mirror of
synced 2025-02-09 03:57:39 +00:00
687 lines
21 KiB
687 lines
21 KiB
mod font_features;
mod line;
mod line_layout;
mod line_wrapper;
pub use font_features::*;
pub use line::*;
pub use line_layout::*;
pub use line_wrapper::*;
use crate::{
px, Bounds, DevicePixels, EntityId, Hsla, Pixels, PlatformTextSystem, Point, Result,
SharedString, Size, UnderlineStyle,
use anyhow::anyhow;
use collections::{FxHashMap, FxHashSet};
use core::fmt;
use itertools::Itertools;
use parking_lot::{Mutex, RwLock, RwLockUpgradableReadGuard};
use smallvec::{smallvec, SmallVec};
use std::{
fmt::{Debug, Display, Formatter},
hash::{Hash, Hasher},
ops::{Deref, DerefMut},
#[derive(Hash, PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Copy, Debug)]
pub struct FontId(pub usize);
#[derive(Hash, PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Copy, Debug)]
pub struct FontFamilyId(pub usize);
pub(crate) const SUBPIXEL_VARIANTS: u8 = 4;
pub struct TextSystem {
line_layout_cache: Arc<LineLayoutCache>,
platform_text_system: Arc<dyn PlatformTextSystem>,
font_ids_by_font: RwLock<FxHashMap<Font, FontId>>,
font_metrics: RwLock<FxHashMap<FontId, FontMetrics>>,
raster_bounds: RwLock<FxHashMap<RenderGlyphParams, Bounds<DevicePixels>>>,
wrapper_pool: Mutex<FxHashMap<FontIdWithSize, Vec<LineWrapper>>>,
font_runs_pool: Mutex<Vec<Vec<FontRun>>>,
fallback_font_stack: SmallVec<[Font; 2]>,
impl TextSystem {
pub fn new(platform_text_system: Arc<dyn PlatformTextSystem>) -> Self {
TextSystem {
line_layout_cache: Arc::new(LineLayoutCache::new(platform_text_system.clone())),
font_metrics: RwLock::default(),
raster_bounds: RwLock::default(),
font_ids_by_font: RwLock::default(),
wrapper_pool: Mutex::default(),
font_runs_pool: Mutex::default(),
fallback_font_stack: smallvec![
// TODO: This is currently Zed-specific.
// We should allow GPUI users to provide their own fallback font stack.
font("Zed Mono"),
pub fn all_font_names(&self) -> Vec<String> {
let mut families = self.platform_text_system.all_font_names();
&mut self
.map(|font| font.family.to_string())
pub fn add_fonts(&self, fonts: &[Arc<Vec<u8>>]) -> Result<()> {
pub fn font_id(&self, font: &Font) -> Result<FontId> {
let font_id = self.font_ids_by_font.read().get(font).copied();
if let Some(font_id) = font_id {
} else {
let font_id = self.platform_text_system.font_id(font)?;
self.font_ids_by_font.write().insert(font.clone(), font_id);
/// Resolves the specified font, falling back to the default font stack if
/// the font fails to load.
/// # Panics
/// Panics if the font and none of the fallbacks can be resolved.
pub fn resolve_font(&self, font: &Font) -> FontId {
if let Ok(font_id) = self.font_id(font) {
return font_id;
for fallback in &self.fallback_font_stack {
if let Ok(font_id) = self.font_id(fallback) {
return font_id;
"failed to resolve font '{}' or any of the fallbacks: {}",
.map(|fallback| &fallback.family)
.join(", ")
pub fn bounding_box(&self, font_id: FontId, font_size: Pixels) -> Bounds<Pixels> {
self.read_metrics(font_id, |metrics| metrics.bounding_box(font_size))
pub fn typographic_bounds(
font_id: FontId,
font_size: Pixels,
character: char,
) -> Result<Bounds<Pixels>> {
let glyph_id = self
.glyph_for_char(font_id, character)
.ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("glyph not found for character '{}'", character))?;
let bounds = self
.typographic_bounds(font_id, glyph_id)?;
Ok(self.read_metrics(font_id, |metrics| {
(bounds / metrics.units_per_em as f32 * font_size.0).map(px)
pub fn advance(&self, font_id: FontId, font_size: Pixels, ch: char) -> Result<Size<Pixels>> {
let glyph_id = self
.glyph_for_char(font_id, ch)
.ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("glyph not found for character '{}'", ch))?;
let result = self.platform_text_system.advance(font_id, glyph_id)?
