Maps a ctrl left down event into a ctrl-less right down and then up pair
and filters out ctrl left up. Hopefully this ensures that mouse down/up
events remain balanced and somewhat matching.
Release Notes:
- Added the ability to ctrl-click in place of right click to summon
context menus
This change adds support for choosing a pane based on direction; and
adds default keybindings (`cmd+k cmd+{left,right,up,down}`) and vim
Release Notes:
- Add support for navigating to the next pane in a given direction using
`cmd+k cmd-{up,down,left,right}`
- Vim: adds support for many window related shortcuts: `ctrl-w
{h,j,k,l,up,down,left,right,w,W,p}` for navigating around panes, `ctrl-w
{q,c}` for closing panes and `ctrl-w {v,s}` for splitting panes.
Primarily {h,j,k,l,left,right,up,down} for moving to a pane by
direction; but also {w,W,p} for going forward/back, and {v,s} for
splitting a pane vertically/horizontally, and {c,q} to close a pane.
There are a large number of ctrl-w commands that are not supported, and
which fall into three buckets:
* switch this pane with that one (VScode also has this, and it's a
requested feature)
* move to top/bottom/leftmost/rightmost
* counts on any of these
* jump to "definition/file-under-cursor/etc.etc." in a new pane.
This adds a setting to mute mics by default.
Release notes:
- Fixed a bug with gutter spacing on files that end on a new significant
- Added a setting for muting on join, and set it to true by default.
This PR adds the next most requested editor feature.
- [x] Figure out styles and icons for supported file types with
Release Notes:
- Added file icons