Sai Gokula Krishnan bd8896a3dc
Add icon support for files without extensions (#8453)
Release Notes:

- Added support for showing file icons for files without suffixes.


<img width="281" alt="image"


<img width="242" alt="Screenshot 2024-02-27 at 1 51 20 AM"

This screenshot is to show if the file has extension, then the extension
takes precedence.

<img width="193" alt="image"


- Added icons for
    - Docker - https://www.svgrepo.com/svg/473589/docker
    - License - https://www.svgrepo.com/svg/477704/license-1
    - Heroku - https://www.svgrepo.com/svg/341904/heroku
 - Updated tests
2024-02-27 20:36:38 -05:00

7 lines
4.8 KiB

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" width="14px" height="14px" viewBox="0 0 14 14" version="1.1">
<g id="surface1">
<path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 13.421875 5.847656 C 13.152344 5.671875 12.824219 5.566406 12.46875 5.566406 C 12.429688 5.566406 12.390625 5.566406 12.351562 5.570312 L 12.355469 5.570312 C 12.160156 5.570312 11.96875 5.585938 11.785156 5.621094 L 11.804688 5.617188 C 11.699219 5.023438 11.355469 4.523438 10.875 4.21875 L 10.867188 4.214844 L 10.679688 4.105469 L 10.554688 4.285156 C 10.410156 4.507812 10.292969 4.769531 10.226562 5.050781 L 10.222656 5.066406 C 10.183594 5.207031 10.160156 5.371094 10.160156 5.539062 C 10.160156 5.902344 10.265625 6.242188 10.445312 6.527344 L 10.441406 6.519531 C 10.164062 6.648438 9.839844 6.734375 9.496094 6.75 L 0.859375 6.75 C 0.632812 6.75 0.449219 6.929688 0.449219 7.15625 C 0.449219 7.179688 0.449219 7.210938 0.449219 7.238281 C 0.449219 8.003906 0.585938 8.738281 0.839844 9.417969 L 0.828125 9.375 C 1.070312 10.089844 1.53125 10.675781 2.128906 11.070312 L 2.144531 11.078125 C 2.90625 11.476562 3.808594 11.707031 4.765625 11.707031 C 4.855469 11.707031 4.945312 11.703125 5.035156 11.699219 L 5.023438 11.699219 C 5.03125 11.699219 5.039062 11.699219 5.050781 11.699219 C 5.605469 11.699219 6.148438 11.648438 6.675781 11.546875 L 6.621094 11.554688 C 7.40625 11.410156 8.109375 11.144531 8.742188 10.78125 L 8.710938 10.796875 C 9.261719 10.476562 9.730469 10.085938 10.128906 9.636719 L 10.136719 9.628906 C 10.714844 8.949219 11.1875 8.152344 11.511719 7.28125 L 11.527344 7.226562 L 11.648438 7.226562 C 11.671875 7.230469 11.703125 7.230469 11.730469 7.230469 C 12.265625 7.230469 12.753906 7.019531 13.113281 6.675781 C 13.277344 6.519531 13.410156 6.332031 13.496094 6.117188 L 13.5 6.105469 L 13.550781 5.949219 Z M 1.65625 6.496094 L 2.816406 6.496094 C 2.871094 6.496094 2.917969 6.449219 2.917969 6.394531 L 2.917969 5.363281 C 2.917969 5.308594 2.871094 5.265625 2.816406 5.261719 L 1.65625 5.261719 C 1.601562 5.265625 1.558594 5.308594 1.558594 5.363281 L 1.558594 6.394531 C 1.558594 6.453125 1.601562 6.496094 1.65625 6.496094 C 1.65625 6.496094 1.65625 6.496094 1.660156 6.496094 Z M 3.253906 6.496094 L 4.410156 6.496094 C 4.464844 6.496094 4.511719 6.453125 4.511719 6.394531 L 4.511719 5.363281 C 4.511719 5.308594 4.464844 5.265625 4.410156 5.261719 L 3.25 5.261719 C 3.195312 5.261719 3.152344 5.308594 3.152344 5.363281 L 3.152344 6.394531 C 3.152344 6.453125 3.195312 6.496094 3.25 6.496094 Z M 4.871094 6.496094 L 6.027344 6.496094 C 6.082031 6.496094 6.128906 6.449219 6.128906 6.394531 L 6.128906 5.363281 C 6.128906 5.308594 6.082031 5.265625 6.027344 5.261719 L 4.871094 5.261719 C 4.816406 5.265625 4.769531 5.308594 4.769531 5.363281 L 4.769531 6.394531 C 4.769531 6.449219 4.816406 6.496094 4.871094 6.496094 Z M 6.46875 6.496094 L 7.625 6.496094 C 7.683594 6.496094 7.726562 6.453125 7.726562 6.394531 L 7.726562 5.363281 C 7.726562 5.308594 7.683594 5.261719 7.625 5.261719 L 6.46875 5.261719 C 6.414062 5.261719 6.367188 5.308594 6.367188 5.363281 L 6.367188 6.394531 C 6.367188 6.453125 6.414062 6.496094 6.46875 6.496094 Z M 3.253906 5.015625 L 4.410156 5.015625 C 4.464844 5.015625 4.511719 4.96875 4.511719 4.914062 L 4.511719 3.882812 C 4.511719 3.828125 4.464844 3.78125 4.410156 3.78125 L 3.253906 3.78125 C 3.195312 3.78125 3.152344 3.828125 3.152344 3.882812 L 3.152344 4.914062 C 3.152344 4.96875 3.195312 5.015625 3.253906 5.015625 Z M 4.871094 5.015625 L 6.027344 5.015625 C 6.082031 5.015625 6.128906 4.96875 6.128906 4.914062 L 6.128906 3.882812 C 6.128906 3.828125 6.082031 3.78125 6.027344 3.78125 L 4.871094 3.78125 C 4.816406 3.78125 4.769531 3.828125 4.769531 3.882812 L 4.769531 4.914062 C 4.769531 4.96875 4.816406 5.015625 4.871094 5.015625 Z M 6.46875 5.015625 L 7.625 5.015625 C 7.683594 5.015625 7.726562 4.96875 7.726562 4.914062 L 7.726562 3.882812 C 7.726562 3.828125 7.683594 3.78125 7.625 3.78125 L 6.46875 3.78125 C 6.414062 3.78125 6.367188 3.828125 6.367188 3.882812 L 6.367188 4.914062 C 6.367188 4.96875 6.414062 5.015625 6.46875 5.015625 Z M 6.46875 3.53125 L 7.625 3.53125 C 7.683594 3.53125 7.726562 3.488281 7.726562 3.429688 L 7.726562 2.398438 C 7.726562 2.34375 7.683594 2.296875 7.625 2.296875 L 6.46875 2.296875 C 6.414062 2.296875 6.367188 2.34375 6.367188 2.398438 L 6.367188 3.429688 C 6.367188 3.488281 6.414062 3.53125 6.46875 3.53125 Z M 8.082031 6.496094 L 9.238281 6.496094 C 9.296875 6.496094 9.339844 6.453125 9.339844 6.394531 L 9.339844 5.363281 C 9.339844 5.308594 9.296875 5.261719 9.238281 5.261719 L 8.082031 5.261719 C 8.027344 5.261719 7.980469 5.308594 7.980469 5.363281 L 7.980469 6.394531 C 7.980469 6.449219 8.027344 6.496094 8.082031 6.496094 Z M 8.082031 6.496094 "/>