/ self.units_per_em(font_id) as f32;
Ok(result * font_size)
pub fn units_per_em(&self, font_id: FontId) -> u32 {
self.read_metrics(font_id, |metrics| metrics.units_per_em)
pub fn cap_height(&self, font_id: FontId, font_size: Pixels) -> Pixels {
self.read_metrics(font_id, |metrics| metrics.cap_height(font_size))
pub fn x_height(&self, font_id: FontId, font_size: Pixels) -> Pixels {
self.read_metrics(font_id, |metrics| metrics.x_height(font_size))
pub fn ascent(&self, font_id: FontId, font_size: Pixels) -> Pixels {
self.read_metrics(font_id, |metrics| metrics.ascent(font_size))
pub fn descent(&self, font_id: FontId, font_size: Pixels) -> Pixels {
self.read_metrics(font_id, |metrics| metrics.descent(font_size))
pub fn baseline_offset(
font_id: FontId,
font_size: Pixels,
line_height: Pixels,
) -> Pixels {
let ascent = self.ascent(font_id, font_size);
let descent = self.descent(font_id, font_size);
let padding_top = (line_height - ascent - descent) / 2.;
padding_top + ascent
fn read_metrics<T>(&self, font_id: FontId, read: impl FnOnce(&FontMetrics) -> T) -> T {
let lock = self.font_metrics.upgradable_read();
if let Some(metrics) = lock.get(&font_id) {
} else {
let mut lock = RwLockUpgradableReadGuard::upgrade(lock);
let metrics = lock
.or_insert_with(|| self.platform_text_system.font_metrics(font_id));
pub fn with_view<R>(&self, view_id: EntityId, f: impl FnOnce() -> R) -> R {
self.line_layout_cache.with_view(view_id, f)
pub fn layout_line(
text: &str,
font_size: Pixels,
runs: &[TextRun],
) -> Result<Arc<LineLayout>> {
let mut font_runs = self.font_runs_pool.lock().pop().unwrap_or_default();
for run in runs.iter() {
let font_id = self.resolve_font(&run.font);
if let Some(last_run) = font_runs.last_mut() {
if last_run.font_id == font_id {
last_run.len += run.len;
font_runs.push(FontRun {
len: run.len,
let layout = self
.layout_line(text, font_size, &font_runs);
pub fn shape_line(
text: SharedString,
font_size: Pixels,
runs: &[TextRun],
) -> Result<ShapedLine> {
"text argument should not contain newlines"
let mut decoration_runs = SmallVec::<[DecorationRun; 32]>::new();
for run in runs {
if let Some(last_run) = decoration_runs.last_mut() {
if last_run.color == run.color
&& last_run.underline == run.underline
&& last_run.background_color == run.background_color
last_run.len += run.len as u32;
decoration_runs.push(DecorationRun {
len: run.len as u32,
color: run.color,
background_color: run.background_color,
underline: run.underline,
let layout = self.layout_line(text.as_ref(), font_size, runs)?;
Ok(ShapedLine {
pub fn shape_text(
text: SharedString,
font_size: Pixels,
runs: &[TextRun],
wrap_width: Option<Pixels>,
) -> Result<SmallVec<[WrappedLine; 1]>> {
let mut runs = runs.iter().cloned().peekable();
let mut font_runs = self.font_runs_pool.lock().pop().unwrap_or_default();
let mut lines = SmallVec::new();
let mut line_start = 0;
let mut process_line = |line_text: SharedString| {
let line_end = line_start + line_text.len();
let mut last_font: Option<Font> = None;
let mut decoration_runs = SmallVec::<[DecorationRun; 32]>::new();
let mut run_start = line_start;
while run_start < line_end {
let Some(run) = runs.peek_mut() else {
let run_len_within_line = cmp::min(line_end, run_start + run.len) - run_start;
if last_font == Some(run.font.clone()) {
font_runs.last_mut().unwrap().len += run_len_within_line;
} else {
last_font = Some(run.font.clone());
font_runs.push(FontRun {
len: run_len_within_line,
font_id: self.resolve_font(&run.font),
if decoration_runs.last().map_or(false, |last_run| {
last_run.color == run.color
&& last_run.underline == run.underline
&& last_run.background_color == run.background_color
}) {
decoration_runs.last_mut().unwrap().len += run_len_within_line as u32;
} else {
decoration_runs.push(DecorationRun {
len: run_len_within_line as u32,
color: run.color,
background_color: run.background_color,
underline: run.underline,
if run_len_within_line == run.len {
} else {
// Preserve the remainder of the run for the next line
run.len -= run_len_within_line;
run_start += run_len_within_line;
let layout = self
.layout_wrapped_line(&line_text, font_size, &font_runs, wrap_width);
lines.push(WrappedLine {
text: line_text,
// Skip `\n` character.
