Aleksey Kladov f14d846146 Re-export runtime
cc #17
2018-10-07 14:08:22 +03:00

7 KiB

The hello_world example is intended to walk through the very basics of a salsa setup. Here is a more detailed writeup.

Step 1: Define a query group

A query group is a collection of queries (both inputs and functions) that are defined in one particular spot. Each query group represents some subset of the full set of queries you will use in your application. Query groups can also depend on one another: so you might have some basic query group A and then another query group B that uses the queries from A and adds a few more. (These relationships must form a DAG at present, but that is due to Rust's restrictions around supertraits, which are likely to be lifted.)

Each query group is defined via an invocation of salsa::query_group! macro. This is the invocation used in hello_world:

salsa::query_group! {
    trait HelloWorldDatabase: salsa::Database {
        fn input_string(key: ()) -> Arc<String> {
            type InputString;
            storage input;

        fn length(key: ()) -> usize {
            type Length;

This invocation will in fact expand to a number of things you can later use and name. First and foremost is the query group trait, here called HelloWorldDatabase. As the name suggests, this trait will ultimately be implemented by the database, which is the struct in your application that contains the store for all queries and any other global state that persists beyond a single query execution. In writing your application, though, we never work with a concrete database struct: instead we work against a generic struct through traits, thus capturing the subset of functionality that we actually need.

The HelloWorldDatabase trait has one supertrait: salsa::Database. If we were defining more query groups in our application, and we wanted to invoke some of those queries from within this query group, we might list those query groupes here. You can also list any other traits you want, so long as your final database type implements them (this lets you add custom state and so forth to your database).

Within this trait, we list out the queries that this group provides. Here, there are two: input_string and length. For each query, you specify the key and value type of the query in the form of a function: but the "fn body" is obviously not real Rust syntax. Rather, it's just used to specify a few bits of metadata about the query. We'll see how to define the fn body in the next step.

For each query. For each query, we must always define a type (e.g., type InputString;). The macro will define a type with this name alongside the trait: you can use this name later to specify which query you are talking about. This is needed for some of the more advanced methods (we'll discuss them later).

You can also optionally define the storage for a query via a declaration like storage <s>;. The most common kind of storage is either memoized (the default) or input. An input is a special sort of query that is not defined by a function: rather, it gets its values via explicit set operations (we'll see them later). In our case, we define one input query (input_string) and one memoized query (length).

Step 2: Define the query functions

Once you've defined your query group, you have to give the function definition for every non-input query. In our case, that is the query length. To do this, you simply define a function with the appropriate name in the same module as the query group; if you would prefer to use a different name or location, you write use fn path::to::other_fn; in the query definition to tell us where to find it.

The query function for length looks like:

fn length(db: &impl HelloWorldDatabase, (): ()) -> usize {
    // Read the input string:
    let input_string = db.input_string(());

    // Return its length:

Note that every query function takes two arguments: the first is your database, which you access via a generic that references your trait (e.g., impl HelloWorldDatabase). The second is the key -- in this simple example, that's just ().

Invoking a query. In the first line of the function we see how to invoke a query for a given key:

let input_string = db.input_string(());

You simply call the function and give the key you want -- in this case ().

Step 3: Define the database struct

The final step is to create the database struct which will implement the traits from each of your query groups. This struct combines all the parts of your system into one whole; it can also add custom state of your own (such as an interner or configuration). In our simple example though we won't do any of that. The only field that you actually need is a reference to the salsa runtime; then you must also implement the salsa::Database trait to tell salsa where to find this runtime:

struct DatabaseStruct {
    runtime: salsa::Runtime<DatabaseStruct>,

impl salsa::Database for DatabaseStruct {
    fn salsa_runtime(&self) -> &salsa::Runtime<DatabaseStruct> {

Next, you must use the database_storage! to define the "storage struct" for your type. This storage struct contains all the hashmaps and other things that salsa uses to store the values for your queries. You won't need to interact with it directly. To use the macro, you basically list out all the traits and each of the queries within those traits:

salsa::database_storage! {
    struct DatabaseStorage for DatabaseStruct {
    //     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^     --------------
    //     name of the type    the name of your context type
    //     we will make
        impl HelloWorldDatabase {
            fn input_string() for InputString;
            fn length() for Length;

The database_storage macro will also implement the HelloWorldDatabase trait for your query context type.

Use the database. Now that we've defined our database, we can start using it:

fn main() {
    let db = DatabaseStruct::default();

    println!("Initially, the length is {}.", db.length().get(()));

        .set((), Arc::new(format!("Hello, world")));

    println!("Now, the length is {}.", db.length().get(()));

One thing to notice here is how we set the value for an input query:

        .set((), Arc::new(format!("Hello, world")));

The db.query(Foo) method takes as argument the query type that characterizes your query. It gives back a "query table" type, which offers you more advanced methods beyond simply executing the query (for example, for input queries, you can invoke set). In fact, the standard call db.query_name(key) to access a query is just a shorthand for db.query(QueryType).get(key).

Finally, if we run this code:

> cargo run --example hello_world
   Compiling salsa v0.2.0 (/Users/nmatsakis/versioned/salsa)
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.94s
     Running `target/debug/examples/hello_world`
Initially, the length is 0.
Now, the length is 12.
