5.1

  • Replace the binary with the new version.
  • Restart the service.

Upgrading from v0.4.x to v0.5.0

What's changed

  • Database Layout: Version 0.5.0 utilizes a different database layout which is more efficient and allows multiple backends to be supported. For this reason, the database must be migrated to the new layout.
  • Configuration file changes: The configuration file has been updated to support multiple stores, most configuration attributes starting with store.* and directory.* need to be reviewed.
  • SPAM filter: Sieve scripts that interact with databases need to be updated. The functions lookup and lookup_map has been renamed to key_exists and key_get. It is recommended to replace all scripts with the new versions rather than updating them manually. Additionally, the SPAM database no longer requires an SQL server, it can now be stored in Redis or any of the supported databases.
  • Directory superusers: Due to problems and confusion with the superuser-group attribute, the concept of a superuser group has been removed. Instead, a new attribute type has been added to external directories. The value of this attribute can be individual, group or admin. The admin type is equivalent to the old superuser group. The type attribute is required for all principals in the directory, it defaults to individual if not specified.
  • Purge schedules: The attributes jmap.purge.schedule.db and jmap.purge.schedule.blobs have been removed. Instead, the purge frequency is now specified per store in store.<name>.purge.frequency. The attribute jmap.purge.schedule.sessions has been renamed to jmap.purge.sessions.frequency.

What's been added

  • Multiple stores: The server now supports multiple stores to be defined in the configuration file under store.<name>. Which store to use is defined in the, and settings.
  • More backend options: It is now possible to use RocksDB, PostgreSQL and MySQL as data stores. It is also now possible to store blobs in any of the supported databases instead of being limited to the filesystem or an S3-compatible storage. Full-text indexing can now be done using Elasticsearch and the Spam database stored in Redis.
  • Internal Directory: The server now has an internal directory that can be used to store user accounts, passwords and group membership. This directory can be used instead of an external directory such as LDAP or SQL.
  • New settings: When running Stalwart in a cluster, jmap.cluster.node-id allows to specify a unique identifier for each node. Messages containing the SPAM headers defined in jmap.spam.header are moved automatically to the user's Junk Mail folder.
  • Default Sieve stores: For Sieve scripts such as the Spam filter that require access to a directory and a lookup store, it is now possible to configure the default lookup store and directory using the and settings.

Migration Steps

Rather than manually updating the configuration file, it is recommended to start with a fresh configuration file and update it with the necessary settings:

  • Install v0.5.0 in a distinct directory. You now have the option to use an internal directory, which will allow you to manage users and groups directly from Stalwart Mail server. Alternatively, you can continue to use an external directory such as LDAP or SQL.
  • Update the configuration files with your previous settings. All configuration attributes are backward compatible, except those starting with store.*, directory.* and jmap.purge.*.
  • Export each account following the procedure described in the migration guide.
  • Stop the old v0.4.x server.
  • If there are messages pending to be delivered in the SMTP queue, move the queue directory to the new installation.
  • Start the new v0.5.0 server.
  • Import each account following the procedure described in the migration guide.

Once again, we apologize for the lack of an automated migration tool for this upgrade. However, we are planning on introducing an automated migration tool once the web-admin is released in Q1 2024. Thank you for your understanding and patience.

Upgrading from v0.4.0 to v0.4.x

  • Replace the binary with the new version.
  • Restart the service.

Upgrading from v0.3.x to v0.4.0

What's changed

  • Configuration File Split: While the config.toml configuration file format hasn't changed much, the new version has divided it into multiple sub-files. These sub-files are now included from the new config.toml. This division was implemented because the config file had grown significantly, and splitting it improves organization.

  • Changes in the Sieve Interpreter Attribute Names:

    • The configuration key prefix jmap.sieve (JMAP Sieve Interpreter) has been renamed to sieve.untrusted.
    • The configuration key prefix sieve (SMTP Sieve Interpreter) has been renamed to sieve.trusted.

What's been added

  • SPAM Filter Module: The most notable addition in this version is the SPAM filter module. It comprises:

    • A TOML configuration file located at etc/smtp/spamfilter.toml.
    • A set of Sieve scripts in etc/spamfilter/scripts.
    • Lookup maps in etc/spamfilter/maps.
  • New Configuration Key: A new key resolver.public-suffix has been added. This specifies the URL of the list of public suffixes.

Migration Steps

  1. Backup: Ensure you have a backup of your current config.toml file.
  2. Download Configuration Bundle: Fetch the new configuration bundle from this link. Unpack it under BASE_DIR/etc (for example /opt/stalwart-mail/etc).
  3. Update Configuration Files: Modify the following files with your domain name, host name, certificate paths, DKIM signatures, and so on:
    • etc/config.toml
    • etc/jmap/store.toml
    • etc/jmap/oauth.toml
    • etc/smtp/signature.toml
    • etc/common/tls.toml
  4. Adjust included files: If you are using an LDAP directory for authentication, edit etc/config.toml and replace the etc/directory/sql.toml include with etc/directory/ldap.toml.
  5. Configure the SPAM Filter Database: Set up and configure the SPAM filter database. More details can be found here.
  6. Review All TOML Files: Navigate to every TOML file under the etc/ directory and make necessary changes.
  7. Update Binary: Download and substitute the v0.4.0 binary suitable for your platform from here.
  8. Restart Service: Conclude by restarting the Stalwart Mail Server service.

Alternative Method:

  1. Separate Installation: Install v0.4.0 in a distinct directory. This will auto-update all configuration files and establish the spam filter database in SQLite format.
  2. Move Configuration Files: Transfer the configuration files from etc/ and the SQLite spam filter database from data/ to your current installation's directory.
  3. Replace Binary: Move the binary from the bin/ directory to your current installation's data/ directory.
  4. Restart Service: Finally, restart the Stalwart Mail Server service.

We apologize for the lack of an automated migration tool for this upgrade. However, we are planning on introducing an automated migration tool in the near future. Thank you for your understanding and patience.