line_start = line_end + 1;
if let Some(run) = runs.peek_mut() {
run.len = run.len.saturating_sub(1);
if run.len == 0 {
let mut split_lines = text.split('\n');
let mut processed = false;
if let Some(first_line) = split_lines.next() {
if let Some(second_line) = split_lines.next() {
processed = true;
for line_text in split_lines {
if !processed {
pub fn finish_frame(&self, reused_views: &FxHashSet<EntityId>) {
pub fn line_wrapper(self: &Arc<Self>, font: Font, font_size: Pixels) -> LineWrapperHandle {
let lock = &mut self.wrapper_pool.lock();
let font_id = self.resolve_font(&font);
let wrappers = lock
.entry(FontIdWithSize { font_id, font_size })
let wrapper = wrappers.pop().unwrap_or_else(|| {
LineWrapper::new(font_id, font_size, self.platform_text_system.clone())
LineWrapperHandle {
wrapper: Some(wrapper),
text_system: self.clone(),
pub fn raster_bounds(&self, params: &RenderGlyphParams) -> Result<Bounds<DevicePixels>> {
let raster_bounds = self.raster_bounds.upgradable_read();
if let Some(bounds) = raster_bounds.get(params) {
} else {
let mut raster_bounds = RwLockUpgradableReadGuard::upgrade(raster_bounds);
let bounds = self.platform_text_system.glyph_raster_bounds(params)?;
raster_bounds.insert(params.clone(), bounds);
pub fn rasterize_glyph(
params: &RenderGlyphParams,
) -> Result<(Size<DevicePixels>, Vec<u8>)> {
let raster_bounds = self.raster_bounds(params)?;
.rasterize_glyph(params, raster_bounds)
#[derive(Hash, Eq, PartialEq)]
struct FontIdWithSize {
font_id: FontId,
font_size: Pixels,
pub struct LineWrapperHandle {
wrapper: Option<LineWrapper>,
text_system: Arc<TextSystem>,
impl Drop for LineWrapperHandle {
fn drop(&mut self) {
let mut state = self.text_system.wrapper_pool.lock();
let wrapper = self.wrapper.take().unwrap();
.get_mut(&FontIdWithSize {
font_id: wrapper.font_id,
font_size: wrapper.font_size,
impl Deref for LineWrapperHandle {
type Target = LineWrapper;
fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
impl DerefMut for LineWrapperHandle {
fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Target {
/// The degree of blackness or stroke thickness of a font. This value ranges from 100.0 to 900.0,
/// with 400.0 as normal.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, PartialOrd)]
pub struct FontWeight(pub f32);
impl Default for FontWeight {
fn default() -> FontWeight {
impl Hash for FontWeight {
fn hash<H: Hasher>(&self, state: &mut H) {
impl Eq for FontWeight {}
impl FontWeight {
/// Thin weight (100), the thinnest value.
pub const THIN: FontWeight = FontWeight(100.0);
/// Extra light weight (200).
pub const EXTRA_LIGHT: FontWeight = FontWeight(200.0);
/// Light weight (300).
pub const LIGHT: FontWeight = FontWeight(300.0);
/// Normal (400).
pub const NORMAL: FontWeight = FontWeight(400.0);
/// Medium weight (500, higher than normal).
pub const MEDIUM: FontWeight = FontWeight(500.0);
/// Semibold weight (600).
pub const SEMIBOLD: FontWeight = FontWeight(600.0);
/// Bold weight (700).
pub const BOLD: FontWeight = FontWeight(700.0);
/// Extra-bold weight (800).
pub const EXTRA_BOLD: FontWeight = FontWeight(800.0);
/// Black weight (900), the thickest value.
pub const BLACK: FontWeight = FontWeight(900.0);
/// Allows italic or oblique faces to be selected.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Eq, PartialEq, Debug, Hash, Default)]
pub enum FontStyle {
/// A face that is neither italic not obliqued.
/// A form that is generally cursive in nature.
