Nate Butler 05730afdf0 Add radix icons
There are a lot of them, but they add less than 350kb to the app
2023-06-22 11:58:51 -04:00

8 lines
1 KiB

<svg width="15" height="15" viewBox="0 0 15 15" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
d="M0.877075 7.50207C0.877075 3.84319 3.84319 0.877075 7.50208 0.877075C11.1609 0.877075 14.1271 3.84319 14.1271 7.50207C14.1271 11.1609 11.1609 14.1271 7.50208 14.1271C3.84319 14.1271 0.877075 11.1609 0.877075 7.50207ZM1.84898 7.00003C2.0886 4.26639 4.26639 2.0886 7.00003 1.84898V4.50003C7.00003 4.77617 7.22388 5.00003 7.50003 5.00003C7.77617 5.00003 8.00003 4.77617 8.00003 4.50003V1.84862C10.7356 2.08643 12.9154 4.26502 13.1552 7.00003H10.5C10.2239 7.00003 10 7.22388 10 7.50003C10 7.77617 10.2239 8.00003 10.5 8.00003H13.1555C12.9176 10.7369 10.7369 12.9176 8.00003 13.1555V10.5C8.00003 10.2239 7.77617 10 7.50003 10C7.22388 10 7.00003 10.2239 7.00003 10.5V13.1552C4.26502 12.9154 2.08643 10.7356 1.84862 8.00003H4.50003C4.77617 8.00003 5.00003 7.77617 5.00003 7.50003C5.00003 7.22388 4.77617 7.00003 4.50003 7.00003H1.84898Z"