/// A typically-sloped version of the regular face.
impl Display for FontStyle {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
Debug::fmt(self, f)
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct TextRun {
// number of utf8 bytes
pub len: usize,
pub font: Font,
pub color: Hsla,
pub background_color: Option<Hsla>,
pub underline: Option<UnderlineStyle>,
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
pub struct GlyphId(u32);
impl From<GlyphId> for u32 {
fn from(value: GlyphId) -> Self {
impl From<u16> for GlyphId {
fn from(num: u16) -> Self {
GlyphId(num as u32)
impl From<u32> for GlyphId {
fn from(num: u32) -> Self {
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct RenderGlyphParams {
pub(crate) font_id: FontId,
pub(crate) glyph_id: GlyphId,
pub(crate) font_size: Pixels,
pub(crate) subpixel_variant: Point<u8>,
pub(crate) scale_factor: f32,
pub(crate) is_emoji: bool,
impl Eq for RenderGlyphParams {}
impl Hash for RenderGlyphParams {
fn hash<H: Hasher>(&self, state: &mut H) {
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct RenderEmojiParams {
pub(crate) font_id: FontId,
pub(crate) glyph_id: GlyphId,
pub(crate) font_size: Pixels,
pub(crate) scale_factor: f32,
impl Eq for RenderEmojiParams {}
impl Hash for RenderEmojiParams {
fn hash<H: Hasher>(&self, state: &mut H) {
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
pub struct Font {
pub family: SharedString,
pub features: FontFeatures,
pub weight: FontWeight,
pub style: FontStyle,
pub fn font(family: impl Into<SharedString>) -> Font {
Font {
family: family.into(),
features: FontFeatures::default(),
weight: FontWeight::default(),
style: FontStyle::default(),
impl Font {
pub fn bold(mut self) -> Self {
self.weight = FontWeight::BOLD;
/// A struct for storing font metrics.
/// It is used to define the measurements of a typeface.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
pub struct FontMetrics {
/// The number of font units that make up the "em square",
/// a scalable grid for determining the size of a typeface.
pub(crate) units_per_em: u32,
/// The vertical distance from the baseline of the font to the top of the glyph covers.
pub(crate) ascent: f32,
/// The vertical distance from the baseline of the font to the bottom of the glyph covers.
pub(crate) descent: f32,
/// The recommended additional space to add between lines of type.
pub(crate) line_gap: f32,
/// The suggested position of the underline.
pub(crate) underline_position: f32,
/// The suggested thickness of the underline.
pub(crate) underline_thickness: f32,
/// The height of a capital letter measured from the baseline of the font.
pub(crate) cap_height: f32,
/// The height of a lowercase x.
pub(crate) x_height: f32,
/// The outer limits of the area that the font covers.
pub(crate) bounding_box: Bounds<f32>,
impl FontMetrics {
/// Returns the vertical distance from the baseline of the font to the top of the glyph covers in pixels.
pub fn ascent(&self, font_size: Pixels) -> Pixels {
Pixels((self.ascent / self.units_per_em as f32) * font_size.0)
/// Returns the vertical distance from the baseline of the font to the bottom of the glyph covers in pixels.
pub fn descent(&self, font_size: Pixels) -> Pixels {
Pixels((self.descent / self.units_per_em as f32) * font_size.0)
/// Returns the recommended additional space to add between lines of type in pixels.
pub fn line_gap(&self, font_size: Pixels) -> Pixels {
Pixels((self.line_gap / self.units_per_em as f32) * font_size.0)
/// Returns the suggested position of the underline in pixels.
pub fn underline_position(&self, font_size: Pixels) -> Pixels {
Pixels((self.underline_position / self.units_per_em as f32) * font_size.0)
/// Returns the suggested thickness of the underline in pixels.
pub fn underline_thickness(&self, font_size: Pixels) -> Pixels {
Pixels((self.underline_thickness / self.units_per_em as f32) * font_size.0)
/// Returns the height of a capital letter measured from the baseline of the font in pixels.
pub fn cap_height(&self, font_size: Pixels) -> Pixels {
Pixels((self.cap_height / self.units_per_em as f32) * font_size.0)
/// Returns the height of a lowercase x in pixels.
pub fn x_height(&self, font_size: Pixels) -> Pixels {
Pixels((self.x_height / self.units_per_em as f32) * font_size.0)
/// Returns the outer limits of the area that the font covers in pixels.
pub fn bounding_box(&self, font_size: Pixels) -> Bounds<Pixels> {
(self.bounding_box / self.units_per_em as f32 * font_size.0).map(px)